Bourne's Nemesis

Chapter 113 Finally found!

Chapter 113 Finally found!

Hiromi Nakajima always thought that Zhou Qian was a greedy person, and said: "The owner of the East Asia Electric Factory is Kyohei Shinoda. He is not only the boss but also an engineer. You can't do without him if you want the normal operation of the factory. I will provide you All his information, his family members are in the Japanese Concession, as long as he is charged as a spy, he dare not refuse, I don’t need to teach you how to do it.”

Zhou Qian shook his head and said: "The factory will definitely not be in my hands, and will be taken away by the Secret Service. I don't have time to do these things, and I don't understand."

"East Asia Electric Factory has always been very disciplined. The warehouse you took away did not belong to their factory. This Shinoda Kyohei is not an intelligence officer. In order for the factory to continue to operate, you only need to let him continue to be the factory manager, because he is just a thinker." Nissho earns money, so you don’t have to report it at all, and you can just wait for the money every month, isn’t that bad?”

"Master Nakajima, don't build castles in the air for me. As long as you find the supplies, we will become mortal enemies again, because you will not give up the money in the bank, right? So these are all floating clouds to me, And let me tell you the truth, the money in the bank has been withdrawn by me in batches long ago, because it is a private safe, the bank does not know how much money I have withdrawn."

"Tomorrow morning I will get the secret words left by my father. Zhou Qian, you have to be ready. If I don't get it, Hangzhou will be in chaos."

"Don't threaten me, I will do what I promise you." Zhou Qian asked after finishing speaking, "Are you weird?"

"What's strange?"

"Liu Changdong didn't say anything under your torture. This must have been beyond your expectations, but all of you who were caught by me confessed. Aren't you surprised?" Zhou Qian decided to help Liu Changdong, and tried it out by the way.

"It's really strange, how did you do it?"

"After this matter is over, you will know when I catch you!"

"Baga! Zhou Qian, believe it or not, I'll kill you right now!" Yumi Nakajima was furious,
"You can't kill me. If you really do it, I think the two of us will suffer a loss. Let's go. We can't let anyone know that we met, otherwise you won't be able to explain it, and you will be suspected. "

Nakajima Yumi certainly knew the pros and cons, otherwise she would not have come here alone disguised as an ordinary Chinese woman.

Zhou Qian's last question was to test whether Liu Changdong confessed or not. Now it is basically certain that Liu Changdong did not confess, otherwise he would not have suffered such severe punishment.

When Zhou Qian returned to the mansion, he immediately contacted Mao Wanli. He must make him a meritorious service, so that Dai Yunong would be more sure of himself. As for the matter of the electric factory, he should discuss with Dai Yunong how to deal with it. For nothing else, just for Shinoda Kyohei To bully Chinese workers and child laborers, the power plant must be taken over.

In the hall of the mansion, two of Mao Wanli's followers stood guard at the door, and Zhou Qian and him were the only ones on the sofa.

"Brother Zhou, do you have any news?"

"Mr. Mao, the next action requires you to take action." Zhou Qian said,
In fact, Mao Wanli has been sending people to watch Zhou Qian. This kid has been very busy all the time, and he has also met Yaodao. No one knows what they talked about. He is not here for fun, but to triumph with merit .

"Well, as expected of the Virgo's favorite person, he is indeed sensible! Tell me, how to act."

Zhou Qian finished the action plan and added: "Mr. Mao, tonight we must complete the action as quickly as possible, because our focus is on the materials and files in the warehouse."

"I understand this! Don't you act together?"

"I will lead people to surround Sato Yangxing. As long as you get the evidence, I will immediately arrest everyone in Sato Yangxing, because Sato Yutaro from Sato Yangxing is our key arrest target. Let's split up." Zhou Qian said,
Mao Wanli thought for a while and said, "Why don't I lead someone to arrest the people of Sato Makoto, and you lead someone to take away the warehouse."

"No problem." Both sides are actually the same. Sato Yutaro is indeed the most important person, and Zhou Qian wants to live. Since Mao Wanli wants this credit, then give it to him. The files and materials here are equally important.

Zhou Qian is determined to win this time. Liu Changdong is still in the hospital, so there is no need for the people from Hangzhou Station. The six people from Shenzui on his side, plus the dozen or so people left by Han Dayong and Mao Sen are enough.

Everything was ready, Zhou Qian led people to hide around the warehouse first, and waited for Saijo Island to come over. This was all discussed with Yumi Nakajima. She must eliminate her suspicion, so Sato Yoko must be If someone is exposed, this Saijo Island is the most suitable candidate, because he is taking over the job of Ishimura Hideki.

When Saijo came to the warehouse, Hiromi Nakajima wanted some people's information. The moment he called to open the door, Zhou Qian rushed over with someone and knocked Saijo unconscious first. Suppressed pistol kills.

Zhou Qian led people directly into the warehouse, and Yumi Nakajima would not ambush herself, because what she wanted were secret words and her father's relics, which were very important to her.

Everything was as planned by Zhou Qian. There was indeed no defense here. Zhou Qian led people into the warehouse very smoothly. Someone inside found someone intruding and immediately drew their guns to fight back. The unavoidable gun battle was not fierce at all. .

Because Shen Zui sent all of them masters of action, the marksmanship of Mao Sen's people was no worse than the spies.What's more, it was a sudden attack, and most of the little devil's agents were shot dead as soon as they came up. Ping Lu and Shen Yating led their own people to block the front and rear doors of the warehouse.

Zhou Qian saw two devils running into a room, and raised his hand to shoot twice.

"Shoot and kill a spy, and all skills are slightly improved!"

"Shoot and kill a spy, and the various books are slightly improved."

Every time Zhou Qian shoots and kills a person, the system will give a reminder, but the improvement in various skills is not great.

There were only eight people in the warehouse, and they were shot dead by Zhou Qian at the first time. No one was left alive. Zhou Qian kicked open the door of the room where the two devils were going to enter. In this room, they found the radio station, code book, and two metal cabinets document.

Zhou Qian took a little look at the important documents left by Yasuo Nakajima, so he immediately called Mao Wanli to take action.

Zhou Qian moved the two iron cabinets into the car and took them directly back to Xie's mansion. Finally, he got rid of his heart disease. Next, let Hangzhou Station and the Secret Service Office jointly investigate the personnel on the document one by one. Zhou Qian will not care about it this week.

Mao Wanli also finished the matter very quickly. He really captured Yutaro Sato alive. After asking, he found out that the devil did not resist, because Yutaro Sato didn't even know that the warehouse was taken away.

The president of Sato Co., Ltd. Sato Seken received the news very quickly. He immediately called Deputy Consul General Eiichi Iwai to report the situation, and asked the consulate to take Sato Yutaro back.

(End of this chapter)

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