Chapter 425: Carving a Fan Club

Yan Changqing was really not joking when he said he wanted to play carving. A few days later, when Erwa and Zeng Haichao returned from inspecting the island country's garment factory, they arrived at his home and saw that he had opened a workshop in a corner of the yard. They are busy around a piece of jade.

Moreover, his work progress is relatively fast. After all, he is strong and skilled, and he is a tireless monster with high efficiency. It can be seen now that what he carved is a naive and fat doll.

Erwa just took one look and felt shocked: "Brother Qijin, are your carving skills so good now? If this carving was shown to others, those carving masters would be ashamed to death. This is different from It’s really the same. When I took a quick look, I could feel him smiling at me, which made me want to laugh too. Really, it turns out that carving can be done like this, it’s so amazing!”

Although Zeng Haichao didn't know how to draw like Erwa, he knew a little about art, but at least he could sense what was good and what was bad, so he nodded and said, "Fuck! Awesome!"

The second child was speechless: "If you don't know how to just praise me, don't do it all the time."

Yan Changqing was in a good mood and said, "But I'm uneducated, so I can tell the world with just one word. How's your investigation going?"

Erwa replied: "The inspection was pretty good. At least I know how to get it. Now the factory can start construction. My dad and I have agreed. He will probably send me a batch of goods in the next two days. Let's start with Let’s start trade.”

"That's fine, let's do it well!" Yan Changqing doesn't intend to meddle with these two people's affairs. Anyway, this business is not difficult. The goods from his hometown, even if the transportation costs are included, are of high quality and price here. It's cheap. As long as you do it seriously, you won't lose money if you can sell it.

Erwa didn't leave, but muttered: "But... uneducated, damn, this sentence is so suitable to describe Lao Zeng. I will post this sentence online later, in case it spreads in the future, you will be Damn it, brother!"

Yan Changqing didn’t believe it!
Zeng Haichao then said with a smile: "I prove that he did nothing. He went out without a translator, and I followed him behind. He does not understand the island's Mandarin, and others cannot understand him when he speaks, hahahahaha!"

Of course, it was her business to clean up after the meal, and it was also customary.

The two of them fussed for a while before letting go of the topic and told Yan Changqing about their experiences in the island country.

Before the food was served, Huang Peishan came again, taking Zhou Jialing with her.

Erwa was helpless after hearing this, and suddenly realized. No wonder after he passed by, he felt that Toru Shangshan was a little more respectful to him, which made him a little uncomfortable. It turned out that Zeng Haichao was using the tiger's skin as a banner.

Yan Changqing listened without delaying the work at hand. When he finished listening, the work came to an end, so he threw down his tools and took off his gloves: "Just in time, it's time for dinner. You can stay and have dinner together later, and then go Do it well!”

"Are you following me?" Erwa's face darkened. "Okay, we can't do this partnership business. You are too cunning to be so shameless."

For her, it was a matter of killing two birds with one stone. After eating delicious food, she could still please the boss. Didn't she see that the boss had cooked a table full of dishes and still willingly handed her chopsticks?

Erwa sneered: "Can you still eat me?"

Yan Changqing felt relieved when he heard that Shang Shanche knew about it. This proved that Erwa was really thief-minded and a little courageous, but because he was uneducated, he did not do any bad things.

She has come here openly to make a living these days, and the reason is very legitimate, she has come to relax with the pregnant woman.

The food was a bit too much, but Erwa and Zeng Haichao were not particularly careful people, and they didn't know that Qijin's sister-in-law was pregnant. They only knew that they were quite happy with the food.

Erwa swore: "Whoever did it is the dog!"

But two more guys came today. Huang Peishan felt that she could be a little lazy and would instruct these two guys to finish their work later.

Erwa covered his mouth before he finished speaking, but Yan Changqing had already set his sights on him. He could only defend himself: "Brother Qijin, I was just curious. I didn't do anything when I went there, so I turned around. I came back in one lap. Really, I was afraid of catching something! "

"It wasn't me, it was Shangshan Tetsu who did it." Zeng Haichao said. "Haha, of course, I also reminded him. I told him that your surname is Yan, who is the same as Brother Qijin. Toru Kamiyama is particularly interested in you and has always asked bodyguards to follow you. He just didn't tell you. "

Zeng Haichao was so depressed that he wanted to die: "How dare you!"

