Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 380 Foolish people are blessed

Chapter 380 (Backup) Foolish people are blessed

Bubugao Liquor's first auction in Australia was actually quite low-key. It was mainly aimed at local people. Not many people from outside came, mainly because they were not invited.

Yan Changqing appeared at the auction, made a few opening remarks, and then didn't say much, just started the auction.

It took one day to shoot out five tons of wine.

For the first time, more people must experience it, and then they will offer better prices in the future.

The auction prices are kept confidential, and no one knows the overall income.

But Huang Peishan must know that she has been a little excited in recent days. She walks around with her boss's wife and is happy from ear to ear every day.

Even Li Xiuni could tell: "Shanshan, are you having any happy events these days? Have you found your right husband?"

Huang Peishan chuckled: "I'm much happier than that. I accomplished a big thing. At work, I had a difficult problem that I had been preparing for a long time, and now I finally solved it."

She didn't tell Li Xiuni about the matter, mainly because she had discussed it with her boss, but it was of no use. She also made them worry in vain - the auction price was a bit high, and she was afraid of scaring them.

Li Xiuni heard that it was about work, so she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she asked about another thing: "Your music talent show is quite popular! It's a pity that the TV station doesn't have an interpreter, so we can't understand it very well."

Huang Peishan thought about it for a moment: "Then, I'll discuss it with my boss later and see if we can add Chinese subtitles to our TV station."

"Isn't it easy to translate?" Li Xiuni asked.

"It's a bit difficult." Huang Peishan thought for a while. "But I think it's necessary. More and more people are coming to our place, and not everyone understands foreign languages. We can't just watch TV with images!"

Li Xiuni still wanted to persuade, but Huang Peishan had already continued: "Sister, you don't need to ask about this, it is my job. We have so many employees now. Although I can't build an all-Chinese station for the time being, I can build one with Chinese subtitles." It’s still okay.”

Then I won’t advise you!

Li Xiuni also knew that she didn't understand things at work and couldn't get involved, so she asked again: "What are you bosses busy with these two days?"

Yan Changqing played with his family for a while, then went to the auction, and then came back and stayed for two more days. Now he has not seen anyone for several days.

Huang Peishan knew about it, but she didn't know very well: "At the new winery, he originally said he would be back in two days, but he seemed to have something happy. When I called him to report on his work last time, I felt that he was quite happy. happy……"

Li Xiuni stopped asking: "That means something good has happened. It's very good. It's okay if you don't come back. By the way, Shanshan, why don't you come over to play and delay your work?"

"No delay, no delay." Huang Peishan shook her head repeatedly.

Just kidding, now she spends time with her boss’s family, that’s her biggest job!


The new liquor factory has not actually been built yet, but it does not need to be completely completed before trial production can begin.

Originally it was not necessary, but Lao Huang brought many people over, and some of them went to work in wineries and farms, ranches and vineyards, so the original group of old winery workers were replaced.

Yan Changqing thought it was just right, so he let the old workers go back to their old business and continue to make liquor.

So before the winery was built, he took his people to work first, mainly because he wanted to get everyone familiar with it again.

The climate here is different from that at home. The water quality, food, etc., if he wants to make the best wine, he must first familiarize himself with it.


The first step in making wine is, of course, making koji.

Yan Changqing specially selected a group of workers who were more serious and meticulous in their work and led them to do this work.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that one of the songs had quality issues.

It's not bad, it's a little too good.

After careful appraisal, he determined that the quality of this koji was infinitely close to the level of his first-level skill proficiency.

This... to be honest, he thought it was a bit outrageous.

If the first-level skill proficiency is reached, it is the theoretical limit for normal people.

As we all know, the theoretical meaning of limit is that it means that it is impossible to reach normal.

The workers in the winery come from a wide range of sources. At the beginning, Yan Changqing brought a group of workers, and then they continued to recruit. Many of them were workers from other nearby wineries, including some people from small family workshops. When they saw the winery, The benefits are good, and it would be better to go to work in a winery together if you have to work hard by yourself...

With so many people, no one has been able to reach the limit.

Anyway, Yan Changqing has never seen it. As long as he doesn't participate in it and lets others do it, it won't be achieved at all.

Now that someone has actually done this, Yan Changqing is quite surprised.

If such a talent really emerges, then he can let this person do a lot of work for him.

So without saying a word, he called all the workers over, and then started asking who made the rice wine...

Obviously, there is no answer, because everyone did it together and put it together after it was done.

