Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 413 There is light in her eyes

Chapter 413 There is light in her eyes

Yan Erhe got off the plane and saw his nephew, and felt bad at that time.

You shouldn't be flying a helicopter. It's a little faster, but the sound is too loud. It reminds this guy. He knows the power of his nephew best. He must have heard the sound from far away. He must have thought of a hundred things in his mind now. Zero and eight ways to deal with yourself.

Then the eighteen tricks of inducing marriage that I just imagined can no longer be used and must be replaced!

The nephews over there came to greet him, but Yan Erhe hadn't figured out what to say yet.

The main reason is that his brain is usually used too little, and most of the time he is not willing to think about more complicated things - if his brain were a car, then he would be the owner of two tanks of gas a year, and he would only need to drive during the Chinese New Year. , only to find that his car could no longer drive.

Yan Changqing knew his second uncle well. One look at his appearance and he knew that something was probably wrong with him.

Although he couldn't guess the details, Yan Changqing had a hunch that he had to get the talent first: "Second uncle, I thought you would have to wait a few more days to come, but here you are now! Without even making a call, I'm ready Surprise me?"

"Ah, right, right!" Yan Erhe didn't do anything. After thinking about it, he handed over the cat he had been carrying. "I brought the Greedy Cat to you. It spends all day squatting where you used to fish. Others say it is affectionate and kind..."

Yan Changqing wanted to laugh when he saw the greedy cat's loveless expression, and he guessed the real situation at once: "You often run over to feed it, and it will have food where it squats. This guy is not stupid, he must Don’t move any more. This is a good time. Your cleverness will be misled by your cleverness!”

Because of his greedy nature, enthusiasts crossed the ocean from his hometown and flew half the world to Australia. The story of this greedy cat is a legendary story among cats.

Yan Erhe still didn't agree with his nephew's idea: "Who knows what the cat thinks, maybe it is just waiting for you!"

So when Yan Erhe entered the living room of the villa, he found many suspicious clues.

"Oh!" Yan Erhe said nothing. "Well, in the past few days since you've been here, I heard from Niu that you haven't even been to a winery."

Yan Changqing didn't care: "You already told us that drinking more doesn't matter. Just treat it as making friends. As long as the business is not delayed, everything else doesn't matter."

Yan Changqing sneered: "Now that it sees me, look at its little expression, does it look like it's because of me?"

Yan Erhe also thought so: "Yes, yes..."

Before finishing the meal, Yan Erhe was already satisfied. He felt that his mission had been completed.

But he had just overturned his plan on the road, and now he couldn't think of any way, so he could only say dryly: "Your villa is quite comfortable... You don't live alone here, do you?" "


As for the second uncle's purpose of suddenly coming over without telling him in advance... Yan Changqing didn't even bother to think about it. He couldn't possibly trick him anyway, so how big of a problem could it be!


Yan Changqing smiled: "Okay, then give it to me! Second uncle, you have been running for more than a day, please go inside first!"

"Why are you going to the winery?" Yan Changqing continued confidently. "It's not easy for me to have a girlfriend. It would be great if we go on vacation and travel together. We can cultivate a good relationship early and get married and have children early in the future. Isn't it more important than making money?"

"Is it going to go well? I treat them to drinks every day." Yan Erhe said this and thought of another question. "I just drank a little too much. I won't be able to do this when I have customers in the future. Our wine is not cheap. I was a little drunk in the past few days..."

Yan Erhe saw that his nephew was open and honest, but after thinking so much, he felt that he was wrong, and he was somewhat of a villain, trying to judge a gentleman.

Seeing his nephew busy cooking for himself, he was a little embarrassed, so he followed him to the kitchen to help. It turned out that Yan Changqing was quick to do it. There were prepared ingredients in the kitchen, not only lighting the fire to stir-fry, but also using the oven and electric pan. , several dishes were prepared in less than ten minutes.

As he spoke, he entered the kitchen and started preparing meals for his second uncle.

Yan Changqing waited until his second uncle sat down and started eating before asking: "Is the business of the two planes going smoothly?"

Yan Changqing said cheerfully: "You've been running around all day. I'll get you some food. After you finish eating, you can rest here for the day. Tomorrow we will go to the winery. There are many of your old friends here. , you don’t need me to entertain you when you get there, there must be someone to take you around to play.”

Sometimes it is really easy to tell whether there is a mistress in a house.

