Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 383 Everything can be exchanged for wine

Chapter 383 Everything can be exchanged for wine

After a light rain, Huang Peishan was walking in an alley full of exotic street art in Melbourne. She stepped on the wet green brick path under her feet and looked at the two people walking in front of her. She felt that this kind of life was actually not bad. .

After Yan Dahai and his wife came out, they realized that money really didn't count. They didn't care about anything at first, they just followed Huang Peishan around and looked around. But they accidentally discovered that they spent a lot of money on food, accommodation and housing when they were in love.

For two people who don't go out much, it feels a little distressing while playing.

Then Huang Peishan simply took them around for a walk, trying not to spend any money.

In fact, you can travel without spending money. Just don’t go to some well-known scenic spots. If you only want to see exotic customs, just visit various cities.

Such days are quite leisurely, and even Huang Peishan feels that the pace of her life has slowed down.

Unfortunately the phone still rang.

It was still a call from the boss, so I had to answer it. The key to answering it was work: "Peishan, Zhang Xiaoli has chosen the address of the milk powder factory. Go check it out when you have time."

"Okay!" Although she agreed simply, in fact, Huang Peishan was a little reluctant.

I just enjoyed a few days of leisure time, and now I have to work again!

Man, it's so easy to become lazy.

With a sigh, Huang Peishan could only say goodbye to Li Xiuni and his wife, and asked someone else to be their guide and let them continue walking - mainly because of the language barrier and no one to follow them, the two couldn't even find their way back.


When Zhang Xiaoli arrived in Australia, she finally realized again that when her boss said she didn't care... it really meant she didn't care.

When we got here, how to set up a factory, where to set it up, how to start... The boss didn't say a word, and he just let her think about it.

So she first learned about the territory her boss currently owned, and then started wandering around here.

Since you let her do it, then do it according to her ideas.

She first became familiar with the local situation, and then began to investigate the local milk powder industry, followed by various issues such as the source of milk from the pasture.

I felt that I was extremely busy, but in the end I took down a large volume of notes, but the factory was still being conceived, and nothing had been implemented at all.

But she is not in a hurry, and neither is the boss. Why is she anxious? Anyway, she has seen that the boss probably cannot believe the current situation of the milk powder industry, and plans to build a factory of his own. In the future, the boss will have a small boss, just for his own use. of.

Then determine the factory location.

This point must be considered comprehensively, firstly considering reality, and secondly considering the boss’s wishes.

The milk powder factory must not be too far away from the boss's territory, but it cannot be too close to the city, especially if it is far away from industrialized areas, which are prone to pollution.

It’s also simple, there are few people here, and it’s easy to find a place with beautiful scenery but decent traffic.

After everything is ready, let’s ask the boss to come over and take a look first.

In the end, it was Mr. Huang who came, but Zhang Xiaoli was not surprised. She was under Zhou Jialing's management. Now that Zhou Jialing was not here, she could go to the boss directly, but it was a bit inappropriate for her to directly trouble Mr. Huang.


Huang Peishan just looked around and nodded: "It's a good place. Xiaoli's taste is good. What are you going to do next?"

Zhang Xiaoli nodded confidently: "I have hired professionals, both domestic and foreign, to consider comprehensively and plan to build a modern milk powder factory to ensure that the quality of the milk powder produced is suitable for our domestic children, so that the boss will have no worries in the future. "

Huang Peishan thought for a moment, shook her head and sighed.

Zhang Xiaoli lost confidence at that time: "Sister Shan Shan, what's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Huang Peishan sighed again: "Do you still plan to produce milk powder for the boss's future children? It is useless for domestic children. Do you know that he will definitely go back to find us the boss's wife in the future?"

Now I have found several bosses, but none of them are from China!

Wanting to create milk powder suitable for the boss's children, I have to say that there was a loophole in your plan from the beginning, a big loophole...

Zhang Xiaoli had no choice. She was originally full of confidence, but when she was reminded, she also thought, yes, if the boss finds a foreign landlady to come back, she will still be a mixed race in the future... The key is not to know which country's blood is mixed?

Huang Peishan smiled: "Just make good milk powder. Why do you think so much? Just ensure the quality. The boss won't be able to say anything in the future. You don't need to think about pleasing the boss or go out of your way to cater to the boss's ideas. Just do things well."

