Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 386 Plans and Sophistication

Chapter 386 Plans and Sophistication

For Huang Peishan, her plan to open a bank is actually to buy one.

The word "acquisition" seemed too formal to her. It meant buying. It was the same as buying a bunch of candied haws when she saw them on the roadside and thought they would be delicious.

Of course, she hasn't bought it yet. She has made a plan and is optimistic about the target, but it hasn't been signed by the boss yet, but it is already being discussed. Such a larger deal still has to wait for the boss's nod.

She, Zhou Jialing, and manager Lai Lisi entered Yan Changqing's office with a large pile of information.

"This is our business plan." Huang Peishan picked up the thinnest document, and then another. "This is the bank that is currently interested in transferring its equity. In addition, this part is the share information that Boeing has successively acquired in the past few years, including mines and Internet companies. They plan to transfer it to us..."

Yan Changqing was multitasking and said while reading the information: "There is no problem with the bank. Once we take control of the controlling stake, we will open a branch at home immediately to facilitate our own fund transactions and also facilitate the workers to transfer their wages back." .”

"In addition, in terms of the Internet, despite acquisitions, now is the most suitable opportunity. You can take care of other industries. The Internet industry can also be regarded as a service industry. Everything is based on user experience. As for other industries, we must also focus on quality."

"There are still some small things that I need Jialing to take care of. As for the living area, I originally thought that after the living area was built, some family members would start thinking about starting a small business or something, but it turned out that there are only a few of them now. Take a look at the shortcomings there and arrange for people to work on it. It would be best to build some entertainment, such as an Internet cafe and game arcade."

There are quite a few young people among the workers. They are usually not busy at work. They have caught all the rabbits nearby that are hated by the locals. It is also time to do some entertainment activities to prevent people from having too much energy and riding foreign horses. After all, Doing it too much can hurt your body.

Especially the new batch of people who came here are not like the first batch of people who were trained in foreign languages ​​at that time.

Many of the people who came this time did not know even a few Chinese characters. As a result, within a few months of arriving, they learned to follow the old employees on the streets. When they saw the poor people who were barely clothed, they went to say hello to Mani and planned to help the poor. …

I am still from a poor household, how outrageous!


After an arrangement was made, Huang Peishan and the other three began to report on their recent work.

Reilly first reported on the recent singer selection competition: "Next week, the competition will enter the finals. Does Mr. Yan have time?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "I will make time to go there then."

Reilly nodded instantly: "In addition, the ratings of our entertainment program 'Wine Can Exchange Everything' have been rising. Recently, we are considering introducing some Chinese kung fu movies. Boss, do you have any opinions?"

"No, no." Yan Changqing not only had no objection, but was also very interested. "Is there a market for kung fu movies here?"

"Of course there are. For example, several of Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan's films have achieved good box office success here." Lai Lisi mentioned someone who Yan Changqing is quite familiar with. "We are now considering selecting a few classical martial arts dramas and broadcasting them on TV stations to test the ratings."

"Just let Pei Shan handle this. There is no need to report to me." Yan Changqing said. "Is there anything else?"

Huang Peishan is now focused on big things, and she doesn't want to care about these 'little things', but she can't help it after the boss said: "Boss, do you think there is anything to improve on this business plan?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Since we are planning to enter more industries, some of which do not require a certain controlling share, just join first. In addition, if you want to engage in online shopping, what are the current difficulties?"

"There is nothing that requires your intervention yet, boss. We are just making preparations, just like in the plan, and are purchasing some related resources. We will not consider launching online shopping until we are ready."

Yan Changqing smiled: "You can consider using existing resources. Don't we have an instant messaging software? Place advertisements on it. Try selling some small trinkets first, just like practicing. Don't just focus on the big ones. , small business is also business, and big business also comes from small business.”

Huang Peishan nodded immediately: "I understand, boss. By the way, do you have any good suggestions about instant messaging software?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while and felt that there were not too few users now, so he could try to introduce a level system. He immediately talked about the people who hung up and stayed in the sun that he had experienced in the past.

