Chapter 18

Baimatun battlefield.After fighting fiercely for nearly two hours, the soldiers on both sides were numb to the blood and cruelty.On the southwestern battlefield, Mulek's troops were fighting fiercely with Imizha's troops.On the northwest battlefield, the old man's troops are fighting for every inch of land with Wu Mu Da's left wing troops.On the right side of the northwest battlefield, Wu Mu Da's troops are besieging the troops of Heishan Xiong and Cang Ye.The nail was driven too deep.Although only 500 people arrived, the 500 people in Wu Mu Da were firmly restrained.They must persevere.If they were wiped out, Umuda's troops would free up at least 1000 men to join the left-wing battlefield.Although the left-wing old man's troops have a slight advantage, it is only a very weak advantage.As long as an external force breaks through one of the encirclements, the old man's encirclement will immediately collapse.But then the old man's troops will be fatally hit because of too many encirclements and scattered troops.Once the old uncle's tribe is defeated, Wu Mu Da may free up troops to join the southwest battlefield again.Will they still have support?Black Mountain Xiong and Cang Ye are expecting a miracle.

The sun in the sky suddenly became red inadvertently.The clouds in the sky are as gorgeous as blood under the reflection of the setting sun.Suddenly a large army appeared on the horizon.

Baimatun is in the north.Meng Kugu is a strong middle-aged man.His face was very dark because of the long-term sunlight.A pair of piercing eyes.

According to the order of Khan Mengchug, he took advantage of the cover of night to quietly set off from Wild Dog Creek, and finally arrived at Baimatun on a continuous journey. After more than 100 miles, there was only one rest on the road, and the soldiers were extremely tired.Not to mention anything else, after sitting on the horse for a whole day and midnight, my butt hurts.

But after seeing the situation on the battlefield in Baimatun, Meng Kugu was very happy.Khan strategized and won a decisive victory thousands of miles away. He really is a genius.He brought an army of [-], and he had an absolute advantage in winning any of the three local battlefields.

The order given to him by Munchug Khan was very simple: join up with Umeda Yimiza and destroy Mulek.

But the current scene is something Meng Kugu didn't expect.He didn't expect Mulek to move so quickly, and he had already started to attack Umuldari and Yimiza on his own initiative.But this is also good, when they are exhausted and unable to fight back, he can use the autumn wind to sweep the fallen leaves, sweep the entire battlefield, and kill everyone, without having to distinguish between his own people, enemies, So as not to get in the way.When Khan asked, he said that Wumuda and Yimiza had been killed by Mulek.

Meng Kugu was thinking with a smile here, and the horn soldiers behind him had already blown their horns to charge.

The soldiers on both sides who were fighting fiercely on the Baimatun battlefield were startled by the intensive sound of horns from a distance.But they were no longer interested in knowing whose reinforcements it was.Because if you are negligent, you may be killed by the other party immediately.Save your own life first.

Only Heishan Xiong was very excited. He suddenly raised his ax with all his strength and shouted loudly: "Brothers, reinforcements are coming. Kill everyone..." Due to his exhaustion and how many times he had shouted, The voice is so hoarse that not many people can hear it.He felt that everyone didn't pay attention to his cry, so he jumped on a war horse, grabbed the fiery red Mulek commander flag during the gallop, held it high above the top, followed behind his comrades, in the barely maintained He started running in the trapezoidal defensive formation, shouting as he ran, "Reinforcements are here, reinforcements are here."

The soldiers were inspired by his bravery, and when they heard that the reinforcements had arrived, they suddenly felt that their already insurmountable bodies surged with strength again.

Uncle Adaku Rumu roared, and led a hundred assault soldiers into the encirclement again.At this time, the third enemy formation surrounded by them.After eliminating the enemy soldiers in the two encircled circles in a row, the old man's troop was at a staggering loss, basically reaching the limit of the battle. The personnel, physical strength, and morale had all reached the limit.But the old man had to stop them from attacking again.No reinforcements, perhaps no reinforcements left.At this time, they also suddenly heard the horn.

The top formation of Mulek's army is still turning, but it is no longer as flexible as it was originally.Too many casualties caused the top to shrink.Yimiza's attacking army suffered even more losses, but they seemed to lose their minds, organizing soldiers to attack endlessly.

Mulek saw the skeletonized army gathering in the north of Baimatun.Although he didn't know who was leading that army, he knew that Asugang would appear soon, and the small place of Baimatun would create a third battlefield.

