Chapter 29
After Liu Bei said goodbye to the two distinguished guests, he found a good blacksmith to make some handy weapons for the three brothers. The long-handled Qinglong Yanyue Knife, also known as the "Lengyan Saw", weighs 82 catties, but it is very easy to wield in Guan Yu's hands. The weapon made by the third brother Zhang Fei is called the Zhangba Point Snake Spear, and each has a set of full-body armor.

Then Liu Bei took five hundred people from Xiangyong to meet Zou Jing, and Zou Jing introduced three people to see Liu Yan, the prefect. When Liu Bei mentioned that he was the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan and also a relative of the Han family, Liu Yan couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that, and recognized Liu Bei as his nephew.

The three of Liu Guan and Zhang stepped up to train the five hundred townsmen under Liu Yan. Zhang Fei thought he had some experience in training and leading the army, so he carried out training according to his own ideas. Have you ever experienced military training?"

Zhang Fei seemed a little unconvinced and said. "Of course I learned it when I was raising pigs and killing pigs. I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. In fact, raising pigs and killing pigs is also somewhat related to training soldiers to kill people."

Liu Bei was stunned and didn't know what to say, Guan Yu said to Liu Bei: "Brother Xuande, don't worry, what the third brother Yide said may not be unreasonable, let's see if he tries it."

Zhang Fei laughed out loud. "The two brothers should trust me once!"

So Wubai Xiangyong asked Zhang Fei to train himself. Zhang Fei is indeed talented in this area, and maybe the work of raising pigs and killing pigs is really the same as training soldiers and killing enemies. Over time, Zhang Fei established a certain prestige among the bravery of the village. His voice was like thunder, his eyes were wide open, and he was not angry. No one in the army dared to look at him easily.

Some people who were not willing to obey the order were immediately picked out by Zhang Fei, and whipped severely in front of everyone. Zhang Fei also struck hard, until they were beaten to pieces, crying and wailing, and the rest dared not disobey after seeing them military order.

Liu Bei looked at it from the sidelines and couldn't bear it, thinking that Zhang Fei's way of training soldiers was a bit too ruthless, but Guan Yu comforted Liu Bei and said: "Since ancient times, kindness has not been in command of soldiers. If soldiers are to have fighting power, they must not be treated like women. Ren, you should have the vigor to kill and kill soldiers like the third brother, so that you can make them obediently obey orders."

After Liu Bei heard it, it was worthwhile to nod slightly. After thinking about it, I think what Guan Yu said is also reasonable. If the general cannot establish absolute majesty over the soldiers, then he will not be able to command the soldiers on the battlefield. Combat.

A few days later, Cheng Yuanzhi, the bandit of the Yellow Turban Army, invaded the border of Zhuo County with [-] troops. Liu Yan then ordered Zou Jing to lead Xuande and other three people, with [-] troops, to look for an opportunity to defeat the enemy. The enemy, Liu Bei and others readily agreed, and immediately led the army.

Not long after the soldiers arrived at the foot of Daxing Mountain, they saw a large number of rebel soldiers from a distance. All the rebel troops were wearing yellow scarves, and each had a yellow scarf wrapped around their foreheads.

Before Xuande led the army, Guan Yunchang on the left and Zhang Yide raised his whip and yelled at the invading enemy: "rebels against the country, why don't you come down sooner!"

When Cheng Yuanzhi heard the words, he was furious and didn't reply, so he sent his deputy general Deng Mao to lead the army to fight first. Deng Mao came to the front of the battle and yelled loudly: "Son, who dares to go forward and suffer death?"

Zhang Fei galloped his horse forward to fight with the Eight Snake Spears, and charged straight at Deng Mao. When Deng Mao saw Zhang Fei approaching, he didn't back down, thinking that the opponent had no ability. , the horse Deng Mao was riding on was almost out of control, Zhang Fei didn't talk nonsense, and when he raised his hand, a huge blood hole had been stabbed in Deng Mao's chest, and he turned over immediately and fell under the horse.

