Chapter 385 Bank

Just as Huang Peishan thought, she reported the negotiated terms to her boss, and the boss agreed directly without even thinking about it. Anyway, it would be fine if she could bring the new plane home early. As for the fact that she needed a batch of wine similar to the auction, that was also true. He gave it to her without saying a word.

It just so happens that the new liquor factory has brewed a batch of wine, but I haven’t figured out how to sell it yet!

Huang Peishan did things quite neatly, and quickly handed the wine to Wilson, and then began to enjoy the company's new aircraft happily - according to the plan, except for the scheduled flight from home to here, these two aircraft would be flown at other times. Any passenger plane can be used as a private jet.

Considering that her boss was not thinking about his studies recently, she immediately planned to take a flight on her own plane to experience it.

But before she could decide where to go, Wilson left and returned: "Ms. Huang, our company actually has some other investments. Since your company plans to develop here, I think diversified development is Inevitable, such as some related to people's livelihood, and some network technology..."

Look, this is the difference between others speaking and speaking yourself. If you take the initiative, others agree and you can't even say that you still feel that you owe others a favor.

But now that Wilson has spoken and reached a deal, he will now take the initiative to consider it for his company!

And when it comes to network technology, Wilson is still a little unnatural - it's in a bubble right now, and the equity he bought at a huge price in the past is no longer worth three walnuts or two dates.

I am indeed a business wizard!

Huang Peishan secretly praised herself and straightened her face: "Thank you for reminding me, but we have always considered this aspect. Why don't you first take a look at the resources you can provide."

As for what to do with reading the information, there is no need for the two of you to talk nonsense!


Wilson was able to offer the mine in exchange. Of course, it was not the sales manager who made the decision. He first asked for permission from his superiors and then came to negotiate.

Now the transaction is going smoothly and both parties are very satisfied. Just as he thought, the people at the top of the company behind him couldn't sit still and urged him. The company has other resources, especially those in Australia, which are all yours to deploy. Come on. Come on, boy!

Wilson gained huge power at once. Before the Internet bubble, the company also made a fortune by leveraging the hot technology stocks at the time. The top management was ambitiously preparing to expand its ambitions. As a result, the bubble burst slightly, like a blow to the head. Now the top management just wants to Focus on building airplanes.

Therefore, those other resources and many related plans have been abandoned by the company. The Internet bubble is not only affected by technology stocks. In fact, it is an economic crisis now. Of course, the company must shrink its finances.

Huang Peishan picked and rummaged through a large pile of information, just like a garbage man scrounging for rubbish in a garbage dump. She picked out some technology stocks, some real estate, etc., and then told Wilson: "That's it." Well, let me go back and report to the boss first..."


In the large bedroom on the second floor of the seaside villa, looking at the sun rising from the sea through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Yan Changqing sighed leisurely: "The sunrise is so beautiful!"

He looked at the tired spring, stretched out his hand and gently wiped the sweat on her head: "Take a rest! There are two days left for the Red and White Song Festival, don't worry, we still have time..."

Quan Shui's eyes were still confused, and he didn't know if he heard it, but he just nodded subconsciously.

Another year is coming to an end, and the island country's annual large-scale New Year's Eve event, the Red and White Song Festival, is about to begin. Quan Shui is naturally invited, so the two of them have to part ways.

As the parting approached, Quan Shui seemed a little anxious.

She really wanted a child, but for so many days, the fire between the two of them had burned the villa, but there was still no movement in her stomach.

Yan Changqing felt that it should be his own problem, and he was a little anxious in his heart - logically, his body has evolved, and his ability in this area has been enhanced, so his basic inheritance ability should also be enhanced. Why is it that he can't get out of it after tossing it every day? Here comes the baby!

But it can't be shown on the surface. He has to comfort Quan Shui, otherwise this woman will be a little crazy now, and she will faint every time she tosses and continues...


Get up, exercise, cook.

After working for a while, I waited until the spring water came out of the bathroom, just in time for breakfast.

The world between the two of them is quite comfortable. They talk about music, talk about some of their own things, and enjoy the scenery. The comfortable days make both of them a little reluctant to face a lot of things in reality.

