Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 372 Auction means guessing the price

Chapter 372 Auction means guessing the price

The weather is really nice today.

Xiao Ma always feels refreshed when he wakes up early in the morning.

There was a cry of "cuckoo cuckoo" in the sky. He looked up. Although he didn't see the shadow of the bird, he saw the clear blue sky.

And now he was standing next to a flower bed, with red flowers and green leaves still covered with a little dew, which looked particularly joyful.

Looking around, one can see the well-proportioned and antique manor-style villas, which are full of poetry against the backdrop of green trees and red flowers.

The lowest point is a series of lotus ponds. At this moment, lotus leaves have covered the water surface, and frogs can be heard from time to time.

Next to the lotus pond, there is a field of alfalfa, where a white camel is elegantly picking and eating breakfast.

At the entrance of the lotus pond, there is a huge basalt sculpture with a thick turtle body and a ferocious snake body, which looks very powerful.

Only then did I realize how beautiful this place is!

Sure enough, the environment comes from the heart. When I first came here, I just thought it was a good place and I was a little envious.

Only now do I realize how beautiful this place is!

Negotiations between President Xiao Ma and Huang Peishan went very quickly, and the price was very suitable. He also left some shares for himself, allowing him to stay and run the company.

He knew it must be because Mr. Yan had spoken, and now that he had sold the company and had nothing to do, he agreed.

In fact, he wanted to see how his software would be revitalized in the hands of Mr. Yan - he believed that the company was flourishing on the surface, but in fact it was just burning oil, and money had to be poured into it. Like a bottomless pit.

So I am really curious about how the well-known genius Mr. Yan turned such a chat software from a loss to a profit.

Of course, this was just what he thought before, but now he just feels relaxed. Anyway, he will run the business step by step from now on. It depends on how Mr. Yan and his two assistants arrange it.

The main thing is that I don’t need to worry about the salaries of so many employees, the maintenance costs of the server network, the company’s rent... It’s really comfortable!

I originally felt that I was always in debt to others, but now I have become a small millionaire. I am in a very good mood and there are surprises everywhere I look at!

After briefly tidying up and eating the breakfast brought by the waiter, Xiao Ma always took a walk towards an unusually tall villa.

Entering the gate, walking around the flower bed, and entering another door, there is a conference living room.

However, this place has been turned into an auction house at this moment, and the moonshine auction will take place in a while.

Most of the people who come here are people related to the winery or the market. Although many of them don’t know each other, it doesn’t prevent them from getting to know each other now. The auction has not started yet, but the venue is quite lively. Many people who came early are handing out business cards and leaving their phone numbers, treating this place as a social place.


Mr. Xiao Ma was no exception. As soon as he found a place to sit down, a middle-aged man came over and said, "Brother, what's your surname? What do you do?"

"My surname is Ma, and I work in the Internet. However, I just sold most of my shares to Mr. Yan's assistant. From now on, I will be a small shareholder and will also be responsible for operation and management. What about you, brother?" Mr. Xiao actually doesn't like talking to him very much. Chatting with strangers, but I'm in a good mood today, and besides, I might have to deal with the people in the meeting now in the future.

"I'm just a winemaker." The middle-aged man said with a smile. "My name is Feng Yigui. I met Mr. Yan when I was working in clothing in the early years. Later he asked me to build a winery. I didn't want to lose the clothing factory. Now both sides are fine, but a little busy."

Not only is it okay, many shopping malls in Jiangcheng now purchase goods from Lao Feng. He relies on the logistics of the market, but now people from major stores chase him to say good things and want to get some new products. Back then, he rode a bicycle to ask for payment. His embarrassment has now become his "history of suffering and struggle," and he uses it to educate his children from time to time.

Xiao Ma doesn't know much about clothing. He focuses on the Internet, but he's not stupid. Looking at Old Feng's expression, you can tell that this guy probably has a big business.

After all, just a winery is big enough.

Nowadays, among the several branches of Bubugao Winery in China, which one is not the most popular.

Speaking of wine, he mentioned the auction by the way: "Brother Feng, you are the boss of a winery, why are you coming to the auction?"

"This is different, it's Mr. Yan's private brew." Old Feng said with a smile. "Listen to Big Brother's advice, this is really good stuff. If you have spare money, just buy a few boxes. If you don't want to drink it yourself, you can go back and give it to your family."

Mr. Pony nodded: "I have this plan. But what exactly is the auction method?"

Old Feng shook his head: "I don't know then. I guess the base price won't be too high. Mr. Yan is definitely a very interesting person. There are basically no outsiders here, and he doesn't really do this to make money..."

