Chapter 22

Callard 1083, Autumn.

Muleke's army withdrew to the original pasture of the Bolu headquarters on the Drowning River, Hongshiyuan.Here, six years ago, Munchug gave it and all the tribal goods to Nasugi.Now, it has returned to its original owner and returned to Mulek's hands.

Mulek executed Wu Muda.He rewarded all the pastures and properties of the Duanshi tribe in Wumuda, as well as the men, women, old and children of the tribe, to the tribes who fought with him and the tribes who helped and supported him.In order to compensate Mulek, Munchug rewarded Mulek with everything of the Rotten Bones tribe in the north.

The Rotbone Tribe's pasture is next to the Tuotu Tribe's pasture.Sebu thorn wants to get it very much.He sent his son Sebukui and the tribe's young king Sebuwei to the Red Stone Plains, and asked Mulek to buy everything in the Rotten Bones tribe with generous conditions.

Mulek nodded immediately without saying a word.But the Tuotu tribe made an even more tempting side request: to exchange fifty war horses for the families of Nasugi and Wumuda.

Mulek immediately remembered that this was all the fault of Nasui and Wu Muda, but now his family has been implicated.A few years ago, Nasuge led his troops to quell the rebellion of the Heiyun tribe.After the great victory, Nasugei and Wu Muda massacred the whole tribe of the little king "Wahuanshi" of the Heiyun tribe.Wa Huanshi's elder sister was Sebutri's mother.At that time, Sebuci was just the leader of a larger tribe, and the official was not as big as Nasu, and the power was not as strong as Nasu, and the Heiyun tribe rebelled again, so they had to swallow their anger and keep silent.Now the world is turned upside down.Nasu became a traitor to Wu Muda, and Sebuca became the big Berk of Kuset in the north. Naturally, this old score must be settled.

Sebukui pleaded: "This is what my grandma wanted. Please, sir, grant her a little wish."

Mueller, of course, agreed.The Kusaites do not have a deep cultural education, and it is common for father and son to fight each other with swords drawn.But he respects his mother very much, and no one dares to disobey her.If you treat your mother badly, you will be cast aside by all Kusaites.

Mulek did not do anything to the families of Nasugi and Umda.Before Yimiza died, he revealed the specific situation of the Redstone Tribe being exterminated. Mulek rewarded all the belongings and slaves of the Langya Tribe, but left Nasuge's family behind, and let them and Wumu answer the question. family living together.

Asugang of the Red Eagle Tribe once wanted to make Nasugi's family members slaves, but was stopped by Mu Leke.

He only asked Asugang a word, and Asugang shook his head and left.Mulek asked Asukon, "Do you hate Nasoogi, or Nasoogi's family?"

Jiu Linger adores Mulek.He saw Mulek's every move, every word and deed, and remembered it in his heart.He felt that the reason why Muleke was able to win the respect of all the Kusaites was inseparable from his own charisma.He is wholeheartedly for the country of Kusait, for the people of the country of Kusait.As long as it is beneficial to the country of Kusait, he will spare no effort to do it well.He's also a kind, emotional man.For the sake of his friends, he can also sacrifice his principles.

Since the Battle of Baimatun, Jiu Ling'er had one more thing every night.According to Mulek's instructions, he shuttled around the various military camps to visit the soldiers, junior officers, and generals who participated in the White Horse War, and listened to them explain every detail of what happened on the battlefield.He recorded all this with a strange text.During the day, apart from recuperating from injuries, the officers and soldiers who are more familiar with the tribes are talking nonsense.This situation was maintained until the tribes bid farewell to Mulek and withdrew from the camp at Dingo Creek.

After Jiu Ling'er followed Mu Leke back to the Red Stone Field near Fort Hakun, she began to sort out the entire Battle of Baimatun.Jiu Ling'er suddenly discovered that this battle basically included everything about cavalry warfare.From strategy to tactics, from offense to defense, from formation to formation, from counterattack to raid, from general to turns out that this is a classic cavalry battle.Jiu Ling'er's understanding of cavalry combat immediately rose to a whole new level.With Mulek's guidance and practice, coupled with the summary and understanding of the White Horse Battle this time, Jiu Ling'er has her own ideas about the beginning of the war.

Mulek spent four nights carefully listening to Jiu Ling'er's lectures, and then made a lot of revisions to Jiu Ling'er's battle summary, combined with his more than 20 years of actual combat experience.He talked eloquently, and Jiu Linger buried her head in memorization.Then read it to Mulek, word for word.

