Chapter 400

The treat was only for two meals. After dinner early the next morning, a group of people rested for the night before embarking on the journey again.

The destination this time was quite far away, more than a thousand kilometers away, and they had to bring equipment with them. It was inconvenient to fly, and helicopters were even more troublesome. They could only go there by car, and it would take two days on the road.

Yan Changqing arranged the response manpower in advance, and the others could not help much.

But then Zhu Changsheng also came. He arrived a few days later than the others because he had to attend some meeting.

After arriving, he was anxious to see the scene, but Yan Changqing refused to let him go and put out a banquet as usual.

Lao Zhu is actually quite optimistic: "If our cooperation can succeed this time, then our oil field can also consider projects in other regions. This is a big breakthrough."

Yan Changqing could only wish: "Then I wish them smooth exploration."

There is no problem with the intention of both parties to cooperate, it just depends on how difficult it is to extract natural gas from the oil fields.

If the difficulty is not too great, you can basically cooperate.

Zhu Changsheng was not in a hurry to leave when he came. He ate, drank and looked around here, and then kept sighing: "Your place is not small! I will come here when I get old and rent you a small farm. When I am old, Life is no longer monotonous.”

Yan Changqing pointed to a large construction site: "Then we can live here later. The scenic spot I plan to build will ensure that you will be comfortable and comfortable."

"What kind of scenic spot to build?" Zhu Changsheng was very interested.

Yan Changqing told him the general situation, and Lao Zhu became even happier: "Then I will reserve a seat in advance and come when I retire."

"Uh-huh!" Yan Changqing didn't believe he could come, and he didn't know how long it would be before he retired. "How is Xiaobin doing now? I don't go back very much. It's not convenient to call him now, and I can't ask him."

"Okay, it's good, but I'm not too young at this age. It's time to get married. I'm too busy all day to take care of it. I don't know when I can resolve this matter first." Zhu Changsheng said melancholy.

"Don't worry, it will happen sooner or later. Maybe I will bring him back some time." Yan Changqing comforted him and continued to show him around.

After only one day of delay, Zhu Changsheng rushed to the exploration site in a hurry.

Yan Changqing arranged two cars and several drivers. He didn't plan to go anyway. If he wanted to go, he would wait until the exploration there was almost complete.

Zhu Changsheng came here just to cheer him up. It was the first time he sent someone out, so he felt uneasy if he didn't come over to take a look. In fact, he only wanted to take a look around, shout a few slogans and then go back.


Next, Yan Changqing went to Marina's closing banquet.

Marina was so happy that the first thing she talked about was work: "Next, I will ask people to speed up the post-production, and then it can be released. I'm really looking forward to it..."

"Don't worry, I think the ratings will definitely be higher than the previous one." Yan Changqing encouraged.

"Yeah, I think so too." Marina suddenly became happy and then licked her lips. "Did you miss me?"

"Definitely, I think about it when I'm not busy." Yan Changqing told the truth.

Marina thought for a moment: "Okay, then I'll let you think more."

After two days of messing around, I started chasing people away: "You should leave quickly. I also have to supervise them to do post-production as soon as possible. I don't even want to work while you are here."

Yan Changqing was helpless: "An hour ago you were shouting that we should never tell each other apart!"

Marina chuckled: "Really? I have forgotten everything I said at that time, but I can do it again before I leave..."


Yan Changqing actually didn't have much time to fool around with Marina, and Zhu Changsheng came back from the exploration team shortly afterwards.

Lao Zhu is still very optimistic: "The exploration work is going quite smoothly, and I will feel relieved next time."

Yan Changqing was also happy when he saw this: "Okay, it just so happens that I also plan to go back, let's come together!"

Also leaving were Wang Songfeng and Xu Yibo, who also wanted to go home for a visit.

The four of them got on the plane together and embarked on the journey home.


When I got home, it was still almost summer.

Now the May Day holiday has passed, and the senior high school students have to prepare for the college entrance examination, and they haven't even passed the May Day holiday.

When Yan Changqing came back, he found that there were no more high school seniors in the village. They had all dispersed across the country, preparing to take the college entrance examination elsewhere.

As a result, his cram school couldn't be opened, so he had to go to Jiang Minghe at noon and have a meal together at Xiao Laobiao's restaurant.

Jiang Minghe was quite puzzled: "Mr. Yan, you are very busy now, and you still have time to treat me to dinner. If you have anything to do, just tell me, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

It's really unsettling, how famous Yan Changqing is in the village now, especially recently, he is often abroad, but when he comes back, he treats himself to dinner.

