Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 376 Fanatic Fan of Junior Brother Sha from the Foreign Country

Chapter 376 Fanatic Fan of Junior Brother Sha from the Foreign Country

Zhou Jialing finally returned to Dayanzhuang after looking around at the newly opened 49th branch of Bubugao Hotel chain.

She had just breathed a sigh of relief when Mr. Yan assigned her a new task: "I want to book a passenger plane..."

Zhou Jialing perked up at that time: "Yes, yes, I should have made the reservation a long time ago. Now that the business is getting bigger and bigger, your worth should have been equipped with a large Airbus, so that it is more convenient for you to come and go!"

She is not usually so active in interrupting. This time Yan Changqing interrupted before she finished speaking. She was really tired of flying.

Even though she rarely goes abroad now and basically travels all over the country, chain hotels are all built in big cities. Except for the first one opened in Taoshu Township, the others are all in provincial capitals, and domestic provincial capitals The distance between cities is equivalent to traveling across several countries in Europe.

Now what she wants is for her boss to quickly get a private jet. Anyway, the boss doesn't use it very often. Just like his helicopter, it will be parked there all day long.

If there is a passenger plane, I can use it for personal gain...

As a result, when Yan Changqing heard this and saw her tired face, he decided at that time: "Then just order two planes. One is for you, and the other is usually used to fly to Australia. Once a month is enough. , I can usually fly to island countries and the former Soviet Union by myself.”

Zhou Jialing's face turned red all of a sudden. She thought the boss wanted to use it mainly for herself, but she didn't expect it to be like this. She was a little embarrassed: "Actually, just one set is enough. I don't have to look around every month." .”

Yan Changqing didn't care: "It's not that little money short, just go ahead and do it!"

Zhou Jialing saw that her boss had made a decision and said nothing else. Just as she was about to go out, she heard her boss say: "Buy a ready-made one first. It doesn't matter if you spend more money. You will use it soon. Then fly to Australia first."

Fortunately, Australia's airports were built early, because the hilltop villas had helipads from the beginning, and helicopters were considered at that time.

Later, when Huang Peishan was choosing another land to build an airport, she considered it over and over again and decided to build an airport with a runway, which is now in use.


After making arrangements to buy the plane, Yan Changqing felt much more at ease.

I finally persuaded the whole family to go out together. Of course, we wanted to minimize the trouble on our first trip. If we normally take a passenger plane, we would have to take a flight to Australia somewhere else. After arriving, we would have to change planes and then transfer to our home territory.

It's good now. Get your own plane as soon as possible for the convenience of your own people.

As for the bus trip once a month, it is for the convenience of his own workers, just like the bus he built from Dayanzhuang to the market, which highlights a convenience.


As a result, Zhou Jialing went to inquire around and found that buying a plane was not easy.

Of course, the first choice for passenger aircraft is safety. Nowadays, everyone chooses the ones from Boeing. The most famous one is the 747 series. However, after this aircraft has been tested by the market, it has become more and more popular.

Zhou Jialing called Boeing. They heard that it was Yan Changqing who wanted to order it, and they were quite happy and said that they could deliver it in advance... Even so, the order now won't arrive until a year later.

Of course Zhou Jialing was not willing to give in, and then she started asking people to see if they could cut off a ready-made one.

After much searching, I finally found Australia.

There are two airplanes in Australia that were ordered more than a year ago and will be delivered immediately. They are the closest ones. How do you cut one in between and bring it back?

Zhou Jialing called Huang Peishan.

Without saying anything, Huang Peishan went to find the recipient, which was Qantas.

I first approached two managers, but they both said they couldn't make the decision. Originally, Huang Peishan thought she would continue to look for her, but it turned out that a director of Qantas heard about it somehow and said at that time that he wanted to meet her.

The director was in Sydney. Huang Peishan got on a plane and met the director who took the initiative to meet her.


This person's name is Abigail, and she is a director of Qantas Airways. Well, I heard she is also a shareholder.

Over sixty years old, only a ring around the hair is left, and the beard is much more than the hair. In terms of appearance and figure...

Let's put it this way, Huang Peishan's first impression when she saw him was that as long as he gave him a necklace of skulls and a pole for shoveling, he would be Wukong's foreign sand brother... because his hair, beard, and eyes were not black.

