Chapter 428 Food Program
When Yan Changqing and Huang Peishan rushed to the TV station, it was already afternoon.

Although it was not his first time here, Yan Changqing's appearance still attracted a lot of onlookers. They were all their own employees, and Yan Changqing's attitude was quite good. He greeted them all the way and only said that he would come out to chat with everyone after work.

When he woke up in the morning, he had already recalled the food programs he had watched. His memory of these programs was quite clear, because he had watched them while eating instant noodles or lunch boxes. When he recalled, He could even recall every scene at that time.

But fortunately, there were people around him who let him know that this was no longer the past, and just reminiscing was enough - the reason why he reminisced about the food was because he knew that the people around him were going through a lot of hardships for the first time, and he needed to divert his attention.

The food program is actually well edited and can really make people hungry. This is what Yan Changqing had in mind. It's just that he is an artist and entrepreneur. He can have more characters, such as a cooking master, which is quite good.

And if it can really inspire local people to study Eastern cuisine and become interested in various ways to eat rabbits, it will be considered a meritorious deed for the local people, enough to be recorded in some books.

Therefore, Yan Changqing is very careful when editing. He originally likes to edit short videos. Looking at those seemingly ordinary pictures, after his own processing, they become addictive and even addictive. Very fulfilling.

Huang Peishan only dared to watch and did not dare to say a word.

Yesterday, a certain assistant named Zhou took two sips of wine and had the courage to stretch out her long legs to attack her boss at night. She knew this.

The boss didn't say much when he went out to eat today. She ran all the way and until now, she couldn't tell whether the boss was in good or bad mood, so it was definitely true that silence was golden.

Under the light, the red rabbit meat, various side dishes and seasonings, under the operation of a pair of skillful hands, turned into pieces of delicious food that are full of praise, making people move their index fingers just looking at it.

Such a strong-female beauty suddenly turned into a little white rabbit, running to beg for a hug. There were very few people who could refuse her.

As for the soundtrack, Yan Changqing directly used some of his own classical music tracks as the background music, with just a few slight changes.


On the other hand, as his assistant, Zhou Jialing knows the company under his name better than he does. She is a rare and good assistant. If she really follows someone else, she might go back to get married and have children. If she wants to resign, she will have to work hard to find someone to replace her, which is quite troublesome.

Those famous Xiangjiang delicacies that she had loved to eat since she was a child were constantly flooding in her mind at this moment, and countless memories emerged from her mind, making her even have the urge to return to Xiangjiang as soon as possible.

In fact, although Yan Changqing was attacked at night, he was still in a good mood.

On the one hand, Zhou Jialing has been following him for a long time. She has been running around all year long and has worked hard for so many years... People have feelings, and since they are interested, he can't live up to them.

She even said it in Cantonese.

"It's better to go back and take a look by yourself than make a phone call." Yan Changqing stood up with a smile. "Okay, the rest is yours. I'll leave first."

"What do you think of this effect? ​​Is there a kind of feeling that makes people feel that the fireworks in the world are actually very important?"

Of course, from all aspects, the charm of those long legs is quite great. After many years of working in shopping malls, Assistant Zhou's aura is cold and powerful, and his unique temperament is also quite attractive.

She really didn't expect that the recording effect under the lights last night was surprisingly good.

It wasn't until Yan Changqing asked questions that Huang Peishan was awakened by his voice. She said subconsciously: "That's not all. I want to go back to Xiangjiang now to have a look. It feels like I haven't gone back for a long time, and I don't know. How is dadou..."

Yan Changqing nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's arrange the broadcast time! If you want to go back, you can go back and have a look. Anyway, it's not very busy here now."

Anyway, Mr. Yan felt that he was quite soft-hearted, and the beauty was so kind that he couldn't bear to refuse.

Otherwise, the moment he heard her hesitate or make up her mind when she came to the door, as long as he said a word or even coughed, someone's determination to devote himself would probably be frightened away.

In fact, Huang Peishan was already hungry after editing but before the soundtrack started.

