Chapter 379 Is he a war madman?

Sydney, Qantas director Abigail's villa.

One of Huang Peishan's assistants put two boxes of wine on the table and said to Abigail: "Mr. Yan found out about your help in buying the plane. He was very grateful, so he asked me to send two boxes of wine."

"Originally, he wanted to come here by himself, but now his family has just arrived, and he wants to accompany them. These two boxes of wine are the ones that will be auctioned soon. Drinking a small amount every day is really good for the body."

Abigail was already extremely excited: "Yan is really, so polite! In fact, I didn't help much. By the way, will the auction be held soon?"

"Yes, we are going to hold a small auction first. Mr. Yan said that he will come when the time comes." Huang Peishan replied. "But you won't have to auction it then. Mr. Yan likes to give wine to friends..."

In fact, this was Huang Peishan's own idea. The boss didn't care about this kind of building a relationship, but she felt that it was very beneficial to make friends with Abigail. In the future, her own plane would fly everywhere, and with Abigail's help, Whether it is routes or other aspects, it will be much more convenient.

Abigail doesn't care at all whether the wine can be auctioned. He is more concerned about: "Then will Mr. Yan play live?"

"Ah?" Huang Peishan was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand the thinking of the person in front of her. She was going to perform at the auction?

After asking, Abigail felt that she was a little presumptuous. The auction was not a concert, so she smiled and said: "I have been looking forward to hearing Mr. Yan's performance again, sorry."

"Nothing!" Huang Peishan said. "There is very little wine here now, and it is all flown here. Next, Mr. Yan plans to build a liquor factory here. When the winery is built and put into production, auctions will be held regularly. At that time, Mr. Abigail and Mr. Come and support your friends."

"Definitely, definitely." Abigail nodded repeatedly, and then couldn't help but ask. "Mr. Yan, do you have any plans to hold concerts in the near future? If so, I can help coordinate with the Music Opera House..."

Huang Peishan shook her head: "He usually organizes it when he is in a good mood. Now that he is with his family, he probably doesn't have much time. I will definitely contact you when he is confirmed."

In fact, there was no need for him to help contact the concert hall at all. Yan Changqing was now so popular here that he was willing to use the opera house, which was a dream come true for the opera house.

Abigail was slightly disappointed, but her mind was clear: "Then please leave it to Miss Huang!"

"You're welcome!" Huang Peishan stood up. "Then I'll take my leave first. I have to go back quickly, go through some formalities, and prepare to send invitations to the auction..."

Abigail became energetic at that time: "Is there anything I can do to help? Miss Huang, you're welcome, I still have some old friends..."

Huang Peishan laughed at that time...


Yan Changqing played with his family for a few days. He first took the old man and his father to hunt, and this time he specially invited Davis, the old hunter he had invited before.

In addition to the veteran hunter's relatively rich experience, he also has a clear enough understanding of the local regulations on hunting. When he comes, he can be used as a guide and explain it to his family.

What's more troublesome is that Davis doesn't speak Chinese. No one in Yan Changqing's family understands foreign languages ​​except him, so they have to find a translator.

In fact, Yan Changqing can do these things by himself, be his own guide, explain the rules by himself, or be a translator...

But he felt that the family should gradually get in touch with some locals and gradually get used to it.


The old man Davis is actually quite easy to get along with. Anyone who is willing to hunt rabbits is his good friend - he really hates rabbits and has devoted himself to hunting rabbits all his life.

After receiving Yan Changqing's invitation, he happily drove over in a broken pickup truck, with all kinds of guns and crossbows in the back.

But this time, Yan Changqing clearly felt that this old man was particularly attentive to his family. After getting along with him for a while, he even learned a few Chinese words by himself.

For example, rabbits, hunting, shotguns...

Then he imitated the words in a strange way, which made the whole family laugh a little, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed and lively.

This made Yan Changqing a little strange. Could it be that the old man had something in mind?

Not long after, Davis said intentionally or unintentionally: "Yan, if you hunt a rabbit later, will you still cook?

Yan Changqing looked at him with an expectant look on his face, and his mouth was almost drooling. He understood immediately and nodded: "Yes, I will hunt a few more, and we will eat them when the time comes."

Davis was excited at the time!

He is not that complicated, his purpose is just to eat rabbit meat.

