Chapter 399 Cooperation

After you get back from relaxing, it's time to get down to business.

Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng planned to accompany their wives first, then one would go to mine, and the other would try to do some trading. They didn't plan to be idle anyway.

Yan Changqing is not surprised by this. These two rich second generations are relatively hard-working second generations. It's okay to be lazy and play for a while, but if they really don't do anything and keep playing, then just play. It's no longer interesting.

Of course, he is similar. When he plays, although he seems to be very idle, he is actually often practicing his skills.

In fact, this is just right. People who eat sugar all day long will never know how bitter coptis is. People who often eat coptis will never know how bitter the coptis they eat is unless they eat sugar once in a while.

When Yan Changqing returned to the winery, he was not busy taking care of his apprentice. He called Jian Hongfei first and asked her how she was doing.

Jian Hongfei said that the work was going quite smoothly. Now that the negotiations have gradually passed the initial run-in, the pace will speed up.

Then Yan Changqing asked Marina again. She said that the TV series was almost finished filming. The kind of rebirth suit she wanted to shoot was better than a slap-in-the-face drama. Firstly, there was no need for any large-scale special effects. Secondly, there were no large-scale fighting scenes. At most It was a car accident or something, and it was really fast if the shot went smoothly.

Yan Changqing encouraged her and then started to teach her apprentices.

After a few busy days, this year’s winemaking work is almost over.

But he has a new itinerary. He hasn’t been to the island country for a long time and must visit the wineries there.

Knowing that the long-awaited boss was coming, Toru Ueyama made arrangements for food, clothing, housing and transportation in advance as usual. He even moved to a manor with a quieter environment this time so that when the boss arrived, he could do something that he, as a subordinate, didn't know or understand at all. thing.

Yan Changqing was quite satisfied. After arriving, he immediately got busy. He was busy with work during the day and with spring water at night, without stopping for a moment.

After being so busy, almost a month passed before Yan Changqing left with some reluctance.

The main reason is that Huang Peishan's negotiations are almost over. Contract negotiations don't require anything, but when the land is under his name, he has to sign and take a look.


Jian Hongfei admired Huang Peishan very much. Although Assistant Huang was a few years older than her, she admired her very much.

Seeing that the negotiation was over and it was about to enter the signing phase, she couldn't hold it back and flattered her: "Sister Peishan, you are so amazing. It opened my eyes."

Huang Peishan has been in the shopping mall for more than ten years, so she will not let this little flattery break her guard. However, considering that this person may have the opportunity to blow pillows in the future, she still showed a very humble look and started to talk about business: "Actually, work For a while, you must be better than me. I feel that you learn things very quickly. It has only been a long time since you came here, and now you have joined in the negotiations."

Jian Hongfei blushed a little: "That's all taken care of by you, Sister Peishan. I know my own level. I think the best thing about Sister Peishan is that she can still have the upper hand in the face of those seemingly powerful people in their company."

She actually wanted to say that when she was working in the past, she had seen people who went to invest in them. Even though they were not considered big companies, they all asked local receptionists to send out heavyweights, and they felt like they were still at a disadvantage in everything they did.

And now Huang Peishan is showing her true face to people from such a world-famous old oil company. She is really heroic and can be called a heroine.

Huang Peishan was very modest: "The main reason is that Mr. Yan is very powerful. I am his assistant. Of course, I cannot lose his face in front of some messy people."

In fact, I feel very happy. It seems that this person's pillow style can't shake my position for a while, because I know that my boss has some special abilities, but this person doesn't know it yet.

There is such an awesome big boss behind her. When she, Mr. Huang, came out to negotiate with others, what happened to her awesomeness?

The two chatted about business, and then Huang Peishan said: "Mr. Yan will be back soon. After he comes back, will you continue to work with my company?"

Jian Hongfei was a little embarrassed, but still persisted: "I plan to learn more from you, Sister Peishan. He will come back when he comes back, and I have to work!"

Huang Peishan smiled: "That's good. There are still some negotiations to come. Wilson from Boeing Company has some shares in local airlines. He wants to exchange them for our things. How about leaving it to you to negotiate?" ?”

