Chapter 19

North of Baimatun Battlefield.Meng Kugu saw a scene that almost made him collapse.

The distance between the two sides is 800 meters.Asugang waved his hand and roared at the same time: "Turn left..."

With the continuous sounding of the passionate horns, the Red Eagle cavalry performed a difficult collective action on the battlefield that stunned both the enemy and us: they turned.

Just like the eagle soaring in the sky freely and freely, just like the river rushing freely on the earth, the red eagle cavalry on the grassland is like the wind. In the high-speed gallop, 3000 people are like a giant knight , The three thousand horses are like a giant pegasus, they move in unison, control freely, draw a beautiful arc in the field with impeccable peerless riding skills, and fly away from the flanks of the Rotten Bones Tribe.

Mengkugu and his Rottenbone tribe soldiers let out a gasp, and then felt bad.Their blocking force has no way to stop the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry. They have bypassed the blocking force with incredible speed, incredible tactics, and incredible riding skills, and like a round moon scimitar raised high, they slashed at Shang The main force is adjusting the formation.

Menggu squeezed out a wail from his throat.

Naxian's Incisor Tribe soldiers gave a loud applause.

It is very easy for a knight to turn a big corner at high speed, as long as your riding skills are superb.It is not uncommon for ten knights to turn while galloping together, as long as there are ten clever knights.It is impossible for three thousand people to make big turns flexibly and freely while running at high speed at the same time. No tribe may have so many highly skilled, bold and careful knights with tacit cooperation.Only the Red Eagle tribe can.A seemingly simple action, 3000 people, [-] knights, do not know how much sweat has been paid to complete this perfect arc.Almost the entire body of the soldiers hangs on the left side of the horse, holding the horse's neck firmly with both hands, forcing the galloping horse to tilt its body and reverse the running direction.Absolutely do not allow any fighter to make mistakes.As long as one horse loses its balance due to an excessively large tilt angle, causing the horse to fall, the ones following it will inevitably fall, and finally cause the left and right rear soldiers in a dense formation to collide and fall continuously at high speed, without the enemy's attack. , I will suffer a huge loss first.

The [-] blocking cavalry sent by Mengkugu watched the Red Eagle Cavalry cling to his right wing and left in the dust.They don't have this technology, and they can't stop the galloping horses.The helpless and helpless pain in their hearts immediately wiped out their newly raised will to fight.

The Front Ya tribe fighters led by Naxian wanted to compete for speed, time, and protect the actions of the Red Eagle cavalry, so they adopted a formation like a long snake, outflanking the enemy's right flank, and delaying the enemy's attack as much as possible. The side attack of the Red Eagle cavalry.They didn't have time to shoot, they gave up the arrow attack.And the enemy cavalry seemed to be trying their best to block the turning tail of the red eagle cavalry.They also gave up the arrow attack and launched a frantic charge.

The two teams, both of which were ready to attack, made contact in an instant.

Due to the thin formation of the Front Ya tribe, they were immediately broken through, but the soldiers behind did not hesitate and rushed forward without hesitation, resolutely blocking the holes of the guns.Never let the enemy break through the line of defense to intercept the Red Eagle cavalry.

For a moment, people turned on their backs, blood and flesh flew everywhere.The soldiers fought fiercely, and there was absolutely no one alive. Either you died or I died.

The sniper cavalry warriors of the rotten bone tribe who were covered with bones stepped on the corpses of their comrades frantically and continued to attack.But Naxian's Front Ya tribe fighters refused to give in an inch, were resolute, and without hesitation, they directly hit with their horses, blocked them with their bodies, and even jumped high on their horses, directly filling the gaps in the formation with their flesh and blood.

Facing the tragic and bloody scene in front of them, the soldiers of the Red Eagle Cavalry remained expressionless and turned a blind eye to the bloody scene before them, and continued to run wildly.At this time, the eagle head of the red eagle cavalry had passed the enemy's blocking cavalry, facing the southwest, more than 70 meters away from the Mongolian bone army.

Meng Kugu rode his horse at the forefront of the team, looking coldly at the galloping red eagle cavalry.The three thousand soldiers behind him were already moving their formation as fast as possible.The direction is exactly facing southeast.Meng Kugu didn't know why God suddenly favored him.He was almost desperate.The red eagle cavalry changed the direction of attack because of the turn.And Meng Kugu's troops just had time to adjust their formation to face the Red Eagle cavalry.