Junior Brother Sha was very enthusiastic when he saw Huang Peishan. He started talking after a few polite words: " must be a very happy thing to work for Mr. Yan as his assistant, right? I have always liked his music. This time my granddaughter bought a ticket for his concert, and I had the honor of going to listen to his music live. It was so beautiful..."

"...You should listen to Mr. Yan's concert once in your life to feel the ultimate charm of music. It's really a pity that Mr. Yan is too busy. His concerts depend purely on luck... You are by his side. You can often hear him practicing! I really want to take a closer look at how he plays the erhu. I think that must be the greatest happiness in life..."

Huang Peishan never expected that she would meet a music fan of her boss, and it seemed that she was still a fanatical fan.

Junior Brother Sha...ah, no, it's Mr. Director Abigail. He's really too fanatical. A foreign old man in his sixties, as the director of Qantas, looks a bit like a middle school student who is crazy about star-chasing. -Qantas is the largest airline in Australia and is well-known around the world.

They met for ten minutes without giving her a chance to speak. She just talked about her admiration for Mr. Yan.

That kind of fanaticism, to be honest, Huang Peishan was a little worried that he was a little abnormal.

But Abigail was obviously very normal. After talking for a long time, he remembered that he was a little rude: "Sorry, sorry, I really appreciate and like Mr. Yan so much. Especially after listening to his music, I came back I rarely listen to other music anymore, and I even feel that a lot of music can only be regarded as noise..."

So she told her story again, but she still didn't give Huang Peishan a chance to speak.

As he talked, he began to envy Huang Peishan again: "If there is any position in the world that I envy, it is the position of Mr. Yan's assistant. I am very curious about what kind of person he is usually. status……"

Huang Peishan was finally able to speak. She really wanted to say, "I just want to ask, can you transfer an aircraft to me, even an old one? Many of Qantas's passenger planes are 747 series, which are Boeing's major aircraft." customer.

But looking at the expectant eyes of junior fellow student Abigail from Foreign Country Sha, she could only talk a few words casually: "General Manager Yan's life is usually very regular. He likes to get up very early, get up in the early morning, get up and go out to exercise. He I like martial arts, swimming, etc., and practice every day when I have time. After exercising, I start practicing musical instruments..."

These things are actually available on the Internet, because Yan Changqing has two personal pages at home and abroad. Sometimes he will publish some things by himself to attract some popularity. Of course, sometimes, he is a bit pretentious...such as posting those on his own website. The sea or something.

Huang Peishan talked for a while, and saw that Abigail was still looking at her enthusiastically and expectantly. After thinking for a while, she continued: "Yan is always a genius, but I think he also works very hard. He doesn't usually have many entertainment activities. , I’m basically constantly honing my music skills, winemaking skills, etc.”

"He likes to do things to the extreme, such as his cooking skills. The meals he cooks are the most delicious I have ever tasted. He practices music. If he is not satisfied with himself, he will not play for others at all..."

"And because of his martial arts training, he is in good health and energetic. He has very little rest time every day. Most of his time is spent doing things that others seem to be repetitive..." Anyway, I can just say it casually, as long as it doesn't involve anything. Just go to the boss’s privacy.

For example, she wouldn't say that Serena Marina and the spring water looked particularly beautiful when she was separated from the boss...

Even so, Abigail was quite satisfied when she heard: "I knew that genius has no luck..."

Obviously, Huang Peishan's words touched his heart, and that's what he thought. He felt that Yan Changqing must have worked countless times more than ordinary people to achieve his current achievements at this age.

In fact, it is indeed true. Although he has the skill jade plate, Yan Changqing practices his skills continuously every day. It has been like this since his rebirth, never stopping, and even practicing hard day and night.

The two talked for a long time, but they couldn't get to the main topic. Huang Peishan became a little anxious.

In the end, Abigail brought it up first: "I heard that you want to buy a passenger plane, right? Is that what Mr. Yan wants?"

"Yes!" Huang Peishan was overjoyed. The old man finally started talking about serious things. "Mr. Yan means that he may come here often in the future. He wants to open a route from his hometown to here. It is best to have it once a month. If he needs it, he will open it again..."

"This is very simple." Abigail said simply. "We were worried that we wouldn't be able to buy the plane for temporary orders, so we booked it in advance. The route is still under discussion, so it's okay to transfer one to you. But..."

"I can add money." Huang Peishan immediately took out her trump card, which was always successful. She had been quite skilled in using it for so many years of running the company.

