Chapter 14

The right wing of Wumu Duanshi tribe's army was divided into upper and lower armies, and began to outflank the past cautiously.

Uncle Adaku Lumu saw the hill, and saw many people on the hill pointing at the battlefield.Although he couldn't see the specific person, he knew that there must be a black murmur on it.

There was a sudden loud cheer from the soldiers in front.It turned out that they finally broke through the blocking of the enemy on the left.

The old man took the lead, rushed out of the crowd, looked back to the two sides, the enemy was like a group of red-eyed gamblers, or a group of wolves who had been robbed of their prey, aggressively rushing forward, trying to fill the gap again.

The old man shouted: "Divide the encirclement, divide the encirclement. Brothers, kill." The horn player who followed immediately blew the loud and clear horn, and then resounded across the battlefield.

The old man's dragon army began to change.With the sound of horns, two small dragons rushed out from the center of the big dragon in opposite directions, cutting off the two left and right thin dragons that were walking in the opposite direction.

At the same time, two small dragons running in the opposite direction rushed out from the head and tail of the giant dragon.After the two small dragons in the middle cut off the thin dragons on the left and right, they split into two again and joined the small dragons rushing out from the head and tail respectively.The two thin dragons on the left and right were cut into four immediately.Moreover, it is possible to be surrounded immediately.

On top of the hill.

"Yimizha, do you want to wait until my army is completely wiped out before sending troops to rescue?"

Seeing that his left-wing army was being divided and surrounded, Wu Muda was heartbroken, and he roared at Yimiza who was sitting on the ground.

"The Iron Cavalry Tactics of the Eagle Tribe is indeed the best in Kusaite. It's ridiculous that Nasuge thought he was great. After today's battle, Nasuge was the biggest joke in the world. He was defeated by an old sheep herding man on the battlefield. "Imiza laughed loudly while talking.

Wu Mu's face became distorted with anger, he pulled out his saber and shouted, "Yimizha, are you going to send troops?"

Yimiza glanced at him casually, and said sympathetically, "Oh! I forgot, you are a layman in warfare. Don't worry, the two armies are now evenly matched. It may take an hour or two to decide the winner."

"Huh?" He suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and replied to Wu Mu, "The old man has already completed the siege, why is this little old man still attacking like crazy, regardless of life and death. Is there really no reinforcements?"

"Old man! Old man! Old man! They are all enemies," Wu Muda roared helplessly.

"Your Duanshi tribe's troops already have the upper hand in the middle battlefield." Yimiza ignored it.

Pointing to the battlefield, he replied to Wumu, "Heishan Xiong has at most 200 people. In the center of the battlefield, your mid-lane troops surround him. The one who surrounds your mid-lane troops from the outside is called Cang Ye. Your troops You were hit too hard and lost a lot. Fortunately, Nasu didn't order the right-wing troops to stop the attack, otherwise there would be no good situation. Your right-wing troops surrounded the Cang Ye troops. This kind of encirclement should be resolved It consumes the most troops. You immediately order the troops on the right to eliminate Cang Ye at all costs. Otherwise, once Cang Ye breaks through the inner circle and joins the Black Mountain Bear, the advantage will no longer exist."

Wu Mu replied without dragging him, "If you don't send troops again, I will order you to retreat. I quit, and I will go back to Tepes immediately."

Yimiza laughed, "Since you are looking for death, what am I afraid of? If you order to retreat, I will wipe out all the most elite 5000 troops of your Broken Stone tribe today. Let's start with an internal strife, and then we will kill all the cheap people." Give it to the Grand Marshal."

Wu Muda yelled in despair: "Yimizha, you lunatic."

After completing the encirclement of the enemy's left-wing troops, Uncle Adaku Lumu immediately dispatched more soldiers with superior forces to encircle and wipe out the encircled enemy soldiers in the southeast within the shortest possible time.The intense hand-to-hand combat was brutal.The old man took the lead, wielding his saber, fighting fiercely at the forefront.The soldiers were inspired, and all fought bravely to fight the enemy.

The right wing of the Broken Stone tribe that surrounded Cang Ye's team only had about 1000 people. Cang Ye is very anxious now, and he is now commanding the troops to escape the encirclement with ease.But he wants to rescue the black mountain bear surrounded by the inner circle and the remaining more than 200 soldiers.So he immediately ordered all the troops to try to tear apart the enemy's inner circle at all costs.If the enemy's inner circle cannot be torn apart in time, the situation of Heishan Xiong and himself will be very critical.Once the black mountain bear troops are exhausted, the enemies in the inner circle will turn around and attack them with all their strength.In this way, under the attack from inside and outside, the casualties must be heavy.But the soldiers of the Broken Stone Tribe were completely blinded by murder, and they were not afraid of the Cang Ye army's encirclement at all.

The bloody massacre carried out by Heishan Xiong and his subordinates greatly stimulated the ferocious nature of the soldiers in the inner circle of the Broken Stone tribe.They gritted their teeth and crazily charged the Black Mountain Bear's barrel defensive formation time and time again.

