Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 393: You don’t understand what I mean.

Chapter 393: You don’t understand what I mean.

After a heavy rain, the earth seemed to have been cleaned, the flowers were redder and the grass was greener.

A winding road passes through these red flowers and green grass. If you look down from a high altitude, the gray road looks like a giant snake, winding between the fields.

The gray pickup truck was driving on this road. Looking at the scenery on both sides of the road, a guy like Niu Laifu, who always claimed to be a rough man, couldn't help but sigh: "This place is really nice. What a wonderful place we have there." If there isn’t so much open space, just plant some flowers and other things. Old Qian, why don’t you come here too?”

Qian Daxi shook his head: "I can't do it. I'm not like you. When you come out, your brothers will look after your parents at home. When I come out, no one will care about my parents at home."

Niu Laifu continued to persuade: "Then bring them here. Anyway, the environment here is good and there are many people there. If they live in the living area, it will be no different from our villages and towns."

"What can I do when I'm here?" Qian Daxi still shook his head. "I can just do some odd jobs in the market, and Brother Youliang will take care of us. Mr. Yan's people are all big international companies. With my level, I can't do anything in there. I want to do business but I don't understand foreign languages..."

"Even though nothing has been done, you just thought about a lot of difficulties." Niu Laifu curled his lips. "Is there anything I can't do? I've seen it over the past few days since I've been here. Mr. Yan's place lacks talents like me. I think I won't have any problems being a vice president or something."

Qian Daxi was shocked: "Niu, Niu, when someone calls you Brother Niu, do you really take yourself seriously? Is that company in need of a talent like yours? Do you want to have a bragging contest?"

Brother Niu chuckled: "When I meet Mr. Yan later, you will know what's going on!"

Qian Daxi sneered: "Don't take advantage of Brother Youliang!"

"Don't worry, you'll know after a while!"


Yan Changqing was actually quite happy to see these two guys.

In addition to the fact that these two are considered to be the scoundrels of his uncle Chen Youliang, there is also another reason. What a reborn person is most happy to do is to watch other people's fate be changed by the instigation of their own little butterfly wings.

Yan Changqing knew these two small town 'celebrities' in his previous life. However, after his uncle went out to do business, the two of them continued to fool around on the streets. Although they did not do anything serious, they were unlucky and were severely punished. In the end, they all continued to cry behind bars.

But it's different now. Mr. Chen does business at home when he doesn't go out. The two of them have been following their uncle steadfastly. Now they have a small fortune and are living a good life.

The two of them were still polite and had to ask Mr. Yan to call him by his first name. Brother Niu said simply: "Brother Youliang and we have been friends since we were young, but we have to go our separate ways. I'm here to make a living." Yes, I plan to come here and follow you, Mr. Yan, just call me Maverick."

Then the guy started to explain his reasons: "I saw, Mr. Yan, you are good at everything. Workers are well paid and have good benefits. I know all the people under you. Even Lao Huang, he is also a good person. Like you, you are all cultured, knowledgeable and reasonable people.”

"So I have to come! You are missing someone like me, who is sometimes unreasonable. Now there are more and more people here. Everyone has just arrived, and everyone's hearts are still unified, but you also know, If this takes a long time, it won’t necessarily happen.”

"What will we do then? Everyone has their own reasons. Some people use false ideas to mess with you who are trying to reason. Are you in trouble? Then I will need to take action. I have no knowledge, no vision, no culture, and I am still unreasonable. ! If you don’t want to do it, get out. I can fire whoever I want. At worst, you leaders will fine me some bonuses, right..."

Yan Changqing understood clearly that Brother Niu had gained experience from doing odd jobs, and he was here to be his 'dog leg' and a villain.

Not to mention, it really makes sense.

Anyone who has been in management knows this, and of course anyone who has worked part-time also knows that there are always a few people in companies who make people want to scold them when they see them.

It’s those people who obviously don’t do anything serious, and are still finding faults every day. They seem to know nothing but flattering and flattering, but the leader refuses to fire them and allows them to be troublemakers in the company.

Because leaders need them!

If we just give out bonuses and benefits, will we be able to win over people and manage the company well?