With multitasking, the editing work was completed very quickly.

When the score was completed and she followed Yan Changqing to watch the final film again, when she saw Yan Changqing finally lift the lid of the pot and the steam was rising, she suddenly seemed to see the steaming meat on the streets of Xiangjiang through the smoke. wonton noodles, shrimp cakes, Yuen Long Poon Choi...

When it came to work, Huang Peishan came to her senses completely: "Now that the event has just ended, I think now is a good opportunity to increase my visibility. I can't go back now. In fact, there is nothing going on at home. I have people who call me often. They know that I I’m living well and happy now.”

"Okay boss!" Huang Peishan agreed and walked out, still hesitant to speak.

Yan Changqing knew that she probably wanted to ask Zhou Jialing what was wrong, but he didn't want to talk to this gossip girl.


Zhou Jialing had already had dinner and ran to Huang Peishan's villa on a small ranch here, staring at the sunset in a daze.

She actually wasn't drunk at all yesterday, but she really couldn't think of any excuse or reason to tell her boss what she felt, and she rarely had the opportunity to drink with her boss.

Therefore, the decision-making of a strong woman played an important role at that moment. She made the decision to express her love to her boss through action.

Although it's a bit despicable, the boss lady is pregnant!

But she couldn't care so much. After all, this kind of opportunity was really hard to come across.

Anyway, she doesn't care about her status...or in fact she doesn't care about anything, she just wants that man to know her feelings.

In fact, when she walked to the door, she was already waiting. At that time, she was neither hesitating nor making a decision, she was just waiting for an answer.

Huang Peishan said that the boss is actually a very powerful person. I don’t know if he has clairvoyance, but he must have ears. It seems that no matter how far away he is, he can hear what he says.

Moreover, Zhou Jialing herself discovered that when she went to report to her boss in the past, sometimes there was someone in the boss's office and she wanted to wait outside the door, but the boss would call her by name and come in.

So when Zhou Jialing stopped at the door at night, she was waiting for the boss to make a decision.

In the end, the boss didn't stop her from entering the room, and he was very... gentle...

Zhou Jialing shook her long legs and was a little confused. Will he regret it now? Otherwise, why did you run away without saying a word? Can I still work as an assistant? Will it be awkward to get along with you in the future?

The best result she can think of now is that the boss will act like nothing happened and continue to be the same as before. Of course, if he still wants to occasionally, she is quite happy...

As for the worst result, it is nothing more than leaving...

"Ding ding ding..."

The phone rang. Zhou Jialing picked it up and took a look at it. Then she immediately sat up straight. Her fair face turned azalea red under the reflection of the setting sun. This time she really hesitated before picking up the phone: "Boss? What's the matter?"

"Where did you go? I came back to find you but didn't see you?"

"Oh, I'm here in Peishan..."

"Forget it, I won't go there yet. You have a good rest these two days, and I will come back to you in two days."

"Oh!" Zhou Jialing hung up the phone, a little confused, what does this mean?

Huang Peishan was very resolute in her work. That night she showed four ways to prepare rabbit meat.

Although it was a bit rushed, the ratings were not low, because the morning news showed Yan Changqing's participation in the Atal Town Rabbit Hunting Competition.

Once a person becomes a celebrity, everything becomes a big deal and can become news.

By noon, other TV stations also broadcast the news. Other media did not miss this opportunity and released the news.

As for the Internet, there are a lot of pictures of the scene, some of which were posted by the contestants, and some of which were professional trolls building momentum.

The contestants were all showing off. Most of them directly posted photos of themselves with Yan Changqing, as well as the rabbit meat they ate, including the scene when Yan Changqing was making rabbit meat. Many people also inevitably posted photos of themselves eating meat. I also posted it. After all, apart from the people who were there at the time, how many people would have the opportunity to meet a big star as a chef?

In just one day, the popularity has reached such a level that if you open any forum or news website, you can see the phrase "Four Ways to Make Rabbit Meat" everywhere.

So when the edited cooking video was played directly in the evening, the ratings were higher than the current tourism ambassador Marina's comedy drama.

