Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 410 The Greedy Cat Wine Table Culture

Chapter 410 The Greedy Cat Wine Table Culture

Hearing his nephew's question, Yan Erhe laughed: "Don't worry, that guy can't survive without eating. It's squatting over there, and there are fishermen here looking at it pitifully. You didn’t even know you were gone, so you took the initiative to give it some fish.”

Yan Changqing was relieved. After all, he was a greedy little cat who had been with him for a long time. He still liked these fluffy guys. He actually liked them all, regardless of cats or dogs.

As long as you know how to eat, you will still be the greedy cat.

However, Yan Changqing suddenly came to his senses: "Second uncle, you called me, you have something serious to do, right?"

Yan Erhe on the other end of the phone answered quickly: "Yes! I am the way, the plane has been modified!"

What else could Yan Changqing say? He could chat on the phone until he forgot about business. All he could say was that he was still his second uncle.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Just wait, I'll ask the people here to check and accept it. If it's suitable, I'll ship it over. Then you will come with me and stay here for a few days. If my second aunt and Changpo are fine, it won't matter." Let’s come together if we have anything else to do. It’s summer vacation, so let’s treat it as a trip.”

Yan Erhe is quite concerned about this business, after all, it can be regarded as earning foreign exchange through export.

These days, there is a big difference between a company that can export and one that cannot. If he gets this deal done now, he can become a company that earns foreign exchange through export in the future.


Jian Hongfei felt quite helpless, but it was also a bit sweet. After all, a company as big as the Big Bad didn't care about it and just stayed by her side. For a little girl who fell in love for the first time, it was more than sweet!

"Then let's eat first!" Yan Erhe has learned the tone of greeting and has used it up. Now he just uses his own habits - if guests from afar say they haven't eaten well, then of course they should eat first.

Yan Changqing called Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng to greet him again, and his business was completed.

Although he doesn't speak English, he feels that he can learn the other person's speaking habits, which will make the other person feel friendly.

Huang Peishan had no choice but to slowly tell him what the words were and under what circumstances they could be used.

Compared with the other two, Yan Changqing prefers kissing after each other.

Since the other party said hello first, Yan Erhe had no choice but to say "yes" he was very happy.

Although Yan Changqing doesn't have much experience in this area, after all, his happiness skills haven't been upgraded yet, and he only has three confirmed girlfriends so far.

Wilson was also stunned for a moment. Why did he say that?

People are different.

Yan Erhe was cramming in his son's first-grade English textbook. After all, this was his first foreign exchange business, so he still took it seriously.

Wilson reacted quite quickly. It didn't matter if he didn't understand. He only needed to understand one thing. The other party was Mr. Yan's second uncle. He was said to be a very easy-going person and he definitely didn't mean any harm.

Then, of course, I went back to spend time with my girlfriend.

But he is a person who is good at summarizing. For example, Marina always likes to be a little tiger, and Quan Shui always likes to do half-assed things.

Huang Peishan endured his awkward accent and praised him with laughter and laughter: "Very impressive. Mr. Wilson deserves to be a graduate of a prestigious school and a senior manager of a world-renowned company. It is said that Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn in the world. I didn't expect you to be here now." You can apply what you have learned so quickly..."

Jian Hongfei is different, she is more traditional. Anyway, as long as someone thinks about it, she will soon abandon her armor, then be defeated, and eventually fall into pieces...

As for other business of his own company, all he needs to do is to sign a few signatures. Huang Peishan will come over if necessary.

After all, it is also promoting culture.

Yan Erhe was going to be the first to say that he was very happy to meet you, but he didn't expect that Wilson didn't have the reserve of a world-famous enterprise elite. Although his accent was a bit weird, his tone was truly religious.

Yan Erhe reacted very quickly this time, like a conditioned reflex: "I've eaten, have you eaten too?"

This Wilson helped her a lot, he was an elite after all. In Australia, there are still many pro-North American people who are quite friendly to elites from world-famous companies like him, so Huang Peishan obtained a lot of resources from him.

"Of course, of course, thank you for your treat." Wilson was very happy. He learned Chinese and of course learned a lot of Chinese customs.

Yan Erhe and his people quickly received Wilson and his party.

Then Huang Peishan called Wilson again and told him that the aircraft was built and waiting for him to take the customer for acceptance.

