Xiang Yu fights the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 30 Yingchuan Great Victory

Chapter 30 Yingchuan Great Victory
After Gong Jing rewarded the three armies, Zou Jing wanted to lead his troops back to Liu Yan. Liu Bei said: "Recently, I heard that Zhonglang general Lu Zhi and the thief commander Zhang Jiao fought fiercely in Guangzong. Lu Zhi used to be my teacher, so I want Go support him."

Zou Jing agreed with Liu Bei's decision very much, so he asked Liu Bei and Guan Zhang to lead the five hundred Xiangyong to join Guangzong, while he himself led the rest of the troops back to Liu Yan.

Liu Guanzhang and the others did not dare to be negligent, they marched day and night, and within a few days they came to Guangzong Lu Zhi's army and entered Lu Zhi's army tent. Stay in front of the tent and wait for dispatch at any time.

At this time, Zhang Jiao led at least 15 Yellow Turban soldiers, while Lu Zhi's soldiers were less than [-]. The two armies fought several times near Guangzong City.

On this day, Lu Zhi said to Liu Bei: "I have surrounded the bandits of the Yellow Turban Army in Guangzong City today, while Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao, Zhang Jiao's younger brothers, led troops in Yingchuan to fight Huangfusong and Zhu Jun. I will send you 500 soldiers and horses, plus your own troops, to go to Yingchuan to inquire about news and find good opportunities for combat.” After Liu Bei listened to the order, he and Guan Zhang led [-] people to Yingchuan in the starry night.

It is said that at this time Huangfusong and Zhu Jun led the army and Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao had been fighting for a long time. The Yellow Turban Army had an advantage in numbers, but in fact their combat effectiveness was not strong. After being beaten several times in a row, they had to retreat all the way. Into the complex terrain of the forest.

Huangfusong discussed with Zhu Jun: "The Yellow Turban bandits are hiding in the forest, I think it will be effective to surround them and attack them with fire!"

So he ordered his soldiers, each with a handful of hay in their hands, to lie in ambush outside, and when the time was right, they set fire together. After the second watch at night, a strong wind blew up, so all the soldiers set fire together, and the flames shot up into the sky. , Huangfusong and Zhu Jun took advantage of the fire and led their troops to make a surprise attack. The Yellow Turban bandits were so frightened that they had no intention of fighting. The horses were not as good as the saddle, and the men were not as good as the armor. They fled in all directions in disgrace.

The battle lasted from dark to dawn. Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao had no choice but to lead the defeated soldiers to escape. Just when they thought they were going to escape, they saw a huge army and horses in front of them, and the army was full of red flags. , came at the head, and went straight to the way.

Let's look at the leader is a general, seven feet long, narrow eyes and long beard, the official worships the riding captain, a native of Peiguo Qiaojun, his surname is Cao, his name is Cao, and his style name is Mengde.

Cao Cao's origin is also extraordinary. His father Cao Song was originally a member of the Xiahou family. Because he adopted Cao Teng as his adopted son, he changed his surname to Cao. Cao Cao's nickname was A Man. Cao Song thought his name was very auspicious. .

When Cao Cao was still very young, he was fond of hunting, singing and dancing, and always had some ingenuity and dexterity. Once an uncle of Cao Cao saw that Cao Cao was idle all day long, and he sued Cao Cao's father Cao Song in a fit of anger. .

Cao Song didn't feel right after hearing this, so he called Cao Cao to reprimand him for a few words. Cao Cao held a grudge, so he found an opportunity to see his uncle, but he fell to the ground and pretended to be suffering from a stroke. They called Cao Song, but when Cao Song came over to see what was wrong with Cao Cao, it was clear that he was doing well as usual.

Cao Song then asked Cao Cao, "Your uncle said you had a stroke, did you recover so soon?"

Cao Cao was delighted in his heart, and replied: "I have never had this kind of disease, but because my uncle doesn't like me, I purposely talked nonsense in front of you!"

Cao Song believed what Cao Cao said, so Cao Song turned a deaf ear to his uncle's bad words about Cao Cao later, so Cao Cao could be more wanton and dissolute, and no one could control him.

