Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 421 Persuasion and Suggestions

Chapter 421 Persuasion and Suggestions

Erwa and Zeng Haichao spent a few days not only studying the styles of the clothes they wanted to make, but also planned to recruit a few more partners to work together.

They learned this from their elders. When those people didn't know how to do business, they all helped each other. Later, when they were able to work alone, they realized the benefits of strength in numbers.

But before the two of them started recruiting people, they encountered an obstacle - after the two of them made a plan, when Erwa called his father and hoped that his father would support him in starting a business, he was severely scolded by Yan Shuixing. , and said that he would come over immediately and take him home.

The second baby was so frightened that he immediately ran to find his seven-pound brother.

It was rare for Yan Changqing to come to the winery to handle some business. As a result, the second baby started begging when he came: "Brother Qijin, please call my dad quickly! Don't let him run away. The family is so busy and he has to run out." What will happen to the family business after such a long time?"

"I have to tell him again that the business prospects I am doing are really good. Think about it, it is not easy to find a good business path now. It would be a pity to give up..."

Yan Changqing interrupted him: "Why did your father tell you to learn from me?"

The second baby was very depressed: "He said that after a long time in our family, I had a chance of going to college, so we must let me go to school. He also said that even my brother didn't go to school. If I don't go to school, our family won't even be able to go to college in the future." Literary people don’t have much, but they talked a lot anyway, and then they said they would come over, tie me back, and let me go to school.”

Yan Changqing was also in a dilemma. Yan Shuixing and his gang had just started doing business and had suffered enough from being uneducated.

Although Erwa's academic performance is not very good now, he still has the skills to draw, and he hopes to go to an art school - even if it is expensive, even a not-so-class school, or he can go abroad. , anyway, this person is determined to have a cultured person in his family.

"The cultural courses in art colleges are inherently easy, and your professional level is not bad. You can come to my place to give you advice when you are free. Doing business now is not like what your father and others did a few years ago. Come on, they need to carry their bags and pull their cars to deliver and sell goods."

Erwa wanted to be tough and repeat what he just said, but facing Yan Changqing, he really couldn't say it - this was too obvious. He knew all about his temperament. If he didn't have any restraint, it would be useless to imitate him. !
Seeing that he remained silent, Yan Changqing smiled: "You also know your lazy temperament. You can still learn something if you have school constraints. Can you learn without constraints? If you really think you can do it, then Okay, I’ll call your dad. From now on, you’ll live with me and deal with the company’s affairs here. Follow me and follow my schedule. Go to bed early and get up early. After finishing the work, study..."

Yan Changqing slowly analyzed: "You originally planned to go to school here, right? The university here pays more attention to social practice. If you can do it without failing the university course, you can also start your business. of."

Erwa retorted: "That's because the people you hired are all good. That Mr. Huang is so good, and he has those long legs. Even Zhang Xiaoli, who used to be a waiter in the hotel, is also good..."

Erwa still wanted to insist: "I can also study by myself while running a company..."

Erba's brother didn't go to school at first, and he got beaten a lot before he realized that he really wasn't cut out for school. In the end, he really couldn't go to school, so he dropped out of school and studied business.

Yan Changqing was happy at that time: "Zhou Changshan is in the office inside helping me process documents!"

Everyone can imagine that at his level, when he first started doing business, he must have endured a lot more hardships and received more beatings from society than others.

"Think about it for yourselves, is culture really less important than making money? You just said that Peishan and the others are so good. They were not good at the beginning. They only became good after learning slowly. And even now, they I’m still learning new things!”

After thinking for a long time, Yan Changqing felt that it was more practical to persuade the second baby than to persuade Yan Shuixing. After all, they were already in their decades, and they had such obsessions in their hearts. To put it bluntly, the second baby now had the hope of going to college. If he doesn't go up, he probably won't close his eyes until he dies.

Thinking about how he didn't even have to worry about collecting an egg and not being able to settle accounts, and had to bring a brother along with him, you can see how unsure he was of his own cultural level.

So he began to persuade Erwa: "Your current cultural level is indeed a bit behind, but it is still beneficial to go to college... Don't worry, can't you just listen to me and analyze it for you?"

Yan Changqing did not care about this with him, and continued: "You two should discuss it again. There is really no need to give up your studies to start a company. The situation was different when I didn't go to school. I could remember it by reading the textbooks at home. , Self-study is usually more efficient.”

The key point is that Yan Shuixing is still a typical member of this group of people. His level... is what he said back then, his salary would be four digits a month and eight digits two months.

Erwa held back his temper and said dejectedly: "Then tell me!"

Erwa's face turned slightly red and her voice was a little louder: "I'm not saying bad things about her. I said she has good-looking legs to compliment her!"