"Ah, right, right!" Yan Erhe never expected that his nephew would actually say that he planned to get married and have children soon, so he couldn't use any of the words he thought of, so he could only nod stupidly. "It's indeed right to think so. Your brother Changpo is still young. Our family is waiting for you to find someone early and take care of things for you..."

Yan Erhe looked at the gluttonous cat's plush, chubby, wrinkled face, and reluctantly defended: "Well, it had this expression all the way..."

"My girlfriend and I are here for vacation." Yan Changqing said confidently. "Jian Hongfei, you know, right? Right here, we were going to go swimming at the beach and just changed into swimsuits. But when you came, she went to change clothes again."

My nephew has said that he wants to get married and have children soon. After returning home, he can reply to his elder brother, sister-in-law, and his parents.


Jian Hongfei has been struggling with whether to go out or not.

She had secretly heard who was coming. It was the second uncle of the big bad guy.

This was an elder. She should have gone out quickly to say hello, but considering that she was already together with a certain big bad guy who had no relationship, she didn't want to go out.

After struggling for a long time, I finally decided to go out!

Yan Erhe was eating when he looked up and saw a big girl coming out. He stood up at that moment: "Is this Feifei? Have you eaten yet..."

Jian Hongfei didn't know how to answer for a moment. Mainly because it was not meal time. When she wanted to take a rest after eating, she was pushed back and forth by a big bad guy, so that she couldn't even take a rest...

Yan Erhe laughed to himself: "Forgot that this isn't even lunch time, so what, Feifei, don't be restrained, sit down and sit down. I have nothing to do here, I just want to see Qijin and you. It's none of your business My whole family is very supportive. When I came, my family told me that if you two want to get married, the sooner the better."

Speaking of marriage-related matters, Yan Erhe could finally put his mind to it - he had been thinking about how to urge the marriage on the way, and he had prepared such a set of 'sincere words'.

"You all know the situation in our family. My elder brother and sister-in-law are also real people. I will definitely not let you be wronged when I come here. If you are willing, just nod. We can easily discuss the betrothal gift and so on. It doesn't matter how much it is..."

Yan Changqing had to interrupt his second uncle: "Second uncle, do you just talk like this when meeting people? Is there nothing else you can say?"

Yan Erhe smiled sheepishly: "Well, Feifei, don't be embarrassed! We all mean it this way anyway. If you don't want to think about it for the time being, don't worry..."

Yan Changqing was helpless: "Second uncle, please hurry up and eat! Let's discuss the matter between the two of us slowly. This is not something that can be done at any time, so there is really no need to be in such a hurry."

Yan Erhe sneered: "Isn't's all your mother? She said, get a certificate and have a wedding, then this matter is settled. Such a good wife, don't let you miss it again! "

Yan Changqing simply stopped talking about it: "Eat quickly, let's go back to the winery after eating."


After Yan Erhe had eaten, Yan Changqing and Jian Hongfei also packed up.

After a while, Jian Hongfei's face was finally not so red, and her heart was not so uneasy. Although Yan Erhe was more unreliable in his work, he had that 'idle' temperament that made it easy for people to trust him. .

Yan Changqing didn't need to do anything to clean up. He had been urged by Jian Hongfei for a long time, saying that he was here to do business instead of doing business, so he was just tossing around every day, so he packed up his things several times and told him to go to work quickly. .

The three of them got on the plane and couldn't rest anymore after returning to the winery Yan Erhe: "I'm overtired. I don't feel very sleepy. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep for a while. Do you have any other place to stay? I Find another place to live, find two people to come over and have a drink before sleeping."

The main reason is that he doesn't want to disturb the nephew's world, and besides, he has friends with all kinds of people, and he is afraid that the arrival of random people will affect the tranquility of the two nephews. Yan Changqing is not polite to his second uncle. There are many houses here, so just find one.

Yan Erhe was quite satisfied. He first called Niu Laifu and asked Niu Laifu to call a few people over for a drink - he felt that his mission had been accomplished so well that it was worthy of celebration.


Yan Changqing waited for his second uncle to finish the phone call and leave quickly, then he said to Jian Hongfei with his greedy cat, "What do you think about what my second uncle just said?"

"I really want to get married...what then?" Jian Hongfei was startled. "Isn't this a bit...too sudden?"

Yan Changqing reached out and pulled the person over: "If you're not in a hurry, you can wait. Speaking of which, I haven't bought you a ring or any other gift yet! Let's go today..."

"I won't go!" Jian Hongfei immediately objected. "You've been here for a long time, and you haven't seen anyone else, right? After finally getting here, you want to take me somewhere else. I won't go, so you go to work quickly."