That would be troublesome. Yan Changqing could only ask everyone to make another copy and then check them one by one again.


Fortunately, the results finally came out, and Yan Changqing was pleasantly surprised to find that portion of koji that almost reached the limit again.

He carefully took a piece of paper next to him, with a crooked name written on it: Tonghuo.

Then he hesitated for a moment, who is this person?

Considering his memory, he didn't even remember anything, which was strange.

He knew most of the workers who came with him, was this still a newcomer?

So he called Lao Huang and several people in charge of production in the winery and asked, "Which of you has a man named Tonghuhu?"

Tong Dafu raised his hand: "Boss, Tiger is a fool!"


Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment.

He knew too much about Dahan. He was the fool who was taught by Tong Dafu to curse and beat people in the village?

Tong Dafu was a little worried and didn't know what was going on. He asked cautiously: "Boss, Dahan's head is a bit stupid, but he is very obedient. I want to come here. He can't live without me. He must follow me." Come here, if anything goes wrong..."

Yan Changqing quickly laughed: "Don't worry, it's a good thing. By the way, how long has he been learning to make Jiuqu?"

No one can participate in the technical work of the winery. When Tong Dafu first arrived, he followed the security team for a few days. After getting familiar with it, he began to bring a group of disabled people to work. The most simple and easy job, with no technical content.

Then gradually, I started to learn some technologies.

Tong Dafu thought for a while: "I did it a few times when I was at home. He didn't have anyone else to play with, so he just thought about making these things when he had nothing to do. The treatment you gave me, boss, is good. He can bring so much money to the family, and the family is happy. He is also very happy and feels that he is no longer useless, so he especially likes to play with these things..."

Yan Changqing chuckled: "The koji he makes is the best among all the people in the factory. It is infinitely close to the koji our factory sends to the branch factory."


This time it was Lao Huang and a group of people in charge of production who were dumbfounded. Lao Huang couldn't help but said in surprise: "Dahan? Is that... the big guy with a little problem? The one who follows Dafu?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "We've been talking for a long time, and you're just asking now?"

"No!" Lao Huang was so surprised that he stuttered when he spoke. "Well, do you think his distiller's yeast is the best made by our factory besides yours? Can he send it to the branch factory?"

"There's still a little difference." Yan Changqing shook his head. "I want to try and see if I can bring him out after taking him for a few days. If he can do it, he can already do part of the work for me even now!"

Tong Dafu was also dumbfounded: "Really? Dahan?"

Yan Changqing sighed: "I didn't expect it to be him. He doesn't understand the ways of the world, but probably because of this, he has no distracting thoughts and can concentrate more!"

Tong Dafu couldn't help but ask: "Then in the future..."

"You call him over later and let him learn from me for a while. I'll see if I can improve his level a little bit." Yan Changqing thought for a while and said. "Even if I can't mention it, he will be my professional technician from now on. His future salary and benefits... I'll take a look at it later and double it several times. After all, it can save me a lot of time and give me more..."

Lao Huang nodded: "That's right. If he can be cultivated, no amount of money will be too much for him."

The boss is busy traveling all over the world. If there is such a senior technician in the factory, apart from other things, Lao Wan in the lowest family will not be anxious in the future, and the bosses of several branch factories will not have to worry about Mr. Yan being too busy to care. Got involved in their "small business"...

Tong Dafu opened his mouth beside him and didn't know what to say.

His eyes were even a little red, and he whispered after a long time: "Oh, this... Dahan will be really lucky in the future. Let him save some money later and find him an honest wife to take care of him... Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to take care of him all the time..."

Thinking about it, it has been a few years since Dahan entered the factory. He is almost thirty years old. Unfortunately, he has only grown in age, not in IQ. He is still before the age of ten.

People have feelings. Dafu and Dahan are from the same village. They have known each other since they were young. Later, because he took better care of Dahan, the child especially trusted him. Until now...

Tong Dafu is also worried that he will become more and more busy with work and family in the future and will not be able to take care of him...

Yan Changqing heard Tong Dafu's mutterings, but he couldn't care about these things. Anyway, Tong Dafu's affairs were quite stable now, so he could do whatever he wanted.

Now Yan Changqing only cares about one thing: "Don't think too much. Go call Tiger over and explain to him clearly. You have to listen to me..."

That was a child of ten years and two hundred months, weighing a hundred pounds and several dozen pounds. He only listened to Tong Dafu. Although Mr. Yan was omnipotent, he was afraid that the guy would not be willing to do a good job.

