Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 409: Straight to the point

Chapter 409: Straight to the point

There are always many firsts in life, and many firsts are always fresh in people's minds. Every time they think of them, it seems like it was yesterday.

The same is true for Yan Changqing. He still remembers the first time he went out to work.

After packing my bags, I followed my friends from the same village and boarded the bus heading south.

These days, taking a bus is really not a good experience.

At first, I was nervous and fresh, and it felt very novel, but as I walked, I encountered obstacles.

These long-distance buses have regular restaurants, but they have to stop at roadside restaurants that are the same as extortion and robbery. They are the kind that can't survive without eating. After eating, it makes people feel sorry for the money, because the food is obviously of poor quality. , but the price is very high.

It's very annoying, but I can't turn back, so I can only bite the bullet and continue...

It makes people experience the feeling of being in a dilemma and not being able to give up.

After finally reaching the destination with great difficulty, we entered a very small factory. The small factory building always made people feel crowded, and the assigned dormitories were also crowded.

Then his voice sounded: "Hurry up, breakfast is very rich, come here early to eat."

She had had this nightmare so many times that she even knew it was a dream, so she just waited quietly.

Then her hand was held by another hand, and she instantly felt that the dark room became brighter, and there was an indescribable sense of security that filled her whole body...

Really, for the first time, the bad guy was obviously very experienced and didn't know how to feel sorry for people.

He covered her with a blanket, then got up, went to the living room, lay on the sofa, and began to plan in his mind what to do next.

So shameless!

After thinking for less than a minute, he felt that he had a lot to do, but now, it seemed inappropriate to be in the living room, so he might as well go back!


She didn't want to answer, until she heard the door closing, she exposed her head and moved her body. Sure enough, she felt a little swollen and painful.

But maybe it was because he said that the parents of both parties might meet, or maybe it was because her brain short-circuited after meeting him. Anyway, her bravery was a bit too much!

It's too much!

Instantly she remembered what happened yesterday, and her face turned red.

"Okay, okay!" Yan Changqing agreed. "Then hurry up, I've prepared breakfast!"

You can only adapt slowly.

Jian Hongfei instantly hid herself in the blanket again, and a voice came from inside: "Anyway, you go out. If you don't go out, I will... I won't get up!"

Then she wanted to reach out and pull the blanket to cover her face, but found that her hand was being held, and she struggled twice to break free, so she changed her hand and covered her head tightly.

Many people are even afraid of working because of the initial discomfort.

But in the dream, she didn't seem to think about it, she just laughed and stretched out her hand: "Okay!"

It was still the very familiar dream. She was at a loss in a simple room, sitting on a hard bed, and the sound of bargaining seemed to be constantly echoing in her ears - that was her own price.


Even when she turned over and wanted to curl up, she could clearly feel discomfort.

Then she heard: "What's good? Are you dreaming?"


So she opened her eyes and saw a familiar face, it was the grown-up 'naughty kid'.


In short, everything feels so depressing, as if it is a cicada that is stuck, even moving is a luxury.

Then not long after, two people came into the room, a big man whose face couldn't be seen clearly, and a naughty boy with a bit of the 'shrewd' look on his face that is typical of rural naughty boys.

She had mixed feelings in her heart, even though she had thought when she came here that she should be braver, give him some sweetness, and let him take the initiative towards her...

Yan Changqing smiled: "Why are you going out? You are my wife, you forgot! We have already made a private decision for life, and now it is just a matter of course..."

Fortunately, Yan Changqing's adaptability was pretty good. He finally persisted and relied on his patience to gradually straighten out his work.

Recalling these, Yan Changqing looked at the sleeping Jian Hongfei, reached out and pushed a strand of sweaty hair on her forehead to one side, then leaned over and kissed her gently.

Soon Jian Hongfei felt her hand being let go, followed by the sound of footsteps, and then the sound of the door opening.

The process is slow and difficult.

Jian Hongfei had a dream again.

This naughty kid waved and threw down a lot of banknotes, and then shouted to himself: "Daughter-in-law, let's go home with me."

