Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 395: No Man’s Land in the Northwest

Chapter 395: No Man’s Land in the Northwest

Abigail stood on the side of the road, looked up at the full moon in the sky, and felt as if she was in a dream.

The concert was over at this moment, and he had left the opera house, but he still felt that the sound of the piano was ringing in his ears, and the suona was exciting. The music that is deeply rooted in people's hearts, the sound that makes people feel like they are bathed in the spring breeze, is really something that a person can perform. Of?

At this moment, he felt that the meaning of his life was here. It seemed that the previous decades of his life had been waiting for today.

Since he fell in love with Yan's music, he specially found a Chinese teacher and taught himself some Chinese.

It is said that a Chinese poem that describes the beauty of music is called: This music should only exist in heaven, but it can only be heard several times in the world.

This is probably the kind of music I’m talking about!

At least he has traveled all over the world and has seen performances by many world-renowned artists, but he has never been so excited.

Worth it!

Abigail could no longer describe his mood at this moment. He felt that his life was finally complete.

Thinking like this, he accidentally turned his head while waiting for his assistant to drive over and saw a car. The driver was a familiar person?

He still couldn't believe it, but after looking carefully, it was true!

So I couldn't help but walked over: "Hello, Mr. Huang, are you waiting for someone?"

When he spoke, he was looking forward to it, or full of expectations.

Huang Peishan got out of the car: "Mr. Abigail, you haven't left yet?"

"There were a lot of people, so I came out a little late." Abigail said with a smile. "You're waiting..."

"Wait for us, Mr. Yan!" Huang Peishan saw his expectation and replied neatly. "He'll be right out."

"Oh, okay, okay..." Abigail didn't know what to say.

To be honest, as a director of the largest airline in the country, he is not young yet. He has always been a person who keeps emotions in check. It is rare that things can make his mood fluctuate so much.

At this moment, he actually felt the anticipation and anxiety of meeting his idol when he was a boy.

Huang Peishan understood his mood and said proactively: "Mr. Abigail, do you think this concert was a success?"

"Of course, it's not just a success, I think it's simply the sound of nature." Abigail even said the last four words in Chinese.

Huang Peishan laughed at that time: "That's good. After every performance, Mr. Yan always asks us how we felt. He even reflects on us when we go back, for fear that his performance will not satisfy all the audiences..."

She's just talking nonsense, but now Abigail is willing to listen to this, what does it mean to be a fan, this is it.

The little assistant is now a well-rounded and successful person. She just sees that Abigail wants to stay here and wait for the boss to come out, so she deliberately has nothing to say. Anyway, as long as she talks about the boss, this person likes to hear it. of.

Abigail was indeed very happy and nodded repeatedly with emotion: "Sure enough, even though Mr. Yan has achieved his current achievements, he is still meticulous and rigorous when it comes to art. Perhaps it is because of his attitude that he With what he has accomplished now!”

Huang Peishan continued to echo until Yan Changqing walked out.

Yan Changqing actually heard the conversation between the two people quite far away, so when he was quite far away, he stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, Mr. Abigail!"

Abigail was a little excited. Although the young man in front of him was almost forty years younger than him, he still stretched out his hands and bent slightly: "Mr. Yan, do you know me?"

Yan Changqing laughed: "Of course, I have always wanted to thank you in person for transferring the plane to me, but I am always in a hurry when I come here, but fortunately I met you now."

How could he not know that when the assistant said it, he said that this person looked like a foreign version of Junior Brother Sha?

At that time, Yan Changqing thought Huang Peishan was talking nonsense, but when she saw her now, she really looked like him.

This guy is really an ardent fan, grabbing his own hand with both hands and not wanting to let go.

However, Yan Changqing didn't want to hold hands with him and look at each other affectionately like this, and said with a smile: "When I asked Assistant Huang to send the invitation letter, I was worried that you wouldn't have time to come! By the way, Peishan, the car is full of Do you have any wine? Take out a few bottles for Mr. Abigail to taste. I have been hoping to find some knowledgeable people to taste the newly brewed wine."

They had already prepared wine and sent out a lot of invitations before coming to the concert. Huang Peishan predicted the current situation: if she meets certain people, as an idol, Mr. Yan should prepare gifts or something.

Just take it out now.

Abigail was so excited: "Why not come? I've been looking forward to it for a long time, I've been looking forward to it..."

