Chapter 370 Telephone

"You still know how to call back!"

Yan Erhe was sitting under a big willow tree, with a large reservoir in front of him that could not be seen at a glance. There were several fishing rods at his feet. He was holding a mobile phone in his left hand and a cup of hot tea in his right hand.

When he received a call from his nephew, the words he blurted out were a bit strange.

"There are so many big horses outside, are you tired of living in Shu? Let me tell you, if you want to be friends, talk to one seriously, get them back, get married and have children, so that your parents can take care of their grandchildren early... Why don't you talk anymore, you dumb guy? Already?"

"I didn't expect that, Second Uncle, you would actually use the idiom "luckily miss Shu"!" Yan Changqing on the other end of the phone sounded like a gun and a stick. "It seems that as the big boss of an aircraft manufacturer, he has taught himself a lot of culture!"

Yan Erhe has been practicing for many years, so he is not surprised by this kind of ironic and weird words: "Yes, live and learn until you are old! By the way, when will you go home and check on your aunt and Chang Po for me? I’m here in the factory now and I’m so busy that I can’t get away…”

Mainly because the fish float moved and he started to get nervous.

He is now at an aircraft manufacturing plant. The reservoir next to it is much larger than the reservoir at home. The key is that it was built early, and now all kinds of fish can be caught in it.

The reservoir at home could only catch common fish, but it was different here. In a different place, he felt that he had been lucky recently. Yesterday, he caught a snakehead fish that was almost two feet long.

The day before yesterday was even better. I caught a small fish that looked pretty good. Before I even got home with the bucket in my hand, I met someone on the way who reminded me to let him go immediately. He said that he was protecting the fish and that it was more would be worth three to five years. kind of.

Therefore, Yan Erhe felt that his fishing luck had been good recently, and he wanted to take advantage of the good luck to fish for a few more days. He did not have time to go back to see his wife and children, so he just asked his nephew who was far away in Qiansu to go back and take a look.

Yan Changqing agreed immediately: "Okay, just go about your business. By the way, what's going on in your factory over there now?"

Yan Changqing is still worried when others don't go home, and maybe he needs some advice. There is no need to persuade the second uncle, he won't cause trouble outside anyway, he is just a bit playful at most.

The point is that if he doesn't go home, it's a bit like in his previous life, when he was repairing motorcycles and later went out to work, and his cousin was left unattended.

The second aunt is someone who doesn't care about anything. She only tries to make delicious food for her son every day. When it comes to studies, she will ask if she has won an award. If she has won an award, she will show it off everywhere. Not only does she not blame her if she doesn't win an award, she doesn't care about anything. She would also advise her son: Don’t think too much. Today, my mother is cooking what you like again. Eat well and do well in the exam next time...

In short, Yan Changpo's postgraduate studies in his previous life were all obtained through self-reliance.

To sum up, if the old Yan family can produce a graduate student, it is purely because of the smoke coming from the ancestral grave - Yan Changqing is afraid that his second uncle will be too busy at home and take too much care, and will lose control of such a promising graduate student in the family. .

When Yan Erhe heard the talk about airplanes, his interest in the conversation increased greatly: "It's not bad. Let me tell you, we have orders now. The order for a few small helicopters is not big, but the factory can finally see the money back... …”

Yan Changqing wondered: "Why are there orders? Your little broken factory has only produced two trial machines, right? Or are you out running business?"

"People came to the door themselves, saying that the skilled workers I hired were good, and they used craftsmanship from the former Soviet Union." Yan Erhe has always been so confident. "We have agreed that if these small helicopters do well, I will be given a big order later."

Yan Changqing probably guessed something: "Is it the relationship with Zhu Xiaobin's school? Or there must be some conditions, right?"

Yan Erhe let out a hey, then sighed: "There are no conditions, but someone asked me to offer them some good moonshine wine, then order two. I didn't agree. But now this order It is indeed the relationship there, they are considered old customers, they buy wine from there, buy airplanes from me..."

Yan Changqing was not surprised that he guessed it right. After listening to his second uncle's movements, he thought about it and asked, "Aren't you too busy in the factory to go home? Are you fishing?"

"Taking some time out of the busy schedule!" Yan Erhe said plausibly. "You can't be busy every day. It's okay to take some time to fish for a while. If you go home, you won't be able to keep an eye on the factory for a few days. I won't worry."

"That's okay, just take it easy." Yan Changqing supported him. This is a man who can't tire himself. If the sky falls, it won't stop him from taking a rest before running.

