Chapter 422: Fumai Threat
Huang Peishan is in charge of the business here in Australia. When Zhou Jialing comes here, she mainly asks her boss to sign and then reports some of her new development plans. Now that the plans have been reported, basically nothing happens.

Erwa asked her to be a teacher. She knew that the boss must have given the nod, so naturally she had nothing to say.

Just giving them some guidance on how to set up a company and other small things like preliminary preparations was no different to Zhou Jialing's being on vacation.

Erwa and Zeng Haichao were quite happy. Although they had a lot of ideas, like most people, they often thought a lot, but when they really started to do it, they didn't know how to start.

Now that I have the teacher's guidance, I feel very motivated and ready to take action immediately.

Yan Changqing was happy to see this. Looking at Zhou Jialing's still cold expression, ready to go out to be a teacher, he felt something in his heart and said to her: "Aren't you very busy in China during this period? It feels like everyone is... You've lost a little weight. Come here, let me help you with your pulse and see how you are doing."

Zhou Jialing nodded and sat down, but when Yan Changqing put his fingers on her wrist, her face turned slightly red.

Naturally, there is no problem with her body. She usually drinks the best health wine. Yan Changqing just felt it for a moment and then let go: "Okay, her body is still quite healthy. I am not busy during this period. Pay attention to relax and rest, and don’t strain yourself too much.”

Zhou Jialing nodded: "Thank you, boss."

"You're welcome, go ahead!" Yan Changqing waved his hand. "If you're not busy, go and visit Peishan's place. You two haven't been together for a long time!"


One is a scumbag and the other is a top student. If these two people talk about school, they will definitely not talk about it.

After being busy for a while, I got off work and went home to cook and accompany my wife.

"I'll be fine...Then I'll help you." Jian Hongfei really had nothing to say. He set off in the morning when everyone else was at work, and he came back before everyone else got off work. He still felt that it was too much work.

"There will be opportunities in the future." Yan Changqing said casually without saying more. Because there was a slight blush on Zhou Jialing's face when she was holding the pulse, and now he felt a little guilty for no reason.

Yan Changqing said smoothly: "She is currently helping Erwa and the two guys prepare for the company. If you find it interesting, you can come and have a look."

Yan Changqing was a little surprised: "Aren't you going to stop taking care of these things? Are you going to take care of your children at home?"

Yan Changqing was happy: "You want the second child to hear this, and he will be so angry that he won't call you sister-in-law for two days. You think going to school is easy, but he may not think so."

Jian Hongfei immediately stopped mentioning this matter: "That Jia Ling is your other assistant, right? She and I are not very familiar with each other yet!"

"You still have to go to college." Jian Hongfei supports going to school. "Besides, the university courses are quite simple. Going to university will not affect starting a company..."

After the three of them left, Yan Changqing leaned on the sofa and thought for a while, then went to the winery and started working.

As a result, the second baby said those words again, and he suddenly decided to give Zhou Jialing a pulse, just to see if she had any reaction - there was usually a supply of health wine, and Zhou Jialing's body was healthier than those who regularly exercised. Much.

He didn't take what Erwa said to heart at first, but he remembered clearly that after he upgraded his happiness skills last time, he talked about Zhou Jialing with Huang Peishan. At that time, Huang Peishan seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Then he noticed Zhou Jialing's face at that moment.

Yan Changqing continued to 'report' while busy: "Erwa's father wanted him to go to college and wouldn't let him start a company. I called his father again and tried to persuade them both to get them to agree. In the end, it was Erwa's side. Open a company while going to school..."

She is no longer a teenage girl. She blushes when she touches her wrist. What does that mean?

Jian Hongfei didn't know what Yan Changqing was thinking, and was a little curious: "I heard from others that the two assistants around you are very powerful people. I have seen Sister Peishan, and Sister Jialing." I haven’t seen it yet!”

"Then I'll be there later." Jian Hongfei nodded at that time.

Jian Hongfei was quite surprised: "I thought you didn't come back until everyone got off work, and the food wasn't ready yet! Just wait a moment, it'll be ready soon."