Then he concluded: "...That's pretty much it. Divide users into levels and upgrade them. Many people are willing to do it..."

The three of them are all strong women who don't play games. They were all dumbfounded and confused when they heard this.

Zhou Jialing couldn't help but asked as a representative: "Mr. Yan, does this hierarchy have any meaning?"

In their opinion, this upgrade is meaningless. It is just a chat tool. As long as it can chat, is it necessary to upgrade or something?

From the stars to the moon, and from the moon to the sun, what is the difference?

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "I'm not finished yet! As the level is higher, you can consider giving some virtual items, such as some decorations, or some special avatars, such as flashing lights, etc."

"The next step is to open a membership, with yellow diamonds, black diamonds, etc. Then you can choose more interface displays, including some decorations, etc. You can also design some emoticons, which are exclusive to members..."

This time they understood.

Members, etc., although they are strong women, they are also women. They usually buy a lot and are VIP members of many stores.

Now it's just a matter of moving the real-life membership system online.

Many people are happy to have a unique interface display and add some beautiful decorations during chatting. After all, using different things doesn't make them look different?

"This is just a preliminary idea. You can let people gradually improve it later." Yan Changqing saw that they understood and continued. "I think you can consider waiting until the bank opens before launching these. Now that online payment is available, we can take this opportunity to push our banking services to our software users."

"Online payment is something we must pay attention to. Even when the technology matures, we can consider combining the chat software account with our upcoming online shopping business to create a single account..."

These are future models that are not yet mature enough due to technical reasons.

Yan Changqing was quite familiar with this when he talked about it. After all, he had used it countless times. He talked about it in great detail, and the three of them were fascinated by it.

After talking for a long time, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's all. You can think about it carefully when you go back."


After leaving the office door, Huang Peishan said in surprise: "Sure enough, the boss has something good. It seems that we should be more diligent in reporting work in the future."

Zhou Jialing nodded: "Yes, many people now come into contact with the Internet for the first time. Our chat software is even the first chat software they have come into contact with. People have feelings and will always have feelings for things they come into contact with for the first time. I have an indescribable good feeling.”

Reilly continued: "That's right, so we can definitely use the chat software platform and follow the boss's plan step by step... Oh my God, I can't even imagine what it would be like if everything the boss said came true. What a situation!”

From popular chat software to online shopping and bank online payments, this is a complete business system.

It's not that they don't appear now, it's just that they are all separate, and there are very few links between them.

In the initial stage of the Internet, it feels like a hundred flowers are blooming, but it is also scattered and scattered. Various software emerges in endlessly. Even though it is the Internet bubble era, countless Internet companies emerge every year.

After all, there are many knowledgeable people, and many people know that bubbles are only temporary. As the old saying goes, after the harsh winter, comes spring. …

No matter what the three people discussed, Yan Changqing was about to go to the winery when he received a call from Marina.

Marina was quite excited: "Dear Yan, guess what is going on with my TV series now?"

"The ratings are pretty good, right?" Yan Changqing laughed. "Now it is only available in the former Soviet language. Are the other languages ​​ready? Our TV station has been waiting for your TV series!"

"It's ready. I'll get it soon." Marina's happiness could be heard on the phone. "Many people think that I am a business wizard. Unexpectedly, my first TV series was a huge success..."

Can it fail?

The former Soviet Union has experienced changes for more than ten years, and it has only recently gotten better.

But it has only improved a little. In fact, society still has some shocks from time to time.

In this case, what people need is spiritual food to anesthetize themselves - if you can't drink Vodka, you can always watch TV series!

Marina's sand sculpture TV series attracted many viewers once it was launched.

An ordinary woman who was abandoned by domestic violence was reborn a few years ago, and suddenly she showed off her power and was very proud of herself in shopping malls and love affairs...

As for logic, why would an ordinary woman suddenly be able to do anything because of her rebirth? Who cares about that? Just watch it and enjoy it.