Not necessarily.

So there need to be a few people who don't do anything serious but offend people everywhere, who often make trouble. On the surface, they are doing it behind the back of the leader, but who knows if this is what the leader means?

Just like if a branch of a large company wants to lay off employees, it needs someone like this to parachute in. He doesn't know anything about the business, so he will torment people. When a large number of people are laid off, the head office will then say, "This person can't do a good job." Transfer them back and sit on the bench. The rest of your employees will do their jobs well. I'll give you a good leader...

In fact, how do the employees below know whether they will get a promotion or a salary increase when they return?

So Yan Changqing thought about it for a while, and after warmly entertaining the two of them for a meal, he let Brother Niu take office.


As soon as Niu Laifu was arranged, Huang Peishan flew over in a helicopter.

She was here to report an important situation: "The results of the investigation into Cook Flinders are out. The magazine that first appeared to smear our content is related to him. Some of the initial comments on the Internet were also in support of Akari. People who secretly supported his candidacy.”

"Mr. Yan, we have to do something. If such a person comes to power, he will definitely put forward some proposals that are not good for us. The further we let such a person go, the more detrimental it will be to us."

Yan Changqing looked at the assistant's tense face and thought for a moment: "Your investigation ends here. I'll let Goncharov handle the rest. From now on, you can concentrate on your big plan." That’s fine, these things have nothing to do with you.”

Huang Peishan was a little unhappy. She was very concerned about this matter, but now she was left alone.

However, she also knew that she could not go against the boss's decision, so she had to report her big plan: "Now I plan to launch an Internet celebrity on the Internet, which is Eva Green. She has participated in our TV show before and is quite popular. Yes, it just so happens that this time it starts with her."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Just do it in detail. By the way, I've prepared a facial mask and wine for you."

"Thank you, boss!" Huang Peishan's unwillingness disappeared immediately, and she was very happy with the benefits given by her boss.

"Okay, it's just a small matter, go ahead and do your work!"


After hearing Yan Changqing's question, Goncharov immediately revealed a villainous smile from the corner of his mouth: "Are you going to get rid of this person?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Let's investigate first! It's best to find some dirty information about him so that he can't continue to run for election, and he can't even keep his current position."

Goncharov was even more speechless, saying to himself that Mr. Yan, your wife is more civilized.

Isn’t this a struggle? People have discredited you. You have invested hundreds of millions here. If you are completely discredited, how much will it affect your interests in the future?

And what people are looking at is not just your interests, but also the color of your skin. If this is not a struggle, then what is?

It's so troublesome to find dirty information, how can you save trouble by your own method.

But since Mr. Yan said so, he could only nod: "Okay, I will let someone do it. By the way, accidents often happen like this. If there is an emergency... "

"It's best not to!" Yan Changqing looked serious. "Try to use civilized methods and investigate clearly. It's best to catch his vital points at once, so that he won't trouble me again in the future!"

"Okay!" Goncharov nodded. "I will let you know the outcome of the investigation shortly."

His steps became brisk as he walked, and he felt quite happy.

Although he came here to retire, he has been doing some things for his whole life. Now, in addition to his retirement, he is quite happy to do things that can remind him of his youth.

However, it is somewhat regrettable. He would rather Mr. Yan do bigger things here. He can just help out a little. It would not be a bad idea to even transfer a group of people from China. After all, this person is Sidorov's best friend. Good partner.

It's a pity that this person who has been developing his enterprise company with peace of mind seems to have no intention of getting involved in other things.

... After Goncharov went out for less than half an hour, he walked into Yan Changqing's office again.

Yan Changqing suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot, I haven't allocated funds to you yet, right? Wait a moment, I will let the finance department..."

Goncharov's gloomy face showed a hint of helplessness: "I'm here to tell you that if it's just an investigation, I've done it now."

Yan Changqing had nothing to say.

Goncharov grinned: "The economy can never be separated from governance. If you invest so much here, the current situation will definitely happen. Apart from training the boys, I have nothing else to do recently, so people pay attention to it. Some local situations and some characters..."

He lied.