"As long as you think it's not in vain." Yan Changqing continued to maintain his idol's smile. "Actually, I have wanted to hold the concert for a long time, but some time ago, someone said some bad things about me on the Internet. I was afraid that I would be in a bad state, so I postponed it until now..."

Abigail immediately became angry: "I know that person, Cook, right? That guy is a mad dog. He just concealed it so well that he confused many people. But now he deserves it. People are not worth your trouble, Mr. Yan."

"I like this place very much." Yan Changqing did not continue, because everyone was dead anyway.

He just mentioned it, hoping that if something similar happened again in the future, people like Abigail would come out and shout a few words.

Just mention it now: "That's why I made some investments here. I may stay here more often in the future. I really hope to make more friends here."

"As long as you like it." Abigail was very happy. "In the future, I will try to pay attention to those comments that are not good for Mr. Yan. A person who is obsessed with art should not be disturbed by those who are obsessed with art."


After delivering two boxes of wine to Abigail and getting in the car, Huang Peishan drove for a while and then said happily: "Boss, am I right? Doesn't he look particularly like Junior Brother Sha?"

Yan Changqing was also very happy: "Okay, be careful about the nicknames you give people."

"I guess he won't mind if he hears me. I'm your assistant." Huang Peishan said happily. "It's hard to imagine that someone at such an old age can still be so fanatical about chasing stars."

Yan Changqing didn't express his opinion, which had nothing to do with his age.

Huang Peishan herself kept talking: "Boss, your music is getting better and better. You see people didn't leave the concert for a long time after it was over, but they were still sitting there in a daze. Even those old men and women are like this. Boss, you are so amazing. Is this all magic?"

Because of the invitations sent out, there were more elderly audiences at this concert than before.

Yan Changqing said with a straight face: "I finally let you discover the secret of my magical skills. What do you think I should do?"

Huang Peishan didn't agree with him, but she pretended to be afraid of being wronged: "I'm just a little assistant, boss, you can do whatever you want!"

"Then drive faster, get to the airport quickly, and go home early." Yan Changqing didn't agree with her, she was a lesbian.

Huang Peishan stopped joking: "Mr. Yan, why don't you go to the milk powder factory to have a look? If you fly home from here, you will be passing by!" "You can just go and see more. I told you I don't want to go." Yan Changqing I used to be very interested in the milk powder factory, but that's not the case now. I don't know when my baby will pop out, and I won't be able to use it for a while. Out of sight, out of mind!

Huang Peishan didn't know why he was unwilling to go, she was just a little strange.

The boss used to take this matter very seriously. According to Zhou Jialing, the boss personally went to the instant noodle factory to find director Zhao, hoping that he could come to work in the milk powder factory. However, the guy didn't come, so Zhang Xiaoli took the initiative to ask for the job and let her work. long.

We obviously paid so much attention to it before, why don’t we pay attention to it now?

While I was thinking about it, I heard my boss speak again: "By the way, why don't you go back first, I'll go to Marina's crew to have a look. Isn't her TV series very popular now? When the next one is finished, Just broadcast it on the TV station."



Although it was already early in the morning when the plane flew to the crew, there happened to be a night scene today, and the crew was still busy!

Marina was very happy when she saw Yan Changqing. She hurriedly ended today's shooting and took him to the lounge: "My dear, how do you know that I miss you so much these days."

"By the way, I used the facial mask you sent me, and my skin feels whiter now. It's everywhere. Do you want to check the effect?"

As a traditional and upright person, Mr. Yan has never seen such a little goblin!

Of course, it is necessary to slay demons.


Two days after Hu Tianhai died, Yan Changqing returned to the winery and began repetitive work-making wine.

My spare time is carving, and I have received a batch of jade materials shipped from home - anyway, I can use my plane as I like, so there is no need to consider the cost.

However, only two days later, Huang Peishan came again: "Boss, someone has offered you a high price that you will definitely not refuse, and asked to buy a batch of wine that will be auctioned in advance."

"What high price?" Yan Changqing asked.

"A large area of ​​land in the northwest is equivalent to the total land area we have now." Huang Peishan first said the amount, and then added. "But they are all desolate places, not close to us."

Yan Changqing didn't even have to think about it: "How much wine do you want to exchange for?"

"I'm still talking." Huang Peishan said. "I guess it won't be much. It's an oil family in North America. I guess they originally purchased the land to explore for oil. Now that the exploration is over, there should be no harvest from this land, so they want to sell it."