Yan Erhe had a question: "Why did you suddenly ask me about things in the factory?"

"We found a few more technicians. I guess it will take some time to get there. They will pass in a while." Yan Changqing said. "Just give me better treatment when the time comes."

"Oh!" Yan Erhe said, accompanied by a whooshing sound, and he obviously swung the rod again. Although the fishing was not good, the swing of the rod must be strong and powerful.

Yan Changqing then asked about the chicken farm at home. The chicken farm is still the same as before. Now Yan Dahai is too lazy to bother and has no intention to continue to expand. Anyway, this is enough. The family's money can't be spent anyway, so there is no rush. .

The website of Taoshu Township Market is getting better and better, and there are more areas where online shopping is available.

Yan Erhe specifically mentioned: "I have put up the small airplanes that I can produce now. Unfortunately, it has been put up for so long and it occupies a conspicuous advertising space. No one has bought it yet..."

Yan Changqing was quite speechless: "Even a small helicopter costs several million now, right? Who would buy it after just two glances on the Internet without even looking at the manufacturer? Are you using advertising fees from websites?"

"I'll give you a commission!" Yan Erhe had his own reasons. "If I don't have an order, why should I pay? They have already said it. When someone buys it, I will just give them a few points."

Yan Changqing had nothing to say.

This second uncle is quite popular, and since he is from his own family, no matter what he wants to do, everyone will let him do it.

Anyway, the website is now owned by our own company, and those people are just trying to figure it out - they are moving forward through exploration!

Yan Erhe watched the fish float without any movement for a long time, and finally remembered something a little proud of him: "By the way, I have another order here, and I bought a few accessories, which is a good start. Wait for this A batch of parts and helicopters have been delivered, and maybe there will be more in the future..."

Yan Changqing listened for a long time and found that the second uncle's business was doing well. He was a Buddhist. He didn't mention that he was going out to find business. He just waited for orders to come from the sky.

After asking again, I found out that the accessories were from the former Soviet aircraft.

An airline purchased an aircraft with FSU aircraft, but now something went wrong. Knowing that the technicians here were all from FSU, they probably tried to order a few accessories out of an exploratory mentality.

There are only a few, and to be honest, the profits and so on, the money earned may not be enough for the international long-distance phone calls wasted by the two of them arguing just now.

However, Yan Changqing still expressed congratulations hypocritically: "That's not bad! Keep working hard, maybe you can produce better helicopters and large aircraft in the future, and then the whole world will have to look for you to place orders."

"Yeah!" Yan Erhe thought his nephew was really congratulating him.

Yan Changqing continued: "By the way, will the guy who wants to buy a plane and get some drinks still contact you? If I contact you again, just agree. Anyway, a little drink is nothing."

"We sell airplanes based on our own strength and skills. What's the point of having a drink? I won't do it." Yan Erhe refused simply.

"If you can sell it, sell it! Just think of it as providing opportunities for workers and technicians to practice their skills." Yan Changqing has always been grateful to his second uncle for taking him out. This person will not fight for it. In fact, he said from the beginning If you give him shares in the winery market, you won't want them all the time.

"I don't want to sell it." Yan Erhe continued to refuse smoothly, and then he sighed. "It's okay to practice skills... No, if you don't talk about it anyway, I will only sell airplanes..."

That’s okay!

Yan Changqing didn't do anything. He was just a second uncle. He used to spoil him, but now of course he has to respect his ideas.'s not impossible.


Yan Changqing turned around and called Chen Youliang: "Uncle, please sort out the relationship between our partners. We will hold an auction recently and get some good wine to give back to old customers. Only those with connections will be given. My second uncle's place There are orders in the border factory, and the two customers will also send invitations to the auction..."

Chen Youliang understood immediately. He now has rich experience in organizing trade fairs and so on, and auctions are not complicated. After all, he is just trying to win favors!

He agreed immediately: "Okay, this is a small matter. When will you come back?" "In two days, the winery here has just started production. I will stay a few more days." Yan Changqing replied.

Chen Youliang nodded subconsciously: "That's okay, the movement is quite big this time, right? I see the news has been published in our newspapers."

"The relationship between the two parties is now good!" Yan Changqing was not surprised.

"Be careful out there. Is there anything else you can do?" Chen Youliang warned before asking again.

"No more!" Yan Changqing asked again about the situation of his aunt and two old cousins, and hung up the phone.


