Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 427 4 ways to prepare rabbit meat

Chapter 427 Four ways to prepare rabbit meat

Rabbit hunting competitions are a relatively common event in Australia, but this event in the town of Atal undoubtedly gave everyone a surprise.

Although the rules of this rabbit hunting competition are looser than those in other places, harmless cheating is almost not prohibited. Although the scale is not large...but for the event here, the organizer is willing to give gifts!

The event can have countless shortcomings, but as long as it has this point, it is enough. The value of the wine given is high enough. Even the residents near the town, even those who like wine, may not drink this kind of wine every day, which is too expensive in the market. What’s more, What’s more, it can also be monetized.

But all these surprises were not as good as the fact that at the end of the event, a big singer and entrepreneur was invited to perform a live cooking performance.

From the moment Yan Changqing appeared, the crowd went into a complete carnival, and the trend became more and more crazy.

Li Mingfa was shocked: "Old Niu, cousin Changqing is here, is he so popular? Are these people crazy?"

Not only him, but also the people in the factory were a little surprised. Lao Niu was also confused: "I don't know! He doesn't usually come out. I heard that after each of his concerts, there will be a period of time when the number of tourists in Sydney will increase greatly. I thought it was an exaggeration before!"

"I heard it's because many people want to see him or attend his concerts. I didn't expect that this is true and he is so popular. That old man over there must be seventy or eighty years old. Now, you can actually chase stars?”

Li Mingfa clicked his tongue and marveled: "Cousin Changqing is really too low-key. He usually doesn't show off his appearance. This appearance...seeing how excited these people are, why don't we shout too..."

Old Davis next to him had been yelling for a long time, and now he was patting the two of them: "Why don't you cheer and let Yan know our enthusiasm! He is really awesome, I really like his music , and his cooking skills!”

There are really no rules for this kind of competition. The so-called cooking competition does not require cooking methods, nor does it have any requirements for the participants. Anyway, you can come up with whatever you want. You can prepare the kitchen utensils yourself, shout and everyone will start busy with the rabbit.

Li Mingfa and Niu Laifu were dumbfounded at the time. Davis was too excited now and spoke too fast for them to understand!

It was difficult for Davis to communicate with the two people. When he suddenly heard these words, he felt as if he had found a confidant. He turned around and started chatting with the old man: "Me too! What's the name of what he listens to when sleeping? Chinese classical music. Listen to It feels as if I am no longer lying in my shabby wooden house. I feel like I am lying under the warm spring sunshine, lying among the clear mountains and green waters..."

Yan Changqing waited for the excitement for a while, then waved, and then said: "I'm here to participate in the cooking competition. Please stop shouting. When it's over, let's drink together. The person who just asked for a photo, asked for Those who signed, don’t worry, we won’t go home until we get drunk!”

Li Mingfa and Niu Laifu looked at each other, why are they ignoring us?
But, it doesn’t matter, just make it lively!

One braised, one spicy, one dry pot rabbit, one stewed rabbit...

Yan Changqing's movements are relatively fast. He plans to make a few more methods this time to show off his cooking skills.

There were also a large number of cameras surrounding him, filming, of course, not just him, but also what other people below were doing.

The skinned rabbit was on the chopping board. He took the kitchen knife and started chopping it.

The surrounding people, regardless of whether they were yellow-skinned, white, or dark-skinned, were all cheering. They also waved their arms and shouted at the top of their lungs. Niu Laifu felt that shouting was not enough, so he simply put two fingers in his mouth and shouted directly. Whistled...

Another old white man next to him was equally excited: "Me too, I like to listen to his Victory series songs the most while driving. Every time I feel like I can drive my 18-year-old pickup truck out of a spaceship... …”

There was another burst of cheers below.


Yan Changqing's preparation here is the most complete, with a complete set of kitchen utensils, seasonings and side dishes, etc., there is no shortage of anything.

But Huang Peishan had already shouted with a loudspeaker: "Those who are preparing to participate in the cooking competition can start!"

He opened two pots directly, with more than one rabbit in each. The shovels were all oversized, so he only had the strength to turn them over at the same time.

As for the other contestants, they are all varied.