"Ah?" Jian Hongfei was stunned. "I'm... not very good, am I?"

"It's okay, just go and give it a try." Huang Peishan encouraged. "We have an old relationship with Wilson. This guy has been using their company's relevant channels here to acquire some resources here, and then come here to exchange for wine. You just need to take the team there, be responsible for keeping a straight face, and watch other people talk. can."

"I'm afraid I can't do it well!" Jian Hongfei has only been here for a few days, and she really doesn't have enough confidence.

Huang Peishan didn't care: "It's okay, we said it's an old relationship. Even if you are a newbie, he won't dare to ask for a price. And this person is very sensible and will not ask for a price. You just need to be casual with his price. Just press a little."

"Oh!" Jian Hongfei gritted her teeth. "Then...shall I try?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Huang Peishan continued to encourage. "After this negotiation is over, there will be another Taylor family. This family is an old local family. They recently want to transform and sell some land."

Jian Hongfei didn't dare to answer, and then Huang Peishan continued: "Actually, this reason is just an excuse. The head of the Taylor family is now a woman, known as Taylor the Black Widow, and she is a very powerful woman."

"But no matter how powerful a woman is, she still loves beauty. Whether it's our wine or liquor, it's all what she wants. She wants a batch of wines that are better than those on the market..."

Of course there are better wines, but the wines brought out are definitely not the best from the winery. In fact, even outsiders can think of this, just like people who have mastered certain exclusive technologies will not use their latest technology products. Take it to the market and sell it, but it is the same as updating it bit by bit.

The initiative in these negotiations was actually in her own hands, so she dared to support Jian Hongfei in exercising with confidence - anyway, if the negotiated price was high, Mr. Yan would be responsible for the consequences, so she was not worried at all.

In fact, it was because Jian Hongfei didn't know what she should do now, so I simply asked her to try every job.

If the negotiation result is not good, let her manage other things later. Anyway, Mr. Yan said, she can do whatever she wants. She is just a little assistant, so she can do her best.

Anyway, she might go back to accompany her boss to give birth to a baby sometime, so just make her happy now.


When Yan Changqing returned to Australia, everything had been settled. All he needed to do was sign a few words.

After signing, Huang Peishan reminded: "Boss, if you are going to recruit people to develop the land, I think it is better to develop the resources below first. Anyway, the impact will not be big, and you can build some industrial base there. If you directly develop the land, the income will be It's still small and slow to show results..." Yan Changqing actually doesn't care about this, but Huang Peishan said that he thought that recruiting people would not be a matter of time. The key is still far away, and it would be a waste of time to start from scratch.

Just look at Mr. Xu. A gold mine has made him a lot stronger.

Thinking that the resources there were oil and natural gas, Yan Changqing had an idea: "Wait a minute, I'll call the leader of our unit and talk about it."

Huang Peishan was very happy: "Boss, you still remember that you have a unit!"

Yan Changqing ignored him. Of course he remembered it. Although the organization was nothing to him now, this identity still gave him a lot of help back then.


It's strange to say that since the past few years, people everywhere have taken leave of absence without pay and gone to work. Some people even gave up their jobs and started their own businesses. Many people have achieved considerable success.

On the contrary, after a few years, the establishment has become very popular, and many talents are squeezing to get in. On the contrary, fewer people have abandoned the establishment and gone to sea.

With this in mind, the call he made to Zhu Changsheng went through.

Zhu Changsheng was quite surprised and joked: "Changqing, can you still remember to call me now? I thought you had forgotten all these people at home."

"How can that be possible!" Yan Changqing also laughed when he heard the familiar hometown dialect. "It's almost May Day. Does the company prepare any benefits? Are there any benefits for me?"

"That must be the case. It's an old rule that if someone doesn't come to deliver it to your home," Zhu Changsheng said and laughed. Although Yan Changqing didn't go to work, the monthly salary in the oil field was a holiday benefit, which was never the case. He will be short of a share.