The two were chatting, and after a while, someone came on stage, Mr. Yan.


Yan Changqing came here to talk about the rules of the auction. He wanted to say hello to everyone first, and then said: "Our auction this time depends on luck! It doesn't depend on the high price, so whoever wants to throw money at me will be fine. Gotta be disappointed!”

There was a burst of laughter below, joking, throwing money at you? It would be great if you didn't throw money at us!

However, the laughter stopped soon. Everyone was curious. The auction does not depend on the high price, but on luck. How to auction?

Yan Changqing waited for everyone to finish laughing before continuing: "The wines being auctioned this time are two boxes each time, which means good things come in pairs. I asked people to write down the prices, so everyone just wrote any prices on the sign. Then they are displayed together, and whichever price is closest to the written price is the winner."

"If the auction is successful, it will be sold at the price everyone wrote. For example, if someone writes one million, but the price I wrote here is two million, and this one million is the closest, then it will be sold at one million... "

None of the people here are stupid, they understood instantly.

It really doesn’t just depend on the high price, it also depends on good luck!

Yan Changqing continued: "First of all, let's talk about this price. I asked others to write it. There are all kinds of prices, some high and some low. I just take it and everyone can write it casually. You don't have to think about it. It's just a price. Have fun! Don’t be unhappy if you don’t win, and don’t let everyone go back empty-handed when you leave.”

The people below suddenly became happy again.

Yan Changqing took advantage of everyone's joy and directly moved two boxes and placed them on the table: "These two boxes are the prices I just wrote down. Now we start shooting. Everyone just writes down the price and shows the brand."


Mr. Xiao Ma thought about it at that time. The price written by Mr. Yan should be a very fair price.

When the moonshine was auctioned online, Mr. Xiao Ma certainly knew about it. He remembered that the starting price seemed quite low at the beginning, but in the last few auctions, the highest price reached 200,000 per box.

How high should Yan always write?

Definitely not high, maybe 10,000 to 20,000, two boxes, good things come in pairs, try writing 20,000!

Thinking like this, Xiao Ma always took a pen and wrote the price on his brand, then put it on the table and looked to the side.

Old Feng beside him said with a smile: "You still think about it for so long? I have already written it, so you don't have to think about it. The two boxes for the first time must be mine."

Xiao Ma was always dissatisfied: "Have you talked before?"

"No, no, that's for sure not." Old Feng shook his head repeatedly. "If you cheat in a game, what's the point! I've known Mr. Yan for a long time and know him well. I guess... forget it, you'll know when I play it later."

Will the price be very low?

Mr. Pony immediately began to think.

To put it in a quack-like way, Mr. Yan is indeed quite interesting, at least it can be seen from buying his own company.

I just saw him and said a few words. When he agreed, he immediately asked his assistant to talk to him, and he almost didn't have any time to wait.

So this price, is 20,000 still too high?

Can't? After all, this is a wine that you can just shoot on the Internet for more than ten or two hundred thousand yuan per box. If the price is less than twenty thousand, then it is a bit... I am so sorry for such a good wine, and I don't care about the reputation of the wine... …

For a moment, Xiao Ma thought a lot, but after hesitating for a long time, he still felt that the price he wrote was pretty good... At this moment, Yan Changqing on the stage had already started to speak: "Everything is written down. Let’s show it! We all think we are here to play cards together. It’s clear at a glance who will win!”

In an instant everyone had their signs ready.

Then Yan Changqing said with a smile: "Everyone can clearly see the envelope above. I did not cheat on the price written on the note inside. Now I am announcing the price. Whoever writes the closest one will have the answer immediately. "

After a while, someone was already shouting: "Mr. Yan, hurry up, don't waste time! No need to look, I won! I remember the last price of the online auction very clearly, I guess you are prepared this time Take that price as a good start..."

Yan Changqing chuckled, opened the envelope, took out the note, and held it up: "The one at the back can't be seen clearly, the one at the front says..."

Before he finished speaking, the people in the front row shouted.

"A dollar!"

"One yuan?"

"Just one piece?"

"Mr. Yan, you are joking!"

"You might as well just give it to me, I'll pay two yuan!"


Yan Changqing said cheerfully: "It's a good start. Stop arguing and let's see whose price is the closest..."

"My, my, mine, look at them all, I knew it was me, haha! Mr. Yan, I know you well, so I guessed that if you want to write down the price, you must just write down a super low price picture for fun, haha..."

It’s Lao Feng!