But they don't understand it now, but it doesn't matter, as long as they know that this person is actually chasing stars.

Some directly peel the skin off the rabbit, then skewer it on a stick and put it on the fire to start roasting; some only use rabbit steaks and start frying it on the pan; some only take four legs and professionally roast the rabbit legs. …

Regarding the foreign language proficiency of these two people, Niu Laifu came early and learned a little. He usually communicates with Davis - Niu Laifu can barely speak out key words, Davis speaks more slowly, and then the two of them gesture. , I can barely communicate like this.

But compared to Yan Changqing, who had four big pots, the other people's methods were a bit too crude.

On the periphery are people who are not participating but just waiting to eat, and there are more than a dozen judges, all selected by everyone themselves. It doesn't matter whether they are professional or not, as long as everyone is willing.


When the rabbit meat in the two pots here entered the stewing stage, Yan Changqing used those two pots as well.

The four pots were operated in turn, and he didn't seem to be busy at all. He was quite calm and unhurried. The people below became quiet and watched his performance quietly.

Including Jian Hongfei, Zhou Jialing, Huang Peishan and others, these three people are waiting to eat.

Soon a pot of braised rabbit meat and a pot of spicy rabbit meat were ready. Yan Changqing directly carried the big pot, shoveled a pot and put it aside, and then started working on the other two pots...


Soon there were exclamations. The skilled cooking skills were beyond the reach of ordinary people. It even broke the taste habits of ordinary people. The first judge who tasted it didn't even say a word and just gave it to him. I grabbed a big bowl myself.

The rest has been waiting for a long time. Even if you don't know Yan Changqing's cooking skills, eating rabbit meat cooked by an international star is enough for ordinary people to brag about for ten and a half years after going back.

All of a sudden, people were shouting about how delicious it was, and a group of people were eating and sucking on it - the spicy one was a bit too spicy, but the locals didn't like spicy food very much. But the taste is so good. Although it is very spicy, the taste that goes straight to the forehead and makes the delicious food bloom on the tip of the tongue is really addictive!

After all the judges have tasted it, the rest is for others to taste, because these judges are not professional and they still have to judge everyone. However, the cooking skills are beyond the skills of ordinary people. Even those who eat rabbit meat cooked in this way for the first time can't help but admire it...

Li Mingfa and others were already ready. As soon as the judges left the stage, they rushed up, especially Davis, who brought his own lunch box with him and shoveled them all up.

The rabbits in Australia are generally quite big, and they are not comparable to the two rabbits that Li Mingfa shot in one night. His two rabbits are not as good as the one here.

Even so, the two large pots of rabbit meat were not enough for these people.

So the remaining people could only look at the remaining two pots eagerly, and were ready to charge, hoping to have a taste of the big star's craftsmanship next.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing did not disappoint them. Soon, two pots of steaming rabbit meat came out of the pot. In an instant, there were a group of people around who were sucking and eating it - even if it is not spicy, it is still hot!


Yan Changqing was quite satisfied. He had prepared food for his assistant's wife in advance, but now he didn't eat it himself. He started to walk around carrying the wine bottle.

Cooking skills can still be learned from. Although others may not be as good at cooking as him, they may not have some unique skills, and they may have surprises!
Besides, since he is here, he plans to party with everyone, and by the way, he can also see how popular he is now.

Now it seems that everyone welcomes him. Some want to take pictures with him, and some come to ask for autographs. In a short period of time, many people have come here. Although they did not participate in the competition, they live nearby. There are people ranging from aunts in their decades to girls of several years old.

These were all people who were there at short notice and hurried over just to meet the big stars or get an autograph and take a photo with them if they had the chance.

Yan Changqing is very patient with these people - there are several cameras there, and he also needs to come out from time to time to show his face in the media and interact with people.

They were busy until the end of the cooking competition, and Huang Peishan began to announce the winner on the stage.

There is no doubt that Yan Changqing is the number one that everyone expects.

After the award was given to him, there was also a speech. He stood on the stage and said: "I know that rabbits here have always been hated by people, and many people don't have the habit of eating rabbits. The purpose of my coming here is not only to talk to There is another reason for everyone to party together.”