Yan Changqing doesn't care whether the mine is mined or not: "Then let's talk about it! Tell me how much wine you will need in advance, in case there is not enough stock here."

Huang Peishan muttered: "Is there not enough stock? I don't think we can use too much. These old families do everything secretly. I guess there is not only no oil in that land, but also nothing else."

Yan Changqing laughed: "You must be wrong. These talents are the most greedy. Prepare your business negotiation team and negotiate slowly! After all, wine is sorghum, and the price of local sorghum is not high."

Yes, there is sorghum here too. It is said that there are a total of twenty-nine species of sorghum in the world, and there are twenty-two species here.

Moreover, Queensland is the main producing area of ​​local sorghum, which is very convenient.

So just change it. If you use wine that can make people healthy and live longer, and exchange it for a piece of land that is temporarily unavailable, some people may feel that it is a loss.

But if you want to exchange it with sorghum, then you won’t lose so much!

Anyway, we’ll get the land first. We can slowly develop it later and transform it into a pasture farm. Or we can just open up wasteland and grow sorghum. If you have the skills, sorghum can be turned into wine at any time. It’s simple.

The main reason is that it has never been taken seriously because there are not many people living there and the local people are too lazy to take care of it. It just happens that they can do whatever they want.

The assistant was not happy after hearing what he said: "Boss, sorghum is not valuable, but your skills and labor are so valuable. If you think so, you are giving others too much advantage."

Yan Changqing didn't care: "Whatever, we think it's worth it anyway. You ask where it is first, and I'll think about it later."


Then Yan Changqing took advantage of Lao Huang to deliver the planning map and asked: "Do you think the area in the northwest of here has development value?"

Lao Huang thought for a while: "It's a tropical area over there, with a desert climate and a grassland climate, it depends on where you are."

"It should be a not-so-good area." Yan Changqing rubbed his chin and muttered. "Sure enough, there will be no pie in the sky. Let's turn it into a pasture. Anyway, as long as there is water, you can grow grass."

Old Huang's reaction was much slower than that of Xiao Huang. He said a few words before he finally responded: "Mr. Yan, are you planning to buy land there?"

"No, someone wanted to exchange land for wine." Yan Changqing explained. "You said that if you hire people from home to open up wasteland, some people will be happy, right?"

"If you give me money, someone will do it." Lao Huang felt that Mr. Yan said nonsense.

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's right. By the way, this planning map is quite good, but isn't the area a bit small? We have such a big place, so we need to plan more space for each scenic spot..."

"Now it's preliminary planning. I think it's better to create an experiential environment, so there's no need to make it too big." Lao Huang explained. "For example, let's build a small town with European and American characteristics. In fact, many small towns here are originally. If that were the case, would anyone still come to see it?"

"So what I consider is experience. For example, the kind of castle we built in the Middle Ages has no modern facilities except basic water and electricity. Then in terms of life, we should follow the way of the time and let tourists experience the situation at that time."

"Or it can be pastoral, herding cattle, horses, farming, etc. If we were to do this now, no one would be happy. But I saw that there are a lot of idle people here, and maybe it can also attract some people from the city. .”

Yan Changqing thought about it, and it seemed to be the case. For example, he had experienced it. There was a period of time where farmhouse music was particularly popular, as well as remembering the bitter and sweet.

To put it bluntly, it is feelings.

Isn’t modern life in the city convenient? not comfortable?

But everyone likes to experience a different life, and this is good.

Thinking of this, he simply nodded: "Okay, let's do it like this! By the way, have you considered some other things, such as myths, legends and supernatural beings? Then add some gimmicks?"

Old Huang's eyes lit up: "This is okay too. People's lives in the city are too comfortable, and there are many people who like to find some excitement and adventure. However, the infrastructure is almost the same. I can add other elements when the time comes. I still want to Let’s convene some people to discuss this.”

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "That's just right. You can help me collect similar legends, and I'll make some sculptures later."

"Use jade?" Lao Huang's eyes widened and he thought to himself, boss, your investment is too big. Although the jade is not valuable, the tofu you brought here from home is worth the price of meat.

Yan Changqing was helpless: "Am I stupid or you are stupid? If the effect is good in the future, we will continue to build everything with jade, so go and make jade!"

Lao Huang chuckled and used his escape technique: "Okay, Mr. Yan, I'm going to get busy!"

(End of this chapter)

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