Chapter 420 Negotiation
"Mingfa, let me tell you, stop taking care of your children at home and go to Australia!" Yan Erhe said while gesticulating. "Let me tell you this, you don't even need a gun, you can just pick up a brick and walk around in the wild, you can hit a rabbit!"

Li Mingfa's eyes lit up when he heard this: "So many? I heard that hunting is not prohibited there, but they are not as exaggerated as you said."

"That's because they ran closer!" Yan Erhe explained. "When they went there, they just wandered around the winery, and several people grabbed a rabbit. In fact, if you go a little further over there, you can hunt anything you want. We went to hunt rabbits, and a local farmer treated us to seafood! Rabbits are nothing, I also hunted crocodiles and kangaroos..."

Li Mingfa was really moved: "Well, my business is not too busy these days. When will you go there again? Take me with you."

Yan Erhe felt a little regretful at the time: "I guess I won't be able to go for a while. I just came back. There was a foreigner over there who brought me a batch of orders. I paid all the deposits and returned the US dollars. If I don’t finish it, I probably won’t be able to go back.”

Li Mingfa was just about to say something when he heard someone shouting in the distance: "Erhe, you won't enter the house even after you come back, right? If you have anything to do, you can talk about it later. Come back first!"

As soon as Yan Erhe saw the person shouting, he immediately started to get into the car: "Dad, I'll go there."

He didn't forget to turn around and leave a message to Li Mingfa: "If you have nothing to do tonight, come over for a drink and let's chat. I have to go back first. Everyone at home is waiting for me to report the situation!"


When Yan Erhe drove to the door of his house, he was punished by Yan Tiesheng: "I knew you would definitely turn a corner when you came back, so I was watching you at the intersection! You don't know what matters, so what are you talking to over there? "

"What are you buying?" Yan Erhe was stunned. The post his father mentioned was actually the resort.

"Yeah! What else is there?" Yan Tiesheng was quite satisfied. After all, the younger grandson was still young, so he expected the eldest grandson to work harder so that the four generations of the old Yan family could live under one roof as soon as possible.

Yan Erhe didn't know what to do. The old couple didn't care about him. He had just flown more than 10,000 miles by plane, and then drove back from the airport. Now he didn't even give him a drink of water, he only allowed him to talk.

Yan Tiesheng also nodded: "Yes, yes, your mother is right."

As a result, as soon as the poached eggs were served, I heard my father's arrangement: "Erhe, you're done eating later, go and have a look at the house where Qijin lives over in Gangshang, see if you need anything else, help me buy it..."

Yan Erhe was extremely depressed: "Dad, you have to let me drink some water, right? I haven't eaten yet!"

Yan Erhe remained silent and listened to his father thinking about his grandson's wedding.

Only then did the old lady remember: "Then I'll get you a poached egg, and you can tell your father about it."

Yan Tiesheng started to glare: "You talk about the seven pounds first, your matter is not urgent!"

"Tell me more about it. You said on the phone that Qijin also planned to get married. Is it true or false?" Yan Tiesheng really didn't care what his son had just done. Don't look at the old man who usually doesn't care about anything. He seems transparent, but as long as he is alone with his two sons, the majesty of the old father is still there.

Yan Erhe had no choice but to tell what he had seen and heard. In fact, he didn't have much to say. He met Jian Hongfei once when he 'sneakly attacked' his nephew for the first time, and he went over to say hello before returning yesterday. We were all hunting, fishing and drinking, so we didn't see each other very often.

Yan Erhe could only think over and over again and said, "I think this can definitely be done. Think about it, Dad, since the two young people are together and there is no one else around, I might bring you a great-grandson back in a few days."

Yan Erhe started to talk about other things: "I'm usually busy. Dad, you know my aircraft manufacturer. We don't have many people buying airplanes here. But when I go to other people's places, there are a lot of people buying airplanes. I have to be busy contacting business." .”

"It doesn't matter if you are diligent or not." Yan Tiesheng waved his hand. "There are so many houses in Qi Jin, and they all hire people to clean them. It doesn't matter if they are lazy, as long as they have a good relationship and be considerate to Qi Jin... Let me tell you something else!"

Yan Erhe could only continue to make up: "But based on my usual observations, Qijin and Ni'er from the Jian family have a very good relationship. The two of them are together all day long, and Qijin doesn't even bother to work in the winery... …”

Yan Erhe changed the subject: "I've seen it all. Qi Jin is living with Ni'er. The two of them are a perfect match. Ni'er is also very good. She looks virtuous..."

