Chapter 412 Yan Erhe’s Mission

When Wilson woke up in the morning, from washing his face and brushing his teeth to finally combing his hair, he stared at himself in the mirror and suddenly felt sad.

Because he was leaving today, the plane had been inspected and all procedures had been completed, and he had no reason to continue to stay here... Thinking of this, his eyes became a little moist.

Why do I always have tears in my eyes? It’s because I love this land so deeply!

He really doesn't want to leave. He drinks twice a day here, a small drink at noon and a big drink at night. Look at the person in the mirror now!

His blond hair seemed to be plated with gold powder, and seemed to have a certain luster under the light. The skin on his face was tender and firm, and there was a feeling of vitality in his body - this feeling, he was already twenty. I haven’t experienced it in years.

What it feels like to return to the body of twenty years ago. Only those who have experienced what it means to be young and middle-aged will know, and only those who understand what it means to be middle-aged will be extremely obsessed with this feeling...

Therefore, after coming to this magical country for the first time in his life, Wilson fell in love with it in just two weeks.

He just didn't want to leave anyway.

Not only did he not want to leave, but the entire team that came for the inspection also didn’t want to leave.

Work is just work, no matter how much money you make, is it wonderful to have this feeling of returning to your youth?

Yan Erhe actually didn't care about the wine. Anyway, it was given to him by his nephew. Now he cares more about his 'mission'.

Originally, he planned to travel to Australia with his whole family. The business was doing well, he was in a good mood, and his children happened to be older, so he knew how to see the scenery when traveling, so it was quite suitable.

His parents, brothers and sisters-in-law all asked him to go see how far his nephew had developed with the Jian girl in Australia.

But his son didn't have time, so he used his pocket money to enroll himself in an English cram school during the summer vacation. For this, I have to thank Mr. Yan of Bubugao Winery. It was his vigorous development of the rural economy that made cram schools a thing, at least It appeared in this small town several years earlier than its original history.

No matter what happened, Yan and Erhe had a vast connection anyway. He was going on a trip and he hadn't even left the gate yet. Everyone in the village knew about it. So someone suggested that we just bring this greedy cat to Mr. Yan.

To be honest, the two of them were very grateful to Director Yan, who seemed a little confused. Of course, they were grateful to him for inviting him to drink every day.

Yan Erhe was standing in front of a large plane waiting for the guests, holding a reluctant cat on his arm.

But in the eyes of others, they all say that this cat is affectionate and loyal. Even though Mr. Yan has been gone for so long, he still insists on squatting here every day waiting for someone.

This is not too much guilt, after all, I have some. Although they all work for black-hearted capitalists and can be regarded as hard-hearted people, they really have nothing to say because of the hospitality given by Factory Director Yan these days, so they feel a little guilty.

If the son doesn't go, the daughter-in-law will naturally not go. In the end, the only person who accompanied Yan Erhe on his overseas trip was a cat.



So when Wilson walked out of the guest room and saw the lost expression on Alfred's face, he couldn't help but feel sad.

But they also feel a little guilty, because they only made a rough calculation. According to the market price, the wine they drank these days is much more valuable than the plane this person sold them - after all, those wines were bought on the market. What you can’t get is something that countless rich people are eager to covet.

In fact, the cat is not willing, but the cat cannot speak, so the objection is invalid.

Alfred's mood at the moment was similar to Wilson's. The two of them now have a deep understanding of what is a wine table culture. Originally, one was selling airplanes and the other was doing inspection and acceptance. The two people who were originally in an antagonistic relationship have now become both. It started to click.

So at this moment, we have made up our minds to stop the customers who are waiting for the flight in Australia, or to look back and see if they can get some business from this person - in case there is more business, they might You can also have some drinks with Mr. Yan. You don't need to drink for so many days, but you can still make money by drinking for a few meals.


Wilson and Alfred were carrying their luggage and felt quite complicated when they saw Yan Erhe holding the cat.

The cat is the greedy cat in Dayanzhuang. It probably discovered that it can eat fish as long as it squats there. Now it doesn't go to "performing" and insists on squatting every day at the place where Yan Changqing used to fish.

Yan Erhe took the advice without saying a word, regardless of whether Greedy Cat liked it or not.

