Chapter 382 Let’s have a baby

Wang Songfeng stayed with Xu Yibo for less than two hours and expressed emotion: Not only do men tend to become greasy after marriage, they also tend to become horny...

Because in the past, Mr. Xu would never make jokes about familiar women. At most, he would make fun of unrelated people, such as certain celebrities.

But Mr. Wang understands very well: "Have you been in the mining area for a while, have you rested your energy? You are energetic again!"

When Xu Yibo heard this, he became dissatisfied: "What do you mean by taking a break? That's my job. How could I not be so energetic..."

Wang Songfeng pointed to the phone: "Then you call your wife first and tell her that she has come out of the mining area. She also called me to ask about you and wants to come over and see you while you have time!"

Xu Yibo chuckled: "I'll ask Mr. Yan where he is first. My wife came here before I even asked her to come. Why are you so anxious?"

Wang Songfeng also chuckled: "Anyway, my wife is here. She came with some of her friends. She has been traveling to Sydney for the past two days and will be back soon."

Xu Yibo concentrated on the phone and stopped answering his call.

Mr. Xiao Wang thought for a while, stopped laughing, and seriously suggested: "How about you go to Mr. Yan and ask him to get you some Chinese medicine to treat you. He really has a lot of tricks up his sleeve..."

"I wasn't feeling well in the past, but it wasn't as serious as you thought." Xu Yibo shook his head. "If there is really a problem, how can I be afraid that Mr. Yan will know something!"

"It's really okay?" Wang Songfeng didn't believe it. "Then I feel that you have been avoiding Li Qian since then. We have just been married for less than a year! When you got here, you went into the mining area and didn't make any calls for so long. Is it appropriate?"

"I'm not hiding either..." Xu Yibo said it normally and sighed. "Forget it, I'd better talk to Mr. Yan, I can't talk to you."

Wang Songfeng thought it would work: "If you really have something to say, just say it. To be honest, now that we are here, we can talk about it together. Don't say anything if you have any questions!"

Xu Yibo pretended to be angry: "I told you that there is nothing wrong with me..."

"Okay, okay, you can make a call!" Mr. Wang said nothing.


Goncharov's well-designed drill was completely messed up by Mr. Yan. He originally wanted to let the good guys in his mouth see blood, but the result was good. A group of people were on the plane the whole time, and they didn't even get off the ground.

However, Mr. Yan is the boss, and he has nothing to do. It is said that he has started making plans again, preparing for training and so on.

Yan Changqing doesn't care about this. He will have to endure some hardships at most for training. Anyway, there is no shortage of funds. If the logistics work is done well, he will have nothing to worry about. There are not many doctors in his hospital, so he has prepared all kinds of medicines first, especially It is a detoxifier for snake venom. It has everything you need. It is very complete.

There are quite a lot of snakes here in Australia, and many of them are highly venomous.

There are no venomous snakes near Dayanzhuang, so there are many people who are not afraid of snakes. Now that the environment has changed, Yan Changqing is afraid that these guys will be bitten... But his worries are in vain. People are still quite conscious. This has not happened so far. Accident.

But to nip it in the bud, you must be prepared with antidote to snake venom.

In addition, other logistical support, not to mention being foolproof, at least those that can be purchased with money, are basically in place.

So Yan Changqing just let Goncharov mess around. Anyway, none of the security personnel had come to tell him that the training was too hard and tiring.

In this case, he didn't care. Now he was a little careless because the spring water ran over and he had to catch it.


Quan Shui's new album is quite popular, especially since he changed his style and included a jumping song, which became an instant hit.

Then Quan Shui became busy again and participated in several singing performances. Every time he was jumping up and down, his popularity became more and more popular.

Yan Changqing knew all this news very well. He originally thought that Quan Shui would continue to increase his popularity and participate in more activities, but he didn't expect that she called and asked, and then ran over.

Yan Changqing's eyes lit up when he saw someone at the airport.

After not seeing each other for a while, he felt that Quan Shui's figure had become a little hotter. He thought that he would be tired and thin when he was busy, but he didn't expect that he looked a little bigger now.

Of course, now that she's wearing a very loose knitted sweater, it doesn't look so obvious.

When we arrived at the villa on the top of the mountain, we were sure it was really big. Because Quan Shui said that flying is very tiring and I need to take a shower.