I have no choice but to follow a boss who makes money like printing money, so he is so arrogant.

As a result, Abigail glared: "Mr. Yan is such a noble person, why do you only care about money? No wonder I heard someone say that the assistant next to Mr. Yan is...a person who cares about money very much..."

He changed his story because others were not so polite.

In the early years of selling wine and copyright, Huang Peishan always adhered to a set of ideas: asking for high prices and paying back on the spot.

Therefore, her reputation spread along with Mr. Yan's reputation. Contrary to Mr. Yan's glorious artist status, in the eyes of some people, she is a bitch who is more ruthless than a vampire capitalist.

But Huang Peishan didn't care. It didn't matter who said it. Those who said these things had all paid for her.

And not only did they pay in the past, but they might still have the opportunity to deal with them in the future. They still have to come to me to give money to them with a smile on their faces.

Who makes his boss not a human being... not an ordinary person!


Abigail said heartbroken, obviously unhappy that her idol had such an assistant beside her.

But that was an idol's matter after all, and he had no choice. Seeing the woman in front of him, who was much younger than him, pretending to be ashamed, he felt helpless: "Since it is Mr. Yan who needs it, just transfer it to him directly. , originally it was how much it was, and I can still make the decision on this matter. But, I have a condition..."

Huang Peishan said in her heart that you finally made a condition, but you don’t want money, so you don’t want your boss to come and play a song for you live, right? That won't work...

"Can you tell me in advance when Mr. Yan is going to hold a concert next time, and I'll have someone buy some tickets in advance?"

That's it?

Huang Peishan was shocked!

Although she liked to participate in some celebrity activities in the early years, due to family reasons, she was not interested in celebrities and entertainers at all. She just liked to join in the fun, and it was impossible to chase stars or anything like that. .

Especially because her father, as the boss of a small entertainment company, often did things that she couldn't stand... That is to say, the boss later turned out to be Yan Changqing, who was also engaged in art. It was Mr. Yan's diligence and hard work that impressed her. Some of the prejudices reversed a little, but only a little.

So she really can't understand Abigail's approach. Even if he is a director, but...she has managed so many companies. A plane ordered more than a year ago, and now you can change it at your request, and you can still make the decision yourself. ? Don’t you need to communicate with others?

Even if he is sure that others will accept his proposal, what are the conditions?

Just tell me the concert time in advance? If you are happy, are others happy?

The key is, the price of the plane booked at that time is different from the price now, okay?

Huang Peishan knew very well that Abigail had to come up with something in order to get all the directors to agree to this matter - and it was definitely not concert tickets, because she didn't think others were like the one in front of her. Like Junior Brother Yi Guosha, he is a fanatical fan of his boss.

She originally wanted to agree directly, but considering that this person is also a fan of the boss, she couldn't help but ask: "In this case, it won't be too troublesome for you, right? How about adding a little more money? Of course, if the boss It’s a concert, and I’ll have the tickets delivered to you directly, don’t worry!”

Abigail shook her head: "Mr. Yan's reputation here is worth what I do. If my practice spreads, it will also be a publicity for our company and make everyone recognize our company more. This is a good thing. .”

After he finished speaking, he said another sentence: "Well, can you really give me the tickets directly?"

Hey, still a big fan!


After leaving Abigail, Huang Peishan was a little dazed sitting on the plane.

The key is not only to transfer the plane at the original price, but Abigail even directly agreed to the route issue. Next, he will handle this matter on behalf of his idol.

Although this matter is not difficult to do, Huang Peishan can save some energy and sell her personal favors, so why not do it?

Yes, Abigail was quite grateful to her for leaving this matter to her, and said that she owed her a favor for running errands for her!

Is this a fanatic? It's really outrageous.

However, just thinking about it makes me a little...excited!

It turns out that the boss’s fans are not just young people, but also elderly fans like this.

If there were more people like Junior Brother Sha, then if the boss wanted to do something here in the future... wouldn't it be much more convenient.

Thinking about the "magical" thing about her boss, Huang Peishan's mind was filled with confusion.

Is this the boss's big plan?

I didn't expect it, it turned out that the boss planned to use this magical method!

But, boss, you didn’t expect that, right?

I will meet a big fan of yours right now and guess a little bit about your plans.

No wonder you don’t need me to do anything to win over the members and win some seats. That’s because it’s easier for you to directly turn those people into your own...

Huang Peishan suddenly realized it!

(End of this chapter)

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