Meng Kugu felt that his war horse suddenly became uneasy, shaking its head and tail, and repeatedly raised its head and neighed.And the same goes for the other horses around, each with a different look, or kicking their legs to run, or raising their necks and growling, as if something is going to happen.

Meng Kugu's many years of battlefield experience suddenly made him realize that a large number of troops were running at high speed in a certain direction of the battlefield. Due to the large number of war horses and their high speed, the ground slightly shook.Only livestock will be sensitive to this kind of vibration.In an instant, the triumphant mood disappeared, replaced by a feeling of being targeted by a cunning hunter in a hiding place, and a cold swish of coolness swept over his whole body.

Meng Kugu opened his mouth and yelled loudly: "Arrange to defend, form to defend..."

The horn soldiers looked back blankly, wondering why Nayan suddenly issued this strange order.

The generals around Mengkugu also looked at Mengkugu with incredulous eyes, just like looking at a lunatic.The troops have just completed the assault formation, and suddenly they have to change to the defensive formation. This is not only contradictory, but also affects everyone's morale.The strength and types of troops need to be re-deployed, and the positions must also be moved, which is bound to cause a little confusion.What is the purpose of doing this?
The battered war horse became more and more restless, almost running.Meng Kugu grabbed the rein with all his strength, and the fear and tension in his heart almost made him unable to breathe.If at this time an enemy iron cavalry ambushing nearby hits the camp at a high speed, not only will his troops suffer heavy losses, but it may even be a problem to escape.He knew that his tired army was more than enough to beat a dog in the water, but he might have more than enough energy to hastily deal with the attack of a large army waiting to work.

Mulek's unremarkable face suddenly appeared in his bony mind.The generalissimo's strategy is indeed unparalleled.

Looking at Meng Kugu's almost cannibalistic eyes, the horn soldier was horrified and blew with all his might.Immediately, all that resounded through the sky was the rapid and low sound of horns.Although the soldiers of the Mongolian Bone Rotten Bone Tribe caused some confusion at the beginning, they were well-trained after all, and immediately began to adjust their formation orderly under the command of generals at all levels.

A gigantic eagle suddenly spread its wings and flew out of the red sun.

His bone-destroyed heart immediately felt icy cold as if he had fallen into an ice hole.He silently looked at the fiery red Marshal Mulek's flag that was faintly visible on the battlefield, and said with a wry smile: "Old Marshal, you really want to use the Red Eagle Cavalry to deal with me."

The ground has already visibly felt the vibration.Now even an idiot knows that there are enemy cavalry rushing towards him.The soldiers panicked.The generals bid farewell to the dead bones with adoring eyes, and each returned to his own troops.The speed of formation adjustment immediately increased.

But Meng Kugu knew it was too late.Because he saw that the Red Eagle Cavalry had appeared on the eastern horizon, less than two kilometers away from him.

His troops are now arrayed north-south.If he has time, he will change the troops to an east-west array, so that the center of gravity of the defense is right in front, the light cavalry on both wings can effectively protect the defensive troops, and the rear army can give strong support.In this way, if you face the enemy face to face, you will be invincible first.But he has no time to adjust the entire formation of his troops.That's not something that can be done simply by turning the horse's head. For a 5000-strong army, it will take a long time for the order to be consistent and the formation to be adjusted exactly.Now the entire flank of his troops became the center of the enemy's charge.The flank defense is weak, and it will collapse immediately after being attacked by the enemy head-on, and then the enemy will break through the central army.Once the defense of the Chinese army is breached, the entire army will be cut in half, and the rest will be surrounded and wiped out by the enemy.

Meng Kugu could see the urgency of the matter, the generals who were familiar with cavalry essentials, and even some veterans could see it.The whole army panicked.

Meng Kugu resolutely decided to throw away the car to save Shuai.

He immediately ordered the rear army and the left wing troops to leave the main army immediately, and to face the red eagle cavalry who rushed towards them like a tide in the form of skirmishers.The remaining [-] troops immediately adjusted the formation direction on the spot.The two thousand cavalry don't care about life or death, regardless of casualties, even if they all die in battle, the task is to block the red eagle cavalry for a certain period of time.This time is the time it takes for the main force to adjust the formation.