He didn't object to the second child having sex with women, but he objected to this because he was really afraid that this guy would develop such a bad habit and come back with something wrong. That would be disgusting.

"Really just walked around in a circle and did nothing?"


"Brother Qijin!" Zeng Haichao turned around and started to complain. "The second son went to the island country, and every night he was clamoring to visit Okubo Park, which is very close to Kabukicho on Happy Street. I wouldn't let him go..."

Yan Changqing didn't tell them about this. Unlike Huang Peishan and Zhou Jialing, they couldn't keep secrets - now he and Jian Hongfei really don't want their family to know about it.

So everyone who knew there was a pregnant woman at the dinner table kept silent about it and only talked about work with these two silly boys.

Erwa and Zeng Haichao had a great time eating, and they were also happy to talk about work. Now at the dinner table, except for the sister-in-law, everyone else can be their business teachers.

Even after eating, Huang Peishan didn't need to think of a solution. The two of them took the initiative to clean up the dining table and kitchen.


After dinner, Zhou Jialing took her two young apprentices and continued to be their teacher.

Huang Peishan stayed and reported some things to Yan Changqing: "From the release of the last album to now, our fan base has grown a lot. Now we have hundreds of fans in major cities. People. Each of these people manages hundreds to thousands of fans and can cheer for us at any time..."

This is something she has been doing all along. When the trolls from Xiangjiang have nothing to do, they create similar public opinions online and then promote the establishment of some Yan Changqing fan groups.

Then Huang Peishan sent some professionals to manage these people.

This management is not management in the strict sense, it is just guidance. It is not intended to make money, but just to prevent some people from doing extreme things with their hot heads.

The fan group is growing faster than the natural beauty group founded by Huang Peishan. Now the navy troops in her hands have also joined these groups and are responsible for setting the rhythm and so on.

Don't underestimate these people, they can do so much. Huang Peishan began to pay attention to this fan group because of the continuous topic created by the navy army on the Internet. Once these people are guided again, they want to give Yan Changqing online or various companies under the Shengli Group for those who fight alone. For those who create negative impacts, it is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow.

Yan Changqing has always attached great importance to this matter. He is not planning to use these fans to do anything, but there are some things you don't have to do, but you can't be unprepared at all.

There is no shortage of unprovoked hatred in this world, not to mention those with ulterior motives who deliberately create some topics to attract others' attention for certain purposes.

Sometimes, once those topics are brought up, many people who don't know the truth will swarm them. When the heat really rises, no matter how hard you defend yourself or even bring out conclusive evidence, the impact that has been caused cannot be easily eliminated.

Therefore, in an era where the Internet is becoming more and more developed, it is really necessary to have some say.

Moreover, all this popularity is not in vain after all.

Just like now, with the navy and so many fan groups, Huang Peishan, a person who just came here not long ago, ran for mayor of the town. Public opinion on the Internet is generally that the local area is a tolerant place. There is rarely any opposition or discriminatory remarks in the discourse.


After talking about business for a few words, Yan Changqing continued to knock stones.

Huang Peishan did not leave, but continued to chat with Jian Hongfei. The two murmured for a while, and Huang Peishan whispered: "The boss's work efficiency is really high. In just a few days, the doll has been carved!"

Jian Hongfei was confused: "Why are you smiling so weirdly?"

"Hey!" Huang Peishan was so happy that she lowered her voice. "I think he is so efficient mainly because his wife is pregnant now and he can't do anything else but vent his energy on this jade, haha!"

Jian Hongfei was so angry that she slapped her: "I'll tell him later that you said bad things about him again."

"Go on, go on!" Huang Peishan is not afraid. She has no taboos now and is not afraid of the boss at all. Anyway, she just wants to make the boss's wife happy. If she says something excessive, she is not afraid of the boss being angry.

Jian Hongfei couldn't do anything to her, so she thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Do you know that he has other people outside? For example, the one from the former Soviet Union, and the one from the island country?"