These investigations were not done recently at all. In fact, he had been doing them since he came here.

Sidorov sent him here not only to maintain the relationship between the two parties, but also to protect Yan Changqing's safety.

Not just personal safety, but property safety as well.

Security work is never just about looking at the door, but also about potential enemies. Anyway, that's what Goncharov did before. While protecting his own people, he must always pay attention to the movements of some opponents, otherwise, can he do a good job?

But there is no need to talk so much with the boss. The important thing is that you can come up with the information in time.

Mr. Cook Flinders seeks supporters for himself by attacking Mr. Yan’s reputation and interests. For Goncharov, he is a potential enemy, so he must be focused on.

In fact, if Yan Changqing had called him earlier, Huang Peishan would not have had to investigate for several days.


Yan Changqing had a headache looking at the information.

It is said that this Lao Gang is too obedient and does not understand the Chinese language and art at all.

I have said it myself, try to prevent this person from causing trouble for you in the future, and you can just use your own method to deal with it.

As a great artist, a well-known entrepreneur, and a world-class celebrity, can I directly tell you to kill someone?

Of course not, so I hinted, do you understand?

In the end, I actually brought the information, alas!

Sighing in his heart, Yan Changqing could only comfort himself. After all, he had to obey orders in everything he did before, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't understand what he meant.

Then... use civilized methods!


Goncharov's investigative report is quite high-level. After all, this guy worked in this field before, and he has a world-class professional level.

However, when Yan Changqing asked the finance department to allocate funds to Goncharov, it was only a little.

Originally, if he wanted to handle this matter well, he would definitely give more, but now, a little is good.

I hope he understands his hint this time. With his own handiwork and only giving a small amount of funds, it is obvious that he is not satisfied.

Then he found Huang Peishan, gave her the information, and asked her to find someone to publish these things.


Cook Flinders is in his sixties.

Now he is bald and has a big belly, like a bald pig.

However, he doesn't care about his specific image. What matters is the image in the eyes of outsiders.

In the eyes of his supporters, he is a person who firmly defends the interests of his own skin color. Even if he loses all his hair and is as fat as a pig, it doesn't matter, as long as his stance is firm enough.

What he has done recently is to further show others how firm his stance is.

A certain genius boy named Yan, an international artist and entrepreneur, has mastered a magical brewing method? And huge wealth?

Maybe in the eyes of others, this is an unattainable mountain, but for him, having the courage to challenge such people can better prove his firm stance.

Now the effect has been achieved. Although many of what he said aroused resentment among some people, especially the touts of that person, it also made his supporters more determined.

Therefore, there is no such thing as hatred without reason. If Cook Flinders had not chosen this campaign, he would not have chosen such an object as his target.

After all, he drinks Victory Vodka himself, and even had some liquor auctioned over in the last auction.

Not to mention, although the taste is not suitable for me, after drinking it for a while, the effect is quite good.

Cook believes that people with such skills will be able to safely brew wine at home for everyone to drink from now on, so they should not go out to cause trouble. Speaking of which, he is also helping him.

While thinking about things and sorting out his speeches for the next place, Cook didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Anyway, it’s just a slogan. Those lands have already been sold. If you just shout a few words, you won’t take them back...

Until his campaign aide rushed in: "Sir, something's wrong!"

Cook raised his head and glanced at his assistant, a little dissatisfied: "What made you rush in without even knocking on the door?"

"Now, a lot of photos of you in that manor have suddenly appeared on the Internet, and some of your properties in North America have also been exposed." The assistant said in a panic.

"What?" Cook stood up at that time. "How can it be?"

The manor was a private place for them to have social activities.

Of course, since it is a private place, you have to do some private things.

As well as the industries in North America, of course they are not suitable for people to know. After all, on the surface, he is a good man who is dedicated to seeking benefits for his own people. How could he have so many unknown properties.

The assistant made a grimace: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Cook was furious: "You ask me, how do I know?"

The assistant's face became even more bitter: "What about tomorrow's speech?"

Cook was angry: "How many things have been exposed, show it to me quickly. We will talk about the speech later..."

(End of this chapter)

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