Tong Dafu nodded and said: "Apart from me, he will definitely listen to you the most. I usually tell him that he can only work and make money because of you, boss. He himself often mentions you, and even says that he wants you during the New Year and holidays. I came to see you, but I thought you were busy..."

Yan Changqing suspected that he was flattering him, but he was happy now. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's make a note of it later and give Dafu a salary increase."


Next, Yan Changqing took the silly big disciple and became a master master seriously, and he didn't even bother to go back home.

What Yan Changqing said is absolutely correct. He is just a big kid. He looks like an adult, but in fact he is not mentally strong enough.

If it's not enough, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand some things.

In the past, he was laughed at in the village. He only trusted Tong Dafu if he was kind to him, which proved that he was not really stupid and didn't understand anything.

Now he knows that besides Tong Dafu, there is also a boss who treats him well - letting him work and paying him.

So he was still very obedient. Yan Changqing had taken the naughty children to play before. In fact, Dahan was more sensible than other naughty children. I guess he knew a little about it himself. Tong Dafu also warned him that in short, he worked hard and never complained. Be very serious about everything you do.

Also worry free.

However, it is not easy to make the perfect wine koji, which is equivalent to his level 1 skill.

After using it for several days, there was still some progress, but not enough.

The stupid man was feeling psychological pressure: "Boss, Brother Dafu said you're busy. If you're busy, just go and get busy. Can I practice by myself first? You're looking at me here, I'm a little nervous..."

Yan Changqing laughed: "Okay, then you can practice by yourself! But don't worry, it's fine now. You are the best in the factory now. Practice slowly. I'm not in a hurry, and you can't be in a hurry either. You know ?"

"Yeah!" Being praised as the best, the silly guy grinned. "Boss, I will definitely practice seriously."

"Come on!" Yan Changqing encouraged again. "When you're done, your salary will be increased."



Yan Changqing really has other things going on.

It was still a very important matter. Huang Peishan reported the problem of Goncharov, saying that this guy was determined to train the security personnel to meet his requirements. He had been busy with the auction, and there was another surprise when he came to the factory. There was no Go and see.

If you have time now, go and have a look.

The result came at the right time. When I arrived, I heard Goncharov mobilizing: "... Actual combat is the most important part. This time, what we go out to face are murderers with no humanity. I don't ask you to No matter how good you are, you must at least ensure your own safety..."

"Wait!" Yan Changqing quickly called him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take them to a real fight." Goncharov grinned. "These boys are all good boys. I don't need to say more about discipline. What they lack now is a murderous spirit..."

"We are winery security personnel!" Yan Changqing was helpless. "Murderous intent...what are you going to do? What kind of murderer?"

"There have been several disappearances in the wilderness near us recently," Goncharov explained. "I saw it in the newspaper. Now the local government is reminding everyone to pay attention. They are also arresting people. But you also know that this place is vast and sparsely populated, especially further north, there are even fewer people..."

"So you plan to take my people to actual combat?" Yan Changqing asked. "Only a month's salary is enough to protect the family's property. Are you going to risk your life?"

To use a phrase he was familiar with, it was just a few hundred dollars a month. What a waste of money!

Of course, the security personnel of the winery who followed them abroad would not be paid that much, but catching murderers and so on are things other than work!

As a result, before Yan Changqing finished speaking, he saw Goncharov looking at him with a half-smile, and then motioned to a group of people over there.

Yan Changqing took a look, what a guy, a group of people were almost excited to try it out on their faces!

Goncharov also explained with a smile: "The place where several cases occurred is not far from our place. I think the boys are willing to go, at least the ones in front of you are willing to go."

Yan Changqing thought for a while, and it seemed that there was a murderer nearby, which was indeed a hidden danger.

The key is that a perverted serial murderer like this is running around everywhere. If he is not caught, it is not impossible for him to escape to his own territory.

After thinking about it, he could only say: "Then take all the planes and search in the air as much as possible..."

This time it was Goncharov who objected: "I want to take them into actual combat, but if there are so many of them and they all need to fly on the plane, is there any point in training?"

"This is the first time, safety comes first!" Yan Changqing was very determined this time.

He didn't want something to happen to the people he brought out because of this incident.

Goncharov was helpless: "Okay! I think the local government must be very happy. Which rich man would be like you and send out more than a dozen helicopters to catch a criminal..."

Seeing his agreement, Yan Changqing chuckled: "Anyway, aerial search is also training, it's the same..."

(End of this chapter)

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