Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 424: Feeding Cows and Raising Chickens

Chapter 424: Feeding Cows and Raising Chickens
Although Huang Peishan is very happy that the boss has a successor, but... she is actually sometimes annoyed by the boss's behavior, and he always pays the employees.

Just like now, she is very annoyed. She just finds any reason and pays it to all employees at the rate of 10% of the salary.

But who is to say that she is not the boss? Things still need to be done.

Fortunately, after looking at the calendar, Huang Peishan discovered that this year's National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are on the same day. There is no better reason than this.

After writing this down, she continued to be busy with the construction of Atal Town.

This small town has probably never seen such a responsible mayor. Most of the benefits promised by the previous mayors were blown away by the wind after taking office. Only this mayor from a foreign country actually did it. She plans to fulfill her promise, which is a new thing for the residents of the town.

In fact, it wouldn't be a problem even if Huang Peishan stopped taking care of the town now. Anyway, everyone has already reaped the benefits in advance.

There are not many affairs in the town. The most important one is the security officer and tax officer. There are only a few people in other less important positions combined.

Huang Peishan has a large number of financial personnel under her command, who are more professional than the tax officer of this town, and her security team is countless times stronger than the police force of this town...

So when Huang Peishan personally came out to direct the construction of a large shopping mall in the town, the idle people in the town came out to see it.

Jian Hongfei had no other acquaintances here except Huang Peishan. Now that she met Huang Peishan, she couldn't help but complain about everything Yan Changqing had done in the past few days.

"Also, he thinks the native chickens from his hometown are the most nourishing, so he even had some native chickens flown in and raised them on the farm. Even the rice, flour, wheat and soybeans have to be transported from home, and he also plans to plant some lotus roots from his hometown here. , he said the local ones weren’t very good.”

"If he wants to do something about it now, just let him do it. Anyway, he didn't ask you to do anything. You are willing to do something about it and don't care about him. What does he do? When he is done with his work and this period of excitement is over, it will be fine."

"Milk is a necessity for pregnant women, and the children will also need it in the future. It is necessary." Huang Peishan did not try to persuade the boss. Now the boss may be very happy. If she tries to persuade her herself, wouldn't that make herself uncomfortable? So I’d better advise the boss lady!

But like Yan Changqing, even a big plane is not enough, and it is too much work.

Huang Peishan was surprised: "What happened to the boss?"

This mall currently has only one merchant booked, which sells clothes.

"Now the seasonings and ingredients in the kitchen are all flown in. One flight a month is not enough for him. We are preparing to add more flights to transport supplies here regularly in the future!"

Jian Hongfei was helpless: "I had just confirmed that I was pregnant, and he was so upset that the sky was about to fall. Now he went to the farm to feed the cows. He picked a few cows and fed them to the small farm over there. I feed it myself every day.”

"Your boss wants to dig a sweet potato cellar here." Jian Hongfei explained on the spot. "He felt that since we were not locals, local products might not be suitable for me, so he had to have some sweet potatoes flown in from his hometown."

Jian Hongfei was not afraid of his troubles. She was still a little worried: "The two of us originally agreed not to let the family know about this matter. Now when he gets mad, he will take everything from the family. Maybe in a few days, his family will Come here, I don’t know what to do when the time comes..."

When Jian Hongfei saw her coming, she started to complain: "Sister Peishan, can you persuade your boss? He is a little too happy now."

However, Huang Peishan plans to move the liquor store that provides welfare to the townspeople later, and just set up a counter, which can also increase the popularity of the place.

When Huang Peishan arrived, she didn't see the boss.

"What should I do? Just sit here and wait for someone to take care of you!" Huang Peishan comforted her. "His family is very supportive of what happened to you two, and they all know about it. The boss even called me once to ask, and I said you two are fine now."

The rest needs to be attracted investment. Clothes alone won't do. Huang Peishan plans to set up a small trading company by herself if Erwa and the two people can't help, or ask the bosses of Taoshu Township Market to come over and put the clothes in here. Start trade.

Jian Hongfei pointed at the fountain pool in the villa courtyard: "Didn't you notice any changes here when you came?"

"Ah? The fountain is gone?" Huang Peishan sighed belatedly. "What's wrong?"

After arranging the things at hand, she quickly prepared gifts and went to congratulate her boss!

"By the way, there are also seeds shipped here. In addition to feeding cows and chickens, he also has to grow vegetables on the farm..."

Although it is a happy thing to see his father busy for himself and his children.

