Chapter 375 Go and see everyone

There were enough people willing to go abroad to work, so Yan Changqing put his mind at ease and concentrated on making his own wine. In his spare time, he soaked in the reservoir and practiced his extraordinary skills.

The small reservoir is getting smaller and smaller for him now. Now the distance he can control is close to 200 meters. The small reservoir is not enough to deal with, and he does not dare to move too much. He can only practice fine control, which will increase his proficiency anyway. Spend.

But not long after, Huang Peishan came to disturb him again: "Mr. Yan, the airport has been built, the plane has arrived, and the procedures have been approved. I'm just waiting for you to come and fly the plane."

Yan Changqing was helpless: "Don't worry, just handle your affairs."

"The engineers who came here want to train pilots!" Huang Peishan was anxious. "I'm not familiar with the workers at the winery..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Don't worry, Lao Huang will be there in two or three days at most. Just let him pick people. Those engineers shouldn't be in a hurry to go back. Find someone to make arrangements and let them play there. Just be happy."

Huang Peishan couldn't help it. She was already ambitious, but her boss wasn't in a hurry. What could she do?


Just as Yan Changqing hung up the phone on Huang Peishan, Lao Zhu called again.

Zhu Changsheng was looking for a solution: "Changqing, our market station now has a new director. I want to talk to you and ask you to help come up with ideas to make the market station more popular. Do you have any good ideas? "

That's too much!

Yan Changqing immediately agreed: "I really can't leave during this period of time, please let him come over!"


The new station manager is called Yang Wenbin. He looks quite young, probably less than thirty years old. His appearance is a bit ordinary, and he is the kind who would be inconspicuous in the crowd. He is also dressed in ordinary clothes and looks quite low-key.

He was also very polite and came here to ask for ideas. He brought a lot of gifts: "Mr. Yan, Uncle Zhu told me to come directly. I also know that you are not short of anything, but you can't come empty-handed, right? Just order some. Don’t be polite if you bring things from home.”

They are all supplements, such as cordyceps and ginseng, and there are also a few special cigarettes.

Yan Changqing knew at a glance that he was right. Those who could make Lao Zhu introduce him were probably those with some ability in the family.

The two of them were polite for a while. Yan Changqing saw that this person didn't have the air of an old man, so he simply asked directly: "Director Yang, let me ask first, if you want to hold a large-scale event in the market, You won’t get picked off the peach, right?”

Director Yang smiled modestly: "Mr. Yan, please don't call me Director, just call me Lao Yang. I guess Mr. Yan also has a guess in his heart. I am here not because of my ability to work, but because of my ability to reincarnate. Don't I don’t dare to say anything. As long as you give me a good idea, I will be responsible for running it in the city and make sure no one comes to disturb you."

This person is not a long-winded person, and he speaks quite directly. They are all young people!

Yan Changqing is not surprised that his family has a lot of energy, because with the development of the local economy, the TV station has also risen with the tide. Someone who can be the leader here at such a young age is definitely not an ordinary person.

So Yan Changqing opened his mouth and said: "Then let's do martial arts style! It's like martial arts competitions."

Director Yang was stunned: "Isn't this a music talent show?"

"You mean the one in Australia? If you want to do it, you can do it. The copyright can be directly authorized to you. But I think the current conditions of the market are not good. If you want to do a nationwide talent show, you won't be able to spread the manpower. It's like a martial arts competition. There aren't that many people participating in the auditions, so it's easier to handle. You just need to hire professionals to pay attention to safety."

Yan Changqing explained to him in detail: "Mainly engaged in music, there is a copyright issue, including variety show copyright and music copyright. We don't pay attention to this here now, but you definitely won't squat on the market for ten years. Eight years, right? Then choose one that won’t be troublesome at the beginning. As for the national talent show, you can wait until you get to a bigger station."

Yang Wenbin had a family background, and he immediately understood that this was to prevent him from leaving any loopholes that could easily be criticized from the beginning.

Moreover, it is indeed a bit unnecessary to conduct a national event in a local market.

However, he was still a little worried: "What if I don't do music, and someone else does it in a few days?"

"There's nothing we can do about it." Yan Changqing didn't do anything. "I have the copyright to the variety show, but how much do you think that stuff is worth? You can go to the provincial channel as soon as possible and do it there later. It depends on whether you are faster or someone else is faster."

Not to mention now, in twenty years' time there will be endless cases of infringement, and it will be unsolvable.