Yan Changqing hung up the phone and thought it was OK.

Liquor skills are the highest and the effect is naturally the best, so if you order some good wine and auction it to your customers, then someone will buy an airplane and consider the aircraft manufacturer of the second uncle!

Thinking of this, he called Huang Peishan again: "Let's hold an auction in Australia later and sell a batch of good wine."

This kind of auction will definitely make a lot of money, but the money is not important anymore, the main thing is the relationship.

Even though those people spent money, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they still had to thank themselves.

Health is priceless.


After calling for a long time, he saw that Ilyich next to him had been sitting in a daze for a long time. Yan Changqing said smoothly: "Ilyich, I will go back in a few days and get a batch of good wine. I'll leave the white wine to you." Let’s go to the auction!”

"Ah?" Ilyich was in a state of confusion. It's true that he understands Chinese, and he also understands the Northeastern dialect. The problem is that Yan Changqing's first two phone calls were all in Dayanzhuang dialect. I really can't understand him, so he almost made a call. Sleepy.

"I said, when I go back and ask Andre and others to come over for delivery, bring a batch of good wine, and you go out and hold an auction." Yan Changqing said again.

"Good wine? The kind you gave to my father?" Ilyich became more energetic.

"It's worse than that!"

"Yeah!" Ilyich nodded. "Fortunately not. Ah, by the way, thank you, thank you so much..."

"You're welcome, we are all buddies!" Yan Changqing laughed. "The sales effect won't be that obvious. Just remember not to say anything too outrageous."

"I understand." Ilyich nodded. "I'm not busy these days, let's go hunting together? Or fly a plane? We have several new weapons here, let's try them?"

"Forget it about hunting, but you can take a look at the weapons..."


Yan Changqing turned around and realized that he had spoken too early again.

He thought the new weapon was a gun, but it turned out to be the kind fired from a helicopter or a car. Fortunately, they didn't contain radiation.

Sidorov and his son really no longer regard Yan Changqing as an outsider. Ilyich also introduced him to the parameters of his weapons, making him half understand.

Yan Changqing is really not very interested in these things. Anyway, he can control water for almost 200 meters now, so he is not afraid of these weapons.

However, he did see a helicopter parked on the other side with a gun he was familiar with: "Is that a Gatling on it?"

It’s not that I like Gatlin that much, it’s just that I was influenced by the troll netizens in my previous life.

The Gatling Bodhisattva, with his breath taking 3,600 revolutions, etc., looks so familiar.

"Yes!" Ilyich walked towards the helicopter without saying a word, and waved for the pilot to come over. "You can try it yourself later. In fact, I still think the weapons here are more powerful..."


Yan Changqing thinks Gatling is exciting enough.

Seeing that he was ready, Ilyich pointed from the side: "Yes, just like this, facing the hilltop over there... Don't worry, there won't even be a mouse in it..."

Gatlin burst into flames instantly.

Yan Changqing deliberately used not too much force to let his body sway slightly with the vibration of the machine gun. He always felt that it would feel better this way.

Originally Yan Changqing was not interested in thermal weapons, but...

After feeling Gatling, Ilyich pulled him and tried other weapons, as well as the small missiles on the helicopter - really small, the kind that fire more than a dozen rounds at a time.

Not to mention, it was really enjoyable, but the hilltop that was used as a test site suffered.

I didn’t think so when I was playing, but after I finished playing and saw the mess, Yan Changqing felt a little bit regretful: “If we blow it up again, we will almost flatten the top of the mountain...”

Ilyich smiled: "It's okay, that place was originally a place to test weapons. In fact, we should find a forest, so that the power will look more intuitive..."

You can just watch an explosion in the open space, and the visual effect will be better if there are obstacles.

Yan Changqing was already very satisfied: "Okay, that's it for today. I'm going to see if Marina is ready for filming a TV series later?"

Ilyich gave him the answer: "The filming has already started. She is looking for some young actors. She is not willing to introduce better actors to her. She says that the filming she takes requires exaggerated acting skills..."

Yan Changqing understood immediately: "Did you ask someone to help her?"

Ilyich smiled: "You asked someone to help! In addition to helping her introduce an experienced director, he also helped her contact the filming location and so on. You will find out when you go to see it later."

"Okay then!" Yan Changqing had nothing more to say.

"How about flying a helicopter to give her a surprise? Maybe there are any shots that require a helicopter, and we can shoot them directly for her..."

" okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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