Muleke reached out and took the cowhide on which Jiuling'er wrote, and was dumbfounded.What the hell, rows of strangely shaped symbols.

"What word is this?" Mulek asked in surprise, "Kalad's text is not written like this."

Jiu Ling'er was also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, "Really?"

"The first few curved ones look a little like that, but not all of them. All the other square ones are not Callad characters at all."

"You spoke so fast that I didn't have time to write. In a hurry, I couldn't help but write it out. But I know it. What's going on?"

Mulek shook his head, "It should be the language of the country you were in when you were a child, and you wrote it naturally. It would be nice to have one more skill. It's useless to think about it, so let it be."

Jiu Ling'er thinks about it too, let him go, don't care.

"After sorting it out, what words should I use to transcribe it?"

"Kuset doesn't have any characters, so we have to use Karad characters." Mulek said with a smile.

"But I've finished transcribing it. What if you don't know many words?"

Mulek frowned slightly, and said slowly: "I really want to leave something for future generations, so I thought of sorting out the ins and outs of the Baimatun battle, which can be regarded as a beginning. You must work hard. How about it, I don't have time to teach you myself. Tomorrow I'll call a Qusset who can write the Callad script to help you for a few days."

On the second day, a very old man named Cusette walked into Jiuling'er's camp.The old man was called Bo Luyou, and he fought with the Cusaite army against the Karad Empire in his early years, and was captured by the Karad Empire.Later, he stayed in the Great Karad Empire for more than ten years and learned the characters and language of Karad.After Al Shinan Khan defeated the Eastern Corps of the Karad Empire, the two sides exchanged prisoners, and the old man was able to return to his hometown.Mulek kept him by his side.Only recently moved back from Wild Wolf Valley with the left behind troops.

Boluyou is very talkative. While teaching Jiulinger how to read and write Karadic, he also told Jiulinger about the customs and customs of the Karadic Empire.Jiu Ling'er was fascinated by what he heard, and he suddenly had a strong idea of ​​going to Karad.

With the help of this kind and enthusiastic old man, Jiu Ling'er's speed of organizing and transcribing became even slower.

Jiu Ling'er was very annoyed, and said that you should write it to me.Bo Luyou was not polite, he just raised his pen and wrote.After finishing writing, she proudly asked Jiu Linger to read it.Jiu Ling'er saw some familiar words, but she didn't recognize them at all.shocked
Bo Luyou looked amused, how could the Generalissimo entrust this matter to you, it's just playing the piano randomly.So he began to explain word by word, which made Jiu Ling'er's head ache.But he still learned word by word slowly.

One morning, outside the tent, he practiced fighting with some of Mulek's attendants, and the two sides fought very fiercely.Suddenly, a sudden sound of horseshoes startled them.Jiu Ling'er and several attendants stopped fighting, turned around and looked into the distance.A group of seven or eight big men of Kusaite surrounded a man riding a white horse, wearing a high crown and covering his veil, and the man in white clothes like snow rolled towards the camp like the wind.

"It's from Padishah." An attendant immediately recognized them from the clothes they were wearing.

Although Jiu Ling'er has been in Kusaite for more than seven months, he has no way of identifying the people of the various tribes in Kusaite. In his opinion, the Kusaite people all have shaved hair, big beards, and wear all kinds of leather or Wenxiu's rough cloth clothes are similar in appearance.

All eyes were on the man in white.In Jiu Ling'er's memory, it was the first time he saw this dress in Cusette.

"Who is that?" Jiu Ling'er asked casually.

"The people of Padisha. The country of Padisha is in the southeast of the country of Kusait, and it is a very distant country."

A group of people soon arrived at the gate of the big camp, and drove straight to Muleke's big tent.

The man in white was clearly visible.The white horse under this person is very tall and vigorous, with a wide body and round arms, and a mane as white and soft as snow.Such a BMW is really rare.Jiu Ling'er's eyes were immediately attracted firmly.The man on horseback was dressed in white silk clothes and a white cloak, fluttering in the wind, elegant and unrestrained.There is a high crown made of bamboo strips on it, and two feet of white gauze is covered under it, and its face is faintly visible, which looks very mysterious.

Watching them walk into Mulek's big tent, several people looked away.

"A good horse. Fly without wings, win without a sword." Jiu Ling'er sincerely praised, "It's really a peerless BMW."

"Brother Jiuling'er has vision. That is the Aserai BMW. It has infinite stamina and endurance, and it is also a riding horse suitable for long-distance running. Even its jumping is better than the wild horses on our Mustang Plain."

