Chapter 378 Family

Chen Youliang waited for Yan Changqing to leave and then started to check the list. He called in the lists of employees from all over the country, checked their resumes one by one, and prepared to form his own new assistant team.

Yan Changqing was right. What they were doing now was ahead of everyone else and they could only rely on themselves.

They are definitely not the only logistics company, there are also large logistics markets everywhere. But combined with online shopping, from production to sales to door-to-door delivery, the whole system forms a system. Now their model is the most advanced, no one else.

Therefore, there is really not much experience to draw on, and recruiting people is a hassle. We can only recruit those with some experience first, and then recruit a group of college students to learn from each other and work at the same time.


Yan Changqing knew that his uncle would be busy for a while, but he had more important things to do.

Take the whole family together to go to Australia.

Yan Tiesheng and his wife, including Yan Dahai and his wife, were all dressed neatly, as if they were attending some celebration, for fear of losing face by their grandchildren if they went out.

The plane has been inspected several times, and several large barrels of pure water are prepared in the cabin.

Yan Changqing's reason was that he had to prepare more things because he was on the road for a long time. In fact, the water was not only drinkable, but also life-saving at critical moments.

I originally planned to take my aunt's family and my second aunt with me, but my aunt and my second aunt were worried about their son who was in school and refused to go, otherwise there would be more people on this trip.

But when flights open up, it will become more convenient to fly back and forth, and you can go anytime.


Along the way, the excitement turned to exhaustion. When the plane landed, the family regained their energy.

Yan Tiesheng and his wife were muttering along the way, talking about how foreign countries were, but when they got off the plane, they were dumbfounded.

Then he called the names one by one: "Hey, that's the second son of Lao Gen's family, right? That one is Uncle Seventh's eldest grandson, and that's Xiao Huang. No, there's Xiao Huang here, and that one has to be called Da Huang..."

They were all picked up by people from the village. Even if they were not from the village, they were all acquaintances, such as Dahuang - Huang Mancang, Mr. Huang who runs the manor.

The old couple looked up at the sky, and then at the endless farms and pastures around them. Yes, it was a foreign country, but it felt almost the same as back in the village, and it didn't feel like it was so foreign here.

Yan Changqing was very happy beside him, and Li Xiuni slapped him: "Why are you giggling? Are you so happy to tease your grandpa?"

"I already told you that we are still here, and you have to talk about foreign countries." Yan Changqing felt aggrieved, but he refused to reason with his mother and went to talk to his grandfather.

"Master, milk! The land around here belongs to our family. The cattle grazing over there, as well as the vineyards planted in the distance, including the mountains you can see, all the land belongs to us, Lao Yan. House's."

The old couple was shocked at the time: "Is it really so big? How many acres does it have to be?"

Yan Changqing shook his head: "That's troublesome to calculate, I can't say. Anyway, the land purchased now has exceeded the area of ​​our region. However, there is also a lot of useless land, and some land has not been developed and is still a natural environment."

He is not particular about buying land, while others consider development, buying already established farms and pastures, or buying less land and then building slowly.

But he has too much money. Anyway, he will buy the land as long as it is sold. Although it has not been completely connected into a large area yet, he is confident that it will happen sooner or later.

Even Li Xiuni was silent. Her son actually bought so much land. They knew how big Xiyang City was. They had never been to the counties in the west, because it took two hours to drive to the farthest county from the city, and It takes them more than an hour to get to the city.

Huang Peishan also came to pick them up. Seeing that the landlady was a little shocked, she came up with a smile and took Li Xiuni's arm: "Sister, come on, I will take you to see if you are satisfied with the place where you live. This is also home. I will let you baby in the future." My son flies a plane, take your time and watch."

Yan Changqing duly praised Huang Peishan: "Peishan is in charge of these land sales. She has put a lot of thought into it and knows the situation here better than I do. If you have any questions, mom, just ask her."

Then I ignored them and came over to help grandpa, but grandpa's face turned red with excitement and he was full of energy, forget it!

Directly next to him, he started pointing to the hangar next to him and said: "Master, let's go back and have a rest first. After you have rest tomorrow, I will fly you out for a walk. Our home here is a bit big, and driving is difficult. , you still have to fly a plane. There are planes in the hangar over there, the same ones as the one at home..."