Yan Changqing washed his hands on the side and was very proud: "I'll do it! I've done a lot of work today beyond the standard. Jia Ling just came over and asked her to help me deal with some things. I could have come back earlier. Yes, it ended up being delayed because of the second baby's matter."


"It's still early to talk about the child!" Jian Hongfei's face turned red. "You have to go out to work. I'll go out and see what's going on."

"Okay, okay." Yan Changqing was helpless.

"I go out during the day and will come back at night. If they go too far, I won't go." Jian Hongfei promised, still blushing a little as she spoke.

Yan Changqing was satisfied at that time: "That's OK."

While they were talking, the meal was ready, and the two of them sat down to eat together.

After dinner, Yan Changqing was ready to clean up with her, but Jian Hongfei refused: "I'll just clean up these things. You can sit on the sofa and rest."

In fact, Jian Hongfei especially likes the feeling of the two of them doing something, and enjoys it every time. But she felt that she couldn't keep pestering people, making her husband not even want to do work.

And she was thinking a lot. She felt that if the two of them cleaned up together, it would be like a sweet newlywed couple. If they were an old couple, that would be the current situation: after the man finished eating, he would throw away the bowls and chopsticks and rest on the sofa. Wait, the woman comes to pack things.

This is the state of her parents at home.

Although Yan Changqing has a very high happiness skill, this girl seems to be in a good mood all the time, and he can't guess what she is thinking about all day long.

After Jian Hongfei was busy, she came over and leaned against him naturally: "If I go out in the afternoon, you should also go to work! Otherwise, when your family knows that you don't want to work all day, you will definitely think that I delayed you."

Yan Changqing thought about the possible reactions of his family and couldn't help but laugh: "If they know that I don't work and just want to spend a little more time with you every day, they will definitely be very happy, and maybe they will start preparing baby diapers. "

His guess was quite accurate. This was the true reaction of his family.

Jian Hongfei retorted: "Nonsense, are they that anxious? You're not that old?"

Yan Changqing looked down at her and stretched out his hand from the collar out of habit: "They wish they had a crying mouth in the house now! People who don't go to school in our place get married very early, don't look at it now Now that we have money, some of our habits are actually the same as before.”

Jian Hongfei snorted twice and protested against a certain big hand. The protest was ineffective and she was unable to resist. She could only let that person do whatever he wanted.

Yan Changqing reminded: "Maybe you have it in your stomach now. It's still a little early. After a few days, maybe you can see the pulse."

"Really?" Jian Hongfei felt mixed emotions at that time, and even a little scared.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional doctor." Yan Changqing comforted her.

"Then you are still like this?" Jian Hongfei said unhappily. "I'm striking while the iron is hot! What if I'm not sure?" Yan Changqing said confidently.

"Humph..." Jian Hongfei began to worry. "Are you really going to have a baby?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Yan Changqing comforted him. "I can learn everything faster and better than ordinary people. I can't say that my medical skills are very good. I can at least ensure that you are fine."

"Well..." Jian Hongfei was too lazy to think.

"Actually, I still have some magical abilities. I will show you slowly later." Yan Changqing began to take vaccinations in advance again.

When the child is born in the future, she will be the mother of her child.

And Jian Hongfei is different from other women. The two have known each other for a long time, and she has always been obsessed with her and has been chasing her until now.

The two of them may be together often in the future, so it's not a bad thing to let her know about some of my magical abilities.

Jian Hongfei was almost confused now, and she didn't know whether she heard it clearly or not. Anyway, she started singing softly again after a while.

As soon as she got busy, she forgot what she just said, and was going to find Zhou Jialing to study with her in the afternoon.


With Zhou Jialing's help, Erwa and Zeng Haichao's company was quickly established.

The company is not just about saving fabrics and making clothes, it can also transport goods from China and resell them here, making it a trading company.

I also found a place near the winery and planned to build a clothing factory to produce fabric-saving clothes myself.

This was Zhou Jialing's suggestion. She thought things through more carefully than these two people thought, and there was a reason why they were built closer together.

From the beginning, the workers who came to Australia were mainly men. Now that the place is stable, it has become normal to take care of the whole family.

