Chapter 394: A lot of help

Xu Yibo and his wife did not forget their gold mine when traveling, and someone sent Yan Changqing a gift.

The box was quite heavy. When I opened it, I saw a nondescript gold statue of a dog with a piece of poop under its feet.

Yan Changqing called, and Xu Yibo said proudly: "Is this statue of mine not bad? I asked workers to make it. Although the workmanship is a bit poor, the meaning is good. You are a dog, and this year is the year of the snake..."

The craftsmanship is not only bad, but Yan Changqing is too lazy to complain, his feelings are like snakes!

By the way, can this statue be placed on my desk? Will you be laughed to death when you look back?

After thinking about it, he decided to take matters into his own hands and perform secondary processing on the golden statue.

As soon as the tools were prepared, the apprentice Dahan ran in excitedly: "Master, another batch of wine is ready."

Yan Changqing immediately praised: "Well done, I'll prepare delicious food for you at noon. What would you like to eat?"

"I want to eat meat." Dahan said a little embarrassed. "Master, you are so busy. Forget about cooking. I can just go to the cafeteria to eat."

"It's okay, I have to eat anyway." Yan Changqing smiled.

As a result, Dahan saw the statue in his hand: "Master, this statue is very interesting, but why do you want this dog to step on a piece of shit?"

"This is a snake." Yan Changqing explained that he must be patient with children. “It turns out it’s not done yet, I’m just about to process it again!”

"Oh, that's it!" Dahan frowned and looked at the statue again. He still felt that it looked more like poop than a snake, but the master was right. "Then I will go on to work, Master."

"Okay, take it easy while you work, don't get tired!" Yan Changqing warned, this eldest child is more stubborn and is too practical when it comes to work, so he has to be reminded frequently.

"Okay Master."

Seeing Dahan running out with a smile on his face, Yan Changqing felt that the statue of a dog stepping on shit was much more pleasing to the eye.

It would be easier to get along with simple people. If everyone were simple-minded, there wouldn't be so much trouble.


The statue wasn't finished yet, the person he wanted to wait for didn't come, and the person he didn't want to wait for arrived first.

Huang Peishan beamed as soon as she came in: "Boss, that Cook is finished. His campaign must have been ruined this time, because when he was asked about the things announced by the media at the speech, he suddenly got angry and cursed at the reporter. I got up and felt like I was going crazy.”

"Now his assistant explains that some people have made false accusations in the past few days, which has caused him to be under a lot of mental pressure. However, judging from public opinion, the public does not buy it, and the doubts are getting louder and louder. Should we add fuel to the flames? "

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "I guess it's not necessary. Now that we have handed the gun over, his competitors will definitely not let this opportunity pass."

Huang Peishan thought for a while: "I didn't think carefully enough, so this is fine. By the way, boss, don't you go and take a look at the milk powder factory? Production has started now."

"Just watch, I won't go there." Yan Changqing was too lazy to run. "Just worry about these little things. By the way, are your plans for the auction ready?"

Huang Peishan nodded: "Get ready. Let Mr. Goncharov do the security work. This is the first auction in our own auction house. I will try my best to get off to a good start."

Our own auction house has been built near the Great Barrier Reef Scenic Area. Although there is currently only one big hotel in the surrounding area and other facilities are still under construction, it doesn't matter. After all, the purpose of people coming here is to drink. As long as there is enough wine, other problems are not big.

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, is there anything else?"

"That..." Huang Peishan faltered. "That facial mask is very useful. Do you have any more?"

"Running out so soon?" Yan Changqing was stunned.

Huang Peishan blushed: "I think the effect is pretty good. I tried it on myself and it seemed to work, so I used it more..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "No, wait until you're done using it. I'll do it in a few days when I have time."

In fact, the ones prepared for Marina have not yet been sent to her, but this little assistant cannot get used to it, otherwise she will ask for them every day in the future, and maybe she will also plan to give them to her girlfriend or something, which will be very troublesome.

Huang Peishan just mentioned it but didn't think about getting it now: "Okay, I'll go prepare for the concert first."

"You must invite those who should be invited." Yan Changqing confessed.