There was a man named Qiao Xuan who knew people very well. Qiao Xuan was a high-ranking captain. He saw many advantages in Cao Cao and appreciated him quite a lot. So he said to Cao Cao: "Today, if you are divided for a long time, you must be together for a long time. Few points, Han Zuo has been around for nearly 400 years, fearing the reincarnation of the heavens and the imminent chaos, the world cannot be saved unless there is great power in the world, and the person who can put the world in order, will it be you, Cao Cao?"

Coincidentally, after seeing Cao Cao, He Yong in Nanyang also felt that he was an unworldly talent, and said: "The Han Dynasty is about to perish, and the person who can calm this troubled world is probably none other than this person."

Cao Cao heard that Xu Shao from Runan was a wise man who was very good at knowing people, so he went to visit him in person and asked him, "What kind of person is I, Cao Cao, and am I considered a talent?"

Xu Shao didn't answer Cao Cao's question, so Cao Cao asked again.

Seeing Cao Cao's repeated questioning, Xu Shao had no choice but to answer him: "You are a capable minister who governs the world, and a traitor in troubled times."

After Cao Cao heard about it, his heart was full of ups and downs, and he said that regardless of whether he was a capable minister or a traitor, at least he was indeed a talent.

Later, when Cao Cao was 20 years old, he became a filial and honest official, and then he was appointed as a lieutenant in the north of Luoyang. But anyone who seriously violated the law, regardless of whether they are powerful or powerful, will be beaten with this colorless stick.

The uncle of Zhongchang servant Jian Shuo was educated by Cao Cao. At that time, he violated the regulations and carried a knife at night, and was immediately caught by Cao Cao who was watching the night. Cao Cao knew his relationship with the eunuch group, but he still insisted on fighting him, and served him with five-color sticks!
After this incident, Cao Cao's name was established. Because of Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, the eunuchs in the court could not attack him directly, so they came up with a trick to praise Cao Cao, telling the emperor how good Cao Cao was, so The emperor transferred Cao Cao from the capital.

Later, Cao Cao served as the Order of Dunqiu. Because of the ubiquity of the Yellow Turban rebels, the imperial court named him a captain of cavalry. Cao Cao then led his army to block his way, killing all directions in one fell swoop, killing and beheading more than ten thousand enemies, and captured a lot of flags, golden drums, and horses.

Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao escaped by chance, but their troops were also completely lost. Cao Cao greeted Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun, and then continued to lead his troops to pursue Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao.

After Liu Bei led Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to Yingchuan, he could only hear the sound of shouting and killing, and saw that the whole sky was illuminated by the flames, so he hurriedly led the army to support, but it was still a little late. Bao's thieves were killed and injured countless times, and the remaining remnants of the defeated generals also scattered and fled, no matter how difficult it is.

After Liu Bei met Huangfusong and Zhu Jun, he informed Lu Zhi of his intentions, and Huangfusong said: "Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao were defeated, if they are still alive, they must have led the remnant army to Guangzong Zhangjiao.

After hearing this, Liu Bei felt very reasonable, so he didn't take much rest, and led the army again to go to Guangzong again.

Liu Guan and Zhang walked halfway, but they saw a group of army horses escorting a prison car. Liu Bei was shocked when he approached and saw that the prisoner in this car was none other than Lu Zhi. Lu Zhi got off his horse and asked The reason.

Lu Zhi shook his head involuntarily, and told Liu Bei the whole story.

It turned out that Lu Zhi besieged Zhangjiao's yellow scarf bandits in Guangzong City for a long time, and it was difficult to take them down. So the emperor sent Huangmen Zuofeng to come to investigate. , said to him: "The army is still short of rations, and An has enough money to flatter the angels." Zuo Feng harbored hatred, so he played back to the court, saying that he did not fight with high fortifications, and was lazy in the army. Therefore, the court was furious and sent Zhonglang General Dong Zhuo to replace him. Take my soldiers and take him back to Beijing for questioning.

Zhang Fei couldn't help being furious when he heard about it, and immediately prepared to kill the escorting soldiers to save Lu Zhi, but Liu Bei stopped him immediately when he saw this: "The imperial court has its own opinion, how can you make mistakes?"

So the three could only watch helplessly as the prison car escorting Lu Zhi went away.

Guan Yu said: "Lu Zhonglang has been arrested, and others lead the army. I have nothing to rely on when I go, so I might as well go back to Zhuojun."

Liu Bei had no choice but to lead his army north to Zhuojun.

(End of this chapter)

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