In the dim night, under a bright light, surrounded by people of all ages and colors, one person was spinning around several large pots, and finally cooked exquisite delicacies.

Finally, there are the judges, including the scene after others taste it.

Moreover, at the end of the program, Huang Peishan also asked people to join in interviews with some people who had eaten rabbit meat at that time, and everyone only had exclamations to say.

So by the second day, the four ways to prepare rabbit meat became even more popular.

Many people even started calling the TV station to ask Yan Changqing how to make rabbits and when he would start teaching on TV.

The TV station doesn’t have an answer either. The chef hasn’t been invited yet. How should I answer?

I can only shirk it first.


Huang Peishan had no choice. The heat was too high, so she had no choice but to ask her boss to find a chef quickly. Even if she could teach him a few tricks temporarily, she could deal with the heat first.

Yan Changqing had already thought about it, and he summoned Zeng Haichao back with a phone call who was busy running a company.

Zeng Haichao and Erwa both ran to Sydney - they planned to open stores in some big cities such as Sydney and Melbourne first.
The two of them were not happy with the call they received and felt it was delaying their work.

In the end, Yan Changqing told them to watch the news and call them after they finished watching.

When these two guys saw it, they didn't even make a call and immediately flew back.

Zeng Haichao was very excited: "Brother Qijin, do you plan to let me be the chef who teaches the four ways to prepare rabbit meat?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "I think you are talented in cooking, and it would be good to be a famous chef. In the future, if you want to do business here, it will be easier for someone who is a little famous than someone who is unknown. "

Zeng Haichao nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, I think I have a good talent for cooking. When I went home to learn cooking from others, people praised me so much. Brother Qijin, you are so discerning. This image of mine is not just bragging. I won’t embarrass you even if I’m on TV!”

Yan Changqing was too lazy to listen to his bragging: "Okay, hurry up, wash your hands and come over and start learning."

The second baby was also very enthusiastic: "I'm here to help. When I'm on TV, I'll be your cook. You can't be the only chef, you have to have an assistant, right?"

Zeng Haichao despised him: "You just want to show your face so that you can pick up girls later, right?"

"Why do you need someone to praise you when talking about cross talk? You, a chef, just keep your head down and don't talk, just cook?" Erwa was dissatisfied.

"Then there are also hosts! The one on the TV station that I like the most is really big..."

Yan Changqing was impatient: "Hurry up, don't waste time!"


Yan Changqing is quite good at teaching disciples, but today there are more than two disciples, and there is also a daughter-in-law who is following him, so he needs more patience. After all, his wife used to be the darling of the family, and she only learned after him. Got some cooking skills.

But it doesn't matter, this girl Jian Hongfei is really good. She can learn as much as she can, and there is no requirement that she must learn everything right now.

Therefore, Yan Changqing mainly teaches Zeng Haichao. As for the second child, he only plans to be a helper in the kitchen. When the chef calls for kitchen utensils or ingredients, he will be responsible for handing them over. It is also simple.

After working hard for a long time, Zeng Haichao's cooking skills are really talented. He has opened a restaurant after all, and he doesn't make rabbit meat once or twice. He quickly mastered the process. All that's left is to practice a few times, and then On TV.

Call Huang Peishan and tell her that the chef is ready to arrange the recording of the program, and Yan Changqing will ignore the rest.


Huang Peishan was very busy here. During the time when Zeng Haichao was catching a flight to learn cooking, the TV station's phone numbers were almost buzzing. In order to meet the needs of the audience, the video of four ways to prepare rabbit meat was posted on the TV station again. Played twice.

Now that the chef is ready, she can finally start promoting and getting ready to appear on this food show.

And she doesn't plan to cook rabbit meat just once. Now that the audience is willing to watch it, she plans to turn this food program into a series.

China's food is famous all over the world. It's too easy to make a show. When the time comes, we can find some chefs to come over and teach in turns. We can continue this show. It would be best to make it a hot food show...

(End of this chapter)

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