Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 129 The Rebellion Is Coming

Chapter 129 The Rebellion Is Coming
Dong Zhuo dealt a heavy blow to the Xiliang cavalry, compared to the catapults and pikemen that Dong Zhuo had lost before, it was nothing, because the loss of the Xiliang cavalry would undoubtedly have a much greater impact on the entire battle situation.

Han Sui didn't realize that his Xiliang cavalry had suffered huge losses the first time he was in the city, because the entire battlefield was so chaotic, it was difficult to see clearly what was going on in the battlefield below from the top of the city. In some cases, the Xiliang cavalry would usually pass on the battle situation on their side to Han Sui by means of flying pigeons every once in a while.

But this time the Xiliang cavalry suffered a defeat and suffered heavy losses. Of course, such a thing is very uncomfortable, so they are unwilling to use flying pigeons to pass the letter to the past, at least not in the first time, and this point Undoubtedly, it laid the groundwork for Han Sui's next wrong judgment. Due to his full trust in the combat capabilities of his Xiliang cavalry, it can even be said to have a little blind confidence, so Han Sui was not informed by Feige. When Shu reported the latest battle situation to him, he tacitly agreed in his heart that the Xiliang cavalry still had a strong combat effectiveness at this time.

In fact, many catapults on Dong Zhuo's side were directly destroyed from the very beginning. Since the catapults were relatively large, the huge flames and thick smoke after being ignited could be clearly seen by Han Sui in the city, so he Naturally, he would know that the Xiliang cavalry had won a relatively large battle. Although the other catapults were not ignited later, Han Sui would only think that it was because Dong Zhuo strengthened the defense that the Xiliang cavalry could not completely destroy it in a short time. All the catapults, this is also a very normal thing. He would never have thought that the Xiliang cavalry had suffered heavy losses at this time. Although it was only a fraction of the cavalry, in fact at least half of the elite cavalry and cavalry had been lost. Nearly half of the combat capability.

Because fighting on the battlefield is not a simple addition and subtraction of the number of soldiers, but a combination of a series of very complicated factors, among which the impact of morale is very important. Why does an army fight under the leadership of a powerful general? It will increase exponentially, that's because a powerful general will personally fight on the battlefield, his bravery will inspire the soldiers around him, and the most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the army. The need to continue.

And many of the Xiliang cavalry rushing to the forefront are very elite generals and soldiers. After they are taken over by Dong Zhuo, the internal structure of the entire Xiliang cavalry army will undergo some huge changes. Some generals occupying important positions are gone, so they can only be replaced by other generals behind him, but the personal prestige and combat effectiveness of these generals are definitely not as good as the previous generals, which will also lead to a large extent. The combat capability of the Liang cavalry army has declined.

At the same time, because they suffered a big loss this time, when the Xiliang cavalry fought against Dong Zhuojun again, they would undergo certain psychological changes. From before, they might fight more boldly and confidently, and become more conservative and stable. But at the same time, it will greatly weaken its impact on the battlefield as a cavalry, because if a cavalry becomes timid, even if many opportunities arise, they may not dare to give it a go in the first place , resulting in missed many combat opportunities.

So in fact, it is very difficult for the Xiliang cavalry to pose a substantial threat to Dong Zhuo. Why did Han Sui keep this Xiliang cavalry outside the city? What is the most important strategic value of their existence? There is no doubt It is the continuous deterrent capability brought about by its strong mobility and combat explosive power.

When this Xiliang cavalry is always hovering on their flanks, any soldier who is attacking the city will feel like a blade of Damoris hovering above his head all the time, and there will be a feeling deep in his heart anytime, anywhere. However, after this battle, the morale of Dong Zhuo's soldiers suddenly rose. At the same time, they also felt that the Xiliang cavalry was not that powerful, so the psychological confinement was suddenly released. It may also become more courageous and fearless.

Han Sui did not receive the flying pigeon battle report from the Xiliang cavalry, but he didn't want to wait all the time, so he directly issued another order to the Xiliang cavalry, also using flying pigeons to send the letter. On the second night, cooperate with Han Sui to launch a wave of attacks on Dong Zhuo's siege troops.

Han Sui will personally lead his troops to open the city gate and concentrate his forces to attack Dong Zhuo's central army directly from the east gate, while the Xiliang cavalry will also launch a night attack on Dong Zhuo's flanks at this time to prevent Dong Zhuo's troops from returning to help.

I was going to say that Han Sui's combat deployment is not a big problem, at least if it is said that it should be able to achieve good results based on the combat capabilities of the Xiliang cavalry before, but now he does not know the Xiliang cavalry Issuing this command in the latest state of the system will lead to a series of problems.

But at this time, it is impossible for Han Sui to wait for the Xiliang cavalry to write back to him before making a judgment. There are no telephones or mobile phones in this era. Although it seems that the distance between the city and the outside is not far, it is reasonable to use flying pigeon It doesn't take much time to pass the letter, but because the Xiliang cavalry is always in a state of constant movement, in fact, in many cases, the highest commander of the Xiliang cavalry has no way to receive and send out the carrier pigeon in the first place.

In addition, during the previous battle, the supreme commander of the Xiliang cavalry had actually died, and the new supreme commander had not been appointed and confirmed by Han Sui. His prestige and control in the army were actually It is not enough, and even said that there are some signs of rebellion within the Xiliang cavalry, and several generals want to seize control of the Xiliang cavalry by force. As for whether they will obey orders after they seize power For Han Sui, that is still an unknown.

So the pigeon that Han Sui conveyed the order was cut off by one of the generals who were preparing to rebel, and he did not hand it over to the current supreme commander of the Xiliang cavalry. After seeing this order, he just sneered a few times He threw it into the fire, so that the entire Xiliang cavalry corps, except him, knew what Han Sui's order was.

In fact, he also intercepted the carrier pigeons sent by the Xiliang cavalry, and concealed the real situation here from Han Sui, because only if the Xiliang cavalry were in such a state of losing contact with Han Sui, would they Only then can there be a chance to fish in troubled waters, and the time Han Sui set to attack Dong Zhuo the next night is also the time when he is preparing to launch an internal rebellion and seize control of the army by force.

(End of this chapter)

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