Jian Hongfei sighed: "He didn't ask me to do anything, but now he cooks five or six meals a day for me, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as afternoon tea, supper, snacks and pastries. I feel like I have gained weight now... …”

"A man's heat only lasts for three minutes. Just bear with it for a few days and you'll be fine." Huang Peishan continued to persuade her with a smile. She couldn't help it. She was the boss's wife. She could fool others casually, but she couldn't do this.

After thinking for a while, he said: "I probably understand. Do you think that he puts a lot of pressure on you?"

Jian Hongfei thought about it seriously: "It seems, I just feel that there is no need to do this or that. It has just begun, there are still ten months!"

"It's okay, I'll tell him when he comes back..."

"tell me what?"

Before Huang Peishan finished speaking, Yan Changqing's voice came from outside. In order not to disturb the pregnant woman, this man would park his car far away when he drove back and then walk here.

Assistant Huang never met her boss outside. Anyway, she knew that the boss would not care, so she said directly: "I tell you not to go too far, so as not to put too much pressure on the pregnant woman's psychology and affect the normal development of the fetus."

"Ah?" Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment. "What about this? I'm not worried about anything. Just pay attention to the food combination... You don't know anything about pregnant women. I'm a doctor. Pregnant women should pay attention to balanced nutrition..."

Huang Peishan rolled her eyes: "Do not treat yourself! You are too concerned now. Think about it, how many pregnant women in your hometown need to go through such trouble. The important thing is that pregnant women should relax and be happy. Bar?"

Yan Changqing pondered for a long time: "Well, it seems so. But just tell me Feifei directly. Why do you need this light bulb microphone?"

Huang Peishan was almost vomited by her boss: "She sees that you are very diligent and hardworking, so she is embarrassed to tell you directly."

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Okay, okay, the vegetables have been planted. From now on, just water and fertilize on time. There is nothing else to be busy with. From now on, we only need to feed the cows and chickens every day. We will plant the vegetables in front of us." The work on the ground requires strength, and I will take Feifei with me for the remaining work, which means we can go out and relax every day..."

Huang Peishan looked at Jian Hongfei and saw that she was relieved, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.


When it was time to eat at noon, Huang Peishan couldn't help it anymore: "There are only three of us. Boss, you don't need to prepare... Even if you are pregnant, you don't need to prepare so many dishes, right?"

"There's no rule that you have to finish the food. If you can't finish it, it won't be wasted. I'll clean it up later and feed it to the chickens on the farm." Yan Changqing was quite reasonable.

Huang Peishan sighed: "If you were like this, I would be under great pressure, let alone a pregnant woman."

"Then don't do so much next time, and do a few less things for each meal in the future." Yan Changqing followed the advice. "Okay, let's eat. Feifei, try this cold fungus, pure wild fungus from the mountains over there..."

Huang Peishan remained silent and concentrated on eating and drinking - the boss's cooking skills were so good. She had traveled all over the world and never seen anyone who could compare with her.

Anyway, there are so many dishes, let alone a pregnant woman, she may not be able to finish the next ten or eight. I just want to eliminate a little more for Feifei, which also reduces her psychological pressure. Thinking this way, Huang Peishan tasted more attentively and it tasted more delicious.

Sure enough, helping others is the foundation of happiness!


After finishing the meal, Huang Peishan was quite conscious and took the initiative to clear the table. Although she was clumsy, she only bumped two plates and none of them were broken.

After dinner, she originally wanted to leave immediately, but seeing Jian Hongfei being cared for by her boss, she almost shivered. She sighed inwardly, and then began to report her work to her boss: "Boss, I built a new building in Atal Town. It’s a big shopping mall, can we bring some bosses over from Taoshu Township Market later?”

"Why do you need to ask about such a trivial matter?" Boss Yan asked directly.

"I'm afraid that if I don't ask, if you keep hanging around the pregnant woman, you will suck away the oxygen around the pregnant woman, and the pregnant woman will be hypoxic!"


Yan Changqing thought carefully and became quiet.

He was indeed a bit too...busy these days.

The main reason is that I have no experience in giving birth to children before, and although I have the skills in this life, Quanshui wanted to have a child before, and she worked very hard. She fainted many times and failed in the end.

It was the first time in his two lives that he had a child of his own, so of course he had to be more concerned... Now that he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was indeed a bit too much...

"Okay, I know I was wrong!" Changing his mistakes is a rare virtue that Yan Changqing has in his life. "Feifei, from now on I will only cook what you want to eat. You can tell yourself what you want to do, and I won't have to worry about it!"

"Yes!" Jian Hongfei nodded lightly. "I don't have anything on my mind. I just want you not to make such a big show of it. I don't feel anything at all yet! I heard others say that I will have morning sickness or something like that in the future. If I really do, it won't be too late no matter how busy you are."

