Chapter 368 Returning favors

Huang Peishan is a good assistant.

Not only did she buy a TV station, she also bought several small newspapers, and then made some investments in other TV stations that were unwilling to sell and were willing to receive capital injections.

Yan Changqing doesn't care about these investments. Anyway, as long as she delivers the investment income report on time, Yan Changqing will read it and know that she has a few more companies under her name.

Of course, Huang Peishan did this for more than just the reasons she said. Marina's establishment of a film and television company was just an excuse for her. The important thing was that she felt that no matter what the boss wanted to do, it was crucial to have a certain channel for her own voice.

Now that there is a TV station, Yan Changqing immediately remembered the countless rebirth articles he had read, various singing auditions and other activities, and he said it casually.

He didn't know if there were many similar music talent shows, but judging from Huang Peishan's excited look, there shouldn't be too many.

Huang Peishan then mentioned a series of terms such as patents. In response, Yan Changqing waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want and arrange for someone to do it. In a few days, we will go to Qiansu together to see what's going on there." Winery, by the way, you can also take a look at management and see if you have any better suggestions."


So this time Yan Changqing went to Qiansu, there were more people. Not only did he bring Huang Peishan, but Zhou Jialing also went with him.

These two people are not like Yan Changqing. They just leave alone with their bags. They both have their own teams, and they all carry them with them when they go out. They add up to a lot of people.

In addition, Marina must go home. If she wants to film a TV series, it cannot be done in a day or two, and she has been thinking about it. The company has been registered in Australia, and she plans to go back home to film, because here, she You can find people you know well to work with.

The key point is that she can't be away for a long time. Even with Sidorov's endorsement, her family will definitely be worried about her.

The new winery was built on a larger scale, but the location was slightly off-site, next to another military base under Sidorov's control.

This is how he does things, and he feels that he has to do this to feel at ease, because once the distillery starts operating, it will no longer be a distillery, it will be a proper money printing machine, not to mention that Victory Vodka is now raising prices around the world. Thinking of the future Qian Jing, you can’t ignore it!

Huang Peishan and Zhou Jialing went to the old winery first. They were responsible for inspecting the management model.

Although the military-style management seems very strict, it is not impossible to optimize. For the two people who own companies and companies and have seen countless companies, they can find countless faults if they want.

Yan Changqing has always not interfered with the management of wineries in the former Soviet Union, but now he is reciprocating the favor, including expanding the new winery before it was built.

It is easy to spend money to do things, but sometimes, spending money may not be able to do things - in his previous life, he had seen too many people who were paid to do things, and most of the time he even felt that people who were paid to do things, That's good people.

What's more, this time the matter involved North America, and then people were sent to the edge of the Arctic Ocean, which was the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Considering the relationship between the two places, Sidorov asked someone to do such a thing. Anyway, Yan Changqing thought that he was a good person.

So this time he asked his people to take a look at the winery and mention it if they had any good suggestions. Anyway, everyone’s goal is to make money, so there is no need to be so external - thanks to the Coles family for growing potatoes through them, The relationship between Sidorov and Yan Changqing feels like it has improved by leaps and bounds.


Yan Changqing felt that he was interesting enough. While looking at the new winery, he pointed out some minor changes that might be inconvenient during the production process.

Then there is nothing more to say. The first batch of workers are ready. They have been training in the old winery for a period of time, and some of them have already done internships in the old winery.

It is not that there are no management talents under Sidorov. Old workers lead new and new workers, and cooperation between old and new workers are all basic operations and they can do it all.

There are nearly 30,000 new and old workers, and now they are just waiting for Yan Changqing's order to start vigorous large-scale production.

Sidorov's smiling beard almost reached his eyebrows. He seemed to have seen countless golden potatoes dug out of the dark soil, being transported continuously, and then entered the factory. With the efforts of the workers, they quickly turned into Victory, turned into money.

