Chapter 15

Imezha on the top of the hill suddenly turned his head to look at the distant horizon, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.He looked back and shouted happily to his subordinates: "The whole army is in formation, ready to attack."

The sky above Baimatun was filled with the sound of horns and horns one after another.Long, short, hasty, melodious, low, high, all kinds of voices are intertwined, showing the tension and busyness of the battlefield.

On the hill to the southeast of Baimatun, a dense cavalry team began to appear, and they marched nervously and orderly in the tall and dense woods behind the hillside.From a distance, it looks like bugs wriggling under the green leaves, more like the green grass on the prairie being blown by a gust of wind, causing waves to spread around.

Immediately, a long troop of giant cavalry slowly walked out from the sky.The tall fiery-red banner of the Bolu family of this army was fluttering in the wind, surrounded by countless colorful banners.

And the old man, Heishan Xiong, and Cang Ye looked solemn, and the three of them looked at the high mountain slope in the distance at the same time from different positions.Wu Mu asked what method he used to hide so many troops here without being noticed?They ignored it, and the scouts ignored it.

Yimiza's Mingquan tribe rushed down from the hillside one after another.

As Grand Marshal Mullek said, human beings make mistakes.Scouts are ordinary soldiers, they are not battlefield commanders, and it is impossible to scout everything in detail.In the area where the enemy is concentrated, no one has the ability to go inside the enemy army to find out the enemy's situation.But the ideological neglect of the commanders will lead them to intuit that this area is safe.The results were disastrous.

But then they heard the familiar but very distant sound of drums.

"It's Yimi Zanayan from the Mingquan Tribe."

Imizha is a loyal friend of the Generalissimo.The old man and Black Mountain Bear are very familiar with the sound of this drum.They once charged to the beat of the drum.The two of them suddenly became ecstatic. The Generalissimo and Yimiza joined hands. How many opponents are there on the Kuset grassland?
Mulek was in a lot of pain.From a distance, he heard the unique sound of cowhide drums from the Mingquan tribal fort army.Among the Cusets, only Imizha's army commanded troops with ox horns and ox-hide drums.Because Imezha likes it.He learned it while fighting the various countries around him.Imizha is wise and smart.Khan praised him in public more than once.He was one of the few people Mueller had counted as a lifelong confidant.They are good friends, brothers in life and death.

Mulek didn't know why Yimiza betrayed him?He couldn't find a reason.Although he told Jiu Ling'er that Yimiza and Wumuda were relatives, he understood that he was deceiving himself.Yimiza is arrogant, which is the fundamental reason why Yimiza cannot gain the trust of Al Shinan Khan.Al-Heather Khan and Imizha had a fierce conflict over the issue of whether to go to Padishah.Imizha was full of arrogance, he didn't drag Al Shinan Khan at all, and he made rude remarks.Al Shinan Khan was very angry and drove him back to the edge of the desert thousands of miles away, swearing that he would never use it.

But Al Heather Khan was wrong.The first attack on Padisha was met with a crushing defeat.Although the counterattack defeated Salander under the careful planning of Mulek, Boli, Asugang and others, this was a very useless thing in Al Shinan Khan's life.Both of them are arrogant people, so they forged a deep grudge.

Mulek thought of his good friend who used to gallop on the battlefield with him, but now he became an opponent, and he couldn't help feeling sad.

Just three days ago, he still considered Yimiza his best friend for life.If Jiu Ling'er hadn't casually told about the killing order in Daxue Mountain, allowing him to deduce Yimiza's betrayal from it, he would have suffered the fate of Bison Valley for the second time: his subordinates suddenly betrayed, turned against him, The entire army was wiped out, and the tribe was liquidated.

Imezha's cavalry rushed to the foot of the mountain like a tidal wave.He rode on the horse and ordered the trumpeters loudly: "Blow all the horns and tell them that my good friend Imezha is here."

Muleke watched the Yimiza army appearing one after another from a distance, and the muscles on his face twitched involuntarily when he heard the information they sent.He is really a good friend, he sighed from the heart.

"Generalissimo..." Jiu Ling'er suddenly yelled in his ear, "Every department is waiting for your order!"

Mulek stabilized his mood, looking at the youth full of vigor in front of him, a trace of warmth surged in his heart.It was the unintentional words of this little savage that saved himself and thousands of soldiers who followed him.