Therefore, being uneducated became his obsession, and he must send his children to school and college.

Erwa was really silent now. He also knew Yan Changqing's schedule. No matter how late he was busy every night, he would definitely get up early in the morning before dawn.

"You established the company, and the main decisions are made by you, including Haichao. He doesn't even have to give up the hotel. Look at me, I have a lot of companies under my name now. I can hardly remember how many companies there are. , if we count the number of employees, even if we count the 108,000 yuan at the winery, it won’t be enough, but it won’t affect me from doing my own thing, right?”

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language. Tell me this again." Yan Changqing sneered.

Although he didn't know that Yan Changqing didn't need to sleep for long because of his skills, but if he had no restraints, it would be a bit difficult for him to get up at seven o'clock every day, even if he was asked to get up later.

Yan Changqing felt relieved when he saw that he had figured it out: "Call your dad and tell him that you are going to college here. I will be responsible for supervising you and ensuring that you get your degree certificate after going to college. I will tell you slowly. , can you not delay learning to do this business and see if he agrees?"


When Yan Shuixing received Erwa's call for the first time, he was discussing business in Shencheng. When he heard that his son would not go to college, he was so angry that he stopped talking about business and immediately asked his secretary to book tickets and prepare to fly. Australia.

If the timing of the flight hadn't been so coincidental, the second baby wouldn't have been able to find anyone until he was persuaded by Yan Changqing to call again.

Even so, Yan Shuixing was still very angry: "You little bastard, stop talking to me about those useless things. The family doesn't lack the little money you earn. If you don't go to school, you won't win anything. I won't win any votes." I’ve bought it, I’ll go over there in a moment, little bastard, just wait for me…”

Er Wa didn't give Er Wa a chance to speak at all. She waited until he could take a breather after he said angrily that he was tired, and then Er Wa took the opportunity to interject: "I'm here with Brother Qijin, and he asked me to go to college..."

Yan Shuixing relaxed at that moment: "If you don't listen to me, you have to listen to your Qijin brother. He will definitely not cheat you, right? Where do you want to go to school? Are you still going there? Find it in the school What's going on?"

Erwa immediately replied: "Brother Qijin said that he would ensure that I get a degree certificate after I go to university. But he also said that the university here also encourages social practice and will not hinder my business. As long as I pass the exam, I can think about it in my spare time. Business schools support it.”

Yan Shuixing didn't answer the question for a while.

It wasn't until Erwa called out twice more that he heard him ask: "Um, your Qijin brother is with you? Can you let me say no to him? I don't believe what you said."

Erwa complained: "Look, the trust between father and son is gone! Forget it, Brother Qijin, my dad wants you to speak to him."

...Yan Changqing put it simply: "Uncle Shuixing, you know what Erba is like. If we let him go to college honestly, he might be able to do something else after completing the course. Come on, it’s nothing to have a business to keep him busy.”

"I'm here all the time now. I usually look after him for you. It will be no problem for him to finish college and get his degree certificate. I can also help him look after business matters, so you don't have to be angry. It’s not his fault, now is the time for him to have an idea, at least he doesn’t think of any other tricks, right?”

Yan Shuixing sighed: "That's all our family can count on. Now that the eldest child is no longer in school, let's get married early and not get married. He is born with a stubborn mind. He keeps saying that he is young and not in a hurry. We just hope that the second child can go to college. A bit promising..."

Back then, he started selling eggs even though he didn't know how to do arithmetic. Now, the boss of a company with billions of funds in his hands suddenly becomes like Mrs. Xianglin when talking about family affairs.

Yan Changqing had no choice but to listen patiently. After listening, he persuaded: "At least the boss is solid. It's okay to be stubborn. At least he won't use your brain wrongly, and it can save you a lot of worry... …”

He is indeed a down-to-earth person. In his previous life, Yan Shuixing did not do business. The eldest son has been working in the construction team all his life. It is true that he is hard-working, but it is also true that he is stubborn.

Thinking of this, Yan Changqing continued: "Tell the eldest son that now he is only young, and what else is there? He does not earn the money at home, and he can only do business with you. If you don't take advantage of it, If you want to get married young and early, what else do you want to do?"

"I know what you are thinking. You must be thinking that the boss is too honest, and the people you introduce to him are all honest and friendly, right? That won't work. You have to complement each other. Find him a housekeeper who can help with business. Isn't it okay to take care of him? Okay? As for the family property, with so many people watching, are you still afraid that your daughter-in-law will snatch it away in the future?"

Yan Shuixing was said to be the center of things, and he really thought so. He was afraid that his boss would be too honest and find a wife who was too powerful to control him, and that the family property would later lead to a feud between the brothers.

