Chapter 17

Afraid of being involved in the hammer formation, most of Yimiza's left and right flank soldiers fled in all directions, circled around the left and right flanks of the formation and its rear, and launched an all-out attack.The generals of Yimiza's middle army realized that if they couldn't immediately stop the advancing speed of Mulek's army, the power of his hammer array would be irresistible, and all they would be left with was death.

After Yimiza and the former army fell into the enemy's line, the command was handed over to a tribal king in the central army.He ordered his subordinates to sound the clarion call of shrinking formation and gathering the central army.He was going to use a purely suicidal method regardless of the number of deaths, using a dense formation, and a large formation of hammers to force it to slow down.Once Mulek's formation loses its speed, it also loses its flexibility and maneuverability. The rest is up to each person's ability, and whoever can stick to the end will be the winner.

The little king of the tribe encouraged the soldiers loudly, urging them to go up: "Warriors of the Wuquan tribe! Kill! The leader of Uluz is watching us from the sky! Kill!"

The former army led by Yimiza has been completely swallowed by the hammer formation.Like fallen leaves in autumn, they were swept up by a gust of wind, flying all over the sky, drifting to uninhabited corners, and turned into a pile of fertile soil.

Imezha's central army was gradually involved.The enemy cavalry in front of Muleke became more and more dense, fiercer and irrational.They are like unconscious zombies, and even more like gamblers who have lost their eyes. They have put themselves all on the table of life and death.Jiu Ling'er was like a bloodthirsty beast, letting out a strange roar that was no longer human, and the saber in her hand was whistling like a small wind wheel. Go away as a dead soul.

The soldiers of Imezha's central army used suicidal blockade after losing hundreds of people, and it finally worked. The rampant bison on the battlefield started to run crazily and began to slow down slowly.

The tribal king of Yimiza's army finally stopped the impact of the hammer formation after seeing a large number of troops lost.Immediately ordered the rear army to arrive one after another in the formation of skirmishers to come forward just right, join up with the remnants of the Chinese army, build a solid line of defense, and completely contain the impact of Mulek's army.Many Yimiza soldiers, who were squeezed around, rushed towards Mulek's formation frantically.Their left and right wings opened up in teams, using the speed of their horses to directly face the flanks of the Hammer formation and attack in turn.

Mulek's soldiers suddenly suffered a sharp increase in casualties.Mulek heard the siren call.It was his own people telling him that the two wings had been attacked by enemy cavalry and might be broken into formation.The hammer formation must have speed, without speed, it would be a cumbersome bear on the battlefield. Although it was huge, with rough skin and thick flesh, it would eventually be bitten to death bite by bite by the surrounded wolves.Especially the flanks, if the formation stops, the soldiers on the flanks are basically living targets for the enemy to attack.Over time, it is a devastating collapse.

Muleke shouted loudly: "Click on the left front..., click on the left..."

The horn soldiers immediately gave up attacking the enemy, and under the protection of their comrades around them, they blew the horn of change with all their strength.

At this time, the hammer formation still had a certain speed, which was enough to change the formation, and the two sides in the bloody battle seemed to have ample space because the enemy needed the distance for the horses to run, which was more powerful for the movement of the flanking cavalry.With the sound of the huge horn that went straight into the sky, Mulek's soldiers ignored the enemy's brutal attack on them and began to change formation.The entire hammer formation is a single iron plate.Now the iron plate began to rotate slowly and firmly with the front point of the left wing as the center.The soldiers at the front of the left wing did not hesitate at all, and immediately tightened the reins to stop the running horses.Under the cover of their comrades in arms, the flag bearer suddenly raised the fiery red big eagle flag.The huge flag fluttered in the wind, and it was extremely eye-catching on the fierce battlefield.It seems to be telling the soldiers: I am the center.

Muleke urged the horse to turn obliquely according to the situation, and cut left and right.But there are too many enemies ahead, and the resistance is very great.

The scene of rushing left and right in the encirclement of the enemy on the Bison River Valley suddenly jumped into Mulek's mind.No, soldiers must not be massacred.

Muleke tightened the rein with his left hand, jumped onto the horse's back, straightened himself up, and stood up.In the heat of the battlefield, exposing yourself to all enemies is simply insane.

