Chapter 371 Hello, pony

Yan Changqing was quite happy in Qiansu. The new distillery was in full swing with production, and he wanted to take advantage of this time to further develop his vodka-making skills.

And if you have nothing to do, you can go and watch Marina filming a silly TV series.

That's right, this little woman who may become famous in the future by playing the role of Ekaterina is now completely led astray by him. The TV series she filmed has not yet been released, and just watching the scene makes people feel miserable.

The acting skills of the actors are extremely exaggerated. In Marina's words, the prices of these actors are cheap. Now that the unemployment rate is so high, the salaries of the actors she has found are not as high as those of the old skilled workers in the winery.

It takes luck to find gold in the sand. There are a lot of actors who are not paid as much as workers. It depends on luck to expect a talented person among them. Marina obviously does not have this luck.

Ilyich watched for a long time. He really wanted to find something nice to say to praise Marina. After all, she had an unusual relationship with Yan Changqing.

However, even though he has been to many countries in the world, knows several languages, and has studied in world-renowned colleges and universities, facing Marina's grassroots team, he thought for a long time and couldn't think of anything to praise. Come.

It’s so embarrassing!

After thinking for a long time, he finally said: "Miss Marina has a good sense in choosing roles. These actors are all very good-looking..."

It’s really nothing to praise. Everything on the filming set was just makeshift. If the actors didn’t have acting skills and didn’t have good lines, they probably had to be dubbed in post-production.

Fortunately, Marina listened to Yan Changqing's advice, and the roles she chose were all handsome men and beauties, many of them with explosive figures, which stood out and were eye-catching.

Marina didn't know how embarrassed Ilych was to say this, but he was very modest: "I don't have such a good vision. It was Yan's suggestion."

Yan Changqing thinks this is normal. Appearance is justice. This is a female-oriented TV series. It doesn't matter if the acting skills are exaggerated, as long as the person is good-looking.

Anyway, he didn't have anything to say, so he just supported: "If you don't have enough funds, call Xiao Huang. If you can't save on some things, don't save so much. No matter how busy you are with the shooting, you have to pay attention to your health."

"Well, the funds are enough, and now we save more than the budget." Marina was confident. "When my TV series is finished and sold, I won't need to ask you for money in the future. I think this series will definitely be a hit."

"I think so too." Yan Changqing ignored the strange look from Ilic next to him and nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, Yan understands me best!

Marina felt extremely happy for a moment. If Ilyich wasn't an eyesore, she would have turned into a little tiger.


However, Yan Changqing's vodka brewing skills did not reach level three in the end. It took too long this time, so it was time to go home and take a look.

After bidding farewell to Marina and Ilyich, Yan Changqing got on his own plane and returned home.

It is already the wheat harvest season at home, but unfortunately there is no wheat left in Dayanzhuang. There are still some diligent old men and women carrying baskets to pick up wheat on the road or in the wheat fields after harvesting.

For young people, this is a difficult thing to understand - every household has lived in a villa and driven a car, and even the most incompetent people in the village can now earn seven or eight figures by following the trend. Deposited.

But Yan Changqing quite understands the land and food complex!

Besides, he did the same thing when the school was harvesting wheat.

The family is still the same. If there is any change, it is that there are several more companies and so on in the township, and there are more people.

What also hasn't changed is the number of people who come to see him when he gets home.

Forgetting his own employees, there are still many people from other places. Because he came back, Chen Youliang moved forward the vacation he planned last year - for fear that he would quietly leave without being home for half a year.

And then there are the auctions.

I have already notified you, and I am waiting for Yan Changqing to provide the auction items.


Huang Peishan flew around the world and saw that there were still vacant houses in the resort. Without saying a word, she brought some partners of the holding company.

She also said plausibly: "Boss, the auction items you plan to put out do not need to be changed anyway. It will be more lively when there are more people."

Yan Changqing thought about it and said, "That's okay."


Then Yan Changqing saw Xiao Ma.

The one who makes instant messaging software.

Xiao Ma has always wanted to meet Mr. Yan. He is young and has nothing wrong with him. He doesn't want to buy wine, he wants to attract investment.

So when he saw Yan Changqing, he was very excited. He nodded and bowed, stretched out his hands and said, "Mr. Yan, hello!"