After all, the conditions here are no worse than at home, and the environment is more relaxed, so there are more and more women.

But more women came, and for a while there was no other job to do, so they all became full-time housewives. Some people who don’t want to be idle can only think of ways on their own.

For example, when Yan Changqing and the two were shopping, they met Captain Zhu of the security team. He was afraid that his wife would be bored, so he took her to sell flowers on the street. He planned to open a flower shop to pass the time after her daughter-in-law became familiar with the place.

But more people don't have Captain Zhu's vision and insight, or their wives are not business material.

It would be great to have a garment factory at this time. Although it produces only that kind of clothes, as long as you pay more, who cares what you produce?

Zhou Jialing didn't hide anything and directly expressed her thoughts. Erwa and Zeng Haichao were of course supportive - they were still young, and although they thought it was okay to do this, they were thin-skinned after all and were embarrassed to give birth in their hometown. I was also thinking about building a factory here myself.

And Erwa thought of something more: "Then our factory will employ more people, and we can go home and recruit more women. There are still many unmarried people here! Right, Old Zeng..."

Zeng Haichao was not happy: "What do you think I'm going to do...Sister Jia Ling, then look at what else needs to be arranged."

"Go visit other manufacturers first." Zhou Jialing suggested. "Everything is almost ready now. There is no rush to build the factory. People from the trading company can come at any time. You can visit other manufacturers first and learn."

"Then based on your investment situation, decide how to build a factory and purchase equipment. In the meantime, you can start the business of the trading company."

The two newbies nodded together: "Then where should we visit? Sister Jialing, can you give us some advice?"

Zhou Jialing said with a cold face: "What do you want me to do with the things you are going to produce?"

The two novices knew they were wrong at the time. The eldest sister in front of them was not married yet, so it was a bit presumptuous for them to ask...

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jialing continued: "There are many well-known underwear brands in the world, such as Victoria's Secret and other companies. You can all learn from them, but you cannot copy them directly."

The two newbies knew this, and Erwa nodded: "I know this. They seem to be taking a high-end route, and they do those things all day long to make it look like they are high-end. We are different, we have to go deep into the masses. Go, let ordinary people afford it, and follow the path of our Peach Tree Township..."

Speaking of which, both of them are familiar with this. The business in their hometown started from the streets.

After hearing this, Zhou Jialing made another suggestion: "The high-end market is not out of the question. You can establish two brands at that time. Just like Lexus and Toyota, Chevrolet and Corvette."

"I understand!" Erwa and Zeng Haichao nodded together again, just like General Hengha. "The high-end ones have high profits, and the ordinary ones have high volume. We know, that..."

The two guys looked at each other: "How about going to the island country? The production there..."

Zhou Jialing stopped participating in the discussion. As the two guys discussed, it became less like starting a company and more like they were preparing to do "targeted poverty alleviation."


Erwa and Zeng Haichao also asked Yan Changqing for advice, and Yan Changqing naturally had no objection.

But he won't go, and the reason is very good: "The winery here is busy now, I don't have time to go, just you two go over. You call Peishan and ask her to explain to Toru Ueyama. I'll wait for you Come and receive you."

Erwa didn't force it: "Does it matter to Toru Ueyama? Can you arrange for us to visit someone else's factory?"

"It should be no problem." Yan Changqing nodded. "You just go over there."

With these words, the two of them felt relieved and immediately started packing their bags, preparing to go to the island country to study their clothing manufacturing industry.

Yan Changqing looked a little worried at the wretched looks on their faces: "You guys are going to do business, don't make any mess over there, do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qijin, you still don't know who I am!" Erwa assured confidently.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Even if I know who you are, I won't worry!"

Just after he finished speaking, he looked at Zeng Haichao, who was watching the excitement next to him, and said to him: "And you, I won't talk about you. Anyway, please be careful. I will let people watch what you are ordering later. I won’t talk to you about the truth, you think about the consequences yourself.”

After threatening him for a while, he waited until the two of them nodded and made repeated promises before letting them leave.

(End of this chapter)

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