Chapter 20

After losing their leader, Meng Kugu, the army of the Rotten Bones tribe was still very tenacious under the command of the three commanders, calmly coping with the fierce charge of the Red Eagle cavalry.Asoka brandished a broadsword and fought hard to kill at the forefront.It is necessary to break out of the defense of the Rotten Bone tribe's rear army, complete the interception of the entire army, and enter the stage of division and encirclement.Otherwise, if you fall into a melee and are held back by the enemy, the casualties will multiply.

"Kill..., kill..., break through the enemy's formation, break through the enemy's formation..." Asugang slashed to death an enemy soldier who was charging towards him with a spear, and roared loudly on his horse.

The commander-in-chief of the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry who was in charge of the former army saw that it was difficult for him to complete the order from Asuoka.He suddenly stood directly on the horse's back and looked around with wolf-like eyes.Then he pointed to the front left and shouted loudly: "Shoot, volley...".

The red eagle cavalry knights suddenly rushed to both sides with the sound of the horn, leaving a space of 30 meters in the frontal position.The Red Eagle Cavalry that had already concentrated on this impact surface immediately poured thousands of long arrows and crossbow bolts into this space.The soldiers of the Rotten Bones Tribe watched helplessly as they were shot into hedgehogs by the sudden rain of arrows, but they were powerless to fight back.

"Kill..." Asugang led his personal guards to pass behind the Red Eagle Iron Knights who were still holding light crossbow volleys like a gust of wind, stepped on the enemy's corpse and charged up again, and the saber teams on both sides protected in parallel, facing Like an awl, it aimed at the rear position of the Rotten Bones tribe's army and pierced down.

When the commander of the Rotten Bone Tribe commanding the rear was picked up by three spears, the defense of the Rotten Bone Tribe army finally collapsed completely.The Red Eagle Iron Cavalry successfully broke through, cutting off the [-]-strong army and splitting them into two.

The soldiers of the Red Eagle Cavalry cheered, galloped their horses, passed through the breach like a flood, and began to divide and encircle the enemy.

Tilda stood in the very center of the enemy line.This is the heart of the enemy and the starting point for division and encirclement.As long as he heard the sound of horns that had broken through the enemy's rear defense line, he would lead the assembled three hundred soldiers to attack the enemy's powerful right flank.

The right wing of Mengkubone was originally the former army of the Rottenbone Horde army.Generally, the tasks undertaken by the former army are the most arduous and difficult tasks, so the soldiers have very high tactical literacy and excellent equipment, but the casualty rate is also the highest.

Tilida's troops had already felt the pressure of the warriors of the Rotbones Horde when they attacked.The passionate sound of horns came from a distance.Tilida raised his saber high and shouted, "Strong kill...kill..."

He was the first to charge up against the spears that were densely packed with rotting bones.The guards behind him also roared like thunder: "Kill...".

The soldiers of the Red Eagle Iron Cavalry were fighting fiercely with the enemy. After suddenly receiving the support of Tilida's new force, their morale was immediately boosted, and they felt that the pressure on the opposite side "hula" collapsed.

Before Tilidar could get close to the enemy army, the Red Eagle warrior behind him had already shot arrows like rain, whizzing and flying over his head, and entered the enemy's position.Tiridar's knife cut into the enemy's body, making an unpleasant sound of cutting flesh, and blood spurted out.

A Red Eagle warrior leaped high on his horse, and the swooping horse immediately kicked an enemy who was about to kill Tilidar with his sword high off his horse.Another sharp spear stabbed Tirida from the ground like a viper.The warrior following Tilidar had sharp eyesight and quick hands, raised his hand and shot an arrow, which pierced the enemy's heart.All kinds of roars, fighting sounds, and trumpet sounds mixed together, filled the entire battlefield.

The warriors of the Front Ya tribe and the Mongolian bone blocking cavalry circled on the distant battlefield, and the fighters of the Front Ya tribe who were fighting like this were terribly miserable.Enemies twice as large as themselves are like wild wolves who are extremely hungry. They form a team of a hundred people and pursue and surround them.As long as they are in their circle, they will be brutally besieged.Soldiers of the enemy and us on the battlefield are like riding in a spring competition. They run wildly, trot, turn, and turn back. You come and go, shuttle.The tension and danger, cruelty and blood, fear and anger are beyond the reach of outsiders.

The fiery red sun sank slowly, leaving only a blood-colored sky and blood-red clouds.The sun was setting.The setting sun is like blood.