Then he asked people to introduce to his son those girls whose family conditions were not very good but who were honest and courteous. But no matter how honest a man is, who hasn't started pursuing beauty? At your age, can the people you like to see on the street be the ones who can’t even dress up?
It was something that every man knew, but it was hard for Yan Shuixing to think about it when it came to his own son.

Yan Changqing knew he had guessed it right before he heard the voice: "A woman who knows how to dress up and understand life may not necessarily be a bad woman, and a good family does not necessarily mean she is restless. If you slowly choose one for your son, you will always be able to Find the one that suits his heart. This matter can’t be rushed, so don’t get angry first. Do you have any other opinions about the second baby? "

Yanshui Let him do it."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, then it's settled. When the college enrollment starts here, I will definitely let him go to college. If he doesn't want to study hard, just don't feel bad if I beat him."

Yan Shuixing was happy at that time: "Don't feel bad, don't feel bad. If he doesn't learn, you can beat him. Even if his leg is broken, I can support him for the rest of his life..."


Yan Changqing made the call on speakerphone, and the second baby was not happy to be around. Before hanging up the phone, he shouted: "Don't regret if I don't find a wife to give you a grandson after my leg is broken..." "

After hanging up the phone, Erwa was still angry: "My brother can do it even if he doesn't go to school, why can't I?"

Yan Changqing didn't talk nonsense: "If you say you can't do it, you can't do it. Anyway, just prepare to go to college. Why do you talk so much? What else do you think about business matters?"

Erwa then got down to business: "We have already discussed it and plan to bring in a few more partners after talking to my dad."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Just the two of you! Stop trying to drag people around."

"Why?" Erwa and Zeng Haichao said in unison.

"It won't work if there are too many people." Yan Changqing explained. "It's different now than before. You guys have basically never suffered much, unlike your elders. They have endured hardships, and they have also endured hardships together when doing business, and they have a fortune-telling friendship."

"If there is a dispute, you can yell and fight. After that, we should cooperate and continue doing business. You guys can't do it. If you have a dispute in the future, I can mediate it if there are fewer people. I can still do it with a bowl of water." Duan Ping, there are too many people, and I am too lazy to do anything."

Erwa was dissatisfied: "We all grew up together, and we have a good relationship, so what could possibly happen..."

He didn't even say this confidently, and Yan Changqing didn't even have to answer.

The group of people doing business in Dayanzhuang were in a special situation. It was purely because of Yan Changqing's guidance. They, who were scared of poverty, rushed forward with their heads down, and then came and went in the wind and rain. Those two years said It's not too much to go through it with a hail of bullets.

Most of these people now don’t remember the hardships they endured when they were young. They only remember that they had a lot of fun playing silly.

In terms of relationships, they are really not as good as those of the older generation. Unless they are older and have experienced ups and downs, if everyone still has the same original intention at that time, it is still possible to do business together.

As for now, there is no problem in inheriting the business of the elders for the time being. Yan Changqing is not optimistic at all if they are allowed to partner alone.

Erwa still listened to Brother Qijin's words. Although she was dissatisfied with her words, she agreed in her heart, so she didn't mention the matter of finding someone to partner with.

The guy thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Brother Qijin, Zhou Long Legs...Um, Sister Jialing is here, right? Can't we ask her to give us guidance? We don't have any procedures for opening a company here. Are you clear?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, I'll tell her later. If she's not busy during this period, let her come over and be your teacher for a few days."

Erwa looked at the office inside, and then rolled his eyes: "Brother Qijin, my sister-in-law is not here either, let me say something outrageous! Well, when are you going to take Sister Zhou... Jialing into the room? ?”

Yan Changqing glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful and get beaten soon!"

"I'm not lying." Erwa looked inside again and said in a low voice. "Really, when I was at home, people used to say that your assistant is different from that Mr. Huang."

"Mr. Huang is enthusiastic about everyone and can make people feel dizzy. In fact, he feels like he is not easy to talk to. Although he is cold and cold all day long, he looks like he is thousands of miles away from everyone. , but as long as you are here, you will immediately become like a little wife..."

"Who are you listening to? The village gossip team?" Yan Changqing gave him a slap in the face. "You're good, Erba, but now you're hanging out with the village's elderly gossip team?"

Since Li Xiuni and others established a fashion company, younger women in the village can also have something to do. At the worst, they can become sewing machine operators - this is a real sewing machine, different from the sewing machine used by Tailor Wu. .

Therefore, the village gossip team has become more and more lonely, and now only the old ladies are left.

Erwa shrank his head: "Forget it if you don't believe it, everyone else has noticed it anyway. I won't tell you, how much work do you have, can you do it yourself? Let Sister Jialing come and be our teacher quickly!"

Yan Changqing was too lazy to pay attention to him: "It's not like you don't know people, just tell yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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