Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 144 Tenacious Resistance

When Dong Zhuo's troops poured into the inner city of Yunwu City like a tide, they began to fight fiercely with Han Sui's troops in the city. At the beginning, Han Sui's troops were indeed weak in fighting will and could hardly resist, but Dong Zhuo's The army was very cruel, and there was almost no grass left behind. It may be because the siege of the city took too much time and paid too much price, so Dong Zhuo did not accept the surrender of Han Sui's troops at all. Kill when you see it, and blood flows all the way there.

Those soldiers who didn't want to resist Dong Zhuo at first were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They were indeed in a state of almost no energy physically and mentally due to the impact of the plague, and they had no will to resist at all.

But after all, they still have the most basic desire to survive. They advocate passive defense and then surrender just to save their own lives. The living space in the city is getting smaller and smaller, and they are also determined to make a final desperate fight.

At this time, Han Sui's mood was very complicated. He once saw in a dream that he would one day collapse and die. At that time, he was sweating profusely after waking up from the dream. The fear was indescribable.

However, everything in front of him is close at hand, and has turned from a dream into a real reality. Now that the city has been broken, is he about to die?And how will he end his life?
In fact, Han Sui in the past was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, but since he became the leader of the rebel army, after he felt the pleasure of having power, he has undergone some changes unknowingly. This kind of change may exist in many people. When you have nothing, you can always be fearless, because you feel that you have nothing to lose at all, and once you have something that looks very good, you will We will become weak, always afraid that one day we will lose everything, those things we cherish are our weaknesses.

Whether it is an ordinary person or a powerful person, once there is a concern in the heart, there will be a weakness that can be manipulated by others, but more often this weakness is actually our own. Take care of ourselves, because only we can truly make ourselves fearless, and only we can choose to pick up and let go.

At least at this moment, Han Sui seemed to understand this point. He didn't want to die like a coward. Even if today was the last moment of his life, he must fight vigorously with Dong Zhuo's troops. Let's talk about it last time.

Han Sui gathered the remaining soldiers who were still fighting, and then had a chat in front of them with very passionate words, trying to arouse their desire to fight.

Han Sui's words really had an effect. Most of the soldiers also understood that they had been driven to a dead end. Now that Sun Jian's attack on the north gate had not broken in, they only had to deal with Dong Zhuo's troops for the time being. It is also an opportunity for them. If Sun Jian also breaks through the city gate, the situation will be even more critical.

However, Dong Zhuo's current army has just entered the city, and their morale is high. It seems that they will not have such a big chance of winning if they confront Dong Zhuo's army from the front. There was nothing to escape, so he simply used his own life to fight Dong Zhuo's troops to the end.

Under such circumstances, these soldiers under Han Sui really exploded with astonishing strength. Even facing Dong Zhuo's troops with high morale, they not only stabilized their positions, but also launched fierce close combat with Dong Zhuo's soldiers in the city. Bloody battles, and also showed extraordinary courage and wisdom, began to use some terrain in the city to carry out sneak attacks or ambush attacks, and even dug some traps and tunnels, and waited for Dong Zhuo's troops to walk into the traps. Launch a surprise attack.

Dong Zhuo's soldiers were too arrogant when they first broke through the city. They did not accept Han Sui's surrender, thinking that Han Sui's troops in the city had become lambs waiting to be slaughtered, so it was inevitable that they would underestimate the enemy. Underestimating the enemy will make many mistakes.

It's like the formation of the army is chaotic, the soldiers are not under the control of the superior officers, they don't obey the orders, and they can do whatever they want. Dong Zhuo's soldiers, who have been holding back for a long time, want to use a looting and massacre to vent their depression. long-lasting emotions.

However, they didn't expect that Han Sui's soldiers launched a tenacious counterattack against them in the city. They rushed into some traps and ambushes in a hurry. They thought they were hunters, but they didn't expect to become prey at this moment. The prey in his eyes turned into a terrible hunter. When the surrounding crossbows and enemy troops rushed out suddenly, when their hot blood flowed away, there was no chance to regret and make a new choice.

However, the follow-up Dong Zhuo's troops didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and they didn't even see the problem at all. They continued to have soldiers rushing into the city from the broken gate, and Han Sui's troops near the city wall were like wind. Like a leaf in the middle, it collapsed in an instant, their attack was invincible, and the opponent fled.

Dong Zhuo was already standing on the city wall at this time. He looked at the flames and thick smoke rising continuously in the city, with a cruel and satisfied expression on the corner of his mouth. What he was thinking in his heart was, Yunwu City, Yunwu City, Han Sui, Han Sui, you will still be defeated by me, Dong Zhuo, here will be a new starting point for my life, and you are my stepping stones, I will stand on your corpses and ruins, and create a new land situation.

He directly ordered all the troops outside the city to start marching into the city. Instead of taking a day, he could kill all the Han Sui rebels in the city. He did not accept the other party's request for surrender because he needed as many troops as possible The heads of his enemies are used as a proof of his military exploits and force. Their lives are like worthless things. In his eyes, they are not appointments at all, but the experience points and money that can still walk for the time being. They are the steps to a glorious future.

However, it is clear that his idea cannot be realized for the time being, at least not today. Some of the traps kept taking effect, and the casualties of Dong Zhuo's troops attacking the city were also increasing.

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