Chapter 21

Countless large and small fires were lit on the field of Baimatun, and the fires could be seen on the road far away.

The soldiers were busy back and forth on the battlefield.The remains of the warriors on both sides had to be buried, the spoils of war had to be confiscated and counted, and the scattered horses had to be rearranged.

Mulek sat beside Imizha.

"I'm going to die." Yimiza's injuries were too serious, and the blood flowed too much, and he was already in a state of rage.Mulek looked at him painfully.

"How do you know I'm behind all this?"

Mulek smiled bitterly, and said slowly: "You are anxious to arrange the army to hide near the drowning river, but you let the hunting order spread to the mountains and ignore it. Old Hammer's clan also has wise men. They Stop and send the kill order to warn me."

"Yimizha, our friend for more than 20 years, why did you do this?" Seeing that he was silent, Mulek asked softly.

"Al Shinan, Kladerke, brothers Asugang and Asuban, and you Muleke, I will not let any of them go?" Yimiza sneered.

Mulek's face became very ugly.He looked at Imezha's distorted face in amazement,

"Have you forgotten? 22 years ago, you led an army to massacre more than [-] members of my Mingquan tribe in Broken Heart Lake. Have you forgotten? Al Shinan killed my woman and son with his own hands, have you forgotten too? ?”

Mulek froze.

"So I'm going to kill Al Heather, I'm going to kill Kladelke, I'm going to kill the two Asugang brothers, and I'm going to kill you. I'm not only going to kill you, but I'm going to torture you and make you die in pain. I'm going to make Al Shih Nan Lian's ancestors are about to be lost."

Mulek stared blankly at Yimiza, speechless.

"Do you still remember Al Shinan's attack on Padisha? It was planned by me alone. I even fell out with him on purpose. I could have killed him, but you and Kraderk and Asugang My brother rescued him. It’s good to save him, let him pay for his pain. Remember the slave who assassinated him? I chose it myself. Al Shinan cried out in pain until he died. Good job !"

"Do you know why Mengzug was able to ascend the throne of Khan? That was also planned by me. I persuaded Turage of Kusait in the north to let him support Mengzug to ascend the throne of Khan. The condition is that once the time is right, help him also sit Assuming the position of Kusait Khan. As a result, all the princelings of Maliksha in Chaikan were killed by Munchug. Happy, happy."

"Why did Mundchug force Kladelke to die? Because I told Munchug that Kladelke's women are like flowers. That murderous and bloodthirsty villain deserves his vengeance. The lustful Munchug has Turage's backing. I wanted to kill Cradelk, and he was naturally not afraid. And the Acht department was being suppressed by the Kujit department, and Turage couldn't stand it long ago. In the end, I killed four birds with one stone. What a joy. Cradleke Dead, Asuban is dead, the invincible Red Eagle Iron Cavalry was killed and only a few thousand people are left, you are forced to reverse, the Kujit department is completely in decline, and the world of Kuzait is in chaos. Happy. Do you think How did you escape? The bandit and thieves who exterminated you in the Red Stone Plain by the Drowning River were recruited by Tu Luge himself. Haha! It’s good to save your life. It will allow you to create even bigger troubles in Kusaite. In this way Munchug is even more inseparable from Turage, and it will be easier for Turage to seize the throne of Kusait Khan."

"Mengchug must die if he wants to win the Khan throne. After Munchug dies, his youngest son, Chahan, can inherit the Khan throne. This kid is still peeing his pants, what can he do? Turag Dabeck slowly assists the government , to cultivate power, after a few years, this world will still belong to the Turag family. Be happy, be happy. Al Shinan, I want you to have no descendants and no grandchildren, and your country will be completely destroyed."

"So I came up with an idea with Turage. I recruited Maliksha's eldest son, Jiazong, and persuaded him to get rid of Munchug and take back the throne that should have been his. Soon Turage came out to face the Munchug offered a plan to instigate him to send troops to destroy you. Turage sent his brother Tuluge to find you, pretending to clear up the traitors, Qingjun. Uleman from the south also came to you to join forces to kill Munchug. All these things The ultimate goal is to kill Mengzug, and then put the blame on you. If you kill you in the end, there will be no way to verify. As for Jiacong, when Turag is clearing out traitors in Chaikan, he will naturally deal with him. If everything goes wrong It ended perfectly, and the world will soon belong to Turage of the Achite tribe. Before his death, Turage’s old father dragged Turage into tears, because he failed to restore the Khanate of the Achite tribe. Haha”

Mulek sat beside him in silence, not saying a word.What can he say?He never thought that Yimiza's reason was so sufficient.How can he not avenge the murder of his wife and the clan?