The Boeing manager immediately told Huang Peishan in Chinese with great interest: "Mr. Huang, thank you for telling me this good news. I have been looking forward to it for a long time, and now I finally have an excuse to travel to China and learn Chinese." It can be considered idiom is pretty good, right?"

Instead of following the rules of business negotiations, they waited for Wilson and his people to arrive, settled in the hotel, and then agreed on a time to meet. These two acted quite unconventionally. Yan Erhe took his people directly to the airport and picked up Wilson and his party. .

Yan Erhe was stunned when he heard the standard Chicago-style Chinese. This was not the first time he heard it. He had contacted her on the phone before, but even so, the muddy howl when they met still made him stunned. Yan Erhe almost didn't react.

So Yan Erhe also used his own Mandarin with Dayanzhuang dialect: "Hello, I am Yan Erhe! I am also very happy to see you!"

At this time, after singing for a long time, Miss Feifei's lips are always cool, like mint...

And this person is quite well-informed, such as this order for two helicopters.

"Wait a minute, Manager Huang," Wilson shouted, then continued speaking in a weird accent. "Putting what you learn into practice, this is also a new idiom, right? Wait a moment, I'll write it down first... Apply what you learn... Where is the word? Wait a minute, I can use Pinyin..."

Yan Changqing changed hands and called Huang Peishan.

Before Yan Erhe could say hello, the handsome young blond guy at the front greeted him enthusiastically and loudly: "Ni Hao Ni Hao, I am Wilson, who is Mr. Yan Erhe?"

Forget it at home, my mother has been complaining for the past two days and she will get scolded when she calls her. Just wait a few days and think of a good excuse.

Therefore, when making a phone call, it doesn't matter if you waste a while and just tell him an idiom.

So he immediately said according to the custom he had learned, which was said to be the Chinese custom: "Have you eaten?"



Just like two people carrying hoes in the countryside, they greet each other across two acres of land while working in the farmland: "Have you eaten?"

So while urging him to hurry up and get down to business, he shouted no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but the cooperation was flawless.

"I didn't." Wilson told the truth, and then explained. "I don't really like eating on airplanes, so I only ate a little bit. If I'm not full, I don't think I've eaten, right?"

For example, dining table culture, treating guests to dinner, etc. It is said that this is also a way to express friendship.

Only after he was overjoyed did he react: "This is Mr. Alfred, the representative sent by our customer. This time he is mainly here to inspect and accept."

Alfred almost suspected that the two of them were exchanging some secret code. After all, after just a few greetings, the expressions between the two were quite wonderful.

Fortunately, the translator he brought with him was a Chinese-speaking translator. He suppressed a laugh and translated it for him in a low voice. He also explained why the two parties were like this... So Alfred looked at the expressions of the people around him and finally knew that these two people were really not the same. What's the secret code? It's not that you want to do something about yourself as a customer acceptance representative, but it's just...a bit funny?

This is... Alfred was also speechless. Who would have thought that Wilson, who was said to be prosperous in Australia, and the owner of an aircraft manufacturing factory, the meeting between the two was actually... This is the style of painting.

Alfred was a little confused until they all sat at the dining table. He had to ask the translator: "Is there really such a custom here? What time is it local time now? I just took a flight for more than ten hours. , this wine? Just brought a few boxes of wine? Why? "

Translation is very hard. As a well-known translator, he has never seen such a...different style of business negotiation.

We met directly at the airport, and then went directly to the dining table. There was no dish yet, and we didn’t even start talking. We moved several boxes of wine first.

So the translator took the opportunity to check the time and his mind was racing. He wanted to think of a suitable reason, so as not to make Alfred feel that he was unprofessional and dare to say that he was Chinese even though he didn't understand Chinese customs at all. Pass……

But... I have never seen anything like this!

He works as a translator in Australia or other countries, and this is his first time in China.

He could calculate the time difference, but he couldn't think of an excuse to explain it at the moment.

Fortunately, the next moment he saw the wine, he suddenly thought of the reason and whispered: "This is longevity wine, the best, even better than what Mr. Yan auctioned."

Alfred was shocked at that time: "Really?"

"Of course." The translator was very proud that he finally told what he knew. "This is Yan's second uncle, his biological uncle. In China, a biological uncle is his father's biological brother. They are a family, with a closer relationship than our family there, a real family. So what he took out, It’s his nephew’s best wine.”