Jiu Ling'er next to him was stunned. He didn't even have time to call out danger, so he threw his saber at the three long arrows that roared towards Mulek.At the same time, his right hand quickly took down the handsome flag on the horse's belly, and spread it out against the wind. Before he could raise it, more long arrows had already been shot.With a loud roar, Jiu Ling'er swung the three-foot-long flagpole with all her strength, trying to push aside the enemy's arrows.One or two still managed to escape Jiu Ling'er's blockade, but they all escaped from Mulek without any danger.

The banner unfurled, covering Mulek's figure.Muleke was already facing his subordinates at this time, ignoring the enemies behind him, raised his knife and shouted: "Huho..."

Seeing the bravery of the commander-in-chief, the soldiers who followed were all boosted in morale, and then they raised their arms and shouted: "Huho..."

The cry alarmed all the soldiers on the battlefield who were concentrating on killing the enemy. They suddenly looked up and saw a scene they would never forget: the commander stood on the back of a galloping horse, with a huge red flag waving in the wind behind him, and the commander was leading the battle. Let them fight the enemy bravely.The commander-in-chief was shouting, shouting.

"Huho..." The soldiers shouted out their determination to fight to the death.The soldiers suddenly felt that their bodies were filled with infinite power, their blood was boiling in their veins, their murderous aura was surging, and their strong fighting spirit reached its peak in an instant. .

Mulek swung his saber high, and shouted together with the soldiers again: "Huho..."

The deafening roar finally aroused the boundless strength of the soldiers.

Muleke turned around and landed on the horse's back, pointing forward with his saber, "Kill..." There were two long arrows sticking out of his back.Although Jiu Ling'er tried her best to wave the huge banner and tried her best to block the arrows for him, she still couldn't avoid his injury.

"Go to hell!" Jiu Ling'er sprinted with a spear while holding a three-foot banner, while cursing the enemy angrily.

The rotation speed of the formation suddenly accelerated.No matter how hard Ren Yimiza's soldiers tried to resist, they could no longer stop the formation from turning.This crazy buffalo was put on a rope and was circling around a center even more crazily.All the beings in this circle were crushed to powder in the blink of an eye.The spinning top formation in this circular motion is the evolution of the hammer formation on the battlefield.Its evolution is very difficult.There are too many constraints on speed, time, number of enemies, enemy attack methods, own morale, tactical literacy, etc., and the success rate is almost non-existent.But today Mulek caught the opponent by surprise.The opponent's troops rushed to the battle under the condition of disordered formation and insufficient preparation, which finally led to the defeat and achieved the glory of the Hammer formation.The spinning top array spun crazily on the battlefield, moving rapidly, trying to turn all life that could be inhaled into ashes.

Imezha's army began to surround the formation, organizing small teams of hundreds of people, like sharp arrows, attacking the formation in turn from different directions, trying to tear open the gap and crush the spinning top into pieces .The battle situation has entered a stalemate.

Black Mountain Bear supported his body with a big axe, staring blankly at the battlefield in the southwest.He didn't understand why the Generalissimo fought with Yimiza's Mingquan Tribe army.Didn't Yimiza use the bull horn to tell the Generalissimo that he is here to help us?Is the Generalissimo crazy?
Cang Ye shot an arrow fiercely at the enemy in the distance, and shouted at the Black Mountain Bear: "Enemy reinforcements are coming up."

Hei Shanxiong withdrew his thoughts and looked in the direction of Cang Ye's finger.A team of 500 people has rushed out of Umuda's camp.

After Yimiza left, Wumuda's guards carried Wumuda back to the camp.Wu Muda's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, several ribs were broken, and he couldn't get up at all.He cursed the eighteen generations of Imizha's ancestors countless times.His subordinates reported the latest battle situation to him.Asked him if he would send reinforcements to support the Chinese army battlefield according to the original method of Nasu, and wipe out the troops of Heishan Xiong and Cang Ye as soon as possible.Troops were then drawn to support the left flank.It's just that, except for a few attendants, Wu Muda didn't have a single soldier around him.

Wu Muda yelled almost nervously: "Go and kill them. Go, don't let anyone stay here."

Yimiza has dispatched the whole army, and there is not a single reinforcement.If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself.He couldn't help thinking of Nasugi who was at the end of his rope.He even came to this step very quickly.Immediately he saw the dead body of Nasogi.

He yelled: "Throw him out, throw him out..."

The attendant who had already walked outside the tent hurriedly ran in again, and hurriedly carried Nasugi's body out of the tent.

