Chapter 369 Ilyich

Yan Changqing has always felt that character is a very important thing.

Of course, he discovered this only belatedly. He didn't have that much time to think about these issues before his rebirth.

What does this mean? It means that if people are interested in thinking about life, philosophy and other issues, it is because they have nothing to do.

With random thoughts in his mind, he looked at the laughter and laughter around him, listened to the congratulations, and responded to those who came to say hello in a timely manner.

Sidorov added another money printing machine, and not only people from all walks of life in the local area came to congratulate him, but even Boss Pu sent people over to attend the celebration banquet - Yan Changqing had to do it himself when the construction started. He has no time and can only wait for the first batch of wine to come out now.

Faced with these welcoming and sending things, Yan Changqing is not very enthusiastic.

But this reflects the benefits of personality!

Whether you are an artist or a technical geek who concentrates on studying technology, no matter which personality you choose, you can get some preferential treatment when facing complicated interpersonal interactions.

It just so happens that he has both characters.

So he is not good at sociability, is not very enthusiastic towards people, and does not like to talk too much with strangers... these are all normal conditions.

And this persona has also brought him many benefits. For example, he has acquired a large amount of land and mines in Australia. At least at this stage, it will not cause too many people's resentment.

At the banquet, Sidorov, who was blushing and thick-necked, pulled a young man over and introduced him: "This is my youngest son Ilyich. If you come over in the future while I am away, he can make decisions on our affairs."

Yan Changqing stretched out his hand and greeted Ilyich with a smile: "Hello."

The young man Ilyich is also thirty years old, and he is much older than Yan Changqing anyway.

Different from his father's warlord aura, this man should be a man who has studied in a higher education institution. His blond hair is parted and combed meticulously, his chin is so clean that no beard can be seen, his nose is high, his eyes are deep, and his face is long and sculptured. When it came out, it was quite eye-catching.

Yan Changqing took another look at his decent military uniform and upright posture, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this must be 70% as handsome as himself!

If Sidorov can specially introduce him to him, he should be the successor he trained, and he probably won't be a flower vase man.

Ilyich's attitude was much more respectful, and he held his hands with great enthusiasm: "You are so sweet, I have always admired you. When my father taught us, he liked to use you as our role model. I will ask more of you in the future. care."

"Look out for each other, take care of each other." Hearing his words, Yan Changqing couldn't guess where he came from studying abroad. He spoke very pure Chinese, quite authentic, with basically no local accent. "Your Mandarin is really standard."

"I used to like running around. I've been to the Northeast, the capital, and all over the world. I probably have a slight talent for languages, but I don't dare to compare with you. I only know four or five languages." Ilyich said quite modestly. said.

In front of Yan Changqing, he could only be humble, because Yan Changqing's songs were in several languages. It was really incomparable.

In fact, Sidorov's expression on the side was a little proud. He was obviously proud of having such a capable son. As for being inferior to Yan Changqing, let's not compare with such a freak.

There are differences between people, and there will always be some weirdos popping up in the world from time to time. For example, there are people who become Ph.D.s in their teens and become professors in famous universities that many people struggle to get into.

Another example is the man in front of me, who is more than ten years younger than his youngest son, but if his family wants to develop and grow, he cannot do without him.

Sidorov said with a smile: "Now you are acquainted. You are both young people. We should keep in touch more in the future."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Of course."


Next, Yan Changqing continued to be busy at the winery, while Ilyich had more time than his father and stayed with him here.

The two of them talked from little to much, and the topics they talked about began to widen.

That day, Yan Changqing thought about aircraft manufacturing again and asked: "Uzbekistan has mastered the technology of manufacturing large aircraft, but they are not capable of mass production now. Can they buy it?"

"If you go and talk, you can probably buy it." Ilyich thought for a moment and replied. "Their economy is not very good now, and they are desperately looking for a breakthrough. If you are willing to build a factory there, I think they are willing to give you any technology."