"Yeah!" Zhang Xiaoli nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, have you bought all the surrounding land?" Huang Peishan asked again.

"Buy it!" Zhang Xiaoli nodded. "The boss likes to buy land, so of course I will buy it."

"That's fine, buy more." Huang Peishan thought for a while. "There's nothing else, just do what you want."

"Then can I buy more pastures for raising cows in the surrounding area?" Zhang Xiaoli asked carefully. "What the boss means is that we'd better take the milk source into our own hands. I see that there aren't many people who specialize in raising dairy cows in the pasture we bought..."

The boss's territory is in the northeastern part of the continent. The place she chose is closer to the southeast, because the southeast is an area where more dairy cows are raised. There is nothing she can do about it. No matter how much the cost is ignored in setting up the factory, she cannot directly put it into operation. The factory is built too far away from the milk source, artificially increasing transportation costs.

Huang Peishan nodded: "Buy whatever you want, as long as you don't lose money."

Zhang Xiaoli immediately knew what to do: "Then I understand. Thank you, Sister Shanshan."

"You're welcome." Huang Peishan waved her hand. "By the way, have you encountered any difficulties so far?"

"No, no, I can handle it." Zhang Xiaoli didn't want people to think she was incompetent. After coming out of Shangougou, what she feared most was the disapproval of others.

"That's fine. If you encounter trouble, don't think about it. Just call me. The boss will probably not care about you for a while. Even if you call him directly, he will still boss me around." Huang Peishan sighed, the boss Sure enough, he is still a young man. As soon as the singer from that island country came, he couldn't take care of us, our conscientious subordinates.

Zhang Xiaoli could hear that there was something behind her words, but she didn't know the reason, and she knew she shouldn't ask. She just nodded: "Okay..."

Just when she was about to say more, she heard the phone ringing in Huang Peishan's bag.

Then he looked at Huang Peishan and sighed, muttering: "You know, when you are free, you will always be free. As soon as you do some work, you will become busier and busier..."

The moment she answered the phone, her face became serious and formal: "Hello..."

When he opened his mouth, he spoke a string of foreign languages, which was much more standard than Zhang Xiaoli's own, which made her extremely envious. …

In fact, Huang Peishan was not in such a bad mood. She felt that Zhang Xiaoli, a little girl, was okay, at least a little bit like Zhou Jialing. She shouldn't have to worry too much about the milk powder factory in the future.

But this call really left her speechless.

"What, you can deliver the goods in advance, and you want to consider exchanging wine? What about the price? The auction price is definitely not good... What, according to the average price..."

"I can't make the decision on this. As you know, Mr. Wilson, wine can only be made by the boss himself. I'm just a little assistant..."

"You want to buy the boss's music to use as a promotional song? This is fine, I can make the decision..."

Zhang Xiaoli listened intermittently, but she was still a little envious. This sister Shanshan felt more powerful than sister Jialing!

After a long time, Huang Peishan hung up the phone, and her formal expression turned into helpless: "Boeing Company, they said they would send a lot of extra items and deliver the goods in advance, but they wanted to replace the balance payment with wine. Really? ...What kind of age is this, and they still engage in bartering for goods..."

Zhang Xiaoli thought it was okay. She came from a ravine. She had no money when she was a child, so her family often sold things from the mountains, and the merchants who came to their place were willing to exchange goods for goods.

However, she didn't dare to say it directly, so she only dared to suggest carefully: "Actually, you can also consider it. In the past, most of the things we needed were exchanged for our local specialties. The boss's wine is quite popular now, sister, you still have With most of the sales rights in your hands, you can completely exchange these for the resources your boss wants..."

They are all her own, and she is now considered a management member. Of course, she also enjoys the benefits of the boss's private brewing. Moreover, she has just started to enjoy the benefits, and she is still immersed in the surprise of the effects of the wine...

So she thinks this is a big killer. If the boss wants to buy land, then just change it!

As far as the effects of wine are concerned, no one has this need.

Huang Peishan did not object, but was seriously considering this issue.

After a long time, she suddenly muttered: "The Peach Blossom Fairy plants peach trees and picks peach flowers to exchange for wine money... Xiaoli, you have a good idea. I also thought of a TV entertainment program like this..."