On the far horizon, between the blood-red sky, a huge army suddenly appeared.They sounded the horn.

The sound of the charging horn that resounded through the battlefield woke Baimatun from the blood.Both the enemy and us on the battlefield were stunned, and their panicked and desperate faces looked extraordinarily helpless under the reflection of the bloody sunset.At this desperate time, facing such a cavalry team with such high morale, no one can resist without any resistance.

Muellerk is expressionless and unflappable.Already like this, there is nothing to fear.Jiuling'er and the last wildling companion stood behind Mulek with two knives in their hands, their faces were horrified, and their muscles tensed.

The huge cavalry team started to move, run, and gallop, and finally it galloped, with overwhelming momentum, carrying a huge wind and thunder, like a rushing tide, rushing towards it.The huge roar of horseshoes shook the whole field, and the earth trembled.

Jiu Ling'er suddenly dropped the two sabers, raised the handsome flag planted on the ground, and shouted: "Woo ho... woo ho..."

Mulek looked up as hard as he could, and the oncoming army suddenly raised his own banner, the fiery red Grand Marshal's banner.Reinforcements finally arrived.The Black Cloud Tribe and the Wild Boar Tribe finally arrived at the last moment.

"Wooho..." The soldiers were excited. They suddenly turned from despair to ecstasy, and returned to heaven from hell. They roared out the excitement and joy in their hearts from the bottom of their hearts.

"Wooho..." The excited roar of the soldiers resounded all over the field of Baimatun, spread to every corner of the battlefield, and rushed straight into the sky.

The Mingquan tribe warriors brought by Yimiza finally collapsed.They began to flee in all directions.Mulek's soldiers suddenly had infinite strength, like wild horses that had run loose, shouting, roaring, brandishing their swords, and chasing after them.The aiding cavalry army suddenly split in two.A part charged to the southwest on the battlefield.A part rushed to the battlefield in the northeast direction.

The leader of the Wild Boar Tribe, Brown Stone, and the leader of the Black Cloud Tribe, Jun Hao, dismounted from their horses and came to meet Mulek.

Mulek was in a very good mood and waved them up. "Thank you for coming in time."

"Generalissimo, you have finished the battle. Are we still fighting?" Junhao said with a big smile.

Muleke smiled and said, "Yes. Brother Junhao, didn't your team go to the battlefield of Asugang to take credit for it?"

Junhao chuckled.

"You go." Mulek waved to Junhao.

Junhao and the two gave a gift to Muleke, and flew away on the horse.

"Jiu Ling'er, let's go see how the old man is doing?" Mulek struggled to get up, but the pain was so unbearable that he sat down again.

Jiu Ling'er also saw that the battle on the northwest battlefield was basically over before the arrival of reinforcements.A long time passed, but they did not see their coach come over to report the military situation.Jiu Ling'er also became anxious.He hurriedly made a simple stretcher with a few of Mulek's attendants with spears, and everyone carried Mulek to the northwest battlefield.

Before reaching 50 meters, a blood-stained commander had already arrived.

Muleke didn't wait for him to dismount, and asked eagerly, "Where's the old man? Where's Black Mountain Bear and Cang Ye? Why didn't they come? Are you injured?"

The commander knelt on the grass, lowered his head, and did not answer for a long time.

Mulek's heart suddenly turned cold.Immediately, he heard the sobs of the commander trying to suppress his crying.

Jiu Ling'er's tears rushed out of her eyes uncontrollably.He ran a few steps, jumped on the horse that the commander rode, and rushed to the northwest.Muleke heard Jiu Ling'er riding on the horse and burst into tears.

Junhao's team passed quickly from the northwest battlefield.The soldiers were stunned.This is no longer a battlefield, but a bloody slaughterhouse.The corpses of nearly 1 soldiers and horses were scattered on the huge grass in various postures, and there was a feeling that the end could not be seen at a glance.It's hard to see much green in the green grass, except for the densely packed corpses and reddish brown blood that has solidified.Countless spears, knives, and battle flags were either abandoned on the ground, or stuck on the bones of soldiers' horses, or still tightly held in the hands of soldiers.Thousands of war horses were scattered among them, screaming, whining, or bowing their heads in search of their former owners in the pile of corpses.Some war horses carried dead soldiers on their backs, standing alone among the corpses, as if they were still waiting for the call of their masters.Some disabled and surviving soldiers were lying in the pile of corpses, no longer interested in doing anything, not even interested in looking up at the cavalry army that was galloping past like thunder.Shocking battlefield, brutal battlefield, soul-stirring battlefield.

