Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 130 The Night Battle Begins

Chapter 130 The Night Battle Begins

Before the evening of the next day, Han Sui had already assembled his troops. As soon as it got dark, he was ready to lead the army out of the city to surprise Dong Zhuo. This is the case, but Dong Zhuojun has at least maintained an offensive posture. Although the momentum is not strong, it never stops.

And even when night falls, Dong Zhuo's siege is still going on, which Han Sui didn't think much about. Of course, he has already made a decision, and he must decide the outcome with Dong Zhuo tonight. Now a large part of the soldiers that can be gathered around are gathered together, as if they are ready to fight to the death. This is quite different from Han Sui who has always been more cautious, but he himself feels that the so-called military way Deceit is also, at certain times appropriate to make some changes can actually be miraculously effective.

What's more, he and the Xiliang cavalry attacked Dong Zhuo from the flanks at the same time. No matter how he thought about it, he was almost the one who was sure of victory. cost.

At noon, a huge rebellion broke out among the Xiliang cavalry under Han Sui. The general who had just become the temporary commander of the army spit out white foam shortly after drinking a glass of wine at noon , the whole body was shaking violently, and then quickly fell to the ground, it seemed that he had no breath.

After his death, the entire Xiliang cavalry army became chaotic in an instant, and many people began to feel insecure. It must not be easy for someone who dared to poison the commander in full view. It was originally a lively and cheerful afternoon. During the banquet, the atmosphere suddenly became chilling. Many people drew out the long or short knives from their waists and put them on each other's necks or chests. Everyone felt very nervous.

But at this time, a group of people surrounded the entire tent, and the leader laughed. "Everyone don't panic, we are all brothers of our own family. This person has no ability or virtue. Why should he sit in the position of commander! I am not talented. I recommend myself as the commander today, and I will lead everyone out on a broad road in the future!"

"Who are you? Even if he has no virtue or talent and is not worthy of being our commander, how can you prove that you have such qualifications?" At this time, another general in the tent pulled out the ring sword in his hand, Hold it up and point it straight in the direction of the person coming.

And many people around him have begun to echo his statement.

"Why do I sit in this leadership position, I will let you all know why I am! Shoot the arrow!"

As he gave an order, a group of archers suddenly rushed out from around the big tent, and with a burst of skillful bending and nodding, dozens of arrows pierced through the air and immediately filled the chests of those people. He didn't wear any armor while eating. Even if he was wearing armor, he would definitely have no chance of surviving being caught by these dozens of arrows at such a close distance!
Before they could scream, they were shot into hedgehogs. It was a horrible sight. Moreover, these arrows were quite accurate. They killed all those who clearly objected just now, without accidentally injuring one more person.

The faces of the other soldiers who were eating around were pale at this time, and there was hardly a trace of blood at all. Many of them threw the weapons in their hands on the ground one after another. There is no other way to choose, unless you don't want this little life.

Although there are some bloody and brave people among them, but seeing that the opponent's methods are very hot, and they are well prepared, knowing that any rash attack at this time will only cost their own lives in vain, so no matter how hot-blooded people are, they immediately cool down up.

However, although many of these generals were forced to accept the other party as the new supreme commander of the Xiliang cavalry, it is obvious that their loyalty is very low, and the other party certainly knows this, but it is like It is the same as not worrying about this at all. It turns out that he moved very quickly to reorganize the entire Xiliang cavalry army, disrupted the original weaving of some personnel, and then deployed them to the most important positions. One's own people, so that they can somewhat disperse the power of those who oppose themselves, so that they cannot easily unite to oppose themselves.

But when Han Sui's troops opened the city gate and rushed out to fight Dong Zhuo, the cavalry from Xiliang quietly went eastward under his leadership. He knew that Han Sui would go out of the city tonight to have a fierce battle with Dong Zhuo's army. According to the plan, he was going to attack Dong Zhuo's position from the flank, that is, from the south, but he didn't plan to do that now. He planned to take a longer route to the east, which is Dong Zhuo's rear. , first find a way to cut off Dong Zhuo's reinforcements and logistical supplies, and then look for opportunities to attack Dong Zhuo.

Regardless of who wins between Han Sui and Dong Zhuo, he will not enter the battlefield immediately, but will wait until the two sides are almost finished before picking up the leak. If Han Sui has the upper hand, then he will take advantage of the momentum to attack Dong Zhuo At that time, even if Han Sui asked him why he didn't launch an attack immediately, he could still have reason to say that he was waiting for a better opportunity to give Dong Zhuo the best chance. Fatal blow.

And if Han Sui suffered a loss in this battle, then he would wait until more than half of Dong Zhuo's army had invaded Yunwu City, and then surprise Dong Zhuo's army from behind Dong Zhuo's rear. It was a huge blow, and Dong Zhuo's former army would find it difficult to withdraw after entering Yunwu City. At that time, not only could he easily defeat Dong Zhuo, but he could also make Han Sui look at him with admiration. After all, he was the most dangerous in Han Sui At that time, the entire Yunwu City was saved.

Even if at that time Han Sui might be dissatisfied that he didn't launch an attack immediately, but after all he had achieved brilliant results, Han Sui would not do anything to him if he wanted to.

After much deliberation, he felt that his plan was really perfect, and he would be the one to make a profit no matter what. Just when he was complacent about his idea, Han Sui and Dong Zhuo had already started an unprecedented scale. Fierce battle.

Coincidentally, both Han Sui and Dong Zhuo appeared inside and outside the east gate of Yunwu City. The area where the two armies will compete first will be here. This will undoubtedly become a battlefield meat grinder, regardless of the death of the soldiers in front No matter how many times, there will always be a steady stream of soldiers coming from the rear again, advancing one after another, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
(End of this chapter)

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