That thing is very impressive to ordinary people, but now it is just a favor that connects both parties.

Who cares whether Mr. Yan goes to work or not? Anyway, his relationship is in the work unit. People who go out to do things say that Mr. Yan and I work in the same unit. Sometimes the efficiency improvement is not even a little bit.

Yan Changqing stopped talking nonsense: "It is said that there is some oil and gas on the land I bought here. Although I am an old man in the work unit, I really don't understand this. I will send the information back now. Can you help me?" How about taking a look and seeing if there is any mining value?”

Mr. Zhu was excited at that time: "Really? Hurry up, I'll find someone to do the total."

Yan Changqing also explained: "Don't put too much hope in this. The land was purchased by Locke Company after exploration. Now it is said that the mining value is not great and they no longer want to mine, so they gave the land to me."

Zhu Changsheng thought for a while: "Let me let people take a look first! They want to make a lot of money. I don't think I want to do it if they make little money. Since I did the exploration and bought the land, I think it is a bit reasonable. If there is In terms of mining value, what are your plans?”

"What do you think about joint mining? Boss Shi will support our cooperation, right?" Yan Changqing gave the answer that Mr. Zhu wanted. "Can we also gain some working experience for the people in our unit?"

"If you are willing, he will buy you a drink later!" Mr. Zhu said neatly. "Our foundation outside is not good enough. It is difficult to go out and do things! Now that you have laid the foundation over there and bought the land, it is just mining. He will definitely support it."

"That's fine, wait until I send the information." Yan Changqing simply said.


After sending the stuff to Mr. Zhu, within a day, Zhu Changsheng called again: "Changqing, we discussed it and think it's worth mining there."

"Again, they are thinking about making money, and since they now have oil fields all over the world, they must exploit the most profitable ones first. Our oil field just wants an opportunity to accumulate more work experience."

"Nowadays, other companies' oil fields are going out more. Our oil field can always hang around at home. Anyway, we think we are capable, and Boss Shi also supports it. However, we still need people to conduct on-site exploration. After all, it is not safe to just look at the data..."

Yan Changqing laughed: "Uncle Zhu, I am also a member of the company after all, and I still don't understand this. When will you send people? If there are many people, just let the plane fly by then. Come directly here, logistics I can also help here."

"Then I won't say any polite words!" Zhu Changsheng laughed. "We will wait until the exploration is completed. We will probably be ready within a week and have someone lead the team there. We will mainly need some equipment..."


Yan Changqing was not idle either, and took advantage of this week to visit the class again.

First go to the set where Marina is about to finish filming, and then take a look at the negotiation team led by Jian Hongfei.

Then when he came back, everyone from the exploration team had arrived, and there were many acquaintances, such as Lao Zheng from the exploration team, who had given him a first prize for his performance and earned an acquaintance for being the first to appear in the promotional video.

In fact, the relationship between the two is not very close, and they have rarely met each other. Even when Yan Changqing regularly participated in festival celebrations and performances, he and Lao Zheng did not see each other every time. The work of the exploration team was not included. Just came back.

However, Yan Changqing's former maintenance master Lao Liu did not come, only a senior brother named Ma came.

Time has passed so fast. Now Lao Zheng is also the leader of the exploration team. It is said that he rarely goes to the front line in person. Master Liu now only sits in the unit. Senior Brother Ma and others have become the backbone.

But no matter who comes, Yan Changqing is no exception. He will serve wine directly, and serve him good wine.

Those who come for preliminary exploration are all big men. You don’t need to be so polite when entertaining them. Just treat them with big fish, meat and wine.

Yan Changqing still understands most of them. Even though Lao Zheng is now the top leader of the exploration department, he still can't learn to boast.

People who are engaged in technology, especially those who often go out to the wilderness, often lose contact with outsiders. In these days, most of their mobile phones become decorations when they go out, and they can only watch. time.

Therefore, when it comes to dealing with others, some people often seem to be inappropriate, so you need to understand.

Yan Changqing just took care of eating and drinking first, and didn't worry about anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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