Meng Kugu didn't even intend that they would come back alive.No army can stand against the Red Eagle Cavalry.At that time, only 1000 Red Eagle cavalry rushed to attack the Black Banner Kusaite army, defeating [-] Black Banner Kusaite troops and fled. What's more, eight years ago, on the prairie, the Red Eagle Cavalry broke through Surrounded by Padishah's [-] troops, Al Shinan Khan was successfully rescued.This is the Red Eagle Cavalry, the powerful Red Eagle Cavalry.

"The life and death of the entire Rotten Bone Tribe is entrusted to you." Meng Kugu solemnly said to the two thousand commanders.

Seeing that the opponent used part of the troops to form a dense skirmish formation and began to charge, Asugang couldn't help showing a sneer on his face while the main force remained in place.Meng Kugu is indeed a great general, and his determination to break his arm is ruthless and fast.

If Meng Kugu's tactics continue to develop, Asugang may concentrate his main force to wipe out part of it, and then concentrate his forces to attack the heavily defended main force. In the end, both sides will suffer.Or facing the enemy's blocking formation, with a strong advantage and regardless of casualties, he just kills it, but the speed will inevitably be damaged, and the morale will inevitably be hit. Moreover, once the defensive formation of the Mongolian main force is basically completed, he will fall into the enemy's front and back, and attack from both sides. difficult situation.Meng Kugu is very smart, he wants to use this method to force Asugang to give up the risk, and choose a tactic that is easier to accept and can see real benefits, which is to encircle and wipe out his blocking troops.

But Meng Kugu really underestimated the Red Eagle Cavalry.The Red Eagle Iron Cavalry is not an ordinary Kusaite cavalry, but the most elite cavalry among the cavalry.Asugang immediately notified Naxian with a horn, telling him that the right wing troops led by him were immediately ready to intercept Mengke's blocking cavalry.

The 2000 men and horses of Menggu's rear army and left wing troops broke away from the main force one after another.Under the leadership of their respective commanders, they slowly gather and organize their formation while running at high speed.After about 400 meters, a loose impact formation of one hundred riders horizontally and twenty riders vertically was gradually formed.

The so-called looseness means that the distance between front, back, left, and right can be large or small, and it does not pay attention to intensive defense, but its mobility is very good, and it is most suitable for chasing annihilation battles or melee battles.

Meng Kugu's intention was to make them entangle the Red Eagle cavalry, fight with them, and slow down their speed.Even if the Red Eagle Cavalry wants to wipe them out, it will take a lot of effort.

The speed of the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry was very well controlled. Naxian's Front Ya tribe cavalry had gradually surpassed them on the right flank, and the 1000-man troop gradually became long and narrow.

The distance between the two sides is more than 700 meters.

The red eagle cavalry blew the charge horn.The long, low sound of the horn echoed across the empty fields.The soldiers of the Red Eagle Cavalry were silent, each with a focused expression, galloping their horses at a gallop.

On the contrary, Naxian's front teeth soldiers on the right wing were already yelling, wishing they could step over to the enemy's side.

The distance between the two sides is more than 400 meters.

Asugang suddenly roared: "Speed ​​up."

The horn sounded suddenly.The whole army suddenly seemed to be wound up like a clockwork, and the horses galloped like crazy.

Immediately, the battered blocking troops on the opposite side blew their charging horns, followed by a loud shout: "Woo ho... woo ho..."

The roar of horseshoes on the battlefield in the northeast, and the shouts of the soldiers have become higher and higher. The steaming battlefield immediately attracted all the soldiers on the two battlefields in the southwest and northwest.

Black Mountain Bear cursed loudly when he heard it.Cang Ye laughed loudly, "Today is all up to us."

The instinct of survival unites Heishan Xiong, Cang Ye and more than 300 other fighters tightly together.Hold on, hold on.

Old man Adaku Lumu was panting heavily. He had just been killed by the enemy soldiers of the Broken Stone tribe who stood firm.Immediately, he saw the lively scene on the northeast battlefield.The old man looked around at the soldiers, each of them was staggering on the horse, and he really couldn't hold on anymore.

"Brothers, we are tired, and the enemy is even more tired. Whoever can persist until the end is the winner."

He waved the saber in his hand vigorously, and shouted: "Assemble, assemble!"

Baimatun has become a big battlefield, and the enemy and the enemy are fighting fiercely, not wanting to give way to each other.Now both sides have the possibility of defeating each other, it depends on who can persist until the end.

(End of this chapter)

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