However, Mongkugu was about to suffer unbearably.

The distance between the two sides is more than 400 meters.Asogang yelled again: "Turn right..."

The passionate sound of horns suddenly covered the sound of horseshoes like rolling thunder, and resounded across the battlefield again.

The Red Eagle cavalry began to perform again.Perfect turn, perfect arc, perfect Redhawk fighter.The direction of attack was adjusted again to the due west of the enemy.

The warriors of the Mengkubone and Rotbone tribe panicked and prepared to move their formation again.Menggu stopped.There is no time left, only to fight hard.

"The central army changed to the front army and went to the front line. The front army changed to the right wing and attacked the enemy cavalry that broke through the center army. The right wing army changed to the center army and replenished the front army at any time. The left wing troops immediately withdrew and replenished to the rear army. The rear army Change to the left wing and assist the defense." Meng Kugu immediately gave an order to change formation immediately.

Although the defensiveness is greatly reduced, it is better than being caught without a fight.

The distance between the two sides is 200 meters.

"Up arrow..." Meng Kugu entered the rear formation, stood under the commander's banner, and shouted loudly.

The red eagle cavalry was still running wildly.The distance between the two sides is 160 meters.

"Let it go..." Meng Kugu roared wildly, the bullhorn blared loudly, and a cloud of black arrows roared into the sky.

Asoka casually took off the shield from the horse's belly.The Kujit shield is large and round, rustic and functional.Accompanied by the rapid blaring of horns, the sky above the Red Eagle Cavalry was blocked by a gray shield.Looking down from the sky, it looks like a moving grass in a green field, covered with dense gray mushrooms, beautiful and attractive.The black arrow rain made piercing screams, flying towards it like a beast waiting to be devoured.

"唰...唰...嗖...嗖..." The long arrow touched the strong and elastic raw cowhide, either it was bounced off, or it was inserted into the log covered under the cowhide.Some were shot into the back of the horse and nailed to the limbs of the soldiers.The speed of the Red Eagle cavalry has reached the limit of the horse.The violent panting sound of the three thousand war horses accompanied by the already deafening galloping sound of the war horses has completely drowned out the entire battlefield.

The distance between the two sides is 140 meters.

The horn soldier could only see Meng Kugu opening his mouth wide and waving his hands vigorously, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.But the horn soldiers resolutely blew the horn signal for the arrow.

The distance between the two sides is 110 meters.

The second round of arrow rain shot out.The front cavalry of the Red Eagle Cavalry was slightly damaged, but it didn't affect the speed at all.The opponent has no time to go up and send out the third round.Asugang put down his round shield, held up his saber, and shouted hoarsely, "Woo ho... woo ho..."

The soldiers of the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry saw the mouth opening and closing of the chief, and knew that at the last moment of contact with the enemy, the general uttered a roar to inspire the courage of the soldiers.They responded in unison, and the roar of 3000 people instantly covered the huge roar, as if the sky on the battlefield was about to collapse. "Woo hoo... woo hoo... woo hoo..."

The battered soldiers were horrified by the invincible aura of the Red Eagle Cavalry.Most of them never knew that the Red Eagle Cavalry was so brave, they just heard what some veterans said.Their morale was suddenly frightened by the other's roar.

The soldiers at the forefront of the skeleton formation began to panic and retreated.Mengkugu noticed the fear of the soldiers, so he hurriedly rode his horse forward, trotted in the formation, and roared loudly: "Soldiers of the Rotten Bone Tribe, muster up your courage, warriors of the Rotten Bone Tribe! For the Rotten Bones! and fight!"

"Heroes of the Rotten Bones, raise your spears, draw your knives, draw your bows, and fight for the Rotten Bones..."

The distance between the two sides is 70 meters.

The former army of the Red Eagle Cavalry suddenly raised a short crossbow.This kind of small crossbow takes a long time to load the arrow, can only be shot once when charging, and the attack distance is short, so it is not used by many tribes.Unexpectedly, it was cleverly used by the Red Eagle Cavalry.