If possible, it would be best to urge the marriage. It doesn't matter if you can't. Just give him a few words and tell him that the whole family supports him to get the marriage certificate as soon as possible, so that he can work hard for the next generation of the Yan family as soon as possible.

This is a major event related to the next generation of the Yan family. Usually there are very few things that make Yan Erhe pay special attention to. This matter is an exception. In his opinion, no matter how much attention is paid to this matter, it cannot be overemphasized.

After all, my nephew has so much property at such a young age. The next generation can definitely raise a few more. Three or five is not too few, and ten or eight is not too many.

So Yan Erhe didn't bother to chat with Wilson and the others on the plane. He kept thinking about Australia and what he would say when he met his nephew.

I didn't even think about sleeping much on the way. This was a long-distance flight, lasting more than ten hours. With Yan Erhe's heartless temperament, he would usually fall asleep even if he was bored for more than ten minutes. …


As soon as the plane landed, Wilson and the others said goodbye to Yan Erhe.

After Yan Erhe dealt with them, he went straight to the winery - he wanted to give his nephew a surprise. When he came, the whole town knew that he was coming, but he did not tell his nephew.

Anyway, he was not the girl from the Jian family. It was said that the girl took a plane and sat elsewhere, and it took a lot of effort to find him.

The plane departing from Xiyang City goes directly to Yan Changqing's territory.

As a result, Yan Erhe found that he had arrived at his nephew's villa, but he could not find his nephew.

There is no other way, so you can only find an acquaintance first.

He was looking for Brother Niu Laifu, a guy who had been with him at Taoshu Township Market for a long time. The two idle people became good friends.

Niu Laifu was quite surprised to see Yan Erhe: "Second brother, why are you here without saying hello in advance?"

Yan Erhe smiled cheerfully: "I'm going to give Qijin a surprise! Last time he asked me to travel on the plane and bring your sister-in-law and nephew with him, but your nephew signed up for an English class by himself and didn't come... "This is something that Yan Erhe is quite proud of. Although he didn't go to school for a few days, his son was actually a good student and even took the initiative to sign up for cram school. If he didn't show off to Niu Laifu, how about this trip? Even half of it was in vain.

Niu Laifu wanted to cry at that time. The reason why he came here was not to work for Yan Changqing and manage the factory as a blackface. The original intention was actually to come here to have a second child because his eldest son was too easygoing with him. I want to poop and pee when I get to school, and I want to sleep when I’m in class...

Yan Erhe happily said in a loud voice: "When it comes to Changpo, I feel sorry for him sometimes. During the holidays, whose children don't hang out by the river and jump into the river when they have free time, he is different. I will give him a report." Ban was afraid that we wouldn’t agree, so he used his own pocket money.”

The more he talked about it, the more uncomfortable Brother Niu felt. His wife had been sterilized in the early years. Now she has had the sterilization and is still recuperating. The second child has not yet started!

It wasn't until Yan Erhe showed off enough that he remembered another serious matter: "Why isn't Qijin at home? Is it at the winery? Or did he go somewhere else?"

"He's not here." Niu Laifu was so angry that Yan Erhe was showing off his baby, and his liver ached, and he was too lazy to say more to him. "I haven't seen anyone since he came this time, and he has never entered the factory at all. I heard that he has arrived, but I really don't know where he is. But I have heard that he has a villa by the sea, and he usually likes one. There are people there…”

"Have you been to that villa?" Yan Erhe asked. "Let's go directly to him."

"Why have I been there?" Niu Laifu asked. "I heard it. Second brother, please don't tell Mr. Yan that these words are coming from me. I heard that Mr. Yan likes to hide his beauty in the golden house, and he always stays with his girlfriend there... By the way. , and I know there is a villa on the top of the mountain, but he shouldn't be there..."

Hearing what he said, Yan Erhe became even more excited: "That's just right. I'm here to represent the whole family to urge the marriage. Please help me find out where the seaside villa is. Let's go directly. If he He happens to be with his girlfriend, so it’s natural to urge him to get married!”

Niu Laifu was startled: "Second brother, you can do this, but I don't dare! If he doesn't like it later and thinks I leaked his private affairs, he wants to cause trouble for me. I can't bear it!"