Yan Changqing said enthusiastically that he could be a bather, but the bath took a little longer.

It wasn't until the phone in the villa rang several times that Yan Changqing took the person out.


Huang Peishan called and said that Mr. Xu had returned and asked if he had time.

Yan Changqing thought for a while, this time is really necessary.

The mine belongs to him, but he handed over the mining to Mr. Xu. Although he was given some shares, Mr. Xu had never worked so hard before. Now that he is back, it would be inappropriate for him not to see him.

But don't worry, you can go tomorrow.

I went to the kitchen to cook and worked for a long time. By the time I was ready, Quan Shui had already regained his energy.

However, Yan Changqing always felt that her visit this time was a little different from before.

For example, right now, she is wearing a white loose mesh sweater, the kind that looks like it's covering up but actually doesn't cover anything. It's a bit short, completely revealing her pretty waist.

Then she paired it with a pair of very simple black trousers. It was just these two pieces of clothing. It was really simple. It was completely different from her previous style. It seemed that Mr. Yan took a lot longer to eat this meal than before.

It wasn't until after eating that the two of them had time to chat.

Yan Changqing said it when he had something to say: "Why do you feel that your visit is a little different this time?"

"Yeah!" Quan Shui whispered. "I don't know what's wrong, but I miss you a lot anyway. What's wrong, don't you like it?"

"Of course I like it." Yan Changqing was very happy. "I miss you too! It's just that I'm too busy right now. Construction is going on everywhere, so I can't leave..."

"It's okay." Quan Shui drew circles on him with her fingers. "It's good that I know you're here. I feel safe thinking about you."

Yan Changqing felt quite happy. In the past, Quan Shui was quite reserved. It seemed that a breakup was better than a new marriage.

That's not all, Quan Shui suddenly said: "I want a child. If I don't want a child, I will be too old. I won't trouble you. I can take it by myself in the future, as long as you can come over and see me occasionally." …”

Yan Changqing paused for a moment. He didn't know what happened to the spring during this time. He suddenly mentioned this, but he must be very happy: "That's great, then come again..."


Wang Songfeng and Xu Yibo arrived at almost noon the next day.

The two of them were stunned as soon as they entered the door. Xu Yibo opened his mouth: "Sakai Spring Water?"

Quan Shui smiled slightly: "It's me, hello...well, my Chinese is not very good, I'm sorry."

Yan Changqing translated the second half of the sentence, because Quan Shui could say his name and several common words for greeting. Xu Yibo became happy at that time: "Mr. Yan, you have been secretive all day long. I told Xiaofeng yesterday that her new album has songs written by you. You two must have some relationship..."

Yan Changqing smiled: "She's my girlfriend, what's wrong? You two are married, why don't I find a girlfriend?"

"No, no." Xu Yibo laughed. "I just didn't expect it to be her."

Yan Changqing didn't give him a chance to talk more about this: "Has everything been straightened out in your mining area? Not to mention, after exercising there for a while, I feel that you are much stronger now! If nothing else, just focus on this It’s worth it!”

"I also feel that my health has improved a lot recently." Xu Yibo made a move, trying to show some muscles in his arms, but he had no muscles to begin with, and even if he had grown during this period, it was blocked by his clothes. Anyway, he I'm still far from the point where I can wear clothes and make people see something when I work hard.

Yan Changqing stretched out his hand to invite the two of them to sit down. Quan Shui had already prepared tea consciously, and then found an excuse to enter the room, leaving space for the three of them to chat.

Xu Yibo was very envious: "Hey, women from island countries are virtuous, right?"

Yan Changqing made a proud gesture: "That's because I have good vision."

Wang Songfeng nodded and interrupted what Xu Yibo wanted to say next: "It's really good. I heard that this singer is usually very low-key. I didn't expect that you would bring him back."

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's okay!"

"How did we meet?" Xu Yibo couldn't hold back. "You don't always go to the island country for a long time! Why did you kidnap her here?"

"We got to know each other while chatting." Yan Changqing said casually. "What's going on over there? Why did you stay in the mining area for so long? What's the matter?"

"It's nothing..." Xu Yibo hesitated for a moment, and seeing Wang Songfeng smiling beside him, he simply said it. "I have a little problem, I'm pretty normal, but with my wife, I always feel like she..."

Anyway, it’s just a matter of some newlyweds not cooperating well.