Really, this person is too good, even though it was very... oops...

After a while, a blushing Jian Hongfei revealed her head: "You go out, I'm going to wash up..."

Yan Changqing waited quietly. Now he was sure that this was his girlfriend. Of course, he had to be patient.

Gradually, in the process of working, look for some shining points in life, such as the moment when wages are paid...Through these, try to make yourself happy.

Fortunately, I finally got used to it, and the next step is to enjoy the hardships.

Why now...

Just happiness is hard to come by. As for gradually getting better or even directly reaching the peak of life, it is very difficult for people who are working for the first time.

Jian Hongfei felt something was wrong. Why had this dream changed? The previous dreams were not like this. It seemed that a lot of things would happen in between.

I complained in my heart, and then thought about it, it seems that I was more proactive at that time, so I felt blushing again.

Fortunately, there was no one around. She moved a bit and felt that there was no big problem, so she slowly got out of bed and saw a bath towel on the bedside that should have been placed in the bathroom.

After thinking for a while, she probably understood, so she wrapped herself in a bath towel and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

Just when she was about to open the door, she suddenly felt something. When she turned her head, she saw a certain bad guy standing in the corner of the room, exactly where she hadn't noticed just now.

She exclaimed at that time and pulled the towel: "Why didn't you leave?"

"I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to be alone. I'm waiting to help you adjust the water temperature!" The bad guy said and walked over, looking very natural.

Jian Hongfei was a little nervous: "I don't need it, I can...ah..."


Yan Changqing is quite experienced in taking care of people. After all, he had two girlfriends before.

Under Jian Hongfei's protest, she washed her, then helped her blow dry her hair, and helped her get dressed...

Although it was inevitable that he would come into contact with something else, he held it back and did not waste any more time eating breakfast.

As he said, the breakfast was quite sumptuous. Jian Hongfei was already numb to the shamelessness of the bad guy. She sat down at the table and started eating with a straight face - in fact, she was just not used to it and didn't know what expression she should have. At this moment, she He looked serious on the outside, but in fact he was very panicked. He was afraid that as he ate, the bad guy would pounce on him again.

Because of her wild thoughts, she even forgot to refute when a certain bad guy brought her a bowl of tea, so she took it and drank it.

It tastes quite good, although it's a little bitter, but honey should be added in it, and it's a little sweet.

... After breakfast, Yan Changqing didn't do anything else and watched TV with Jian Hongfei at home.

Anyway, if he doesn't go out, no one will bother him. He just confirmed the relationship yesterday, so he should be at ease with his girlfriend today.

Jian Hongfei was quite satisfied. She felt that what she had thought before was quite accurate. Although the big bad guy seemed to have a lot of experience in that area, he was really a considerate bad guy.

The next time is the leisure time for the two of them, cuddling on the sofa together watching TV, cooking together, eating together...

Like a newly married couple, the two of them were barely separated for a second.

Jian Hongfei was actually quite sweet in her heart. Although the big bad guy was very troublesome, he was at least very patient with himself and knew that he was inconvenienced, so he never asked for anything more.

If he can keep doing this, that seems good.

By the way, he said that his family may meet his own family, so will they get married later?

Then she remembered what he asked yesterday: "Are you ready?"

She asked herself deep in her heart, and the answer was that she was actually ready.

Although she felt a little flustered when she thought of this, she felt that she was really ready.

I even thought that maybe I would give birth to a child next, and then take care of the child...


Jian Hongfei was most curious about Yan Changqing's earlier experience.

Because his later experiences were always mentioned by many people, Jian Hongfei had known about it for a long time.

What she was curious about was what happened before she became a wife.

The big bad guy was quite sincere. As long as she asked, he would tell her directly, which satisfied her curiosity.

On such a warm and sweet day, time always seems to fly very quickly.

It seemed like two days passed in the blink of an eye.


After dinner, when the two of them packed up their things and sat on the sofa watching TV, Jian Hongfei said: "You just came here, so you must be busy with a lot of things. You don't have to accompany me tomorrow. We'll talk about it after you finish your work."