"I don't know!" Huang Peishan would not admit that she knew. "The boss is a very decent man. If you think about it, if he wants to mess around, I don't know how many women are willing to throw himself into his arms. I think he has been waiting for you. Really, don't believe it. Why don't you come here?" , he was so nervous like this..."

Jian Hongfei didn't believe this, but she wasn't stupid and didn't plan to continue asking.

In fact, after asking the question just now, she knew that she would not be able to get the answer. After all, this was the assistant who had been with the big bad guy for many years. It was okay to joke and say harmless things about the boss, and he would definitely not talk nonsense about key questions.

What she was thinking was: "I think it's not good for him to hold it in like this. I'll find a reason to drive him away for a few days later. He can go to whoever he wants. Anyway, as long as he doesn't let me see him."

Huang Peishan didn't know whether what she said was true or not, and didn't dare to let go: "The boss doesn't know that. You see, he is busy carving stones now. He is probably focused on this..."

Jian Hongfei was so angry at this guy that she rolled her eyes: "Do you really think I'm a jealous woman? He and those two were earlier than me, so I don't mind even if there is something wrong. Anyway, he said that I would take care of my child later." Show it to his parents."

Huang Peishan didn't dare to follow her words and change the subject: "Have you noticed that the boss's carving skills are actually no worse than his musical skills? I feel that the fat doll he carved makes people want to laugh when they see it. It makes people happy when they come out!”

"Yes!" Jian Hongfei nodded and stopped delving into the question just now. "He told me that he still has a statue at home, but he doesn't dare to show it to others, for fear that they will become obsessed with it. I didn't believe it at first, but now I kind of believe it."

"We can suggest that the boss carve more dolls and hold an exhibition later." Huang Peishan suddenly had a new idea.

"You're too late." Jian Hongfei laughed. "He himself said that he planned to carve a few more dolls and send them to the Chinese Customs Museum here, and then build a temple for the Empress Dowager inside. He also said that this can be considered a part of folk culture and cannot be purely called feudal superstition. "

"If he carves dolls that make people happy, then there must be a lot of people going there." Huang Peishan agreed. "I also think this shouldn't be called superstition. Sometimes people have a little bit of faith. As long as they don't indulge, it's not a bad thing..."

"You really deserve to be his assistant, and you actually think the same as him..."


Yan Changqing had been busy carving for a few days when he received a somewhat unexpected guest.

Li Mingfa came running over. He came by himself without his wife and children.

Before Yan Changqing could pick him up, he asked Niu Laifu to pick him up, and then he ran over directly: "Cousin Qijin, I'm here to see you! Where is my cousin? Where is she in the house? It's the first time I've met her. , I don’t have anything to bring, so I brought some souvenirs from home..."

It was really a local specialty. There were so many of the 'bean gluten' made in his hometown, beef jerky, salted duck eggs and so on. It took him and Niu Laifu two trips to transport them all.

After sitting down, before Yan Changqing could ask questions, he said: "I am very free at home now. My children are in kindergarten. I have nothing to do. I plan to come here to do business. Master Shui Xing asked me to come here to help him. Look at this guy Erwa..."

Being younger means being disadvantaged. Niu Laifu calls him brother-in-law, but he is determined not to follow him in the seniority hierarchy. He would rather call him Mr. Yan than engage in such a relationship.

Yan Changqing was still happy to hear about this: "Okay, you have been doing the business at home since the beginning. I just happened to come here to see if I can copy the business at home."

"That's what I think..." Li Mingfa said very enthusiastically.

After dinner, this guy went hunting with Niu Laifu.

Yan Changqing didn't care. Li Mingfa was also a guy who couldn't explain it. The business was doing well at first, and then he found a wife in the city. The wife's family conditions were also very good, so he simply stopped doing business and concentrated on Accompany my wife to give birth to a child.

I have lived well these past few years, and I am probably very free now. It is not unusual to come here to do business and have fun.

He didn't know that when his second uncle went back and boasted about beating rabbits and scooping fish with sticks, he was tempted by this.

But Yan Changqing doesn't care about his purpose, what's important is that he's here!
(End of this chapter)

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