After Yan Changqing listened to a few words, he roughly understood.

Mr. Xu's wife is much younger than him and has just graduated from college.

And I have actually practiced sports, and my body is in great shape.

The main person is still a bit slow-tempered. Mr. Xu could handle it just after getting married. However, as time went by, he gradually became a little bit too much.

As we all know, if a man has confidence in a certain aspect, he will always have confidence. If he loses confidence, he will really lose confidence...

After hearing this, Yan Changqing smiled and said: "It's just such a trivial matter, are you feeling depressed? This is simply..."

Medication and conditioning are only the most basic. Yan Changqing feels that Xiao Xu is always a little concerned and confused, because it is not that he has never dated girlfriends before, but most of the ones he met at that time were people who wanted to please him, and he was the main one. .

Therefore, in addition to medicine, a group of teachers represented by Ai Iijima were also recommended to him, so that he could study hard with him.

After talking about personal matters, the three of them started talking about other things.

For example, mines, grape plantations, and some future development plans, etc.


However, President Xiao and Mr. Xu didn't want to disturb them. They only stayed for one day and then left.

After Yan Changqing was busy with his work, he waited for Quan Shui to come back to his senses after a long rest, and then he remembered to ask Quan Shui: "Why do you suddenly want a child?"

"The new album came out very smoothly." Quan Shui said slowly. "Then I started to participate in some singing performances, earthquake relief activities, etc. My life was very busy, but after the work was over, I felt that I was alone and missed you..."

Yan Changqing understood somewhat: "It's my fault. I'm too busy and don't have much time to spend with you."

"It's me who should be sorry. I don't want to lose my current career." Quan Shui said apologetically. In the island country, many women have become full-time housewives through hard work. She doesn't want to give up, so naturally she can't ask others to do anything. how.

Yan Changqing shook his head: "There's nothing we can do about it, but it's very convenient now. You can fly back and forth at any time. It doesn't really matter. If you don't want to go back, I'll buy a mobile phone so that we can talk often."

Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular. If he still insists on not carrying one now, it is not a personality, but a quirk.

Quan Shui nodded happily, and then asked in a low voice: "Would that make you feel troublesome?"

"It's okay." Yan Changqing smiled. "When I don't have it, I don't think about it. Once I use it, I get used to it. I will buy a Nokia later."

"Why Nokia?" Quan Shui asked curiously.

"Probably because of nostalgia!" Yan Changqing couldn't help laughing. "I heard their quality is better."

In his previous life, Yan Changqing owned his first mobile phone, which was a Nokia model 7110.

At that time, he was reluctant to buy a new one, so he bought a second-hand mobile phone from a co-worker.

Stinginess is one reason, and another reason is that even if everyone had mobile phones at that time, they were not very useful. They usually only sent text messages and so on. If they really wanted to call home, they would buy special long-distance calling cards and use them in public Go up and make a call.

Because the wages of the workers at that time were obviously not enough for them to talk on the phone with their mobile phones.

The Nokia 7110 was only launched last year and is now quite popular.

Quan Shui didn't understand what nostalgia was, but she didn't want to think too much about it now: "As long as you don't feel restricted. You can use any mobile phone you want... mobile phones will be updated very quickly, right?"

"It must be very fast." Yan Changqing thought for a while. "Now I can only make phone calls. Maybe in the future, with the development of technology, I can watch movies on my mobile phone!"




In the following days, Yan Changqing took the time to visit home.

Now the family lives quite comfortably in the living area. The old man and the old lady go out for a walk every day and find people to chat with.

It's much more comfortable here than at home. It's not that the two of them have a quiet temperament, but the house is full of people now. If you take a walk by the river, you will encounter a large group of people saying hello, so you can't be quiet.

Don't worry about that here. If you go a little further, you won't see anyone except a few young men who act as bodyguards.

Yan Dahai and his wife can't sit still. Now that their son doesn't have time to come over, they simply plan to go on a trip.

Even though you are here, go and have a look elsewhere.

Yan Changqing simply asked Huang Peishan to be the guide and told her to find someone else to come if she was unavailable. Then she asked Goncharov to arrange for a few well-trained young men to follow, and then let them set off with confidence.

Then he will continue to come back to accompany Quanshui. As for not taking her to meet her parents, that step has not yet been reached.

Let’s wait until the child comes out!

(End of this chapter)

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