Yang Wenbin thought for a while and came up with a solution: "In this way, you entrust the copyright to me as an agent first. If anyone wants to do it, I will send someone to find them. If you can stop them, I will stop them. If you really can't stop them, let them pay. Of course this How much will it cost when your people discuss it? If you give me some ideas, I can’t just do nothing, right?”

Yan Changqing is very indifferent to this, because the copyright situation is now well known and cannot be said. He has no intention of using this to make money or anything. The assistants think it is necessary. Anyway, they will use it if it is useful, and throw it away if it is no longer useful.

If Yang Wenbin wants to take care of it, let him take care of it. It doesn't matter.

Regarding the martial arts style, Yang Wenbin began to ask for advice: "I have studied your company's model in Australia. In fact, this is similar, right? You can also refer to some rules of boxing and sparring competitions, right?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Actually, it's simple. As long as you can attract people, other problems are not big. It's not limited to the province. It can be done in several nearby provinces. It depends on how you do it. After all, the number of people is still a little small. .”

"That's also a matter of filling the gap!" Yang Wenbin was quite excited. "No other channel has launched a similar program yet. I think it will definitely become popular."

"We can also hold an opera competition." Yan Changqing chuckled. Anyway, the provincial station had always had a normal relationship with him, so he just said this directly.

Yang Wenbin became excited at that time: "Hey, this is good, the audience is small, and the number of participants is smaller than that of the music category, but if it is done well, it will still be a good result."

Then he became entangled: "You are more familiar with the situation in our market than I am. It is a bit difficult to organize one event at a time. If we do it together, even if I can find funds, there will not be enough manpower!"

Yan Changqing doesn't care about this: "Then I can't help it. This should be your specialty."

Yang Wenbin nodded: "Well, let me think about it again. In fact, I originally wanted to do something similar to your Australian one, just because I wanted to come to you to ask about copyright issues. Now you tell me these two major music events are comparable to direct ones. It’s better and more in line with local characteristics…”

"... Well, the market is going to hold an event, and I have to get the funds from above. I can't get much money out of it. So, as long as I'm here today, the naming rights for this event are guaranteed to belong to Bubugao Winery, or what do you want? You can transfer it to anyone, it’s up to you.”

"In addition, if you haven't registered this copyright, I will do it for you later. If others want to use it in the future, it will definitely not be free. Including your music and variety shows, I will help you take care of it..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Let's use the name of the website over there in the market! The winery is not less famous now."

From time to time, someone comes out with "new research results" and talks about the effects of Backgammon wine. The supply of wine exceeds the demand, and they still promote it.

Yang Wenbin nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll have someone draft a contract later. I won't bother you then, just let them negotiate."

The two of them talked so smoothly that they didn't even finish a cup of tea, even if it was settled.


Then Yang Wenbin was not in a hurry to leave, and came as soon as he came.

Hang out for a while and have a good relationship. He is not a fool. He will definitely not let it go if he has the opportunity.

Yan Changqing was busy working, so he didn't bother him. Instead, he and Mr. Xu and Xiao Wang could always chat together. They were about the same age - Wang Songfeng came here yesterday and was ready to wait for Yan Changqing's wine. After brewing, we went to Australia together.

... Huang Peishan wore a safety helmet and led a group of people to inspect a construction site.

When he returned to the office, he started to make arrangements: "Next, General Manager Yan will arrange for another Mr. Huang to come over. At that time, the affairs at the airport will be handed over to him, but we cannot relax. We still have to keep an eye on the construction of the hospital here. .”

"Many people have never seen Mr. Yan's medical skills, but it doesn't matter. There will be opportunities in the future. The hospital must be better built, as well as the following schools. These are all things we may need in the future."

"We also need someone to follow up on the issue of road construction and urge the progress of the project to be faster. If they are not willing to work overtime? Then replace our people. A group of people will come over soon. We only need to arrange for the engineers to work overtime... …”

The land you bought belongs to you, including mines, etc. Building roads becomes your own business.

The main reason is that the original road may have been winding, but now that a large piece of land is yours, there is no need for the road to continue to be winding, it can be simple and direct.

As more and more people come, supporting facilities must be built, especially those necessary for medical education.

Don't think that because these workers rely on the winery and have good wine to drink, they won't get sick.

I don’t know how many people had diarrhea when I first came here. It’s a bit unaccustomed to the local environment, but more importantly, these guys gave full play to the tradition of the big foodie empire and ate everything they caught.