The nightmare of the Mengkubone and Rotbone tribe has begun.Soldiers of the Rotbone Horde were mercilessly shot.They didn't expect that the Red Eagle cavalry could still shoot at such close range.Hundreds of soldiers who were caught off guard were shot by dense arrows. Amidst the wailing, the formation of the spear blocking troops in the front row was in chaos.

At this time, the red eagle cavalry swarmed up, horses leaped up one after another, swords fell from the sky, spears stabbed directly at each other, and batches of long arrows shot head-on, the bloody massacre started again .Like a broken long dike, more like a herd of enraged buffaloes, the ferocious red eagle cavalry broke through the Rottenbone tribe's defense line immediately.

The fighting power of the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry is too strong.They form a group of ten and a row of 100.The spear team assaulted in front, the sword team covered the flanks, and the crossbow team attacked behind.Soldiers cleverly use their complementary advantages, protect each other, fight the enemy bravely, and move forward indomitably.

Meng Kugu shouted at the soldiers to reorganize the defense line, and the bugle soldiers blew their support horns continuously.

The soldiers replenished from the right wing of the Menggu army blocked the head on without fear, vowing to stop the red eagle cavalry from the formation of the central army.

The withered bones and teeth are about to crack, like crazy.He personally assembled about [-] cavalry, and amidst loud shouts, charged towards the flank of the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry.The red eagle iron cavalry was hit heavily in the waist, and then Meng Kugu led the cavalry to cut into the rear of the front army.Meng Kugu swung his big knife and charged across the cross-section of the Red Eagle Cavalry, invincible.

Tie Guo led the Chinese army to kill them.He pointed his sword at the small army led by Meng Kugu, and shouted loudly: "Kill them, kill them..." Immediately hundreds of people surrounded them at the same time.

The warriors of the Rotten Bones Tribe were like meat on a cutting board, ravaged at will by hundreds of knives, spears, and arrows, and were devoured in a blink of an eye.

Meng Kugu used all his strength to kill four Red Eagle cavalry warriors in a row, and then he was pierced by a spear, his head was cut off, and even the horse was decapitated by the angry warriors.

Due to the replenishment of the Mengkugu right-wing troops and the desperate resistance of the rear soldiers, although the Red Eagle cavalry broke through the defense line of the Rottenbone tribe's central army, they have already fallen into a frantic melee.

At the cost of more than 400 people, Naxian and his front teeth warriors finally completed the task of covering the red eagle cavalry and turning to attack the main force of Mengkugu.After the last row of Red Eagle soldiers passed by Mengkebone's blocking army, Naxian ordered to blow the horn to give up the blocking, and used guerrilla tactics to entangle the Rotbone tribe, making sure that they could not return to Mengkebone's main force.

The two thousand commanders of the Mengke bones all died in the charge. Under the leadership of several centurions, they launched a crazy revenge on the stragglers of the Front Ya tribe in front of them.Soldiers from the two armies came in groups of three or four, and started a chasing battle in the open field.

The fiery red sun hung on the treetops unconsciously.The surrounding clouds are gorgeous and dazzling, and half of the sky is red.

The condor of the Red Eagle Tribe flies and circles alone in the sky above Baimatun.

The sound of killing in the wilderness of Baimatun was loud, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, as if one could feel the stickiness of fresh blood.

Hei Shanxiong had already been stabbed several times, and several long arrows were stuck in his chest and back. His whole body was already stained red with blood.He had exhausted all his strength and blood, and slowly knelt down on the ground.He tried to open his eyes and not let him close them.He saw groups of Broken Stone tribe soldiers running past him.I saw the remaining dozen or so comrades in arms being swarmed by the enemy and chopped into blood clots.He saw that Cang Ye was pierced through his chest by more than a dozen spears and nailed to a dead horse.I saw that Muleke's handsome flag was cut off by the enemy, stepped on the enemy's feet, and soaked in the blood-soaked grass.He heard someone calling him, a very familiar voice calling him.But he didn't have the strength to turn his head.He remembered that it was the old man calling him, it was Uncle Adaku Rum.He saw the blue sky.The voice gradually became farther and farther away from him, farther and farther away.