This has nothing to do with whether you like to drink or not. After all, the whole world knows that Yan has mastered the secret recipe of wine that can make people regain their youth, health and longevity.

As long as you are an individual, there is no one who is not interested in this.

But the wine table culture hasn't started yet, and the two people over there are still chatting enthusiastically!

One person said in Chicago-style Chinese: "I particularly like Chinese culture. I also learned a new word before coming here, which is called applying what I have learned."

The other one spoke in Dayanzhuang-like Mandarin: "Then you're awesome. I've only been to the second grade of elementary school and I haven't learned many idioms."

Then came the Chicago-style flattery: "You are even more powerful. You only went to the second grade of elementary school and you can actually build an airplane. Oh my God, sure enough, I knew that Yan is a genius. You are his uncle, so you must be a genius too." .”

Dayanzhuang was very humble: "No way, no way can I compare to my nephew. He has been great since he was a child. I earned some money with him, so I had the opportunity to come into contact with these things..."

One graduated from a world-renowned school, and the other did not finish the second grade of a rural elementary school. Their accents were even more awkward, but they actually started chatting with each other, and they became more and more enthusiastic.

Whether it was the former Soviet engineers next to Yan Erhe or the business elites next to Wilson, they all looked at the two chatting in confusion.

To be honest, even the translator couldn't understand what the two of them were saying, so I found it a bit incredible and didn't understand why these two people could talk so much.

What a miracle!


Fortunately, the appetizers were served soon.

Yan Erhe is still very attentive to these customers. Secondly, he is not a person who cares about money. The reception place arranged is also quite good. As for the dishes that were served first, they are also colorful and have different shapes. They look like It's easy to whet your appetite.

We also take into account the habits of these customers, knowing that they may not necessarily use chopsticks, and deliberately choose dishes that can be eaten with a knife, fork and spoon.

Alfred finally drank.

Because Yan Erhe came according to local customs, as soon as the food was served, he picked up the wine glass before he even started eating: "Come, this is the first time we meet, everyone has been tired all the way, let's go first to relieve our fatigue..."

Everyone was very cooperative.

No matter how good the food is, it may not be to everyone's taste, not to mention that this is a group of outside customers.

But no matter what the taste of the wine, it didn't stop them from pouring it into their stomachs. Under the whisper of the translator, everyone knew that this was a unique good thing in the world that could not be bought at auction. One sip was a profit. .

Yan Erhe was so happy when he saw how cooperative these customers were.

After all, he had been to Qiansu, and he also traveled around here at home. He knew that there were different customs in different places, and he was afraid that he would be treated poorly at the wine table.

Okay now, since everyone is happy to drink, you're welcome.

Although he himself is not a big drinker, he drinks a lot of wine from his own winery, and he is not afraid of it once he gets used to it.

So the rest will be smooth sailing, good things come in pairs... get rich all year round... six or six years of success... perfect...

I drank white wine and red wine.

Yan Erhe raised his glass and introduced: "Actually, our wine also has a lot of history, so who didn't write a poem? The luminous cup of grape wine will prompt you to drink Pipa immediately..."

Not many people could understand that his recitation of poetry was actually a bit of a show off. After all, the lower the education level, the more he wanted to show that he was literate.

But everyone knows that this is wine that is not available on the market, so...just keep drinking!

And then there’s sake, vodka…


Wine is really good wine, and it also has health-preserving effects. It’s good to drink but not overpowering, good to drink but not harsh on the throat, everything.

So when Wilson, Alfred and the others woke up, they felt in good spirits and were more comfortable than deep sleep. When they woke up, they felt that all the cells in their bodies were instantly activated.

My spirit is refreshed and my body seems to be full of vitality.

But looking at the surrounding environment, the first thing I felt was confusion.

who I am? Where am I? What am I here for?

After all, they were refreshed, and they quickly reacted.

Oh, by the way, we came to China to inspect and accept the aircraft.

What about the plane?

Before seeing the plane, I first saw the wine table culture and tasted what is said to be the world's first-class wine, not just one.

What luck... No, we came here for business.

According to the itinerary plan, they should have started accepting the aircraft today, and they should report the situation to the customers who actually purchased the aircraft in Australia at any time.

The two looked at their watches and then hurriedly packed up.

Then the next moment, the two met in the corridor of the hotel and asked each other in unison: "Did we sleep for two days? Or did my watch show the wrong date?"

(End of this chapter)

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