The concert is a big event. This time I asked Huang Peishan to send invitations to many people. Of course, they are all people who like her music, such as the director of the airline. This relationship can be strengthened, and I will have more support in the future. By.


After Huang Peishan left, Lao Huang came over. He had just gotten off the helicopter and was still sweating!

Yan Changqing pointed to the bathroom in the office: "Wash up first, there's nothing urgent, don't worry."

Lao Huang went in to wash up and came out and began to report: "The recent transformation of several farms has been quite good, and my own workers are still using it smoothly. By the way, Mr. Yan, did you ask me to come?"

"I'm considering building an artificial attraction on our place..."

The boss just comes up with ideas. How to build it and what kind of building it is depends on Lao Huang.

Lao Huang just thought about it briefly: "If we only build the garden in our hometown, I think it is a bit monotonous. Not everyone likes our culture. If we build more other gardens, such as Japanese-style gardens, European and American gardens, A charming manor, and if possible, make a castle-like building, both from Eastern and Western cultures, so that our garden will not look so obtrusive..."

He is also aware of what happened recently, so he is quite thoughtful.

If you just focus on the culture of your hometown, it will indeed give people the feeling of exporting.

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's fine. You've researched a lot about this area, so just do it according to your ideas. Make a plan first, roughly how much it will cost, and let the finance department allocate funds to you later."

Lao Huang nodded: "Okay, Mr. Yan."


After Lao Huang left, Yan Changqing finally started processing the gifts sent to Mr. Xu.

This is pure gold, the hardness is not high, and it is not troublesome to process. However, although the 'waste' carved out is not much, it still needs to be collected.

After working for a long time, it felt like the lifeless dog finally came to life, and the little snake circling under his feet was also lifelike. Yan Changqing was finally satisfied and placed the statue on his desk.

Then go cook.

It's okay to eat Big Pot Rice once in a while when you want to be lazy, but Yan Changqing doesn't have the hobby of self-destruction if he eats it for a long time.

Dahanji still remembers the meal very clearly. He ran over after work and helped with the ingredients. He is a diligent young man - even though he is not young anymore.

Yan Changqing also asked him about his personal affairs: "Your rich brother said he would find a wife for you, have you found one?"

"Find it!" Dahan's face turned red at that time. "He said that he needs to find someone who is diligent and thrifty and can take care of me. He has been looking for him for a long time..." "Where is he from?" Yan Changqing still cares about his apprentice. Of course, it is also good to listen to the gossip. "It's from my hometown. Brother Dafu said to have someone come over first and ask Master to give you a palm check before making sure."

"Is the person here?" Yan Changqing was stunned.

"No, wait until the plane comes this month." Dahan replied.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Go and call your rich brother here."


Tong Dafu trotted over: "Mr. Yan, are you looking for me? Is it Dahan's problem?"

When Yan Changqing nodded, he continued: "It's Ni'er from our village. Because my family wants a lot of gifts, we tried many times but couldn't get it done."

"I thought she got married early. This woman is already in her twenties. She has many younger brothers and sisters at home, and she is still a bit unsatisfied. Now her family wants more money for the bride price..."

Yan Changqing asked: "Is she willing?"

"I'm sure she is willing. She is tied up by her family and is not even allowed to work. Now she wants to give her family a sum of money and then get married cleanly. I have said goodbye and called this woman. She I am very willing." Tong Dafu is quite reliable in handling affairs.

"Dahan just thinks less about things sometimes, and there is no problem with anything else. She understands that. Besides, Dahan is so honest and can make money. She is quite willing to follow him and take care of him."

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's fine. I'm afraid she won't be happy with it. It would be too troublesome for her to fly there."

"If Dahan and the others are willing, Ni'er will not leave once she comes. She will stay here from now on. She has long wanted to leave that home anyway." Tong Dafu explained. "Mr. Yan, don't worry. The person I'm looking for must know the basics. Except for the fact that his family was poor and he didn't go to school for a few days, everything else is fine. He's capable and has few things to do."

Yan Changqing felt relieved, as his apprentice could do a lot of work for him, so he didn't want to find someone with a lot of work at home: "Well, get ready for dinner!"