"It's just to promote the delicacies of our hometown. Everyone just tasted the rabbit meat I made. Although it may not be to the taste of some people, for some people, it is actually acceptable, right?"

"It's not easy to change your eating habits, but if everyone can occasionally try other flavors, such as eating rabbit meat, then maybe everyone will have fewer rabbit headaches in the future!"

"If anyone wants to know how I made rabbit meat just now, on our TV station, we will invite a professional chef to show the four ways I made rabbit meat on the TV station... As for me, I can't do it myself, just I can say I’m sorry, I’m just an amateur, and as everyone knows, besides making music, I also have to run a company, so I don’t have much time.”

"Okay, now comes the carnival stage. I have prepared a lot of wine, a lot, enough for everyone to drink all night. Vodka, white wine, sake, wine, drink whatever you like, let the carnival begin!"


Of course, before the carnival, considering that it was already a bit late, Yan Changqing had his pregnant wife sent home first, and then came back to talk nonsense with people she knew and didn't know, and continued taking photos and signing autographs.

Yan Changqing also encouraged those who came early in the factory to chat with the locals and learn as much as possible about local customs, which can also promote integration!

The same cannot be said for Li Mingfa and some people who came late. They are not good at foreign languages.

Those who arrived early, even those who rarely go out, can understand a few foreign languages ​​to a certain extent. After all, when they first arrived, some young men would secretly take to the streets to help the poor, looking for poor locals who were not even wearing clothes. Man, ask me about Mani!
These people are courageous and learn foreign languages ​​quickly. Although they may not know a few letters, they are now able to communicate with the locals.


Yan Changqing's physique is now reflected. He will not refuse anyone who comes with a wine glass. As long as he is willing to come, he will drink. Anyway, he is not afraid of getting drunk.

Of course, there is no guessing here. It’s just a normal toast. You can drink as much or as little as you like. No one minded when he was holding the wine. Many people came here not to drink, but just to let others take a few photos. .

As for the enthusiastic girls, there was nothing that could be done about it. Many bold ones wanted to hug them or something. As an approachable singer, he could only reluctantly agree to the requests of some of them.

The cooking competition took up half of the night, followed by drinking and chatting. Many people were unwilling to leave, and the result was that it slowly continued until close to dawn.

In the end, it was Yan Changqing who persuaded everyone to leave. Otherwise, these people would have been gathering around here and not intending to leave, and the event would not have ended.

Huang Peishan, the organizer and others, had to direct people to clean up the mess. Someone could have done it, but she was the mayor after all, so she had to stick to it until the end, even if it was just a show.

Looking at the mess around her, Huang Peishan yawned and said, "Boss, there is a place to live in the town. You drank a lot, so go and have a rest first! Let's go to the TV station together after I finish cleaning up here."

Yan Changqing looked around: "There is no one here now. Let others take care of it. You can also go and rest for a while! Don't be in a hurry about editing."

The editing refers to the shots of him cooking rabbit meat. This was something Yan Changqing had already thought about. He wanted to promote food here, so of course the editing had to be better.

Of course, he feels more at ease when he sees his own food in person. After all, he has watched many food programs in his previous life and is more experienced in this area. In addition, editing is also one of his skills. Now is the time to use it.

Not a single shopping mall has been built in the town, and there are no hotels or anything like that. Huang Peishan bought a few houses here, and they were all old houses and had no time to renovate.

However, Yan Changqing is not picky. Anyway, the supplies in the room are all new. After lying on the bed for a while, he fell into sleep, ready to rest his brain - although the wine he drank did not have much impact on him, it was indeed a bit tiring to deal with so many people.

But not long after he fell asleep, he felt something was wrong. Someone entered the room, and the bodyguard not far outside didn't stop him.

The person who came opened the door very cautiously, as if he was afraid of waking him up. He didn't know at all. In fact, the moment the person walked to the door, Yan Changqing knew who the person was.

Soon the visitor quietly walked to the bedside, and then seemed to hesitate for a moment, or was making up his mind, and his breathing became rapid...

Yan Changqing was extremely confused for a moment. Was he going to be pushed? Should he obey or not?
(End of this chapter)

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