What else can I say?

The old lady came over before she finished speaking. She nodded when she heard the words: "Yes, yes, don't be in a hurry to make money. Our family has opened a bank at our doorstep, so we don't lack that little money, right? Let's find some money." My wife is important."

So he would definitely not tell the truth that he had done it. The point was to exaggerate the little he knew: "Qi Jin took Na Nier shopping with him. Most of the people here have seen it." , I think this matter is 100% certain, otherwise with his temperament of seven pounds, he would definitely not carry it around with him."

But what could he do, he continued to make up: "I saw that Qijin's apartment is usually well tidied up, and Ni'er is quite diligent..."

This is Yan Tiesheng's favorite thing to hear, and a smile appeared on his face at that time: "That's fine, we can make up for the wedding or something when the time comes. It's just a loss for my daughter, who has no name and no status, and let others follow her. Seven pounds is running outside. We have to prepare a bigger red envelope later. I have saved some money now..."

"The wedding room!" Yan Tiesheng glared. "It stands to reason that we have to prepare a new house for Qijin, but we have also discussed that the house over there is not bad. He has not lived there for long, and no one else has lived in it, so it is considered a new house..."

Yan Erhe was helpless: "Qijin didn't even say a word, and you're already decorating your new house?"

"Your mother is anxious, she has nothing to do, and your sister-in-law, they are busy doing it. Even the Fengguanxiapei is ready, just wait for them to come back..."

When Yan Erhe heard that words like "Feng Guan Xia Pei" could be said from his father's mouth, he knew that his family would not be idle these days when he was not at home!
Yan Tiesheng continued to talk: "But this matter of picking up the bride has to be discussed with the in-laws. It's a bit too far to pick her up from their house, so we have to find a closer place. It won't work if it's too close, otherwise We can’t even arrange a wedding car.”

"Your sister-in-law is still thinking about using a helicopter to pick up the bride when the time comes. Don't you have planes? Bring a few back and we can do it in a more glamorous way..."

Yan Erhe buried his head in eating the poached eggs without saying a word. He estimated that his nephew would not go through such trouble, and he would definitely make it as simple as possible.

But he also knows that he can't persuade him now. Someone will definitely listen to his nephew's advice when the time comes. If he persuades him now... he still has a clear understanding of his family status, and knows that if he says a few words of opposition, he might be in trouble. I don’t even have to eat this bowl of poached eggs…

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard footsteps outside and my sister-in-law's loud voice: "Erhe is home..."

Yan Erhe immediately picked up the bowl and wolfed it down to avoid being unable to eat later.


Yan Changqing was busy working in the small villa. Zhou Jialing came from China and brought a large package of documents, all of which needed his signature.

While signing, he asked: "Is the banking business developing well at home?"

Zhou Jialing nodded: "Now, in addition to our four outlets in Taoshu Township, the outlets in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangcheng have been open for a while, and the business is indeed relatively good."

Victory Bank has fully highlighted what it means to be convenient for its own people. It now has two branches, one opposite the township government, one in the market, one in the county seat, and the other at the entrance of Dayanzhuang Village.

As for other areas, they basically rely on market logistics points. Just build one wherever the logistics point is, mainly to facilitate transfers by your own people. Zhou Jialing introduced the reason why the business is good: "Our VIP customers do not charge handling fees, so relying on VIP customers in the early stage of business is enough to support our outlet operating expenses..."

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Don't think about this. You don't have to think about making money. That's all."

It goes without saying that the main purpose is to facilitate our own people. This was the purpose of the bank from the beginning.

As for VIP customers, the number is a bit large. People with Taoshu Township registered permanent residence go to the bank to apply for passbooks and cards, and even if they deposit a dime, they are considered VIP customers.

Including companies registered in Taoshu Township, these are VIP customers.

Of course, it is different for other people, and they will follow the VIP threshold of normal banks.

The main thing is that there must be a threshold, otherwise the people in charge of the bank will not be happy. Now it is only for their own people, and no one can say anything. If there are no handling fees or anything like that, then Victory Bank will be inspected every day if it can't be turned back.

In addition to banks, other businesses are not bad now.

The chain hotel business has always been booming, and its reputation is getting bigger and bigger. There are also many VIP customers. If you have an ID card from Taoshu Township, you can basically get a discount. Nowadays, people who are running away from the township have not gone out. You must first ask if there is a BBK chain hotel where you want to go and where its specific location is.