After dinner, Yan Changqing began to prepare the songs for his concert. Since it was mainly about playing, he didn't actually need to prepare much. He usually accumulated them. Now he just picked a few songs that he was quite satisfied with and then revised them.

While he was busy, the phone rang, and Huang Peishan's excited voice answered: "Boss, boss, good news, that Cook is dead."

"Ah?" Yan Changqing was really stunned. "When did it happen?"

"Just now, it was first reported on the Internet. It is said that she was in a bad mood and drank too much. She slipped and fell from the balcony on the second floor of the villa. As a result, she fell head first and broke her neck." Huang Peishan was obviously in a mood. A little too happy. "It's all reported by regular websites, there won't be any falsehoods. This is great, he won't be able to disgust people in the future."

"This... depends on your luck, okay!" Yan Changqing was speechless. "You can work with peace of mind. This matter is finally over."

"Okay boss." Huang Peishan hung up the phone happily.

Yan Changqing hung up the phone and felt speechless after thinking about it. It is true that people are always blessed with misfortunes... Before he could finish his emotion, he heard footsteps outside. People were walking past, as if they were hesitating.

His ears were so sharp that he could even tell who was walking outside. After thinking about it, he shouted outside: "Goncharov, if you want to come in, just come in..."


Goncharov has just returned from home. He has been on the plane these days, flying tens of thousands of miles, which is equivalent to circling the earth.

He went back to "learn lessons" from Sidorov's son Ilyich, and now he is back to "learn lessons" from him.

There was nothing he could do, he always felt that something was wrong with recent things, and his relationship with Mr. Yan was not handled well.

Because of the issue of funding this time, he is not a fool. In order to solve the problem last time, Mr. Yan directly provided funds in units of hundreds of millions. Why have you suddenly become stingy? You said it was a grant, but when you saw the account, you were given two months more salary?

Goncharov was not dissatisfied, but immediately reflected: What is the reason for such a generous boss to do this?

He couldn't figure it out, so he simply took a plane back and asked Ilyich, who was very good at speaking Chinese, for advice.

Then Ilyich gave him a rough analysis. The summary was that Mr. Yan was not a mother-in-law person at all. There is a saying in Chinese that one should treat the enemy as ruthlessly as in the harsh winter, such as those who are still growing potatoes in the Arctic Ocean. One family.

Ilyich said, Mr. Yan is a well-known person, and some things cannot be explained too clearly. You knew you had an idea last time, but why did you honestly send him some information this time?

Goncharov realized it at that time, and no one came back. He made a phone call and implicitly told the people here that the matter had been taken care of.

Although these people are considered losers in a certain struggle, they are just people who do things. The failure is due to the bosses' incompetence, and there is nothing they can do about it. They are quite skilled in the actual business. By the time his plane lands, everything has been done. .

Then he gathered people to check for leaks and fill in the gaps. After making sure that there were no problems, he thought about whether he should tell Mr. Yan that he had done it.

But how to say it?

The main reason is that he is not proficient in words and doesn't know how to express this matter 'implicitly'.

As a result, I hesitated for a long time outside the office door and still had no idea.


Yan Changqing actually understood.

As soon as something happened over there, this guy came running over here. He originally thought, should he go so smoothly and have an enemy disappear in an instant?

Now I know that it is easier to get things done when there are more people. This is called having more help.

This is good. Even if a person like Cook loses power for a while, who knows whether he will get back up in the future?

After all, people who rely on certain principles to get up can easily get up again even if they fall.

It's better to just order it.

So Yan Changqing was also very straightforward: "You still have to be careful about this auction and concert. Whether it is the audience listening to the concert or the customers attending the auction, they must ensure the safety of their personal and property. It is necessary There will be no shortage of manpower. I will ask the finance department to allocate some funds for you later..."

The emphasis is on the last sentence.

Of course, this time it is a normal allocation of funds, as Mr. Yan has always been generous.

Goncharov understood this time, and his old face immediately showed a smile: "Don't worry, boss, I brought some people from home this time. They are all people with strong business capabilities, and they will definitely do what you tell them." work……"

Yan Changqing was very satisfied. Sure enough, he was the winner!

(End of this chapter)

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