The leader of the wild boar tribe, Brown Stone, suddenly pulled out his horse and galloped along with his troops.While holding the long knife high, he shouted: "For the dead brother! Woohoo..."

After seeing the battlefield in front of them, the soldiers of the wild boar tribe felt depressed and sad, and the arrogance they had just now slowly disappeared.

War is too cruel.

The coach's shout attracted their attention.Junhao raised his knife again and shouted loudly: "Revenge. Woohoo..."

The soldiers roared at the same time: "Wooho..., wooho..."

The thunderous roar aroused the soldiers' hatred: revenge, revenge.

The army of the wild boar tribe led by Brownstone ran faster and faster, approaching the battlefield in the northeast like a long arrow that had left its string.The Horn sounded continuously, telling the Red Eagle Tribe to get out of the frontal battlefield quickly.

Asugang stood on the periphery of the battlefield and laughed loudly: "This wild boar, he is indispensable for everything."

Then he turned his head and said to the horn player: "Tell Tilida to lead his troops out of the battlefield, and quickly rescue the brothers of the Front Ya tribe. Hurry up!"

Tilida and his subordinates have already squeezed the right-wing troops of the Mengkugu Rotten tribe into a very narrow battlefield space, and it is only a matter of time before they are all wiped out.Hearing the support signal from the Wild Boar Tribe and the sound of his father's horn to rescue the Front Yat Tribe, Tilida cursed angrily, "What the hell, Wild Boar."

"Assemble..., regroup..." Tilida roared loudly.The bullhorn blew violently.The Red Eagle fighters on the periphery retreated one after another, and lined up under the banner of Tilida.

The soldiers of the Mengkubone Right Wing Troop of the Rotten Bones Tribe suddenly felt the pressure drop.The Red Eagle Cavalry warrior who was attacking on the opposite side suddenly retreated, and he couldn't help but feel relieved, thinking that it was his tenacious resistance that repelled the Red Eagle Cavalry.I don't know which soldier cheered first, and then led all the soldiers, and everyone cheered.

Suddenly, the cheers disappeared out of thin air, as if cut off by a knife.The soldiers heard the sound of galloping horses, and the sound pierced to the bottom of their hearts like a sharp sword.Suddenly, fear once again enveloped them.They suddenly realized that the other party launched another powerful charge with a ferocious iron cavalry.Only this time, they have no ability to resist and can only wait.The wild boar tribe's cavalry army rushed towards them like a stormy sea.

Looking at the wild boar troops rushing towards the enemy like a tide from a distance, Tilida spat fiercely, "A group of wild boars."

Tilida pinched the horse's belly forcefully, raised his knife and pointed forward, and roared fiercely: "Kill..."

The three hundred personal guards, the Red Eagle Cavalry, were like a black whirlwind blowing on the flat ground, roaring and killing towards the distant battlefield.Behind him, the charge horn of the Red Eagle Cavalry sounded violently, louder than louder.

The Battle of White Horse Mountain was completely over after the sun went down.

The 5000 men of Uncle Adaku Rum's Department, which launched the battle first, suffered the most casualties.Although Wu Mu Da's five thousand troops were wiped out, Wu Mu Da was captured.However, more than 4000 people were lost, and all three main generals were killed.

Afterwards, Muleke personally led an army of 3000 to a decisive battle with Uruzdak's 600 army of Yimiza.Although it was the first to take the lead, it fell into a bitter battle afterwards.The tribe of Yimiza Mingquan was basically wiped out, and the leader Yimiza, who was seriously injured, was captured at the same time.Mu Leke himself lost nearly [-] people, Kuanye from the Changqing tribe and Kuanma from the Huangqi tribe were killed.The [-]-strong army of Ashugang and Naxian successfully attacked the [-]-strong army of the Rotten Bones Tribe.The army of the Rotten Bones tribe was wiped out, and the leader of the Rotten Bones tribe, Meng Kuugu, was beheaded.But the Front Ya tribe first blocked it head-on, and then dealt with the superior enemy. There were only a few hundred cavalry left. In addition to the loss of the Red Eagle Cavalry, nearly [-] soldiers were killed.

Mulek won the battle of Baima Mountain.But this battle changed the wind direction of the prairie and also affected the development of history.

(End of this chapter)

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