This guy has been hunting rabbits and eating rabbits his whole life, but he still can't forget those meals of rabbit meat that Yan Changqing and the others treated him to.

It was so delicious. Sure enough, China was well-deserved as a country of gourmet food. He never knew that rabbit meat could be so delicious.

He felt that it must be a unique Chinese secret recipe, because he asked Yan Changqing for advice at the time, and he found it to be quite simple at the time. When he got home, no matter how he made it, he could never taste that taste again.

Later, I went out to find a few local Chinese restaurants, but I still couldn't taste that kind of taste.

I originally thought that it would become a lifelong regret. After all, Yan had a great reputation and he was just an unknown old hunter. It was probably impossible for the two parties to contact each other again. I didn't expect that there would be a chance now.


Davis' guidance is quite professional.

Although I don’t understand the language, it doesn’t matter, just gesture.

Under Davis's guidance, Yan Dahai was the first to learn, and soon he was able to hunt rabbits with a shotgun, and even caught his first prey.

Even the old man couldn't help but give it a try. After all, he was about the same age as Davis. The two old men couldn't speak the same language. They each spoke their own words, but one taught and the other learned. After a while, they really learned...

Yan Changqing watched from the side and felt that he was quite wise - if he had taught it himself, he might not have been able to teach his father and grandfather so quickly.

Everyone in the family knows that the old man will definitely be willing to listen to his guidance, but the father is not necessarily willing to listen.


The men went out hunting, and the women were not idle either.

Li Xiuni and the old lady were wandering around the area together. Many people from the factory also brought their family members, and there was no shortage of women in the family area. The two of them blended in naturally.

When Yan Changqing and the others came back from hunting, Li Xiuni, who had once been the captain of the Great Yanzhuang Bagua Team, had even found out that Mr. Yan had brought a foreign girl here.

So while Yan Changqing was cooking, Li Xiuni came over, pretending to help, but actually inquiring about the situation: "Son, I heard that you brought a foreign girl with you last time, right? Who was she? ?We are talking about friends, right?"

Yan Changqing replied without changing his face: "We are talking about friends, they are all people in the company."

The key was that she couldn't answer, and she didn't know whether the person she was asking about spoke Mandarin or former Sioux, so she had no choice but to fight to the end.

Li Xiuni didn't believe it: "We really talked about it and didn't stop you. This is a big deal. You can't keep it secret from us. No... you won't tell me, right? Then I'll ask Shanshan..."

Yan Changqing immediately knew it was safe: "Ask me casually, and if I say no, I won't."

She couldn't tell who Huang Peishan was.


Li Xiuni waited for Huang Peishan to come over, took her dear Shanshan and muttered for a long time, and then came over disappointed and happy.

Shanshan told her that the boss was very popular with girls, but the boss was an upright character, just like Liu Xiahui, who didn't care about women at all. It was said that he wanted to find a girl who really made his heart beat, and would not give it to other girls at all. Give us a little chance. Li Xiuni is happy because her son is praised, but disappointed because her son has not yet learned how to serve cabbage...

But then she didn't care about it anymore, because Yan Changqing started taking them around in the plane.

A mountaintop villa, a seaside villa, or even a boat to take them to see killer whales...

After running for a few days, they began to take them to nearby scenic spots. They gradually met more and more foreigners and gradually adapted to them.


Lao Huang was somewhat clumsy in operating the helicopter. Yes, he was learning to fly a plane.

The original part-time pilot instructor was sent by Sidorov because he didn't know much Chinese. This instructor was already over 60 years old. Fortunately, he seemed to be in good health.

Lao Huang is very busy now. He is learning and using it at the same time.

In addition to the construction of hospitals and schools, he is also responsible for the construction of a new liquor factory. These three places are not far away, which is okay.

But that's not all he cares about. There are also ranches, farms, plantations and mines. The boss is busy spending time with his family, so as a manager, he has to look after the boss more.

Of course, helicopters are faster when running back and forth, and they fly directly from the sky. You can see clearly where you are from the sky, which is much more comfortable than driving.

After sitting for a long time, Huang began to consider learning on his own.

As a result, Xuexian still lamented in his heart that people are really easy to be influenced by subtle influences. When he was established, he would hang out in the office every day. At that time, he didn't even dare to think about cars... No, not even motorcycles. Dare to think.

As a result, now he has lost his staff and the iron job that others envied. Instead, he gets on a plane and travels around.