As a result, the big bad guy's smile suddenly became strange: "Is everything really okay?"

"Ah?" Jian Hongfei realized something was wrong.


She couldn't help but complain in her heart, this guy has too much experience, how come he always finds it so quickly...

Soon she couldn't care less about her random thoughts, only the sensations in her body kept coming.


Yan Changqing's 'happiness' skill is now almost level two.

He also discovered that it wasn't just more practice that would lead to faster upgrades. It turned out that when you practice together with someone who only has theory and no practice, if you take care of the other person's feelings, your skill proficiency will actually increase quite quickly.

The advantage of this skill is that it can make people feel happy.

And it's the kind of happiness that starts quickly, gradually becomes happier, and in the end forgets everything, only happiness...


Jian Hongfei had a dream again.

But I no longer dreamed of that small and simple house. Instead, I dreamed of some big bad guy who kept bullying me and made me almost faint from happiness.

When she woke up again, she knew that it must be dawn again.

But she didn't open her eyes and felt carefully that the big bad guy was still beside her.

She didn't want to move, she felt lazy, and she just wanted to lie there and think.

Thinking about it, it seemed that the big bad guy was actually in great shape and in good health, but it was too good and inconsistent with some of the knowledge she had occasionally learned before.

He is simply a tireless wolf!

Big pervert!

Just when I thought of this, I felt the big bad guy next to me coming closer again, and his voice came to my ears: "When you wake up, stop sleeping and start your morning exercises!"


A week later, Jian Hongfei felt that she was too depraved.

So she was very determined this time. She put down the chopsticks for breakfast and said: "After you have eaten, go and get down to business. Don't bother me at home every day. I'm not you. Really... otherwise I'll go find you." It’s okay to have other girlfriends, I don’t mind at all!”

This person is so outrageous, even those novels that popularize some special knowledge are not written in such an exaggerated way.

Such a person actually allowed me to meet him, and he almost didn't let anyone do anything else except eat...

Yan Changqing laughed: "Okay, okay, I'm going to work today. You can take a nap later and wait for me to come back at noon."

"Yes!" Jian Hongfei breathed a sigh of relief and let him continue to stay at home. She doubted whether she would become a fool if her mind went blank several times in a row!


Yan Changqing didn't leave so quickly. He really didn't think there was anything more important than spending time with his girlfriend - unless he was spending time with another girlfriend.

But now those two are not here. Marina is taking advantage of the good weather in Qiansu to go back there to do some promotions and shoot some TV series.

So there is nothing more important for the time being.

Yan Changqing was urged a few more times and simply started working on the phone.

First, ask about the situation of the liquor factory, and then ask about the new attractions built by Lao Huang...

Before he could ask anyone else, his second uncle called him.

Yan Erhe's plane was modified and he was in a good mood. However, after answering the phone, he still asked as usual: "Seven pounds, have you eaten?"

Yan Changqing looked at the time: "It's already past ten o'clock."

"Oh, we are too far away. Aren't we jet lag? I'm not very good at calculating this, so I just asked casually." Yan Erhe was very open-minded. "Your mother didn't like it when you went out for so many days and didn't call back. She even called me and asked if you had called me."

"I just came out." Yan Changqing was speechless.

"Anyway, your mother said, she will definitely not call you first. She is going to see how long you are going to wait before calling home after you go out. If you are not busy, you can call me later."

"Yeah, I understand." Yan Changqing agreed.

"By the way, there's also that greedy cat." Yan Erhe said. "They said that after you left, the greedy cat still squatted where you were fishing every day, and now he doesn't even come here!"

Yan Changqing automatically translated in his mind, 'They' should refer to those fishing guys. After all, the second uncle is very popular, and among those fishing guys, there should be friends with whom he used to hunt rabbits and birds.

'This side', I should say, is the place where those fishing guys often hang out.

Yan Changqing was thinking this in his heart, and he already asked: "Has the Greedy Cat been squatting there waiting for me? He won't wait without eating or drinking, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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