Zhang Xiaoli was dumbfounded. She couldn’t understand any TV entertainment program!

However, she does know that Huang Peishan is currently engaged in a music talent show. This event lasts for a long time. As singers are selected layer by layer, the level of the singers is getting higher and higher, and the ratings of the TV station are gradually rising.


Huang Peishan did it as soon as she thought of it. On her way back, she called her boss and reported what she saw.

Then when I got to the company, I called a meeting with Reilly and other people: "In order to further increase the ratings of our TV station, I have an idea for a TV show, which is to take to the streets, use no money, and exchange alcohol for everything I need. , what do you think?"

"The initial idea is to let two people drive a car to pick up our wine, and then go to a random city. We will not spend any money on the next food, clothing, housing and transportation. We will only exchange wine for it. See how many people are willing."

"You can consider using two well-known celebrities for the sake of the show's effect! Of course, the wine does not need to be particularly good, and there can be more types. Vodka, wine, white wine, sake can all be used..."

The main focus is on home-produced wines, and they also advertise their own wines.

You must choose someone who is eye-catching, someone who will make people want to watch, someone who has good looks and a talent for comedy.

Huang Peishan didn't talk much. This meeting was just to assign tasks, express her thoughts, and let others improve the rest.

This is not the main thing. Since there is a meeting, there are many things to deal with, and we can't just talk about such a trivial matter - the TV station is only a very small part of the company's industry, so we can't waste her precious time.


After the meeting, Huang Peishan had to go to see the Boeing representative who came from North America, the same Wilson who called her.

Wilson is a very attractive young man. His blond hair is meticulously combed, his nose is high and his eyes are deep. He is dressed in a decent suit. It is easy to make people like him when he stands there.

In fact, Boeing Company attaches great importance to Assistant Huang. Regarding the change of wine, the decision was made at a meeting with the upper management of the company.

Mr. Yan’s wine is very popular now, and some people have realized the benefits. However, the scope of the last auction was very small... In fact, no matter how much the auction is held, it is impossible to satisfy everyone, even if Yan Changqing works in the winery every day. Nope either.

Boeing is an old company, and many of its shareholders are almost antiques. The elderly are particularly in need of things that can take care of their bodies.

So after discussing it, we happened to have an order for an airplane right now. This opportunity is quite rare. We usually don’t have many opportunities to interact with that young genius from the East. It’s good now. Why don’t we discuss it, let’s express our goodwill, and then How about giving everyone some drinks instead?

It sounds a bit outrageous, but this proposal was unanimously approved without any trouble.

Who knows how long it will take to wait for the auction. The most they can buy now is vodka on the market.

Sake is mainly sold to island countries, and not much can be exported, let alone liquor...

In fact, what can be bought with money in the market is not a problem for rich people.

The problem is, people are not easily satisfied.

Some things are like this. People who can't buy them just think they can buy them, but people who can buy them think, can they buy something better?

So the company sent Wilson out.

From image and temperament to eloquence, all aspects were taken into consideration... In order to convince Assistant Huang, as we all know, she is a woman.

When dealing with men, you have to use the honey trap, and when dealing with women, you have to use the beauty trap.

It's a pity that these people couldn't have imagined that... all of this was paid by mistake after all.

Although Wilson was personable and well-spoken, he could go to Haolaiwu to play the lead role in an idol drama or something, and there was nothing wrong with him... But Assistant Huang was completely indifferent to all of this.

After all, not many people know that she prefers to look at beautiful women!

Assistant Huang watched Wilson talk and became a little impatient after listening for a long time: "I said I really can't make the decision. You don't need to send anything else. We already have one plane and another one." It’s not that urgent.”

"Of course, in terms of willingness, I am willing to have a good relationship with your company. Because everyone knows that our boss actually likes flying, and he will definitely buy an airplane next."

"But there's really no need to talk about this matter. I can't make the decision for my boss, just like you, Mr. Wilson, can't make the decision for the shareholders of the company, right?"

Wilson instantly doubted his eloquence and charm.

Then I thought about it for a long time: "Well... our company actually has many other resources. Can you think about it again?"

The main reason is that there are too many people at the top who care about this matter. If he comes to do this and returns empty-handed, he may have a bleak future. He can only ask Assistant Huang to show mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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