So Huang Peishan called again and began to ask the boss for instructions: "...I think it is necessary to develop diversification. Our main business is brewing, but other industries cannot be left behind."

"Now that we already have an Internet company, we will acquire some related ones to form a group..."

"There are also some things about medical care and people's livelihood..."

"as well as……"

Yan Changqing listened but didn't listen.

After all, employees work hard to report to me, so I can't look impatient.

So he persisted until he finished listening, and he complimented casually: "Well, you are very thoughtful, just do what you want. If you have any difficulties, report them in time, and we will discuss them again. The Chinese New Year is almost here, I will wait for a few days Now that I'm free, I'll prepare you some Chinese medicine facial mask or something to help you beautify your face..."

Huang Peishan was greatly encouraged: "Boss, wait for my good news...Um, did you make the Chinese medicine mask yourself?"

Yan Changqing was very sure: "I'll study it in two days. That thing is not difficult."

Huang Peishan was a little excited: "Thank you, boss, I'm going to work. By the way, boss, Jia Ling hasn't been particularly busy in China recently, so let her come here to help!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Then just inform her."

Huang Peishan immediately went to work with great enthusiasm. She was afraid that she would not be able to do it alone, so she called Zhou Jialing to help.


In fact, the company under Yan Changqing's name has diversified and developed.

There are online instant chat tools, TV stations, newspapers and magazines, farms, ranches, mining, and liquor wineries.

Now Huang Peishan, with a large number of backbones of the company, focuses her attention here.

But Huang Peishan was ambitious. She called Zhou Jialing over. She had just gotten off the plane and before she could take a breath, she asked: "When the boss is at home, relying on his market, you can create logistics, distribution and online sales. Do you know?" Is it clear?"

Zhou Jialing thought for a moment and understood: "Do you want to replicate that company model here?"

Huang Peishan nodded: "I have this idea, do you think it's okay?"

Zhou Jialing recalled: "You know how the boss started his business. They first opened up logistics points and mastered the source of goods and logistics channels before launching online shopping. The foundation has been laid. If we do it here, everything will It’s all from scratch…”

"The boss didn't have much money at that time!" Huang Peishan was confident. "Now we have too much capital. My plan is to open a bank first and make a large number of acquisitions, such as factory logistics companies, etc."

When she was traveling with Yan Dahai and his wife, she looked everywhere. It was true that Australia was a vast country with few people, but most of the people were actually concentrated in big cities. If you did not consider the door-to-door delivery of online shopping outside the cities, it was relatively simple. of.

As for areas outside the city, there is really nothing we can do for the time being. If she tells her boss, he will tell her that even if online shopping has become popular in twenty years, many products still say that there is no free shipping in certain areas!

So now she has made a series of plans, and asked Zhou Jialing to come here to help her check for omissions and fill in the gaps. After the plan is perfected, she can ask the boss to review it.

The main reason is that her boss doesn't have time right now. She occasionally reports on work a few times now and feels guilty for disturbing her boss.


Yan Changqing is indeed very busy. He takes time to make traditional Chinese medicine facial masks.

Because he saw that Quan Shui was taking time out to apply a facial mask, he was busy and remembered that he also had medical skills. It was not difficult for him to make a traditional Chinese medicine mask, so he did it as soon as he thought of it.

But after finishing the facial mask, it’s time for the spring water to leave.

Yan Changqing originally wanted to take her back on her own plane, but she felt it was too ostentatious. For the time being, both of them tacitly did not mention making their affairs public, so she was seen flying from the private plane. If it goes on, it will easily become news.

Although she arrived in Australia and stayed there for a long time, there was still no news. There were already rumors in the island country that she came to have a private meeting with Yan Changqing.

Because there had been a scandal between the two before, and this time it was even more confirmed.

However, the two of them had no intention of admitting it. Yan Changqing even helped her make a song and wait until she got back to release it. This would prove that the two of them were innocent and just came to discuss music.

Although it is a cover-up, there are some things that even if everyone knows it, as long as the person involved does not admit it personally.


After seeing the spring water away, Yan Changqing got in the car and rushed home.

First I visited my grandparents, then greeted my parents who were still traveling, and then went straight to the winery.

After asking about the situation in the factory, he asked someone to notify the proud disciple of Tonghu, whose nickname was Dahan.