A guard immediately concluded, "The horses on our Kussett Mustang Field are also the best in the world."

A few people immediately started arguing with each other.

Muleke was rarely free today, so he made an appointment with Jiulinger to come to the big tent in the afternoon to revise the records of the Battle of Baimatun that he had recently compiled and transcribed.Jiu Ling'er was also going to bring the one written by herself and the one written by Bo Luyou, and she was going to let Mu Leke choose by herself.

Jiu Ling'er approached Mulek's large tent, and saw Padishah and his party who came flying in the morning were still standing outside the tent and chatting.The man in white was not there, probably still in the big tent.Seeing him, the big Kujit guards immediately showed surprise on their faces and were very alert, and then no one spoke.

Jiu Ling'er walked into the big tent, and saw a person kneeling in the center of the big tent, the Padishah man he saw from a distance in the morning.Mulek was sitting on the animal skin mattress on one side of the big tent, looking at something on a huge map.It was a map made of cowhide.

When Muleke saw Jiu Linger walk in, he quickly waved to him, signaling him to sit beside him.Jiu Ling'er quickly walked around the man, and suddenly smelled a faint fragrance in her nose.He secretly looked sideways at the person kneeling on the ground, unexpectedly, the person kneeling on the ground just looked up at him.The two made eye contact.Jiu Ling'er's heart suddenly started beating violently, and in an instant, she felt a strong sense of suffocation.He couldn't help but took a quick breath.A beautiful face just reflected in my heart.He seemed to be afraid that people would see that he was flustered, so he quickly walked to Mulek and sat down.Taking the opportunity of putting down a pile of cowhide, he tried his best to calm down his emotions.Although I was still thinking about that beautiful face of Yi Chen Yi Xi in my mind, I was no longer as nervous as before.
"Lulu, this is the Jiuling'er I told you just now." Mulek said to the girl kneeling on the ground with a pleasant smile.

"Nine Bells." Mulek shouted.Jiu Ling'er quickly raised her head.

Muleke pointed to Binglu and said to him, "This is Yimiza's youngest daughter, named Binglu."

Jiuling'er followed Muleke's hand and looked at Binglu.The sneaky hold just now had already sent Jiu Ling'er out of her wits, but now she can boldly look over it justifiably, and immediately gave Jiu Ling'er an incomparably astonishing feeling.

Binglu on the opposite side knelt down on the ground and saluted Jiu Ling'er very politely.Jiu Ling'er is already well-known in Kusaite.First, he escorted Chagul all the way to avoid hunting and escaped successfully.On Ma Zhuang Slope, he picked and killed Nabuci, the famous warrior of Kusaite.The most commendable thing is to take advantage of the night to harass Nasu to the camp, creating an excellent opportunity for Mulek to attack.Mulek protected him like his own son, and this has spread throughout Kusait.

Jiu Ling'er hurriedly returned the gift, her face blushing from embarrassment.

"I have something to discuss with Jiu Ling'er, do you want to go home first?"

"No. If my uncle doesn't agree, I just won't get up." Binglu said resolutely.

Mulek seemed to dote on her very much, he shook his head helplessly and said, "You know, I have agreed to Sebuja's mother's request, how do you ask me to go back on my word?"

"I don't care, I must save their family."

Jiu Ling'er next to him immediately understood.It must be Sebukui who went to fetch people, and the Mingquan tribe knew about it.Yimiza and Wumu are sister-in-law.Yimiza's family knew about it, so naturally they couldn't do nothing.

Mulek laughed: "Lulu, don't mess around. Sebuja's mother may not necessarily kill them. I will talk to Sebuja Big Burke later, and try to save their lives. You Go back to your uncle's house first."

"No. I want my uncle to find a way, and I want them to stay here." Binglu stubbornly knelt on the ground and refused to get up.

Looking at that shattered face and those big watery eyes, Jiu Ling'er felt as if she was admiring a picture of a lady, fascinated.

Suddenly he was surprised to find that this girl was different from all the Kusaites.She has blue eyes and long jet-black hair like a waterfall.A long-lost familiar feeling suddenly came to my heart.His heart beat violently again, and he tried his best to extend his thinking to the depths of his brain, looking for traces of his past.He tried hard to think, he wished he could turn his thinking into a sharp knife to pry open his memory.Jiu Ling'er's ears suddenly lost all sound, all life, only her own consciousness was left to roam freely in her mind.A pair of long black hair quickly appeared in his mind, with his back facing him, standing on a high tower, and quickly turned into a ball of raging fire.

(End of this chapter)

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