Yan Changqing was a little puzzled as to why he was so enthusiastic, but he still extended his hand politely: "Hello, Mr. Ma! Your software is doing very well now! Many of my companies have begun to use this for contact business."

Mr. Ma was very modest: "I've won prizes, but it's a pity that I haven't made a profit yet. I'm sorry for what I expected from Mr. Yan."

Yan Changqing said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, just take your time! Now everyone is not optimistic about the Internet bubble, and we need to continue to persevere. Any emerging industry will have to endure some setbacks in the initial stage, but the prospects are still bright. bright."

The impact of the Internet bubble this year was quite large. At that time, many companies had very good valuations. However, when the economic crisis hit and everyone panicked, the so-called valuations became numbers.

So Yan Changqing was afraid that Mr. Ma would not have confidence, so he served him some chicken soup.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ma's smile suddenly became awkward, and he simply stated his purpose of coming: "Well, Mr. Yan, actually I am here to attract more investment."

Yan Changqing smiled: "I never care about this matter. It is Assistant Zhou's business. Zhou Jialing, the domestic investment part of our company is generally under her control, and I rarely ask about it."

I remember when I was playing games and wanted to get free skins, I had to sign in and do tasks every day... If I needed to invest, you could ask someone else.

Of course, since you are asking from me, they will definitely not agree. Nothing else. I just want you to experience the feeling of signing in for a task.

Mr. Ma's smile became even more embarrassing: "Well, Assistant Zhou said that the company's funds are a bit tight now."

Yan Changqing understood. It was estimated that his assistant had some ideas, so he didn't want to take out the money now.

He thought for a while: "Then I'll ask later! Usually, I don't ask them to report these small things to me, so I really don't know."

Mr. Xiao Ma was at his wits end and thought for a moment: "Um... I would like to ask, does Mr. Yan have any idea of ​​taking over all the shares of the company?"

He really has no choice but to find someone else to invest, but it's hard to find someone now and it's very troublesome.

Moreover, the Internet bubble has caused many people to stop looking at valuations and focus directly on benefits. Now there are many users of his software, but if he doesn’t make a dime and has no profit point, who is willing to invest?

Yan Changqing still said the same thing: "I really don't understand investing, so I have to ask Xiao Zhou and Xiao Huang. I'll ask later and give you a reply as soon as possible, okay?"

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Yan!" Mr. Xiao Ma expressed his gratitude expectantly. Yan Changqing felt that his expression was quite similar to the moment when he was about to get a free skin after doing a long mission.    …

Then Yan Changqing called Huang Peishan - Zhou Jialing should have been called in this matter, but she was inspecting the hotel and had no time to come.

Huang Peishan knew it as soon as she heard it: "You said this, I know it. His company has infringed the copyright, you know, right? I remember when Jia Ling told me, it was you who reminded me."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes! So what's the matter? Didn't you also invest money in that company?"

Huang Peishan nodded: "I only bought part of the equity when you said it. Now that the Internet bubble has caught up and the company has depreciated, I bought some more. What a coincidence, boss, you are now the controlling shareholder."

What a coincidence, because the boss mentioned it at the beginning that chat software still has great development prospects, so after Zhou Jialing finished investing in Shencheng, she told Huang Peishan.

Huang Peishan wanted to buy the software, but if they didn't sell it, she could only buy part of the equity.

Fortunately, her boss also predicted that there would be a bubble in the Internet, so she took advantage of this opportunity to buy a part of the equity and directly control it.

Yan Changqing signaled: "You continue."

Huang Peishan began to explain: "Mr. Ma's company currently has a decent number of users, and the prospect is just like what you said, boss, it can definitely make money. But I haven't found a profit point yet. I think it's an opportunity, and I plan to take over the company." ”

Yan Changqing understood: "So if you don't continue to invest in him, you will sell the company when he thinks there is no future?"

Huang Peishan shook her head: "It's not just that! Not only do I not invest myself, I also prevent several other companies from investing. If anyone wants to invest, I will tell them that this company's software is actually infringing software and may become an infringement software at any time. defendant."

"Mr. Ma has said that he wants to sell his shares, but I don't want them now. I'll buy them when he lowers the price in a few days. Anyway, it's not us who are anxious."

Historically, Xiao Ma's plagiarized software would have been sued for infringement and had to pay a large sum of money, but now he has not been a defendant.