Muleke pointed to the handsome flag and said to Jiu Ling'er, "Take it."

Jiu Ling'er didn't know what the commander was going to do, but he still resolutely took over the banner from the bannerman.

Mulek turned around and gave the order to the messenger: "Immediately inform Asugang and Naxian as quickly as possible that Yimiza is the enemy. Munchug's troops may rush from the direction of Wild Dog Creek and tell them to lean on the white horse Set up the formation in the south. Even if my handsome flag falls, don't send a single soldier to support it."

The messenger saluted, beat the horse, and left in the dust.

Mulek immediately ordered the horn soldiers: "Tell the old man, Black Mountain Bear, tell them to persevere." Then pointing to the three orderlies, he said: "Go find the old man or any one of the three of them, and tell them that Yimiza is Enemy, there are no reinforcements to help him. Let them hold off the Broken Stone tribe army. Even if they are all killed in battle, a single soldier of the Broken Stone tribe will not be allowed to enter the battlefield in the southwest."

"Jiu Ling'er, raise the banner high, and follow me." Muleke lashed his horse with a whip, rode out, and ran towards the left flank of the army along the column of cavalry.

Jiu Ling'er held up the banner and followed closely behind him.

The little Wang Jiupeng of the Dry Mountain Tribe and the little Wang Kuoye of the Evergreen Tribe stood at the front of the left wing of the army, facing Muleke who was running towards him, saluted and shouted, "Generalissimo."

"Yimizha of the Wuquan tribe has betrayed. The decisive battle will begin immediately, and you lead the left-wing troops to charge." Jiu Peng and Kuoye almost suspected that they had heard it wrong.But seeing the firm look on the Generalissimo's face, the two hurriedly agreed, and each galloped towards their troops.

After Muleke finished speaking, he immediately turned his horse's head and galloped towards the right wing troops.

The leader of Jiaotou of the Shiman tribe and the little king of Kuanma of the Huangqi tribe came up to him. "Imiza of the Wuquan tribe is our enemy. After the decisive battle begins, you lead the troops to charge on the right flank."

"Yes, Generalissimo." The two immediately turned their horses and ran back to their troops.

Muleke turned his head again and started to gallop in front of the formation.Jiu Ling'er landed a foot behind his horse and followed closely.Due to the fast speed of the horse, the resistance of the flag is very high, and it takes all the strength of the whole body to lift it.He knew that this was the commander-in-chief using his commander-in-chief to tell the soldiers behind that the commander-in-chief was forming his troops and the battle was about to begin.

Mulek jerked his sword out.He raised his saber high on the horse with all his strength, and while galloping wildly, he yelled loudly at the faces looking at him, "Wooho..."

The soldiers next to him heard the commander shouting the battle cry before the charge, and immediately raised their weapons and responded in unison: "Wooho..."

Mulek suddenly tightened the reins to stop the galloping horse.The war horse couldn't stop its steps, so it had to stand upright, its two front legs still bent in mid-air, as if it was going to leap away in the void.Angry neighing resounded across the plain with the high horse's head.

Muleke followed his horse, and his whole body was suspended in mid-air.He raised his knife again and shouted loudly: "Wooho..."

More soldiers heard the commander's call, more soldiers raised their weapons, and shouted loudly along with the commander: "Wooho..."

Mulek stood on the spot on horseback, facing his warriors, waving the saber in his hand, and burst out the anger and affection in his heart along with shouting: "Woo... ho..."

All the soldiers, including those in the last row, had already heard the roar. Their expressions were excited, their blood boiled, and they raised their weapons with all their strength, and roared like the earth was shaking: "Wooho..."

Muleke turned his horse's head and raised his saber forward, "Warriors, kill..."

A dozen horn soldiers standing behind him sounded their charge horns at the same time.

"Woo..., woo..."

Four thousand soldiers, 50 people in each row, eighty rows, like a solid rock and giant iron.Driven by Mulek, the giant iron lined up and began to move slowly.

On top of a high hill.

Some of Imizha's 3000 troops were on the mountain.About [-] troops are already in formation at the foot of the mountain.The troops on the mountain were rapidly concentrating down the mountain without stopping.