"I feel pretty good now. If it keeps like this, you can still go to work. I'm not a child anymore, and I have a mobile phone at hand now. I will call you if anything happens."

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's okay, then we will go feed the cows and raise chickens later, and you will also go out for some activities."

Jian Hongfei looked at Huang Peishan: "Sister Peishan, let's go too! You are usually so busy at work, but now you come here, let's go relax together?"

Huang Peishan thought for a while: "Okay!"


Yan Changqing was quite comfortable with the job of raising cows and chickens. After all, he had done it before and even had some skills.

Seeing him working, Huang Peishan laughed: "You see, the boss is actually quite powerful, right? Even the way he shovels cow dung is so handsome! Sometimes I wonder if there is nothing else besides giving birth to children. It’s a hard thing to do to defeat him.”

Jian Hongfei also nodded: "I think so too, actually...if he hadn't been thinking so hard every day these days to take care of me, I think he would be fine in everything."

"Little man!" Huang Peishan lowered her voice and said. “It’s the first time I know I’m going to have a child, so I’m probably so nervous!”

As she spoke, she lowered her head and looked at Jian Hongfei's belly, which was not rising at all: "It feels so magical. What do you think the children of people like the boss will be like in the future?"

"I don't know either." Jian Hongfei subconsciously touched her lower abdomen with a happy smile on her face.

Huang Peishan looked at her look and began to think wildly: "I advise you in advance, be strict with your children when the time comes. Look at your boss like this, maybe if you have children in the future, he will become a child slave and pamper your children to the sky. , that can’t educate children well.”

"Will it?" Jian Hongfei didn't believe it. "I heard what he said. He was beaten when he was a child! He also said that he will have to educate his children strictly in the future. He will definitely not be particularly pampered, right?"

"It's hard to say." Huang Peishan was a little skeptical. "The situation is different now. The boss is too rich, and the children will definitely be difficult to manage. Unless you two make up your mind, don't interfere when you ask a teacher to teach you in the future... Hey, it's still early to say this now. Don't think too much about it. By the way. It’s natural!”

"Yeah!" Jian Hongfei nodded.

Yan Changqing was busy over there, and he made a mental note to Huang Peishan. This guy said bad things about him again, and he had to deal with it later...

Huang Peishan felt something in her heart. She suddenly looked up at the boss, leaned into Jian Hongfei's ear and whispered: "Oh no, I forgot that the boss is very powerful. I just said bad things about him, he must have heard it, and now he must be thinking about giving me a bigger penis." It’s a lot of work.”

"Really?" Jian Hongfei's face turned red, her voice lowered, and she took a few steps back. "Can he hear us?"

"The boss is awesome!" Huang Peishan muttered in a low voice, then raised her voice. "Feifei, let's go see how the vegetables are growing over there?"

"Okay!" Jian Hongfei immediately understood and followed her away from Yan Changqing.

As a result, Yan Changqing over there had finished his work and trotted over: "I'm just going to water the water, let's go together!"

Huang Peishan's face darkened: "Look, I knew he heard what we just said...Boss, you sir, surely you won't want to use an excuse to retaliate against me, right?"

"Of course not." Yan Changqing chuckled. "I just thought of another thing. Feifei is pregnant recently, and I don't want to go anywhere else. I always want to hang around her at home, which puts her under psychological pressure."

"So I thought about it, you go to the Northeast, I have a jade mine there, the mined ore is piled up into mountains, you can arrange for it to be flown over, and I will do some carving here later."

"By the way, I have thought about it before. It would be a good business to transport the jade from our side and sell the local jade here. Looking back..."

Huang Peishan looked helpless: "Did you see it? Feifei, did you see it? The boss just arranges it and makes me fly half a circle around the earth. Feifei, please save me?"

Jian Hongfei didn't know how important this job was. During the time when she was working, the business she was exposed to was only a very small part of the entire group.

Moreover, when Yan Changqing talked about jade mining and trade, he subconsciously felt that this business should be quite good. Once it is done well, it will be a good business that makes money like water.

So I don’t know how to persuade...

However, Yan Changqing didn't wait for Jian Hongfei to persuade, and said with a smile: "Okay, for Feifei's sake, I won't let you run away, but... whether you have other business in the future, it depends on your performance. !”

Huang Peishan was very smart and ran over with her short legs: "Boss, I will help you water the water."

As he said that, he diligently turned on the faucet - the automatic irrigation system. Just turn it on and it will start. Just turn it off later.

Only then did Jian Hongfei realize that these two people were just joking to make herself happy!

However, the business seems to be pretty good, but can it be done?

(End of this chapter)

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