"Although the plan is not perfect now, it is irrelevant to the overall situation. If you don't fight Mengzug, Mengchug will also fight you. As long as your two armies come into contact, Mengchug will die."

"And you will be attacked by at least 2 people from Uleman, the east and west of the Bolu family, and Mengkugu. Tuluge's younger brother, Tuluge, will also lead an army of [-] to surround and kill you. They all die I'm dying too. I'm tired of it."

Imezha was probably tired of talking.I stopped talking for a long time.

"Old stubborn donkey, don't you hate me?" Yimiza asked suddenly.

Mulek shook his head, held his hand, and said resolutely: "Good brother. No matter how you treat me, you are still my good brother."

Tears welled up in Imezha's eyes.Full of apology and guilt, he managed to squeeze out a smile, and said to Mulek, "Good brother..."

Imezha is dead.He left contentedly.His life is full of hatred and conspiracy, he hates himself and everything in this world.He finally got his wish.

Mulek couldn't help but burst into tears like rain, crying bitterly.

Jiu Ling'er walked in quietly and sat next to Muleke.When he knelt beside the old man and cried bitterly, Mulek sat beside him silently like this.

"It was really a happy thing for him that the Generalissimo did not tell him the truth before he died."

With his hands behind his back, Mulek looked at the stars in the sky and remained silent.

"All of this is because you unintentionally told about the Daxueshan killing order, which made me deduce that Yimiza was the mastermind behind the scenes. The reason for all of this is 22 years ago the massacre."

"The unity and prosperity of the country cannot be solved by a massacre."

Looking at Muleke's forbidding face, Jiu Ling'er didn't dare to say anything.

"In three days, Tu Luge's 1 Northern Cusaite army will enter Juxingyuan. These [-] people will be besieged by the eastern and western armies of the Uleman and Bolu families. It is also a tragic victory."

"Is that why the Grand Marshal sent Brother Karoo to the west?"

"I asked Kalu Shang to tell them that as long as I commit crimes and meritorious service, I will let the past go. If not, I will wait for the family to be exterminated. Let's see if they dare to conspire to usurp the lord next time. As long as Kalu introduces Tu Luge to Juxingyuan, Tu Luge and His [-] troops will die," Mulek said coldly.

"Did the Generalissimo send Mr. Humeng to meet Khan in secret?"

Mulek looked at him in surprise, "You are such a smart genius. You can deduce so many things by eavesdropping on our conversation. Not bad. Tell me, I think you are right?"

"The Generalissimo asked Humeng to tell Khan Mengchug his conjecture that Turage was plotting to establish a new Khan in Chaikan. The Khan was startled and ran back to Chaikan. As long as he returned to Chaikan, there would be Who dares to touch the iron cavalry guards of the Golden Family headquarters?"

Mulek shook his head with a smile, "The matter is very complicated. Munchug is a real conspirator, not a fake one. The fact that he attacked the Kujit Ministry with a letter from the emperor in the west is completely his own masterpiece. I was completely kept in the dark and didn't know about it. Yimiza was clever but was mistaken by his cleverness. The sudden decline of the Kujit Department made him lose his footing. At the beginning, Mengzug's foundation was unstable, so of course he had to rely on Turage for everything Support him. After a long time, the power cultivated by Khan himself has matured. Turage is not only useless to Mengzug, but also a stumbling block. For example, Mengkugu, such people will gather more and more in Mengzug. Under the banner of Zug. To remove this stumbling block, we have to wait for the time. As a result, Turag was impatient and plotted to usurp power, so he gave Munchug an opportunity. Munchug had written a letter in person a few days ago Here, he said that he would restore my official position, and told me a lot of his views on state affairs. At that time, I didn't know that there was such a thing as Imezha, and I thought that Munchug was playing some kind of conspiracy, so I was vague There was no clear response to Khan. It was not until after the night attack on Nasugi that you inadvertently revealed the loophole of Imezha, which made me realize that what Munchug said was true, and Turag was lying to me. 20 After many years of friendship, in the end it was nothing more than a scam." Afterwards, Mulek was very sad.