She was really scared!

When I used to work in the office, I would listen to the gossips of idle people and old women, and they often said that there are only cows that are exhausted, but there is no land that spoils pears.

But during this period of time, she began to doubt this sentence... Anyway, she just wanted someone to do something serious quickly, otherwise there would be a topic for others to gossip about later. Then so and so came, and Mr. Yan was not here all day Already working!

Isn't this the modern version of 'not going to court early'?


Mr. Yan had no choice but to finally work in a winery.

Dahan finally saw the master coming, and kept looking behind him with his big head.

Yan Changqing was looked at inexplicably: "Dahan, what are you looking at?"

"Everyone said that you found a master's wife for me, why didn't you come?" Dahan didn't mince words, he just said what was in his heart. "I want to see what the master's wife looks like!"

Yan Changqing slapped him on the head: "Hurry up and get to work. Have your skills improved recently?"

"Yes, I have worked hard." Dahan immediately forgot about his wife and began to tell his master about his recent achievements. "The wine I make now is also delicious. My rich brother said it is almost as good as the wine we sell..."

"Really?" Yan Changqing was surprised. "Let's go to the wine warehouse first and let me take a look."

Dahan immediately jumped onto a small tricycle happily: "Come on, master, I will take you there. I can ride this bike very well now."


The factory area here is relatively large, because the land is owned by the company. From the beginning, we planned to build a larger factory to avoid expansion if there is demand in the future.

Yan Changqing was fed up with the expansion of his family's winery every year.

However, the large factory area also has its disadvantages. Walking inside is too time-consuming, so I bought a batch of small three-wheeled motorcycles, which are convenient for transportation or transporting goods.

The apprentice's little three-wheeler rushed to the wine warehouse. Dahan went straight to a corner of the wine warehouse, and then said with a proud face: "Master, these are the wines made by me, and I even wrote down the date."

The handwriting is not very good. After all, the child has never gone to school for two days. He taught himself after entering the factory.

But the writing is really serious, every stroke, it can be seen that they really put their heart into it.

Yan Changqing praised his apprentice without hesitation: "Your writing is getting better and better. I will teach you later. Don't keep making wine when you have time. It's good to practice your calligraphy and read more books."

Dahan nodded and said anxiously: "Master, please try this wine first, it is the latest."


After taking a sip of wine, a smile appeared on Yan Changqing's face: "Okay, it's really good."

It's definitely not as good as what he brewed, but it's already better than the Good Days series sold at home.

This means that if ordinary people are focused enough and hard enough, they can actually practice a skill to an extraordinary level.

Yan Changqing was in a good mood: "This wine is really good, better than our Good Day series wine. Even if it is sold with the BBK label now, it's almost the same."

Dahan was a simple man, and he became happy at that time: "Master, am I also a master now?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing laughed. "Come on, I won't be too busy these two days. I'll take you to work for two more days."


After two busy days at the winery, Yan Changqing met his second uncle again.

Yan Erhe went from taking a plane to looking for his nephew, eating a full meal and having a small drink with someone before resting, and fell asleep for a day and two nights, which was also very impressive.

Yan Erhe, who woke up at this moment, was in high spirits: "Qijin, if nothing happens, I'm going to go out and play with Niu and the others for two days."

Of course Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, just pay attention to safety. If you go to the city, take a few people from the security team with you to avoid any problems."

"I just came here, don't be in a hurry to go play in the city." Yan Erhe had already had an idea. "We're going to hunt rabbits."

Yan Changqing was not surprised at all: "That's okay, but if you go to the wilderness, you'd better bring more people with you."

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no less." Yan Erhe hasn't hunted rabbits for a long time, and now his fingers started to tremble as he spoke, obviously he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Yan Changqing is not worried about him. Even if he is careless, Niu Laifu and the others know what to do and will not let his second uncle encounter any danger.

Unexpectedly, Yan Erhe had something to say: "Well, it's seven pounds! I want to give you a word of advice, so don't be annoyed. Feifei is a nice girl. I think she really likes you. You should be nice to others."

Yan Changqing was still puzzled: "Second uncle, you have become an expert in love. You can tell even after seeing me for just a short time?"

"That's different." Yan Erhe looked serious. "When that girl looks at you, there is light in her eyes. If she doesn't like you, she won't look at you like that. If you believe your second uncle once, she must like you very much!"

"Okay, I'm leaving to hunt rabbits. My hands have been itchy for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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