But it was not good luck. She met Huang Peishan, a cruel little girl. She planned to take over the company directly.

Yan Changqing understood it completely, and then thought: "I always feel like you are the villain in a TV novel when you do this..."

Huang Peishan was dissatisfied: "I'm a loser at best. Everything I do is for you, the boss!"

Yan Changqing was speechless for a long time, looking at the smug face: "Well, forget it, you go back and ask him how much money he plans to ask for now, and just buy the company directly. It doesn't matter if the money is more or less."

Huang Peishan hesitated for a moment: "Boss, this is a business matter. The mall is like a battlefield! Forget it, I listen to you. Really, it will cost more..."

Yan Changqing ignored her complaints. She was trying to save money for herself, so she couldn't blame her. Logically, she should encourage her.

However, he couldn't say any words of encouragement. Instead, he reminded him: "I think this pony is always a talent. Ask him later if he is willing to continue working after selling the company. Okay, give him some shares." keep it up."

Huang Peishan nodded: "I understand, boss."

Then out of curiosity: "Boss, why did you call him Mr. Xiao Ma?"

Yan Changqing laughed: "Mainly, I think of Mr. Ma in the capital, who is also a talented person!"

"Tell me more about it!" Huang Peishan is interested. If the boss can praise him, he must be really talented. Since he is talented, he has to be pulled over and let him work for his boss!

Yan Changqing briefly introduced the situation of General Manager Malaysia: "... Later, I stopped doing gifts and started working on the Internet. I should still be the manager of the International E-Commerce Center now."

As he spoke, he was still thinking that there should have been Alibaba by now, and it does exist now, but it's a pity that the website is not named Ma.

So Mr. Dama is still wasting his time working as his manager in the business center.

Huang Peishan continued to ask: "What talents do you think he has?"

"It should be about the Internet!" Yan Changqing said without thinking.

Huang Peishan thought about it for a second: "That's simple, just ask him to come to your website later!"

Considering the current salary level in the Mainland, Huang Peishan doesn't think how much salary this Malaysian manager can make as a manager. I don't believe he won't be tempted if his salary is increased ten to eight times.

Yan Changqing had no way of predicting this matter: "I still don't know if he is willing to continue to be a wage earner!"

Huang Peishan replied with some confidence: "Just ask."

Then he persuaded: "Boss, if you think there is a talent, you can call Corporal Li Xian and go out to invite it in person. I don't believe that there are people who can't be invited if you go out in person. From what you said, you all knew each other before. , somewhat of a friendship..."

"Just offer people a high salary and see if they are happy or not." Yan Changqing was helpless. "If you let me go, you can get a smaller salary, right? Just don't mention me, do you hear me?"

Huang Peishan agreed honestly: "Boss, I know, then I'll go do the work."


Mr. Pony is hanging out at the resort!

To be honest, I envy everything here.

His company was valued at several million dollars last year. At that time, he felt that he would have everything sooner or later.

It's a pity that the reality is so cruel, just like a person who has been working on a mission for a long time for a skin in the game, but accidentally forgot to sign in on the last day and ended up not getting the skin.

Now no one looks at the valuation. He actually knows that his company has infringement. Last year, the foreign company sent him a lawyer's letter, but then suddenly there was no news. And I heard that it was also affected this year. The big boss Everyone has been replaced.

But regardless of whether he changes people or not, it is true that his own company is not yet profitable.

If we can't attract investment now, we don't know what will happen if we continue.

He felt that what Mr. Yan said was quite reasonable. After all, Mr. Yan always had a forward-looking vision.

However, no matter how bright the future is, I am almost out of food now, and I am afraid that I will starve to death before the bright future comes.

He really wants to sell the company and be done with it.

Running a company is too tiring. I have worked so hard for so long and there is no hope... Fortunately, now that I have seen it, Mr. Yan said he would ask his assistant...

As soon as he thought of this, he saw a woman who was not tall but had a strong aura, walking over surrounded by a group of people.

He recognized it. This was Assistant Huang... No, it had to be called Mr. Huang.

I am not qualified to call him Assistant Huang. There are countless international companies that he manages, and any one he picks out will not be comparable to his own small company.

Thinking like this, a smile appeared on his face: Mr. Yan is really a good person, he just asks questions, and now it seems that he is going to buy his own company!

thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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