Heishan Xiong's horse had already been shot to death. He stood at the outermost edge of the team, brandishing a big axe, roaring non-stop, loudly commanding his subordinates to shoot and fight.At his feet, the corpses of the enemy soldiers he killed were piled up.But there are too many enemies, a few people surround one, if the front is not good, then the side, if the side is not good, shoot cold arrows between the people.By all means, killing one is one.

Cang Ye's team was being attacked from behind, and at the same time had to deal with the surprise attack of the inner circle of enemies, and at the same time organized people to break through the inner circle of encirclement, everyone was entangled together, in a hurry, with little success, but the losses continued to increase.Cang Ye was angry.He knew that the enemy's outermost numbers were not enough, so he only placed heavy troops in the front and rear of the central battlefield, while the troops on both sides were relatively weak.

The arrangement given by Nasu is also a helpless move.In the case of equal numbers of people, we can only block the enemy's attack on the rear battalion of the army and prevent the enemy from retreating, the two most influential routes of action for the battle situation.As for the entanglement war, it is too late to be happy.

Cang Ye looked around, and finally keenly discovered that there were fewer enemies on the right flank of the enemy's central army, and they unconsciously left a space of about 70 meters.This distance is just enough for the horse to run.So he immediately led several subordinates to run to the furthest distance.A few enemy riders ran over to block them.He killed an enemy soldier rushing up with a knife in both hands, and shouted loudly to his subordinates: "Assemble, assemble, reorganize, reorganize!" The horn soldiers raised their horns and blew loudly.Seventy or eighty cavalry came galloping from different directions, standing in two rows with Cang Ye.Cang Ye didn't care about the long arrows shot from all directions and the approaching enemy cavalry, he pulled the reins hard, the horse suffered from pain, kicked forward high, and hissed angrily.Cang Ye leaned back halfway on his horse, brandished his saber, and roared loudly, "Woo ho... woo ho..."

The soldiers were in high spirits, and each one of them regarded death as home, and responded in unison, "Woo ho... woo ho..."

The horn soldiers blew the charge horn at the right time.Cang Ye let go of the rein, and the horse shot out like an arrow.Immediately, the sound of galloping horseshoes sounded again from a small corner of the battlefield.

Black Mountain Bear has been working hard to find a breakthrough point, preparing to rendezvous with Cang Ye.Although the two armies are only six to 70 meters apart, they seem to be separated by a mountain, and they cannot get together no matter what.Black Mountain Bear heard the sound of Cang Ye's horn to regroup.He immediately understood that Cang Ye was making a last-ditch effort.If the time dragged on, his army would not be saved, it was basically dead.

Heishan Xiong immediately yelled at his subordinates: "Move to the northeast." After holding on to the barrel formation for more than an hour, the enemy again claimed more than 100 lives.Although the enemy also paid a very high price, it was a fatal blow to the heavily surrounded assault army.The remaining 160 people, led by Heishan Xiong, slowly turned their positions and approached the encirclement in the northeast direction.

The right-wing army of the Broken Stone tribe is obviously aware of the seriousness of the problem.One of Wu Mu Da's commanders reacted quickly. He commanded the soldiers to blow the instruction horn to narrow the encirclement immediately. More soldiers of the Broken Stone tribe came to their senses and immediately obeyed the call. The Montenegrin bear team inside the encirclement.

Black Mountain Bear heard the charging horn blown by Cang Ye's army amidst the chaotic sound of horns.With an excited expression and high spirits, he raised his big ax and raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, follow me!" He took the lead and ran on the battlefield.The soldiers without horses followed behind him, shouting and running, each with their weapons, marching forward without hesitation.The soldiers on the horse immediately launched an attack formation, guarding both sides of the soldiers on the ground, and rushed along with them.

More than 60 meters, in a blink of an eye, another layer of corpses from both sides was laid.

Cang Ye and his cavalry tried their best and used various methods to make the horse reach the desired speed.It's not ideal, but it's more than enough.When the soldiers of the Broken Stone Tribe heard the sound of hoofbeats, they turned their heads and saw that the Cang Ye cavalry squad had already charged up, turning their horses to prepare for the battle, and that was just a short moment.But it was too late to react, Cang Ye and his subordinates had already raised their knives to chop them with the momentum of thunder.The huge impact knocked half of the soldiers sitting on the horse flying, and the other half was killed by Cang Ye's murderous soldiers.

At the same time, Heishan Xiong descended from the sky holding a huge axe, cut off half of an enemy soldier's head, and flew out with half of his shoulder. The soldiers behind him were like a group of bloodthirsty beasts waiting to be devoured when they saw their prey Generally flocked.The Black Mountain Bear team launched a more aggressive offensive.

In this way, two ferocious troops were attacking a part almost at the same time.Facing this kind of brutal massacre with blood splattering, flesh and blood flying, stumps and broken arms dancing in the air, the enemy's aura was immediately suppressed.Although the horns ordering to shrink and encircle in the ears continued to sound, but after a long period of fighting and confrontation, the soldiers were extremely tired, and it was difficult for them to face the bloody directly.The gap was quickly opened.

