However, the plague is already so serious. Whether or not the battle should continue is a very real question. This tragic siege battle has reached this point, and neither side is willing to give up easily. And Han Sui did not have the qualifications to give up. Giving up would mean death, and surrender would most likely be a dead end.

However, some of Han Sui's soldiers have been shaken. Some of them feel that there is no chance of continuing the fight, and there is no hope of winning. The food in the city is getting less and less, and the plague is getting worse. Seriously, the dead piled up like a hill, and digging a big hole would not be able to fill the corpses.

The point is that the living people simply don't have that much energy to dig pits and bury the endless stream of corpses. Many people have already chosen to put them to pieces, living in the pile of corpses like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. When to die is completely resigned to fate.

Under such circumstances, most of the soldiers didn't have the strength to resist the attack, they just didn't open the door and surrendered directly. It was because the attack of Dong Zhuo and Sun Jian weakened at this time, which gave them a little chance to breathe .

However, on this day, Dong Zhuo once again assembled a large number of troops, preparing to launch a fierce attack on Han Sui. Seeing Dong Zhuo's army gathering again, Han Sui's soldiers guarding the city were all downcast. The desire to survive.

Many people don't even think about surrendering. Anyway, when the plague is so serious, surrendering to Dong Zhuo will probably cause the plague to die. It's better to be killed in the battle. Not only that, but also the reputation of being a sophomore. Of course, for ordinary soldiers, reputation is not that important at all.

Not long after the sun rose, the drums and orders of Dong Zhuo's army's attack sounded, and the thunderous shouts of killing sounded again. Dong Zhuo's soldiers concentrated their strength and began to attack. A section of the south side of the inner city of our city has fallen into a very critical situation.

The situation became more and more unfavorable to Han Sui, and the backup troops in the city did not arrive for a long time. It was not long before Dong Zhuo's army would break into the city. However, at this time, Dong Zhuo's troops in the outer city also suffered a sudden attack. The army that was sent was none other than the Xiliang cavalry that had escaped Han Sui's control before.

At this time, for some unknown reason, they suddenly launched an attack on Dong Zhuo's rear. They probably did not intend to relieve Han Sui's siege, but because they realized that Dong Zhuo's main force was at this time. Concentrated to attack the inner city, some of his camps and troops outside the outer city have no defensive capabilities at all, so these Xiliang cavalry can be said to be very good at choosing when to launch an attack at this time.

Sure enough, these Xiliang cavalry came aggressively and frantically rushed towards Dong Zhuo's rear position. Their purpose was not to kill Dong Zhuo's troops, but to attack Dong Zhuo's logistics supplies.

I said before that these Xiliang cavalry had almost eaten enough food and grass. So many soldiers and war horses had to eat, and the war horses were a little better. They could eat grass directly. It can solve most food problems, but people can’t compare with horses. It’s not impossible to learn how horses eat grass. It may be able to support it for a short time, but after all, you have to ride horses every day and fight. How can grass have fighting power?

You would say that otherwise you would kill the horse and eat the meat. Your idea is too naive. For these peoples who grew up on horseback, the horse is their best partner. The meat is so low that they must have eaten human flesh long ago. For them, the life of a horse is really more valuable than the life of a human.

Dong Zhuo’s military rations were not put together, and he had prepared in advance for the possible attack by the Xiliang cavalry. Even if the rations were attacked, they would not all suffer together. The other part is placed in the outer city. There are about seven or eight places in total where grain is stored. Among them, there are two relatively large granaries, and the rest are relatively small granaries.

When the Xiliang cavalry attacked, although Dong Zhuo's troops fought hard, they suffered a lot due to lack of preparation. These Xiliang cavalry did not intend to rush into the outer city. It was obvious that his original purpose was They didn't come to rescue Han Sui. When they found Dong Zhuo's relatively large granary outside the city, they began to rob grain from here.

Relying on the mobility of the cavalry, these Xiliang cavalry can come and go quickly, coming and going without a trace like a gust of wind. Each war horse has prepared a large bag for holding grain in advance, and after rushing into the granary, it can Pack as much as you want.

Seeing that the purpose of these Xiliang cavalrymen was only food, Dong Zhuo’s troops resisted a little at first, but then they learned how to behave. No one wanted to lose their lives for nothing. Anyway, there was more than one granary. It didn't matter to grab some food, so the defense against Xiliang cavalry quickly collapsed, and Dong Zhuo's troops gave them a way far away, allowing them to grab food and grass.

These Xiliang cavalry saw that Dong Zhuo's troops were more knowledgeable, so they did not pursue or provoke Dong Zhuo's troops who had fled far away. If you come to grab food once, you won't be able to find a place, so it's better to keep it.

It has to be said that this seemed a rather strange situation, but it was strange because it really happened like this. The Xiliang cavalry later plundered Dong Zhuo’s other granary outside the city, and took this freshman’s granary. The two small granaries were basically looted, and then they left.

Because of the non-resistance policy of Dong Zhuo's soldiers, in fact, the losses they suffered were the grain in the two granaries, one big and one small. The soldiers did not suffer too many casualties, and Dong Zhuo actually acquiesced to this approach. After all, Xiliang The sharpness of the cavalry is hard to resist, and his main force is at the critical moment of siege, so strategically giving up some food will not affect the overall situation.

As long as they can successfully break into the inner city of Yunwu City, the situation will be completely different.

Facts have proved that Dong Zhuo's approach is quite correct, because he soon got rewarded. In the end, Han Sui's defenders in the inner city could not withstand the continuous onslaught of Dong Zhuo's army. It poured into the city like a tide.

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