Instant noodle factories are also quite good, including some companies related to instant noodle ingredients that Zhou Jialing has invested there.

The other items that required Yan Changqing's signature were the financial statements of the cooperative wineries. These were relatively large accounts - such as hydropower station statements and other relatively fixed income and expenditures. Zhou Jialing could just sign them herself so as not to trouble her boss.

Yan Changqing finished signing, and Zhou Jialing had almost finished reporting.

He thought for a while and said: "The business at home can be kept as it is for the time being. There is no need to think too much. You have been too busy in the past few years and you have to take a rest sometimes. You just happened to be here now. Go and take a look. What is Huang Peishan doing, so don’t think about helping her, just watch and give yourself a holiday..."


After sending Zhou Jialing away, Yan Changqing returned to the bedroom.

Jian Hongfei was sleeping soundly at the moment. He looked at it, gathered up the sheets and other items thrown on the floor, and threw them into the washing machine.

Then he went into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for himself and his girlfriend. Although it was already late, that was because Zhou Jialing was too active and came straight after getting off the plane. There was nothing he could do.

After breakfast was ready and she pushed the dining cart to the bedroom, Jian Hongfei had just woken up and her face turned red when she saw him being so attentive.

After cleaning up and having breakfast, Yan Changqing stopped going to work in the winery.

Jian Hongfei was definitely qualified to be a good wife, so she took the initiative to persuade him: "Why don't you go and see the winery?"

Yan Changqing said confidently: "I was already working when you didn't get up. That's all the workload for today. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

"Didn't you transport grapes from Nova Scotia?" Jian Hongfei asked.

"I have an apprentice now, and he will take care of it." Yan Changqing was very proud. "Just let Dahan lead the others in the preliminary work. He works the most seriously, so you don't have to worry about anything going wrong."

"Oh!" Jian Hongfei nodded and wanted to persuade her again, but she was afraid that she would be annoying if she persuaded her too much.

Yan Changqing saw what she was thinking: "It's okay, I will definitely not delay the business."

Jian Hongfei nodded, actually she had a lot on her mind.

She felt that she was delaying Yan Changqing's business. Originally, Yan Changqing was supposed to be making wine at home, but it turned out that he didn't plan to go back this year, so he had the grapes shipped over...

Why doesn't he go back? How much will the cost increase if the grapes are shipped from Nova Scotia or transported by air?

Jian Hongfei didn't dare to calculate carefully.

When Yan Changqing saw that this girl was worried, he couldn't help but feel happy: "Why do you think so much all day long? The airline is also owned by us. It's just a few more trips using our own plane, so it's not a big deal. Son, you really think too much."

"The plane also costs money. You don't need to refuel the plane?" Jian Hongfei didn't want to say it at first, but when he mentioned it, she couldn't help but say what was in her heart.

"It's okay, we have cooperation with the oil field, and I am still an oil field employee! The price of refueling is internal." Yan Changqing joked.

Jian Hongfei still felt something was wrong, but she really couldn't help this guy, so she simply stayed silent.

Yan Changqing had a way to stop her from thinking too much: "How about we jump on the trend and get pregnant out of wedlock?"

"What kind of trend is this?" Jian Hongfei's face turned red at that time. "You haven't taken any measures these days, will I..."

"I know it in my heart, and I haven't told you yet. I won't launch a surprise attack." Yan Changqing said proudly. "I have to wait for you to agree anyway. I think getting married is too troublesome. When the time comes, our family, my family and yours will all be thinking about making big things happen. I don't think it's troublesome. If we have children, then Everything can be simpler.”

After saying that, I felt something was wrong, so I quickly made amends: "Well, if you want a more grand wedding, that's fine. You can wait until after the wedding to talk about it, it depends on what you want."

Jian Hongfei didn't think much about it now. For her, her sweetheart didn't want to do anything and just revolved around her every day. She felt extremely happy these days.

So after hearing Yan Changqing's words, he didn't react at all. He just lowered his head and said, "You can do whatever you want. It doesn't really matter to me, as long as you remember to come back when you are busy in the future."

"How could I not come back when you are at home!" Yan Changqing was in a good mood. "Would you like to try it now..."

"I don't..." Jian Hongfei struggled. "Aren't you tired? You just had dinner."

This protest has no effect at all except to increase someone's interest.

Especially after the happiness skill is upgraded, this girl who is still in love has no way to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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