After being surrounded by people and arriving at the villa living area near the winery, Yan Tiesheng and his wife didn't even come back to their senses.

Hearing about it and seeing it with your own eyes are two different things.

Tiantian heard from his grandson that he bought a lot of land here, but they had no idea how many square kilometers it was... In the past, their family had only a dozen acres of land including private land, including vegetable plots.

Now at this glance, the outline of the mountains can be seen vaguely in the distance. Is that also my own?

Yan Dahai was not shocked. He was more receptive than the old man, and his land complex was not as strong as the old man. Besides, when he was raising chickens, he had vague thoughts of competing with his son at first, feeling that he would not be worse than his son and could always win. Get the chicken farm...

Anyway, now he is not surprised by anything his son does, as long as he is sure that it is his son.

After entering the villa, Yan Dahai started to walk around. Well, the swimming pool was good, and the interior was well decorated, but it looked a little uncomfortable from the outside, and nothing in the lawn or flower beds had grown.

Huang Peishan was explaining to Li Xiuni: "This is the living area, and the winery is not far away. There are a few villas elsewhere, but Mr. Yan said, just stay here when you come. You will be more comfortable if you have more acquaintances, so we built a temporary villa , it was a little hasty, the outside has not been built yet..."

Li Xiuni was already very satisfied: "That's great. Shanshan, you are really thoughtful."

"You're doing something for the boss! If you don't do it well, you'll be scolded." Huang Peishan pretended to look at the boss carefully.

Li Xiuni glared: "He dares. If he dares to talk about you in the future, you call me and see if I don't deal with him. What a fart is the boss? No matter how big the boss is, he still dares to deny me as his mother?"

Huang Peishan saw the boss's dark face and quickly smiled: "I'm just kidding, the boss usually doesn't care about such trivial matters. By the way, I prepared a lot of seafood and kangaroo meat today for uncles, aunts and you all to have a taste of." .”


After the family had washed and rested for a while, the food was served.

Grandma started to sigh: "Ah, this lobster is so big? Can a crab grow so big? This is..."

Before Huang Peishan could explain, she heard Yan Changqing muttering: "Miscellaneous, these things are not the biggest, there are bigger ones! You taste it first, and if you like it later, we can get more. It's all my fault, He wouldn’t have brought you out earlier…”

Yan Tiesheng chuckled: "Yes, yes, if I had known this was just like home, I would have been here a long time ago!"

In fact, it's the same. There are two tables outside, all of which are people from the village. This is to prevent the old couple from feeling that this is a foreign country and that they will not get used to it after a few days and want to go back.

Yan Changqing still understands his family very well. In addition to seafood and kangaroo meat, he also didn't forget to have a bowl of noodles at the end.

No way, it's just this habit. No matter how good the food is, the grandparents at home feel that they are most comfortable eating a bowl of noodles, and other food is just a taste, not a meal.

After a lively meal, we arranged to rest.

Huang Peishan's arrangements were quite good, such as the couple's bed. She had spent a lot of effort to get the manuscripts from nowhere, for fear that the couple would not feel comfortable with them.

It didn't matter to Yan Dahai and his wife, they were already used to using mattresses.

As for the boss...


After the assistant made the arrangements, he whispered in a low voice: "Boss, where are the black and white men from our entertainment company who are here? I'll call now and they'll be there in two hours at most."

Yan Changqing's face darkened: "Have you finished your work now?"

"It's done!" Huang Peishan said confidently. "Isn't the biggest job now is to get your family used to this place? I think it's pretty good now. I've asked Mr. Huang to adjust the working hours of the workers in the past two days. In the next few days, everyone your family knows will Workers can all get paid holidays..."

Yan Changqing nodded: "I also thought about one more thing. It's about auctioning wine. In the future, we will make this a regular thing. I think we need to have a fixed auction place."

"Build one yourself?" Huang Peishan said. "Should I make arrangements now?"

"Which scenic spot is best to build near?" Yan Changqing said. "It's fine if it's near the Great Barrier Reef, and it can also boost local tourism. Let's talk about it later..."


The next day, Yan Changqing began to take his family to inspect his land, and Huang Peishan naturally went to work.

The boss asked her to talk, but she didn't need to go at all. She just made a phone call and made an appointment with the person in charge of the Great Barrier Reef to go directly to the state to talk.