Dahan was running at a trot when he came, with a beaming face - he was a 'big' kid, and he couldn't learn to hide the joy in his heart at all.

Yan Changqing became happy as soon as he saw it. Sure enough, Dahan came over and said happily: "Boss, look at my music..."

Liquor koji.

Yan Changqing could tell at a glance, but he was still serious and looked like he was checking carefully, and then smiled: "Very good, very good, this is the best. This way, you can directly brew the Haoli series wine." Now. You are now the most powerful koji maker in the factory besides me! From now on, others will have to call you fellow master..."

I’m so happy that I want to jump!

Yan Changqing was in a good mood: "If you have nothing to do, don't leave. Play here for a while and let's have dinner together later."

"Yes, okay boss." Dahan nodded happily, then walked to the sofa next to him and sat upright, like a primary school student waiting for class.

Yan Changqing laughed all of a sudden: "I'm asking you to play, why are you sitting so upright? There is tea in this office. If you want to drink tea, pour it yourself. Isn't there a newspaper on the table..."

The new winery is just not as good as the old one. In the past, he even had a toy cabinet and a snack cabinet in his home office. Director Lao Wan had people prepare them for the boss to entertain some small guests.

With this in mind, he listened to the work reports of the factory managers for a while, and then took Dahan to the canteen for dinner.


The food in the cafeteria was quite rich, but Yan Changqing was worried and asked Dahan: "Is there usually so much meat in the cafeteria?"

"Yes!" Dahan nodded. "I heard that we no longer plan to raise cattle and sheep in the pasture. We will raise dairy cows in the future."

They should sell part of it and keep part to supply the canteen to improve the food. Dahan didn't make it clear enough. However, Yan Changqing still understood. His purpose was just to see if the canteen usually followed this standard. Once it was confirmed, it would be fine.

The workers' wages were determined by a group of managers after a long period of effort. For the sake of long-term development, they cannot be changed at will, but the food, including other benefits, can be better.

Then he asked Dahan about his usual situation in the factory.

Children are good, and they will never hide anything from those who feel close to them.

It's not that Yan Changqing can't trust Lao Huang, but that Lao Huang manages a lot of places, and he's afraid that he won't be able to take care of them, and the people below will behave in a shady manner.

After dinner, I took Dahan with me and entered the production workshop to join in the glorious labor.

While working, I explain to Dahan. I don’t expect Dahan to understand or learn much, just treat it as a mentor, just in case his skills can be improved to a higher level in the future!

By the way, it also improves Dahan's status and tells the workers that no matter who they are, as long as their skills can be improved, they will receive superior treatment.

I took Dahan with me all afternoon, had a meal together in the evening, and then went back to spend time with my grandparents.


As a result, the old man was happy to see his grandson for a while, and then he asked a little cautiously: "Your grandma wants to ask, it's almost the Chinese New Year, do you want to go back?"

Yan Changqing was helpless: "My grandma can come back if she wants, why are you asking me? You want to come back, right?"

Yan Tiesheng smiled sheepishly: "I said I had to go back and have a look. She said that the eldest grandson wanted to come out to play and was anxious to go back for fear that you would be unhappy..."

"What's there to be unhappy about?" Yan Changqing squeezed in between her grandma and grandma, and suddenly pushed down the middle of the sofa. "Our family now has two big planes, the one we took when we came here, and a new one has arrived. We can go back whenever you want, and we can come back whenever you want. From now on, you will be with us... at home It’s just like visiting, it’s only a day’s flight away.”

In fact, Yan Changqing also knew that the two old people would definitely go back.

Unlike me, they were used to wandering around. They had stayed in that small village all their lives. Among other things, they were still thinking about visiting the graves on the first day of the New Year!

He bought the plane just to prepare for it.

But there is still some time before the New Year, so don’t be in a hurry, because Huang Peishan knew that Quan Shui was gone and had already said hello in advance. She was going to report on a big plan, such as setting up a bank and other diversified development. She probably wanted to come and ask him for some advice. .

Yan Changqing just heard her give a rough idea and thought it was pretty good.

Banks can still do something about it. After all, it is better to keep your money in your own bank.

(End of this chapter)

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