Uzbekistan even destroyed peaceful weapons, and the conditions required were not high. If the former Soviet Union gave some support and Europe gave some money, they would simply destroy the weapons.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "I think you should handle this matter. You also know that there is a saying in our hometown that if you have milk, you are a mother. Now other places give them support, but you here give less. Maybe one day they will turn to others."

Ilyich thought for a while: "This is really possible. My father and the others felt that everyone was together at the beginning, and the situation here was not very good, so... I would advise him to reconsider. The relationship is still It needs to be dealt with.”

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes, the older generation's ideas are relatively simple. They were all together in the beginning. But when young people grow up, they may not necessarily recognize the previous relationship in the future. Or you can consider cooperating with them. Things, you should not be short of money now. They happen to be in short supply..."

Ilyich shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't care about it now. My father is supporting the purge oligarch above, and people's livelihood issues are even more critical. We can solve part of it, but it is very fatal that many economic lifelines are controlled by private individuals. thing."

"By the way, there may be a lot of properties that will be put up for auction next. You can ask your people to pay attention. If there is anyone you like and want to invest in, just say hello in advance."

Yan Changqing shook his head: "There are many ways to make money, and I don't want to get involved in such a big thing."

Most of the properties put up for auction were confiscated in the successive crackdowns on oligarchs in the future. Those properties are related to the national economy and people's livelihood. As an outsider, why do I need these things?

Ilyich laughed: "I knew you wouldn't want it, but my father must let me ask."

Yan Changqing also laughed: "I know what he is thinking. Actually, there is no need. We are all friends. If I really want something, I will tell him."

"Yes, yes, don't be too polite, we are all buddies!" Ilyich said with an exaggerated Beijing accent.

Yan Changqing was too lazy to complain, who are we? We were talking about your dad just now!


Ilyich and Yan Changqing seemed to be chatting, but they took Yan Changqing's words to heart and began to think about it when they came back.

When faced with geniuses, of course we must pay attention.

He still has a few buddies in China. After all, no matter how poor his father is, he will not be short of money when he goes out to play. It is quite easy to make a few buddies if you have money.

Although they are not close friends, a lot of 'gossip' can be passed on.

For example, Yan predicted floods a few years ago and also predicted the Internet bubble.

This matter is no longer a secret. Yan Changqing's company began to buy technology stocks in the early years, and then quietly sold them all last year.

At the beginning, some people made similar speculations in many North American media. It is said that the great artist Yan made a lot of money from the stock market! It doesn’t take that much to go from guessing to certainty. There is a lot of true and false news, but in the final analysis, before the bubble, technology stocks rose a bit crazy, and whoever bought them made a fortune.

Because Huang Peishan hired a large group of people and set up countless small companies, others could not guess how much it cost, but everyone could imagine that the amount was: a lot!

After all, in the past few years, technology stocks that have increased dozens of times or hundreds of times are everywhere. If you buy them casually and sell them in the last year, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Facts speak louder than words.

So Yan Changqing seemed to mention a few words in a casual manner, but Ilyich thought about each sentence very seriously.

Yan is very fond of aviation technology. Perhaps in addition to his personal hobbies, he is also very optimistic about this industry, indicating that it will be very important in the future.

Yan said that the current little brother may meet the big brother in the future, and I feel that his prediction is very reasonable.

Yan also said that his family should establish relations with that side...


Yan Changqing didn't even know that what he said would be interpreted over and over again by Ilyich after he returned.

Moreover, Ilyich not only thought about it himself, he also ran to discuss it with Sidorov: "Dad, I think what Yan said is very reasonable. I learned a saying in China, which is that people who are not far-sighted must be near-term. Worry. Although he is talking about things in the future, it may not happen."

Sidorov pondered for a moment: "That's your business. I'm old. By the way, next time you see Yan, remember to mention that the wine he sent is running out."

Ilyich was helpless: "Dad, you are still young! I think your spirit is much better now than in previous years..."

"No matter how energetic I am, I am old and I don't want to be so tired." Sidorov chuckled. "Since it was you who was reminded by Yan, then you should try to do it. By the way, apart from the reminder, did Yan say anything else?"