Then he said what he had thought about for a long time: "Yan, this thing went so smoothly. I feel ashamed that you paid so much money, so please allow me to give you some gifts in return. I hope you can Don’t take no for an answer.”

Yan Changqing laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I won't refuse, we are friends!"

Sidorov was quite satisfied: "Two helicopters, I'll give you Mi-26. I think two are enough for you. I'll give you ten more Ka-560s. Don't refuse my friends, I know you Chinese have them." Land complex, you bought a lot of land in Australia, and these planes are used for patrolling."

He hasn't finished yet: "In addition, I also have some obsolete armored vehicles here. Since I want to transport them, I might as well transport them together. Some weapons may be inconvenient to display, so I can't give them to you directly for the time being, but you can Move around there, if you get the right to use these weapons, just make a phone call and someone will send them to you soon."

"There is also a radar defense system that has been eliminated. I suggest you install one in your winery for safety! It is a vast place with few people and anything can happen."

"In addition, if you don't want a batch of used weapons that have been replaced by the army, they can only be sold as scrap metal to those war-torn areas. I think they can be left to you so that they can play a protective role rather than a killing role. What's more, significance……"

Yan Changqing pondered, it seems that the relationship between Australia and the former Soviet Union is not good, right?

Does Sidorov want to knock it down directly? It depends on what he means. If he is not afraid that he will not accept it, he may dare to give even more outrageous things.

It was too early to say what he said. Who knew there was such a thing as giving gifts? With so many things he said, it was almost enough for him to go to Feizhou and occupy a small country and become the emperor, right?

Sure enough, he reciprocated the favor!


Next, Yan Changqing stopped thinking about what he had and what he didn't have, and he devoted himself to the brewing industry.

Although there are some old workers leading the team, the new factory still requires him to be in charge for a period of time. During this period of time, he will not care about anything and concentrate on running the winery.

After all, the money earned will be exchanged for land sooner or later. Of course, the more the better.

After Huang Zhou led his team to make some adjustments to the winery, he felt that the production efficiency had improved, so he went about his work with satisfaction.

Zhou Jialing is going to inspect domestic industries, while Huang Peishan is going to see if the general manager in Australia, Alice Lai, has used the golden ideas given to her by her boss.

Including other newspapers, magazines and other companies, if you buy them, you must run them well, at least not to ruin them.

Originally, Assistant Xiao Huang had planned to help the boss buy a large piece of land and a lot of mines, and then live a leisurely retirement life like the boss, lying on the beach every day, basking in the sun, accompanied by beautiful women. , it’s a joy to think about it.

But now she suddenly became ambitious again - just the land and mines are not enough, you can't be too salty in life, you must have a more ambitious goal.


Yan Changqing was busy at the winery. After all, Sidorov was busy with affairs and could not always accompany him.

But I still come over to take a look from time to time, after all, this matter is more important.

After coming over again, Yan Changqing was busy. He said from the side: "Someone from our boss asked, can you take time out now?"

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment: "What are you doing?" "I don't know, maybe the boss wants to improve the relationship. It is best to change our relationship to everyone's relationship." Sidorov said bluntly. "If you want to talk to him, now is the best time. He has been thinking of ways to solve the oligarchic problem since he took office, and it will inevitably have a certain impact on the social economy..."

The oligarchic problem is a major problem left by the previous boss of the former Soviet Union. Many people think that this is the biggest problem of the former Soviet Union, even more than that of North America.

After all, this problem is an internal cancer that is lying on all citizens and sucking blood all the time.

The new former Soviet Union boss is naturally the one riding a bear in Internet pictures, and he will always be re-elected.

But Yan Changqing only asked one question: "How is your relationship?"

"We support him, but it depends on what he does. If he does well, we will always support him. If he does not do well, then wait for the next one." Sidorov said. "At least now it seems that he is still very capable and determined."

"Then you are a team, as long as we have a good relationship." Yan Changqing feels that this matter is too complicated, and it is better to do less than to do more - although when he was online, he felt that the current boss was very good and admired him very much.