All in all, it's a cool drama about the return of the dragon girl, pretending to be slapped in the face all the way.

No logic is considered, no artistry is studied, and even the acting skills are exaggerated, only the word "cool" is highlighted.

But it is this kind of brainless TV series whose ratings have been rising, making Marina, a new TV series director, famous.

This little singer no longer sings anymore and is focusing on her TV series. She is already planning to film the next TV series.

Of course Yan Changqing was not surprised by this. This kind of routine has been around for a long time.

If you study carefully, except for those that are called art, most movies and TV series are actually like this, as long as the audience can watch it without thinking.

Although it won't satisfy everyone, at least some people like this kind of TV series - it can't be like this in daily life, so it's okay to watch TV series and experience it!


Marina came just as she said she would and almost collided with Yan Dahai and his wife who were returning from a trip.

Fortunately, they didn't run into each other. Yan Changqing welcomed his parents back the day before, and then the family had a reunion dinner and listened to their parents' travel experiences.

Mainly my mother is talking about: "...after seeing it too much, it's just like that. There are foreign devils everywhere. I'm not used to it...and what kind of art is there? Is graffiti on the street considered art? What the hell?" …”

"I'm not used to eating. It's a bit difficult to eat dumplings. I can't find a place to eat noodles. I finally found someone who cooks our hometown's food, but the taste of the food is weird and weird at all. not authentic……"

Yan Changqing listened carefully and did not express any opinions.

Although we have entered the new century, there are still fewer people coming from Australia. There are not many Chinese restaurants on the streets. Even if there are, they must cater to the tastes of the locals. Otherwise, if they only pay attention to 'authenticity', the restaurant owner will be hungry. dead.

"But the beach is quite fun, it's just those people..." Li Xiuni stopped mid-sentence and summed it up with the word 'bah' with a look of disgust on her face.

Yan Changqing smiled secretly in his heart.

In the reservoir in my hometown, even if everyone wears swimsuits, the men and women who go to play are separated, and there are basically very few women, and they all wear the most conservative kind of swimsuits-the separation distance is quite far, guaranteed. The kind that can't see each other.

It's different here. It's clear what the situation is without having to explain it. Anyway, these two people... at least my mother can't stand it.

As for whether Dad can get used to it... Mr. Yan thought about it secretly and decided not to express his opinion.


Then he ran to pick Marina up the next day.

This person came with her TV series, so Mr. Yan called Reilly over and asked her to watch the TV series first, then evaluate it, and then give Marina a price to buy the copyright.

Riley knew very well that if there was something good to watch, this person might be one of the proprietresses. Mr. Huang originally bought the TV station for her TV series.

It’s all the boss’s money anyway, so just ask for the highest price.

So, do we still need to evaluate?

Of course it is necessary.

You can't make an offer now, you have to go back and take a look, and then call excitedly to make an evaluation from a professional perspective.

Then she was extremely excited, as if she was afraid that she would sell the TV series to another TV station, and couldn't wait to offer a high price, so that it would be more real.

If you make an offer now, you are not giving the boss face. You are fooling people!

If you work for your boss and please his little girlfriend, can you still argue for a promotion or a salary increase?

I really think that as a foreigner, I don’t understand these worldly things!

Reilly complained in her heart, and said with a look of joy and anticipation on her face: "I have been looking forward to this TV series for a long time. I have always admired Miss Marina's talent. I heard that this TV series has been a big hit with you. Success..."

The last sentence was said by the boss just now. She was so busy that she had no time to watch any TV series...

Marina is very modest: "I now have a lot of new ideas. I feel that this TV series still has a lot to improve. The next series will definitely be better..."

Yan Changqing nodded in support: "The first part has been very successful. Are you going to become famous all over the world next?"

Reilly didn't want to disturb her boss, so she left quickly: "Miss Marina, I can't wait to go back to watch TV series, so I'm leaving now. I wish you a happy stay here..."

(End of this chapter)

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