"He seemed to be interested in big airplanes," Ilyich said.

"I know that." Sidorov nodded. "He has always liked big flying toys. Every time he came here, he would fly a helicopter for a few days. However, the aviation management there is strict, and the plane he bought didn't seem to be flown a few times."

"What do you mean?" Ilyich asked.

"I didn't mean anything." Sidorov shook his head. "I'm just sighing. Don't always think that what others say has a lot of meaning. This is a problem and needs to be corrected. Of course, Yan's words are an exception. He is a genius, and what he says may have a lot of foresight."

Ilyich was silent.

Sidorov continued: "His uncle was here at that time and was still very interested in making airplanes. It is said that he has now begun to try to produce airplanes. However, he has some outdated technologies in his hands. Since Yan himself also feels If you are interested, you can try to contact your friends over there in Uzbekistan."

Ilyich thought for a while: "No one I know can care about such a big thing."

Sidorov chuckled: "So I have prepared several addresses and phone numbers for you, and you need to visit them in person."

"Then why didn't you do it before?" Ilyich asked curiously.

Sidorov sneered. "Don't you like interpretation? Why don't you think about it carefully."

After a pause, he continued: "If I have done everything, how can you be a better friend with him!"

Ilyich was stunned for a moment, and then his voice lowered: "Thank you, dad!"

"You don't have to say thank you to me, just go ahead!" Sidorov smiled and waved him away.


Yan Changqing had been busy in the winery for a while, and Ilyich came over again.

He walked over from a distance with a proud smile on his face: "Yan, what do you think I have done these days?"

Yan Changqing has a 'divine prediction', but as for what he will do, he can't guess it unless he develops a mind-reading skill. He shook his head: "I guess it must be a big thing, and it is done very well. I can see that you are very good at it." happy."

"That's right." Ilyich nodded. "I went to Uzbekistan, visited some old friends, and then inquired about the technology of large aircraft. Uzbekistan is now working hard to resume construction. They are short of money, but the technology is priceless, and it takes some effort to get it. "

Yan Changqing nodded: "Of course, that's all they have left. If it leaks out again, there will really be nothing good left."

Ilyich made a mischievous smile that was inconsistent with his stern military second generation: "Fortunately, I have many friends."

He shamelessly regarded all the relationships his father gave him as his own. After all, his father wanted to have a good relationship with Yan: "There are a few friends who have not been very happy there, and they want to change places. Go. I used some connections, and then it depends on whether they are determined to leave their hometown."

Seeing Yan Changqing's astonished expression, Ilyich became even more proud: "Technology is precious, but technicians don't pay that much attention to it. Especially after the separation, you know, not only was our side a mess, but their side was also in a mess. Too."

"Many valuable technicians can only rely on their own skills to work in some ordinary companies, and they can't even afford to drink our Victory Vodka. As a friend, I think you are also happy to solve these problems for them, right?"

Sure enough, someone needs to be in-house to handle the matter.

Yan Changqing laughed and did not refuse his kindness: "Of course, my uncle has an aircraft manufacturing factory that just needs some skilled workers. If they are willing, they can go there at any time."

Although Yan Changqing actually doesn't care much about the manufacturing of large aircraft, as a great artist with morals, ideals and culture, how can he watch those high-end aviation engineers working in ordinary factories?

This is a waste compared to asking an eighth-level fitter to tighten screws on the assembly line. It is simply a waste of talent.

Even though they were asked to go to their uncle's aircraft manufacturing factory, they were still working as workers, but if they went, at least they would have endless supplies of Victory Vodka.

The second uncle had sent a group of people there, but there must be some gap between the people he could contact and the people Ilic contacted.

Besides, as for people, the more the merrier.

Ilyich smiled knowingly: "But the situation is a bit complicated. It will take some time for them to come out without worries. It shouldn't be too soon."

"It's okay, there's no rush in this matter." Yan Changqing smiled. "If it's not convenient to go to us, you can go to Australia first."

"Well, let's wait until they all make a decision. It's best to do it all at once, otherwise it won't be good if it attracts too many people's attention."

"Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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