Lao Feng's sign said two dollars.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone on the other side shouted: "I also wrote two dollars, why should it be yours? Uncle Feng, you can't do this! Gang Yan always said, good things come in pairs, then It’s just two dollars.”

The person who called out was Mr. Xu. This guy deliberately didn't say anything at first. He was planning to wait for others to ask and then make a splash. However, he didn't expect that someone actually wrote two yuan like him.

Lao Feng regretted it very much: "I still thought that one yuan per box was the lowest, so I wrote two yuan to mean..."

The venue was very lively for a while, and everyone understood that this auction was really just for everyone to have fun.

After all, everyone is usually very busy, and no one has time to think about anything else. Now this is for everyone to relax.

Yan Changqing made the decision with a smile: "The price is the same for both of us, so let's bring two more boxes. There's nothing to argue about! We have them all, and there are many in the winery warehouse next to us. Don't worry about the price being the same." To share the wine, it’s only two boxes, there’s no way to divide it…”


After talking and having fun for a while, Yan Changqing went on to the next auction.

But I won’t bring the wine next time. The first time I just wanted to have fun and I brought the wine. I won’t need to do the rest, just the price.

He didn't know the prices this time, he just asked people to write them down randomly, and then he randomly picked out one of the prices.

If it wasn't written by him, the people below would have no way to think about it. People who know him well can't guess. They can only try their luck by writing a random price.

Xiao Ma always knew it after two rounds of reading. It was really impossible to guess.

Then I decided to take the price I wrote for the first time and go for it, just try my luck!


The auction lasted for about an hour. During the break, someone went to solve physical problems. When they came back, they found that the prepared tea and meals had been delivered!

Why not serve it at the beginning, because they are all here after eating, and no one has used it. It is now halftime, just right!

Mr. Xiao Ma drank tea and tasted a piece of pastry. He had never taken a picture before, and he was almost exhausted. But when a piece of pastry entered his mouth, he felt that the sweetness filled his brain. What was he doing? of? It's simply too delicious.

Not only did he think so, but others also thought so. Someone even shouted and asked, "Mr. Yan, where did you hire a chef to make this pastry? It tastes amazing!"

Yan Changqing remained motionless on the stage and smiled: "Me! I'm usually busy running around and don't have time to get together with everyone. Now it's a rare opportunity. I cooked something yesterday to save everyone today. I felt bored during the auction.”

"Did you really do it?" Some people still didn't believe it.

Someone next to me testified: "It's definitely true that Mr. Yan's cooking skills are no worse than his wine-making skills, but I usually don't have the chance to eat them. The braised rabbit he makes tastes amazing!"

This is what Mr. Xu shouted. He cannot be left out to brag for Mr. Yan. Besides, he is really not bragging. He and Yan Changqing stayed in Australia for a while. He has eaten a lot of delicious food. This delicious food is not the ingredients. The scarcity is due to the incredible cooking skills.

Those who haven’t eaten it all can’t help but taste it.

Not to mention, it really indescribable feeling. It feels delicious when you put it in your mouth. Even people who don't like sweets still feel that the taste is quite good.

But before everyone had time to praise him, Yan Changqing hit the table with a small hammer: "Keep playing and keep playing! Let's continue the auction..."


Everyone immediately became quiet when they heard the call for auction.

In fact, everyone who is close to him drinks Mr. Yan's moonshine wine, and they usually give it as a gift.

But there are also some people who are quite looking forward to it - such as the company representative who placed several orders for aircraft parts for the Yanerhe aircraft manufacturing factory.

But these are incidental. Yan Changqing hopes to use this name to attract them to place more orders for his second uncle's factory, but that is not the main thing.

The main thing is to entertain everyone well. Anyway, he doesn't plan to leave the auction stage today. It depends on who is lucky, and there will be a grand prize in the end!


When it was almost noon, Pony almost gave up.

He couldn't help but start complaining in his heart. He didn't know who Mr. Yan asked to write the price. It was too outrageous. Some wrote it as high as two hundred thousand, some even wrote five hundred thousand, and some wrote three eighty-four. There are even eight-eight ones, and there are even five eight-eight ones, it’s so diverse!

Of course, some prices are ridiculously high, so it depends on who has the highest price on site.

After eating some pastries and drinking some tea, it’s almost noon, and Xiao Ma is feeling a little sleepy!

I keep missing, it’s boring!

At this moment, he heard Mr. Yan's voice: "This price is 1,999, who is the closest..."

Mr. Pony was very excited at that time. He felt that he would have good luck today early in the morning, and sure enough, he won, haha!

Thank you Mr. Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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