"However, after all, Khan Mengzug is not in the right place. His strength is still very weak, and it is difficult to compare with Turage. Turage's power spreads all over the northern region. Especially after Geraderk's death, he It has annexed countless small tribes, and it is really difficult to compete with them under normal circumstances. The day you mentioned the garrison in Chaikan suddenly reminded me. The Tuotu tribe in the north has a blood feud with the Achite tribe in Turag. For more than ten years There was a battle between the two tribes over the pasture. Tulage suffered a big loss and had to swallow a large piece of good pasture. The leader of the Tuotu tribe, Sebuci, was very loyal to the Khan Golden Family. Back then, he had garrisoned troops in Chaikan to protect Al Shinan Khan. As long as Dongsebu assassinated troops in Chaikan, Mengchug would be able to keep Chaikan's Khan position. Zug did whatever he wanted. So I asked Humeng to represent me and Khan to go to the Tuotu tribe to persuade Sebuci. Sebuci and Al Shinan Khan, as well as many members of the Urhunnet family in Chaikan The children of the nobles have a good relationship, so there should be no problem. However, Turage is still very powerful. In the past, there were Gerardek's Kujit Department and Turage's Achite Department to check and balance each other. Now the Achite tribe's family The dominance has obviously become the biggest force in the north. Without solid evidence, we can't do anything to Turag. We just hope that the 1 people who annihilated his brother Tuluge this time can teach him a lesson. "

Jiu Ling'er opened her mouth wide, feeling that the affairs of Kujit Kingdom were too complicated.

"The traces of Khan and Humeng must not be exposed, so tomorrow we still have to surround Khan's camp at Wild Dog Creek, and make a show for Turag who rushed to Chaikan."

"Tulage sent a few gangs of thieves to pretend to be the Mongolian Withered Bones Army to deceive me. Can I also deceive him? Turage does not want to send the Meng withered Bones Army to the Khan's camp. Khan must be dead. Mengkugu knows too much, he is also very brave and cunning, he is a warrior, in order to make a proper arrangement in the future, Turage can only trick Mengkugu to Baimatun for us to deal with."

"General Marshal, what's going on with Lord Yimiza?"

"I just wanted revenge and killed me, and I also hoped that I would kill him."

"He wiped out the commander-in-chief, who will surround and annihilate Khan's troops?"

"He can pretend to be under my banner. Isn't it just for show."

Muleke looked at the busy soldiers down the mountain, and suddenly said to Jiu Ling'er: "Don't say anything. If more people know about it, Yimiza's reputation will be ruined."

Jiu Ling'er asked strangely, "Didn't he betray the Generalissimo?"

"But he didn't betray the entire Khanate, that's enough."

Everything is exactly as Mueller said.the next day.The troops set out to surround the camp of Khan Mundchug.

Two days later, the [-] troops of the Achite tribe led by Tu Luge were defeated by Uleman of Heerbite, Boluji of the Bolidong tribe, and Boluag of the Boluxi tribe. Thousands of troops suddenly surrounded.The two sides fought for a day.The Achite tribe's army was wiped out.Tu Luge and the three young kings of the Achite tribe were beheaded by Uleman's general Shepherd Wolf.Uleman and the Bolu family cleaned up the battlefield, killing everyone around the battlefield in an attempt to completely conceal the raid.

Eight days later, news came from Chaikan.Without the permission of the Khan, Turage, the Great Burke in the north, hunted and killed the so-called "treacherous jesters" in Chaikan. Sebuci, a member of the Tuotu tribe, suddenly led an army to Macabu and surrounded Chaikan by surprise. Ge was dismissed from the post of Big Burke in the north by Khan Mengchug, and sent Khan's personal guards to escort him back to his original place.

Munchug announced a new candidate for Big Burke: the position of Big Burke in the middle will return to Mulek of Hongshiyuan, the headquarters of the Bolu family.Sebuci of the Tuotu tribe was exceptionally promoted by Khan Mengzug and appointed as the Great Burke of Kusait in the north.In the south, Berke Uleman of Kusset failed to suppress the bandits, and ordered him to immediately send the protons to the king's court, Chaikan, to act as a repayment.

Nasuge, the former leader of the Big Burke and Langya tribes in the central region, Wumuda, the leader of the Broken Stone tribe in the south, and Mengkugu, the leader of the Rotten Bones tribe in the north, conspired to rebel. The Sanbu and Mingquan tribes were wiped out.

Yimiza, the leader of the Mingquan tribe, died in battle. In recognition of Yimiza's outstanding contribution, Mengzug asked Maliksha's son Jiacong to drive a large number of cattle, sheep and goods to Broken Heart Lake to compensate Yimiza on behalf of the Khanate. Mingquan tribe.

A huge crisis in the Kusaite country was eliminated invisible under Mulek's careful planning.

(End of this chapter)

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