Because after they bought the land, there were some wild animals on it that they didn’t dare to eat.

It has been two or three years since the last time a virus carried out by the local government killed rabbits, and now rabbits are reproducing in other places.

However, the land belonging to Yan Changqing does not worry about this problem, and there is even a slight lack of food. The rabbit traps are often empty now, and they have to run farther away to get rid of them.

In addition to rabbits, everything else can be eaten, as long as it has meat. Many people have never eaten seafood at home, so here they just eat lobsters as steamed buns... It would be strange if they are not accustomed to the local environment!

It's better now, because I have become more honest after suffering losses.

But a large number of new people will come next. Huang Peishan can imagine that the hospital will definitely be busy for a while.

After all, people don't listen to advice. Just reminding them won't work. Those who come have to experience it for themselves.


Seeing that the wine was almost finished, Yan Changqing left Wang and Xu alone and went home to eat.

There is nothing new in cooking at home. Anyway, their family rarely eats rice, usually noodles.

Various noodles, steamed noodles, fried noodles, plain noodles, shredded pork noodles, vegetable and egg noodles, pulled noodles...

Any kind can be divided into many categories. For example, it can be divided into cold and hot. If it is paired with different dishes, it will be the same meal.

I didn't eat noodles today, but the dumplings I ate... were made from bread anyway.

The dumplings are stuffed with mutton. In fact, my family didn’t like to eat mutton in the past because of its strong smell.

But things have gotten much better in the past two years, because there are professional sheep farmers, and all the sheep have been gelded.

In the past, the whole family liked to eat eggs and chicken, but no one likes to eat it anymore. It's not that they feed a lot of feed and medicine, but they are just tired of eating it.

Yan Changqing was not idle while holding the dumplings in his mouth: "Master, you are all right, follow me to Australia and have a look! I bought a lot of land there, which belongs to our own family. In the future, my descendants will not be ruined. , these are ours and will always be."

I had tried to persuade him before, but I didn’t say much because I didn’t have many acquaintances there at that time.

Now that there are more people going there, you can consider letting the old couple go there too to broaden their horizons.

"Master, you can farm as much land as you want. It can be hundreds of acres, thousands of acres or tens of thousands of acres. It's all yours to grow. You can grow whatever you want. I guarantee you'll enjoy it..."

The old man was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth: "What can I plant? There is so much land, I can't finish it!"

"That doesn't matter, you can plant as much as you want." Yan Changqing continued to persuade. "Anyway, it belongs to our family. As long as we manage it well in the future, it will be the same for generations to come."

The old man who said that was starting to get tempted.

Yan Dahai was holding back from beside him: "When you move on, you should sue me, right?"

"That's right." Yan Changqing didn't hide anything. "There is still a lack of a chicken farm there! You can continue to raise chickens wherever you go, or you can raise ducks and geese. If you don't find it challenging, raising kangaroos is not impossible."

"What about your mother?"

"You've already gone, how can she not go?" Yan Changqing is not worried about her mother's problems. Even though her mother is usually very good at home, she doesn't have much opinion on big things.

Just like he only advised the old man but not the grandma, as long as the old man is willing to go, the grandma will definitely follow.

Yan Dahai thought about it for a long time: "Dad, what do you think?"

What could the old man think? He just looked at his grandson and said with joy: "I've talked about seven pounds several times. Now we have a lot of people here. Why don't you go over and have a look? Those are all earned by the grandson's hard work. It wouldn’t be shameful for our whole family not to take a look, wouldn’t it?”

Yan Changqing was determined.

Sure enough, when Yan Dahai heard what the old man said, he thought for a while and nodded: "Then let's go and have a look?"

"Then let's all go and have a look." The old man chuckled. "Old woman, you didn't expect it, did you? When we are old, we can still enjoy the blessing of a grandson. Let's go abroad to see it."

The old lady just smiled and nodded: "Seven pounds is awesome! When Xiuni gave birth to him, I thought he was extraordinary..."

Yan Changqing listened happily, and he was also very curious about what the old lady had told her recently about any 'new visions' when he was born - in fact, they were all the old lady's random imagination after being 'reminded' by others. , anyway, her eldest grandson is extraordinary...

There is no way, some things have changed, and some things have not changed.

For example, the old men and women in the countryside believe this. Every time the version is passed on, it is different, but they still believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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