Deng Mao was killed, and the momentum of the Yellow Turban Army was slashed immediately. Liu Bei immediately ordered to take advantage of the momentum to cover up the killing, and immediately killed the Yellow Turban Army. The training method had an effect. Seeing Zhang Fei's extraordinary bravery, they also admired him from the bottom of their hearts. Each of them aroused their courage and rushed towards the Yellow Turban Army.

Cheng Yuanzhi heard that Deng Mao had been beheaded, and the situation on the battlefield was not right, so he personally took pictures and immediately went to the front to supervise the battle. He only managed to stabilize the Yellow Turban Army, which was about to be defeated. Cheng Yuanzhi was not prepared Going into battle in person, I saw that Zhang Fei was extremely arrogant, galloping forward and killing, and from time to time he said all kinds of words to take care of Cheng Yuanzhi's ancestors. The horse brandished a knife and came straight to Zhang Fei.

Let's say that Cheng Yuanzhi came over, he only had Zhang Fei in his eyes, but he didn't notice that a big man with a face like a jujube and long sideburns came out. At this time, it was none other than Guan Yunchangye. He swung his whip and rode his horse, dragging his knife all the way Going forward, when Cheng Yuanzhi realized that there was such a person by his side, it was too late, he had no time to parry, and was cut in two by Guan Yu who came dragging the knife, and the horse fell backwards.

Later generations have poems praising the two of them: The hero Lu Ying is in the present, trying the spear and the knife.When you first come out, you will show your power, and you will be able to mark your name with three points.

Cheng Yuanzhi was beheaded by Guan Yuli, and the morale of the surrounding Yellow Turbans collapsed immediately. They no longer wanted to fight, and turned back one after another. During the period, countless people were trampled and trampled to death. go.

The three of Liu Bei made the first victory in the army, and directly defeated the bandit army with fewer strikes and more. Liu Yan was amazed when he heard that, and thought that these three were really rare talents, so he went out of the city to meet them personally, and rewarded them with good wine and meat three armies.

The next day, Liu Yan received a letter from Gong Jing, the prefect of Qingzhou, saying that the yellow scarf bandits were about to besiege the city. The situation was urgent and they begged for help. Liu Yan reported the matter to Liu Bei for discussion. Liu Bei immediately decided to lead his troops to rescue them. .

Liu Yan then ordered Zou Jing to be a general with [-] troops, and together with Xuande, Guan, and Zhang, they came to Qingzhou.Seeing the arrival of the rescue army, the yellow turban bandits split up and fought in melee.Although the three of Liu, Guan and Zhang were brave, they were outnumbered and hard to defeat, and they were tired from the journey, so they could not hold the enemy for long, so they had to temporarily retreat [-] miles to the village.

Liu Bei said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: "The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. If we want to win, we must have a strange army."

After some discussion, it was decided that Guan Yu would lead 1000 soldiers to lie in ambush on the left side of the mountain, and Zhang Fei would lead [-] soldiers to lie in ambush on the right side of the mountain.

The next day, Liu Bei and Zou Jing led the army to fight and fight with all the Yellow Turban bandits. Not long after the battle, Liu Bei cheated and retreated all the way. When the army retreated and crossed the mountain, they immediately shouted gold together in the army, and the ambush soldiers from the left and right, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, rushed down from the mountainside when they heard the gold.

The army led by Liu Bei also turned back and fought back. Together with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, they attacked the Yellow Turban front army. The Yellow Turban army saw that the situation was in chaos. Ten to hundreds of miles.

The defeated thieves came all the way to the city of Qingzhou. Seeing this, Gong Jing, the prefect, also led the militiamen from the city to encircle Liu Bei's army.

The siege of Qingzhou was solved at this point, and later generations have poems praising Liu Bei: "There is a magic skill in planning and final calculation, and the two tigers must be inferior to the dragon."You can make great achievements when you first come out, and you should be divided into lonely and poor.

(End of this chapter)

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