All I can say is that life has been an amazing experience!


Old Huang flies around in airplanes, and Xiao Huang is not idle either. She is planning an auction.

Although she took advantage of her boss's fanaticism to help with some minor work procedures and distributed a lot of invitations to her, she was still very busy, including Riley, the nominal general manager of the Australian branch. Follow her everywhere.

The first trouble is Goncharov.

This professional who was specially sent by Sidorov to assist Mr. Yan in his safety was originally just doing training, but now he still has to help with work.

But it doesn't matter to him, as long as he is not idle anyway, and what he does is considered his old profession, he will not feel tired after doing it his whole life.

It was just that the manpower was a bit difficult to pull apart, so he suggested to Huang Peishan: "It is best to ask Yan to call Ilyich or Mr. Sidorov and ask them to send some people over."

Huang Peishan thought for a while: "Aren't the security personnel trained here not good enough?"

Goncharov explained: "Their concepts need to be gradually changed. This is not their home, it is not as safe as they think, and if they have weapons in their hands, they have to use them, and they are obviously not very accustomed to it yet. "

Huang Peishan somewhat understood.

Although the security personnel in the factory are indeed professionally trained, they are all based on the slogan of protection.

What's more, the security personnel have never experienced a real war. If they really encounter a situation and go up to fight, it is impossible to say who will perform in a hail of bullets.

But what Goncharov wants is obviously not this kind of person. What he wants is the kind of person who, after all, fires first when seeing a suspect. He wants someone who strikes first and can rush forward at critical moments.

Now that Goncharov has decided to take charge of this job, he will certainly not allow factors that are beyond his control to exist.

It can only be said that there is a difference between people in peaceful areas and people in war areas.

If this group of people could be like the people in the great beautiful country, where the Polismans received a domestic violence call and shot the female caller to death first, then Goncharov might be satisfied...

Huang Peishan wrote down this matter in her notebook, and then asked: "Are there any other requirements?"

"Have the procedures for applying for weapons been completed?" Goncharov asked.

"It's done. You can own automatic weapons in the name of a security company, but it must be for the purpose of protection." Huang Peishan said, instead of delivering wine, it would be more efficient to have someone help.

"Then let's send a batch of weapons first." Goncharov said. "We currently have no shortage of air power, but what we lack are weapons. I know you have concerns, but it is necessary to show sufficient armed force. After all, we encountered an incident last time."

It's true. Now Yan Changqing takes his family everywhere, not just in a car or a plane. He's followed by professionals and they carry all kinds of weapons. At least they have enough deterrence.

Huang Peishan nodded: "Okay, you decide what weapons you need, and I will be responsible for arranging the payment."

Goncharov smiled: "No need to pay, I helped Yan store a warehouse of weapons at Mr. Sidorov's place..."

Sidorov and his son were not joking. What they said was a gift was really a gift.

Even if Yan Changqing couldn't use it for a while, they would save it for him.

Now that the plane has arrived, Yan Changqing doesn't even know how many other weapons he has. Anyway, these things are not valuable to Sidorov. Sometimes he just gives them away if he says it smoothly.

Huang Peishan was also speechless. The boss was still too low-key. In this relationship, if it were her, she would have already hired a large number of armed personnel in a high-profile manner, and they would wander around when nothing happened.

It’s private land anyway, so protect your own land!

In addition to regular security personnel, Goncharov even plans to form several mobile teams. Anyway, there are helicopters that can provide support at any time.

These are not within Huang Peishan's professional scope, so she can only ask Goncharov to work harder.

Goncharov said with a smile: "Don't worry, Yan is our best friend, his matters are our matters, and I will definitely handle them with care. By the way, Miss Huang, I heard that Mr. Yan's uncle Helicopters are being manufactured, so you might consider buying more..."

Huang Peishan's eyes widened: "Now we have more than a dozen helicopters, large and small!"

Goncharov added: "I heard that you have an old saying, Han Xin leads the army, the more the better."

Is this sentence your reason for asking to buy more helicopters?

There is such a small piece of land now. Aren't you afraid that there will be too many planes in the sky and there will be an accident?

Although Huang Peishan didn't understand, she always felt that Goncharov was a little excited when he said this.

Could this be the legendary war madman?

This is indeed private land, but there is no need to turn it into a private military base, right?

(End of this chapter)

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