Yan Changqing didn't know exactly what Boss Pu did.

But he knows one thing very well, that is, those who are in charge of the truth, like Sidorov, must support Boss Pu.

In this case, it would be better for him to save himself some trouble.

Sidorov was very happy to hear this answer. In fact, he didn't want Yan Changqing to get involved with others.

After all, this is a money-making machine. Sidorov also specifically learned about it. It is said that in Chinese, it is called the Good Fortune Boy, or it can also be called the God of Wealth.

Everyone would want to know such a person... Of course, it would be better if no one else knew him.

During the separation of the former Soviet Union, Sidorov was not the most powerful person at that time, but by doing business and opening a winery, he is now one.

And it is foreseeable that his strength will be stronger in the future, and getting stronger and stronger.

It was because he met Shancai Boy back then.

A person who can be self-sufficient and master the principles. Although he is not the biggest boss, he doesn't care who becomes the boss - anyway, whoever becomes the boss will have to ask me whether I support it.

So when he saw that Yan Changqing didn't want to get to know the boss, he was happy and prepared to give gifts: "Good friend, we recently organized the warehouse and sorted out a batch of equipment that was about to be scrapped. It won't be worth much if we sell it. , delivered to you..."

"Farewell!" Yan Changqing quickly refused. "I'm doing business in Australia, so I really don't need that much. Thank you for your kindness!"

Sidorov smacked his lips with some regret: "Ah, that's such a pity. It seems that it can only be sold to Feizhou. People in those places always think that with weapons, they have everything. want to."

No matter how big the former Su family's business was, it was impossible to have unlimited warehouses.

In the early years, Sidorov was so poor that he had to sell pants. He had already sold anything he could sell. Trading was a drop in the bucket for him. After all, he had too many people to feed.

Therefore, many of the so-called eliminated products were produced in recent years by the arsenal he had re-established.

Others have money to buy houses and land, but when he has money, he just does his old tricks and plays with armaments.

When you produce new things yourself, of course you change the clothes of your subordinates first, so that the things you replace are not wasted. The world is such a big place, and there are many people who want it.

Yan Changqing didn't have any objections to the place where he sold the discarded products: "If someone wants to buy it, there's nothing you can do about it. Anyway, if you give me money, just sell it to them."

Sidorov laughed. It was obvious that he heard something from Yan Changqing's words. It was probably that the two of them had found something in common.

However, the two of them didn't want to discuss this issue further. He chuckled and said, "Indeed, it's money, although it's not much."

"Wealth is when you accumulate a little, you make a lot!" Yan Changqing sighed with emotion.

"Yes, yes!" Sidorov laughed. "What you say always makes sense."

I don't even know what I said.

Yan Changqing complained in his heart.

Sidorov stayed for a while and then left happily, probably to make some money.


When the first batch of Victory Vodka was produced in the new distillery, Sidorov came again.

Seeing the packaged bottles of wine coming off the production line, Sidorov smiled like a sixty-year-old child.

He said happily: "Yan, I gave you our specialties and you didn't want them, so I replaced them with specialties from Feizhou. You must accept them."

Yan Changqing was curious: "What's the specialty there?"

"Yes, some coffee, and some diamonds." Sidorov said and took out a small bag. "Take a look."

Such a small bag containing coffee was obviously not worth Sidorov personally carrying. Of course, the contents were diamonds.

Although the myth of diamonds has been shattered in the future, diamonds are still very popular these days.

Yan Changqing opened it curiously and took a look. Under the lights of the workshop, colorful brilliance came into his eyes in an instant.

There are yellow, green, pink, black and blue.

Sidorov explained: "They are all processed. These things are not worth much, but they are still very suitable for giving to little girls. I think you need them more."

"Thank you very much!" Yan Changqing said politely.

Although he felt that this pile looked no different from glass, and there would be several diamond manufacturers in Yudong Province in the future, Sidorov was right and it was quite appropriate to give it away.

(End of this chapter)

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