Bourne's Nemesis

Chapter 112 The transaction begins

Chapter 112 The transaction begins

This condition was within Zhou Qian's expectations, and he had already thought of a countermeasure. He bowed his head and hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed: "Okay! I will give you 100 million pounds. This is a one-time price, no bargaining is allowed."

"How much did my father leave behind?"

"It's better that you don't know."

"There should be a lot of gold!" Nakajima Yumi said angrily,

"That's all, I gave it to you to make it easy for you to do business. If you don't want it, let it go. I will find another way. Between us, you will die or I will die. In the end, you will get nothing."

Yumi Nakajima suddenly understood why Zhou Qian did this, and said: "Zhou Sang, you are really cunning, because you can't decipher the secret words left by my father, so you give it to me because you want me to find supplies. "

"Didn't I just say that I will definitely give you this secret word, because I also think you can help us find it. I'm betting that I can find you, but you are a demon sword after all. I know there is little hope. Is it right?"

Nakajima Yumi thought about it carefully, Zhou Qian did know the secret words left by his father. "Okay! I promise to cooperate with you, but you only have two days. If you can't solve Sato Yoko after two days, then don't blame me."

"You must give me true and accurate information."

"Naturally, but I don't know the situation of Sato Yoko right now, I will find out and tell you as soon as possible."

"From the moment you told me, I will make an appointment with you after 48 hours, and then I will restore the secret words in the iron box to you." Zhou Qian said,
"Then you wait for the news, but I won't call you because I can't leave anything behind."

"No problem, you can call me directly to make an appointment, and I will be there immediately." Nakajima Yumi will definitely not treat herself before getting the things. Similarly, in the case of not getting the whereabouts of the materials Under the circumstances, Dai Yunong would not agree to take any action against Yuyou Nakajima.

Because it can be judged from the attitude of the Espionage Joint Investigation Office that the amount of materials Yasuo Nakajima hid is huge and valuable.

This is also the main reason why Zhou Qian dared to negotiate with Nakajima. It depends on whether she is as ruthless as she is to the Chinese for her own interests and herself.

Hiromi Nakajima took the car back to the Japanese Concession. She has excellent anti-stalking and anti-reconnaissance capabilities. She didn't find any suspicious persons on the street or even in the shadows. She was worried about this, so she let the car drive around twice to make sure no one was there. Only then did the follower go back through the back door of the Ping An Hotel.

What she didn't expect was that along the way, there were people on the tall buildings on both sides of the street monitoring her car with binoculars. In the end, Shen Yating locked onto the Ping'an Hotel and waited until the evening when the car didn't come out again. She could be sure that this was her car. hiding place.

Shen Yating brought everyone back to the mansion, Zhou Qian had already come back and waited for them, and Zhou Qian was not too excited when he knew Nakajima Yuyoumei's hiding place.

"Aren't we going to take action?" Pingro asked.

"We can't take action yet. In fact, our most important task is always the files and materials left by Yasuo Nakajima. That's what we really want, and I don't know where Sato Yoko put these things."

"That's why you met Nakajima today?"

"That's right, she agreed to cooperate with us, but you have to keep this matter a secret. It's best not to let others know that we're dealing with spies." Zhou Qian warned,

"What's the matter, isn't the purpose of your deal with them also to catch the spies, Team Leader Zhou, as long as we can eliminate the spies, we can use any means." Ping Lu said.

"It's better not to be misunderstood, because the world is sinister and people's hearts are unpredictable. I'm worried that someone will use this to frame us in the future." Zhou Qian said,
"What you said makes sense. Let me just say this. I won't tell anyone except Virgo. Then we won't stare at Nakajima Yumi?"

"Don't stare at her for the time being, so as not to alarm her, a master."

Zhou Qian didn't dare not report to Dai Yunong, so he truthfully reported everything he said when he met Yuyou Nakajima, and Dai Yunong expressed his support.

Yumi Nakajima and Zhou Qian met again. The Joint Intelligence and Investigation Office already knew the news. Nobuhiro Yoshioka sent a report to inquire. Relics, he also wants to get clues of materials from them.

Yoshioka Fanwu also knows that the most important thing now is to get the clues. Once Zhou Qian is caught, the next action will lose the target, because you don't know who will get the things next, and the funds in the bank may last forever. I can't get it back either.

Another thing is that Nakajima Yuyoumi issued a military order, saying that she will definitely get the clues of the supplies within a week, and she is very sure of what she means.

Nakajima Yumi is now the commander-in-chief of the spies in Hangzhou, Sato Yoko must obey her orders unconditionally, so if she wants to know Sato Yoko's secret base, just ask.

Because the Sato foreign company has always been watched by Fuxingshe, there is naturally nothing in the foreign company, and their real base is not in the Japanese Concession.

At 21:11 noon on August 30, [-], Zhou Qian received a call from Yuyou Nakajima, asking him to meet at Hongfu Restaurant immediately.

Zhou Qian still didn't bring anyone to meet Nakajima Yuyoumei alone, this time she was alone, although it was a place for dinner, there were not many guests in the restaurant, Nakajima Yuyoumei asked for a single room, and Zhou Qian knocked on the door directly when she came Enter.

"Leader Zhou, please sit down."

"Major Nakajima has found out the news?"

"I don't know the exact number of people in the warehouse next to the East Asia Electric Factory, but there will not be more than ten. With your ability, you can easily take them down. Then you will naturally get evidence of Sato Yoko's espionage operations."

Isn’t East Asia Electric Factory the factory where Xiaogang was beaten, Zhou Qian asked, “Is the warehouse owned by East Asia Electric Factory?”

"Yes, that warehouse is separate from the factory."

"This electric factory belongs to Sato Corporation?"

"No, there is only a cooperative relationship with Sato Makoto, because some raw materials are purchased from Makoto, and this factory is very profitable, accounting for [-] to [-]% of the supply of wires and cables in Jiangsu and Zhejiang." Nakajima Yumi asked after finishing speaking. Said: "I have a way to make this factory yours, but you need to agree to one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Give me some more funds. You have to know that I can't do without only finding supplies, because the huge amount of funds left by my father is the key point. Let me recover some of it so that I can hand over to the Joint Intelligence Investigation Institute. 100 million is really not enough."

Zhou Qian knew that Yumi Nakajima wanted everything, and she was just testing herself. For the safety of the money, this woman must die, and asked, "How can you transfer the electric factory to my name?"

(End of this chapter)

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