In terms of their relationship in this life, they didn't spend much time together. It was during the assault training class in junior high school that the two of them became familiar with each other. At other times, they never met at all.

Yan Changqing can't say that in my previous life, you bragged me all day long, so in this life, I rely on your bragging to make my fortune so smooth.

I had no choice but to say casually: "I originally wanted to hold a training class for the guys in the village to prepare for the college entrance examination, but they all ran away. Now I don't even have anyone at home. I can only come here to ask how you are preparing."

Jiang Minghe sighed: "I'm going to prepare some yarn. The teacher has said that my level is just above the level of filing. If I pass the exam, I basically have little hope. If I don't take the exam, it will be a pity. Let me study harder." When you have time, find some temples to burn incense..."

Yan Changqing was suddenly reminded of long-lasting memories: "Did Big Toad Li say that?"

Jiang Minghe laughed: "It's him, you know it too!"

"Of course I know." Yan Changqing couldn't help but laugh. Li Big Toad was also his teacher in his previous life. This teacher was not very popular, and he also liked to talk about luck. Anyway, this is how he encouraged his classmates: "Although the college entrance examination depends on strength, it also depends on luck. Don't just think that you are not good at studying. Fill out a few notes and prepare to go to work, what if something happens? Right? "

"Maybe you just encountered a question that you are familiar with, and maybe the grades this year are generally not good, and the entry points are low. Luck is very difficult to say, maybe you are just lucky... "

Yan Changqing remembers the college entrance examination very clearly at that time. If the students were really far behind in study, the teachers advised them not to take the exam - in order to improve the students' passing rate.

But I think I won't do it now. Although the school is directly managed by the county, more resources are provided by the township, so the teachers don't care about the rate. Anyone who is willing to take the exam is allowed to try.

In fact, if you think about it, Li Toad's theory of luck makes some sense. Of course, he said this so that students would not be so nervous during the exam. Anyway... at best, just try your luck!

After reminiscing for a long time, when the food was served, Yan Changqing asked: "Have you decided which school to apply for?"

"No!" Jiang Minghe shook his head. "With my grades, I don't think I have much hope. It really depends on luck. Let's wait until the exam is over!"

"Well, how about you give me a call after the assessment is finished and before you apply for the exam?" Yan Changqing said.

"It's definitely no problem." Jiang Minghe agreed first, and then asked curiously. "What's wrong, you want to show me the back door?"

"I don't have the ability, and I'm too lazy to do it." Yan Changqing didn't give him any detours. "I'll see if there's any inside information then. If I have, I'll let you know. Anyway, just take the exam well."

Jiang Minghe was confused and a little disappointed: "Okay! I thought you could get some indicators or something."

"You are going to take the college entrance examination. There is a shitty indicator." Yan Changqing scolded with a smile. "If it doesn't work out, if you want to go abroad, come to me and I will make arrangements for you."

"Go abroad!" Jiang Minghe looked embarrassed. "Then I might as well take the college entrance examination. I failed in foreign languages."

"Anyway, you should take the exam well. If it doesn't work, I will think of a way for you." Yan Changqing comforted him. "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. I don't believe you went abroad and memorized a few words and still couldn't remember them. How could you remember the names of the roads after you went out? How could you remember the dishes after eating? name?"

"That's true." Jiang Minghe assured immediately after saying that. "Anyway, let's wait until the college entrance examination is over. I'll be damn good. What if I do well? There must be one or two times in life when you are particularly lucky. Maybe I can catch up this time."

Yan Changqing said in his heart that there is really no guarantee in this life. Anyway, you did catch up in the last life. From entering the shabby school to coming out of the 211 college, your luck was not ordinary shit. It was the one pulled by the roaring dog. What a piece of shit.

In fact, Yan Changqing's heart is quite complicated. Now that he thinks about it, the other classmates and friends are much better now than what he knew in his previous life, but he is a little unsure about this one.

Because Jiang Minghe's parents went out to do business in his previous life. Although they didn't earn much and it was hard work, their life was not bad. In the end, he even got a good diploma. He spent most of his life wandering around, and his life was not very good, and he didn't eat much. bitter.

But it's hard to say now. Jiang Minghe's parents are not forced to do business now...

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while and gave it up: "If you really don't do well in the exam and don't want to repeat the exam, we will discuss it then. After all, we can't let you work in someone else's factory because you are a classmate."