After all, Nasuge is the supreme leader of the central part of Cusait, the Big Burke.A few soldiers still put the corpse in the side tent very carefully, and did not throw him into the wilderness.

Wu Muda lay alone on the ground, the sound of galloping horseshoes of soldiers and the sound of fighting on the battlefield could be heard in his ears.

Asugang received Mulek's news, but remained silent for a long time.

He and Naxian exchanged shocked glances.Asugang shook his head and smiled wryly: "Is Yimiza an enemy?"

The scouts sent out flew back continuously, reporting the latest situation on the battlefield to the two of them.

The sun in the sky is slowly slanting westward, gradually getting closer and closer to the horizon.The sun became softer and softer, golden and very beautiful.Time is passing by every minute and every second.

Asoka walked slowly on the grass.Na Xianzai and Ti Lida watched the sky together, and squatted on the ground to count ants.Four thousand troops lined up in the field, and the soldiers stood beside their horses to rest.No one spoke, except for the occasional low hiss or two from the horse.

The sound of fighting from the Baimatun battlefield more than 2000 meters away has been continuous without stopping for a moment.Its intensity can be imagined.But the Generalissimo gave them a deadly order: Even if the commander-in-chief flag fell, no one soldier was allowed to support it.

They were burning with anxiety, but they dared not disobey the generalissimo's order.Asugang's trust in Mulek has been deeply rooted and unshakable for decades.

The condor of the Red Eagle Tribe suddenly rushed out of the clouds.It stretched a pair of huge wings, and shot down at the army on the ground at an extremely fast speed.Asoka's face changed drastically.Tie Guo shouted: "Get ready to meet the enemy."

The horn player got on his horse and blew the rallying horn.For the sake of concealment, only one trumpeter sounded the horn.But enough is enough. All 4000 people were silent, and this monotonous sound could be heard everywhere in the open field.

Almost at the same time, the knights of the Red Eagle tribe had already arrived on their horses.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Incisor Tribe in the right-wing formation of the army were still mounting their horses or arranging their equipment, which looked like a mess.

The giant eagle hung in the air, tossed back and forth and made a few gestures, then rushed up to the sky again and disappeared in the sky.

"The Generalissimo has a clever plan. Sure enough, there is an army coming from the north, and the number is very large." Asu Gang met Naxian's questioning gaze, and said softly.

"How many people? How far is it from here?" Naxian asked in surprise.

"It's good that the Condor can detect the enemy in advance. It's not a human, it can talk." Asugang laughed.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Naxian's dark face.

"The enemy has come from a long distance, so he must be tired and neglected to take precautions. I think we have brought our troops to the east. While the enemy is in a hurry to enter the battlefield, attacking from its front and side will surely achieve the effect of hitting the enemy with a single hit. "

Xian Chi nodded, "Everything is ordered by Big Brother."

Asugang said to the horn soldiers behind him: "Order the troops to turn the direction of attack to the west."

Following the command of the horn, the four thousand troops slowly adjusted their formation from north-south to east-west.

The three scouts appeared in everyone's eyes at the same time.They waved their whips desperately and galloped towards the army at high speed.

"Da Nayan, the enemy is coming from the north. There are about 5000 people. We found them five kilometers away and rushed back to report immediately. It is estimated that they are about two or three kilometers away from us now."

"Where are the others?" Asugang sent a total of twenty scouts to the north.

"According to Na Yan's order, they blocked the enemy's scouts from approaching us from behind."

Asogang touched his gray beard with his hand, and on his flushed face, there was a hint of excitement before the battle.Tie Guo and Na Xian are already excited to try it.

"Can you see what tribe's army it is?"

"It looks like the banner belongs to the Rotbone Tribe"

Asugang and Naxian's complexion changed drastically, and they both saw the incredible expression on each other's face.

"Didn't the Generalissimo say that Mengkugu is in Yanluo Mountain near Wild Wolf Valley?" Na Xian asked Asugang.

Asugang immediately turned his gaze to the three scouts, "Did you see clearly?"

The three nodded firmly.

"Mengchug's methods are indeed extraordinary. Yesterday, I heard that Mengkugu was to the west of us, more than 100 kilometers away from us. Today he arrived at Baimatun." Asugang sat on the horse and couldn't help sighing.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't he be discovered by us? Kill him!" Tie Guo next to him shouted with pride, shaking his fist.

(End of this chapter)

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