"Nayan, the front army, the middle army, and the left army are all in place. The right army is gathering rapidly. The rear army is still on the mountain."

Yimiza scolded impatiently: "A bunch of trash, hurry up, hurry up."

Mulek was unusually unresponsive to him, which made him feel strongly uneasy.Could it be that Mulek saw through the trick?Yimiza thought it was impossible.All the plans are arranged by him alone, absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

"So what if something went wrong? So what if Mulek sees through it? My plan is perfect, and it has been laid out so far, and there is no possibility of change. This world of Kujit has changed beyond recognition." Yimiza almost crazily cried out,
"Come on, come on, kill me!" The subordinates standing around him all had melancholy faces, not knowing why their lord suddenly became like this.Wasn't it fine yesterday?

"You leave me alone and go about your business. I'm dying. I'm happy, I'm happy, that's why I'm crazy. The Generalissimo is invincible. No one can match the Generalissimo on the battlefield. We all die, we all die Yes!" Yimiza yelled hoarsely.

The roar that suddenly came from Mulek's army was earth-shattering, rushing into the sky, like thunder, shaking all the living beings in the entire Jutun.

After hearing this, Uncle Adaku Rumu and his subordinates knew that Mulek's army was about to launch, and everyone couldn't help being excited, as if all of them suddenly gained infinite strength.The old man raised his knife and shouted: "Brothers, reinforcements are coming, the Generalissimo is coming! Kill."

Although the soldiers of the Wumu Da Duanshi tribe were panicked, since their commander did not issue an order to retreat, they had no choice but to fight to the end and never retreat.

Heishan Xiong had already been hit by two long arrows, but he couldn't stop, there were enemies all around him, and if he was negligent, his life would be in danger.

Cang Ye in the distance has also been knocked off his horse. He tried his best to block an arrow shot by the enemy, and shouted to the Black Mountain Bear: "Old Black Bear, the Generalissimo has started to attack."

The Black Mountain Bear heard a roar like thunder in the distance.He shouted excitedly: "Hold on, hold on. Stand up for help, stand up for help." Although Cang Ye and his troops had already dealt with the enemies in the inner circle, they themselves were also seriously injured. In total, there are only more than 700 people left.And the enemy still has at least 300 people.Everyone wants to eat the other side, so there is only attrition, and then attrition, until the number of one party is reduced enough to resist.

Yimiza was awakened by the muffled thunder.He immediately halted his frenzied performance and resumed his usual calm and composure. "Order the troops to speed up the assembly. The front army moves forward a hundred steps."

"Nayan, Muleke's army has already started to move." A commander who had been observing the movement of the enemy army suddenly turned his head and shouted at Yi Miza: "My God, he is coming towards us."

Without looking back, Yimiza casually pointed to the bugle soldiers and said, "Blow the horn and get ready to charge."

Muleke's army carried a thunderous and invincible aura, rushing straight towards Yimiza's army like quicksilver pouring down the ground.

Mulek clearly knew Yimiza's advantage.He was able to lead the team to appear here without anyone noticing, which shows that today's decisive battle is absolutely unavoidable.If he didn't know that Yimiza had already betrayed, and now seeing Yimiza coming to help with such a large army, he would definitely be very grateful.

Yimiza's advantage is that no one knows he is an enemy.Once Mulek's army launched a charge and Yimiza's troops covered him up from behind, it would be a disaster.Mulek's army has no chance to turn back, and there is no way to turn back.Galloping horses, thousands of warriors, whoever stops halfway will be crushed to death by the galloping horses, only waiting for the fate of massacre,
Just like in the Bison Valley back then, Boli and Mulek's army had no chance to fight back.

This time Mulek wants to turn against the guests and take the initiative to invite these shameless people on the grassland to fight.The fiasco in Bison Valley was the pain of his life.He thought that he would never be able to wash away his shame in his life.How could he have thought that God would treat him so kindly and give him such a chance to avenge his shame.He wants to attack, he can no longer bear his brother being slaughtered alive like an unarmed livestock.Mulek immediately started attacking without any hesitation.He wants to tell those shameless people that a hero is a hero, and he must die dignifiedly if he dies.He wants to use the most primitive, most aggressive, most lethal, and most majestic hammer array to smash these insidious and despicable villains, and smash these ugly beasts in the world
(End of this chapter)

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