Yan Erhe thought for a moment: "Look at how brave you are! What else can he do to you? Forget it, I'll ask someone else. Can you tell me who knows where his villa is?"

"The security team must know." Niu Laifu thought for a while and said. "That place is just a small farm. If you haven't been there, I can't tell you the exact location. In this way, you can find Goncharov, the former Soviet spy chief. This guy knows everything."


Goncharov also knew Yan Erhe, but he was confused after hearing Yan Erhe's request.

He had been to that place and arranged security, but when Mr. Yan himself was there, his people were not allowed to approach at all, and the security was set up in more peripheral places.

Even the security personnel are not allowed to approach. Does Goncharov dare to take people there?

He is here to retire and work as the liaison between Mr. Yan and Sidorov. He is comfortable and does not need it. What if Mr. Yan is not happy and asks him to go back?

Yan Erhe was not happy: "I am his second uncle, what else can he do to you if I go? Hurry up, I am exhausted from flying all day, take me there quickly."

The more no one takes him there, the more he will go.

In this way, we can catch our nephew right away and take the opportunity to urge him to get married.


Goncharov has a way with others. As long as he has a cold face, no one is willing to mess with him.

But this is Mr. Yan's second uncle, and he also knows Yan Erhe's temper. He is just so out of tune, whatever comes to mind, and now he just wants him to lead the way. What can he do?

After thinking for a long time, I decided to 'sacrifice' one of my subordinates.

So Goncharov said in embarrassment: "Besides me, there are actually other people who know the location. You can let others... yes, that bearded man over there, come here, it's you, follow his orders, do you hear me? "

Then he turned around and left: "I don't even know what you ordered this bearded man to do."

Anyway, he knew that Yan Erheqian Su spoke fluent English, so he was not worried that he would not be able to communicate with this bearded subordinate.

As for whether Mr. Yan is unhappy or not, it's easy to just let the bearded man go back to China. At the worst, you can give him more money.

So half an hour later, Yan Erhe finally got on the helicopter to go to the beach villa. Amidst the noise of the helicopter, he began to think about how to hurry up when he saw his nephew...


Yan Changqing is listening to Jian Hongfei singing!

He had managed to coax this girl a few days ago, and the relationship between the two did not get worse because of that little awkwardness, but instead got better.

So these two days, no matter night or day, as long as the mood comes, they have to accompany each other and sing alone, and they live a very happy life!

As a music master, Yan Changqing's accompaniment skills are quite superb. With just a few touches, Feifei can't help but sing loudly until her lips are cold and her mind goes blank.

Just like now, Miss Feifei is like a lark flying in the clouds, singing in a motivating way, and Yan Changqing, who is accompanying her, has not even sweated a drop!

However, as the lark's cry became louder and louder, his accompaniment suddenly stopped.

The lark suddenly stopped listening, so he took the initiative to sing, looking forward to the accompaniment.

Yan Changqing did not continue to cooperate, but called out to the lark: "Wait, something is wrong. I heard the sound of a helicopter, it may be dangerous... No, it should be the plane over there at the airport. I can tell which one it is. Fight!"

Feifei, who transformed into a lark, was too scared to sing: "What helicopter? Why didn't I hear it?"

Yan Changqing explained: "I am a martial arts practitioner with good physical fitness. I can hear far away. It is still some distance away from here. You will hear it later."

"Oh!" Miss Feifei agreed and then reacted. "What's wrong? Is there something urgent in the factory?"

When she said these words, Miss Feifei suddenly returned to reality: "How long have we been here? You think like this every day. There must be something urgent now...ah...get out quickly!"

Yan Changqing listened carefully: "It's not a big problem. It should be the change of peripheral security."

Although he said this, he did not take it lightly.

Because generally speaking, Goncharov would not move planes easily, for fear of being too high-profile and exposing the location of his villa.

So even though he was talking, he still listened carefully to the distant sounds outside.

As I listened, I felt something was wrong: "No, I'm really here. I'll go out to see what's going on. Don't worry, just clean up before we talk. It'll be fine, don't worry."

The sound of the helicopter was too loud. Although his ears were good, he couldn't bear to hear that his second uncle with an important mission was on the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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