The boss is talking about an auction place, but the auctioneers must have a place to live when they come, right? You have to eat, right? They are all rich people who can come, so why would they just buy some wine and leave without spending any money?

This was a major event to stimulate tourism. She had thought about it while lying in bed last night. She wanted to spend the least amount of money to do the greatest thing.

The person in charge of the Great Barrier Reef is called Richie. He is a slightly obese middle-aged man. Although he looks ordinary, it is obvious at a glance that he is a resolute person.

But now he is very excited: "Mr. Huang, you can actually build the auction house directly in the scenic spot. We can provide the land for free and be responsible for part of the construction project, all for free."

What he actually wanted to say was that he could just let me do this, since it’s just an auction house!

But Huang Peishan refused to agree. Why did she come to the state to negotiate? It was just to take this opportunity to buy some more public land.

The boss still has plenty of money, so he must continue to buy and buy.

So she shook her head: "The boss has always had a good impression of your scenic spot, but you also know that I am a business owner, so even if he agrees, I will object. Auction is a commercial activity, and we must have the initiative. "

"Actually, even if the scenic spot needs maintenance, it won't be affected." Richie said, but after thinking about it, he gave up and continued to persuade. "What do you mean, Mr. Huang?"

"I want to buy a piece of land nearby, preferably near the seaside." Huang Peishan said directly. "It would be best if the auction is held when the scenic spot is open. If you are unlucky, at least there will be some scenery to see when people come."

"And it involves security issues. The people who come will have some value, and their safety must be ensured. Only private land can provide better security work."

Richie thought for a moment and then understood: "What Mr. Huang means is that he hopes I can help persuade him to grant you more land?"

Mr. Yan’s land complex is now gradually known to the whole of Australia. This person likes to buy land. When others buy pastures, farms, or mines, they will definitely buy things that will appreciate in value in the future and create profits.

But Mr. Yan is different. He wants any kind of land, including wilderness. As long as he is willing to sell it, he will buy it.

Seeing Huang Peishan nodding, Rich immediately understood: "Don't worry, Mr. Huang, I will try my best to persuade some people to support your matter. After all, supporting you also supports Mr. Yan."

As long as the auction house is built near the scenic spot and it will greatly stimulate the flow of people in the scenic spot, he has thought about it and must make it happen.

Isn’t it just land? There is so much land in the state, it’s not for sale to anyone!


Yan Changqing is taking his grandfather to watch the workers set off rabbit traps!

Originally, I wanted to take the family to fly a plane, but even if Huang Peishan covered the bed with paper towels, the old couple, who were away from home for the first time, didn't have a good rest.

So I won’t go far away today, just stroll around.

Get in the car, grab the family, and walk around.

As a result, I happened to see a group of people having nothing to do, catching rabbits!

Yan Tiesheng looked at it for a while and then sighed: "If your second uncle comes, he will definitely be happy."

Yan Changqing was very sure: "He wants to come, but he can't leave the factory now. Wait until before the Chinese New Year. If he's not busy, he will definitely come. The climate here is different from ours, and it will become more popular after a while. "

Yan Dahai suddenly asked from the side: "You said that building a chicken farm is really necessary?"

Yan Changqing nodded quickly: "It's true, it must be true. How can I fool you about this! I just thought that the place here is bigger, and it's my own land, so it's convenient to do whatever I want. I'm at home. If you want to expand your chicken farm, there’s no space for it right now, right? It’s different here, you can build whatever you want..."

Next to her, Li Xiuni muttered: "What's wrong? Do you really want to move your chicken farm here?"

Yan Dahai didn't say anything. Why did he suddenly ask such a question? It was because he could see that his son was very ambitious now.

Having acquired so much land here, I guess I will spend more time here than at home.

In this case, he might as well stay here. Anyway, as long as the family is together, it's the same everywhere.

I'm just afraid that the old couple over there won't be used to it...

After thinking for a while, he said: "Then you take your grandma to visit more and visit the winery. Also go and see those hospitals, schools and other things that are under construction that you mentioned. Let's take a rest. Now, fly your plane again..."

As long as the old couple at home can get used to it, everything else really doesn't matter.

Besides, it's not that there are no benefits here. As for the benefits... wait until he discovers them slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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