Uncle Adaku Lumu led his men to finally gnaw the last bone.They wiped out all the [-] encircled enemies.The soldiers were not only tired, but many of them could hardly even lift their knives.

A tragic victory is a complete tragic victory.Take advantage of it!It doesn't matter if it's unexpected!On such a battlefield where both sides are desperately fighting, killing one thousand enemies is not just self-defeating eight hundred.The old man's soldiers are only 400 left, all of them are wounded and covered in blood.

The old man half-kneeled on the ground, and shouted to the horn soldiers lying beside him: "Quickly, sound the rallying horn."

In just four hours, he had blown the rallying call no less than a hundred times.The soldier lay on the ground and blew the horn.Many active soldiers stood up again, mounted their horses as fast as they could, and took up their weapons.

Old Man Lang looked at the Black Mountain Bear Battlefield 150 meters away from him, and said silently in his heart: "Big Stupid Bear, you must live, I'm here to save you."

The old man raised Mulek's marshal's flag, the fiery red marshal's flag. "Kill..."

He kicked the horse's belly violently.The war horse was hurt and rushed out immediately.Four or five hundred soldiers who could barely mount their horses followed closely behind him, and led by the flying banner, they charged towards the battlefield of the Chinese army.

The enemy greeted him immediately.The two sides fought again.The soldiers on both sides have been numb from the stimulation of blood and death.Without saying a word, they bit each other like two wolves.The old man handed over the banner to the horn soldiers behind him, picked up his strong bow, and shot them continuously.While looking inside, he kept yelling, "Black Mountain Bear... Black Mountain Bear..."

But he didn't hear the familiar roars of his comrades-in-arms, and he didn't see the figures of soldiers fighting fiercely. He only saw enemy soldiers coming towards him constantly.His heart sank at the sight.The old man stopped with his hand stretched behind his back.He finished shooting the arrows in the quiver again.At this time, he saw a young Broken Stone tribe soldier smiling at him not far away.Then he felt a sharp pain in his heart.He looked down, and saw that a long black arrow had been stuck in his left chest, and the black feather on the tail of the arrow was still stained with blood.He slowly looked up at the soldier.The young man was obviously dead as he was lying on the horse's back, with seven or eight arrows shot into his back.The old man rode his horse forward slowly.Blood had flowed out, flowing down the chest.

warm blood.Soft sunset.Azure sky.

The old man suddenly felt very relaxed and calm, and felt like he was going to go with the wind.He saw the black mountain bear.The black mountain bear stood upright, kneeling on the grass, looking up at the sky.The old man knew he was dead.He slowly slid off the horse and sat beside the black mountain bear.He looked at the black mountain bear and watched silently.The old man slowly lay down on the grass.

Mulek sat down on his dead horse.The gyro array has fallen apart.In the end, it was smashed by the warriors of the Mingquan tribe with their lives and blood.The battlefield is full of soldiers from both sides fighting each other.

With disheveled hair and two knives in her hand, Jiu Ling'er slashed around Muleke with all her might.His tall and mighty demeanor, murderous aura, and invincible martial arts, not only did not frighten the soldiers of the Mingquan tribe, but provoked them to rush upward like a group of lunatics, as if not to kill. As if he would never give up.

Muleke was shot with an arrow in his leg, an arrow in his back, and a knife in his waist. He was already unable to fight.He stared blankly at the gradually quiet northwest battlefield, and his heart felt as heavy as lead.The battle over there seems to be over.The sparse war horses were still running aimlessly, and the cries of soldiers and the clashing of swords and guns had gradually faded away until they became inaudible.The only thing that stands out is that the fiery red commander's flag is still standing on the battlefield.He believed that his subordinates would definitely defeat Wu Mu Da.The battlefield on his own side has already secured victory, and all he needs is time to completely annihilate Yimiza's Mingquan tribe army.

The two sides have gone crazy, they have no reason, and it is impossible for anyone to surrender.Asogang's red eagle cavalry is invincible in the world, and no one in the Kusaite tribe is its opponent.As long as you listen to the increasingly sparse fighting sounds on the battlefield in the northeast, you will know that victory is not far away.

But so what if the outcome is decided on the Northwest battlefield?So what about such a miserable victory?Is it right to harm the interests of the Kusait Khanate in this way?
(End of this chapter)

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