He was not afraid that Jiang Minghe would not take the exam seriously if he spoke too early. This guy was still somewhat arrogant and didn't like to ask for help.

As a result, I heard Jiang Minghe say: "If you say that, Mr. Yan, I won't take the exam..."

"No!" This time it was Yan Changqing's turn to be confused. "Didn't you just say with all your heart that you should beg for mercy? Are you ready to give it a try?"

"You want me to work in a winery. If I have a good job, why should I go to school? Do you know how many people now dream of working in your winery?" Jiang Minghe started counting on his fingers. "Look, if I really get into college, it will take three or four years."

"The annual tuition is several thousand yuan, and the food and drink are several thousand yuan. Let's consider it thirty or forty thousand! I want to work in your winery. Find a better job for me. I will work for three or four years. I won't spend thirty or forty thousand. Maybe I can still save 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, and all the money for the wedding has been saved. When others graduate, I will sleep with my wife in my arms..."

Yan Changqing was speechless for a long time: "Okay, okay, what I said is to support you, that is the last way. If you can get into college, if nothing else, if the major you studied can be used again, your future salary will definitely be Higher. I don’t think my company will fail in three to five years, so you don’t have to be so anxious.”

"Besides, from elementary school to now, in the third grade of elementary school, you start to wake up at five o'clock. In the fifth grade, you start to have evening self-study again, and go to bed at ten o'clock from five o'clock. How many years has it been? Until now, if you don't take the college entrance examination, you Are you willing?"

Jiang Minghe thought for a long time: "Yes, let's wait until the exam is over."

Yan Changqing could eat with peace of mind. He really didn't want this guy to not even go to college. Everyone was developing in a good direction. He was the only one who graduated from 211 and went to work after graduating from high school. Anyway, Yan Changqing felt that It would be a pity.

After finishing the meal, Jiang Minghe had to go to class - he was in his third year of high school, and he was still a high school student in Yudong Province, so he didn't have to think about holidays.

In fact, they are already late now. The rule for senior high school students is that they have to enter school at one o'clock to start their noon preview class. The two of them ate this meal a little slowly, and it is already half past one.

But Jiang Minghe didn't care: "It's okay. I'll go back and tell Big Toad Li that he will be jealous to death of having a meal with you, Mr. Yan."

"Haha!" Yan Changqing laughed. "Then wait a minute. I'll get two bottles of wine from the car and you can take them to Teacher Li."

Although the two of them kept calling Li Big Toad, they couldn't say they were malicious.

Yan Changqing was reborn after all. He looked back and thought about it. Although Li Big Toad was nicknamed by the students and he himself did not want to please him. Sometimes he even liked to say a few swear words, but the teacher really couldn't find it. What a big shortcoming.

Like the students, I get up at five o'clock and go to bed at ten or ten o'clock. I usually have to work hard to stand outside the window and secretly observe... At least the professionalism makes people speechless, and this is enough!

Jiang Minghe is also about to graduate, and he is quite sensible, although it is a pity: "Isn't your wine famous? It's quite expensive, right? Give him a drink... He's taking advantage. Looking back, he has the nerve to complain about me. No……"

Yan Changqing was very happy: "He should say you, but he still talks about you. If you don't believe it, just take a look. It's only been two months, and it will pass if you endure it. Really, take the exam well, and if you can go to college, even if you go to work later, you will be able to do it." Being a manager, or a technician or something like that, the salary is high and the job is low, which is much better than going to work after graduating from high school."

"Don't worry, I know." Jiang Minghe looked nonchalant. "Well, no one understands the truth! This is not specific to the matter, and there is no way to connect theory with practice!"

Yan Changqing knew that he was like this, and he looked like he didn't care, but actually he listened, so he didn't say anything more.

That's what people of this age are like.


After chatting with Jiang Minghe all afternoon, Yan Changqing got in the car and drove home, feeling that he had finally accomplished something big.

Yes, he took this matter as a big deal.

I didn’t understand it when I was young, but I realized it when I was middle-aged. It was really rare to have a few friends who could drink and brag about anything at that time.

Anyway, I have achieved a little bit now. Forget about those I don’t know. I will definitely help those who can.

Of course, it also depends on the guy's luck. Now Yan Changqing is not sure that the college entrance examination papers will still be the same as he once took the exam - he has caused the Internet bubble in advance, and he really doesn't dare to rely on everything else. History' experience.

(End of this chapter)

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