Cang Ye rode his horse past Heishan Xiong, and shouted hoarsely to the soldiers behind him: "Hit it hard, hit it hard..."

The two teams of soldiers met at the same time and cheered excitedly.After hearing Cang Ye's cry, he didn't hesitate to kill to both sides again, trying to take the opportunity to expand the results of the battle and completely destroy the inner circle.At the same time, the sound of the horns sounded, notifying the soldiers who were fighting everywhere to gather at the gap, preparing to gather more force to kill the enemy soldiers in the inner circle in one fell swoop.

On the battlefield on the left wing, a loud and clear charge horn sounded suddenly.The old man led the soldiers to fight fiercely for a long time, and finally waited for the last chance to strike.They completely annihilated the enemy in the southeast encirclement.

Nasugi realized that the outcome of today's battle was uncertain.The key to victory is on the Chinese battlefield.If they take advantage of their numbers to take the lead in annihilating the Black Mountain Xiong and Cang Ye troops, then at least 1000 troops can be mobilized to support the left-wing battlefield.On the left-wing battlefield, although the old sheep-herding man had just killed all the soldiers surrounded by him, he also made his troops extremely fatigued.As long as [-] cavalry quickly support the left-wing battlefield, the old man's [-] troops can be wiped out.Nasugi is still very confident about this. Although it was basically a miserable victory in the end, it was worth it.

The canine-toothed lines on the battlefield of the Chinese army are dazzling, and it is difficult to tell which part is the enemy and which part is our own.Nasu ordered more than 200 people from the original Chinese army to retreat from the battlefield, plus the remaining 200 logistics miscellaneous soldiers in the camp to form a force, ready to lead it personally to support the Chinese army on the battlefield.

But a messenger rushed to him and told him: Wu Mu Da Nayan disagreed.

Nasu howled in pain and despair.He was desperate for revenge.This opportunity is right in front of your eyes.Wu Mu Da ruthlessly took it away.

A tribal king under Wu Muda came with more than 100 personal guards and was ordered to take over the command of the army.

After Nasu yelled for a while, he sat on the horse in a daze.He had no idea that Yimiza of the Mingquan tribe led an army of 5000 people and had been quietly lying in ambush behind the high slope for two days.

At this time, on the top of the high hill, Wu Mu Da sat angrily on the grass, his hands and feet were tightly tied.He had a falling out with Imizha.Yimiza saw him croaking non-stop, ordered someone to grab a handful of grass from the ground and stuff it into his mouth.Seeing that he was still struggling angrily, Yimiza rushed forward and kicked Wu Muda to the ground.He waved to the guards behind him, "Hit me." The strong men immediately rushed forward, punching and kicking Wu Mu.After a while, the Wumu on the ground stopped moving.

At this time, a messenger ran up quickly.

"My lord, Yan Nasu committed suicide."

Yi Miza was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing, "Good death, good death."

He turned to his subordinates and shouted loudly, "Did you hear that? This is the fate of betraying the Grand Marshal. Today we are all going to die, all of us are going to die!"

Yimiza's subordinates stared at him dumbfounded.

The situation on the battlefield is proceeding according to its inherent laws.Uncle Adaku Rumu's troops are accumulating strength again, preparing to launch the second encirclement and suppression campaign.Black Mountain Bear, Cang Ye tried his best to annihilate the enemy soldiers in the inner circle, but he himself fell into a desperate situation.They have no strength to break through.But they know that even if they can break through, they will not rush out.Because their task is to attack first, disrupt the enemy's position, hold the enemy back, and wait for the main force of the generalissimo to arrive for the final encirclement and annihilation.

On the mountains two kilometers away from Baimatun, Mu Leke led an army of [-] troops and finally appeared.

Asugang and Na Xian galloped out from their respective teams and asked the Grand Marshal if he had any explanation before dividing the troops.

Mulek pondered for a while, and said slowly: "After you reach the northeast of Baimatun, you should not attack yet. If our four thousand cavalry can solve the problem, you should save your energy and go to encircle Montchug's area first. Great army. If there is an abnormality, you can also be regarded as a surprise soldier, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort."

Asugang and Naxian agreed in unison, and rode away.

Mulek's army then split into two groups, one going east and the other going west.The closer they got to the battlefield, the clearer the sound of fighting became, and the smell of blood floating in the air became stronger and stronger.

Mulek waved to the buglemen behind him, "Tell the old man that we are here."

More than a dozen horn soldiers blew their huge horns at the same time.


The continuous sound of horns suddenly surpassed the dense and noisy sound of horseshoes and spread farther and farther, straight into the sky.The bugle soldiers of the other troops heard the signal, followed behind by coincidence, and blew their horns.The neat and clear voices filled the entire battlefield for a while, and the old man and the soldiers of the Black Mountain Tiger cheered at the same time.But Wu Mu Da's soldiers seemed panic-stricken.

(End of this chapter)

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