Chapter 23

"Nine Bells..."

Muleke's voice suddenly awakened Jiuling'er from her confusion.Jiu Ling'er's heart was cold, and it seemed that there was still a shadow of what had just appeared in her mind.What kind of shadow is it?Jiu Ling'er couldn't remember.

Jiu Ling'er read the article she had written as Mulek ordered.He was engrossed in reading aloud, and he had already forgotten Binglu and Mulek, and there were only residual memories that flashed from time to time in his remembered that it was an incomparably huge fire burning on the tall city tower, and then an endless city wall, which was entrenched on the high mountains and winding for thousands of kilometers, and then turned into an endless desert!Takamatsu Snow Mountain.

"Have you finished reading?" Mulek's voice sounded in his ear again.

Jiu Ling'er was startled, and his mind instantly went blank. He tried his best to regain the lost things in his mind, but he couldn't at all.Jiu Ling'er became extremely depressed.

"Jiu Ling'er, you seem to be out of your mind, what's the matter?"

"Just now I remembered some inexplicable things, but I just couldn't grasp them. Forget it, let him go."

Mulek didn't take it seriously when he heard the old man talk about his weird problems.The two discussed heatedly again.Sometimes Mullerke said, Nine Bells.Sometimes it was Jiu Ling'er who retorted, while Mu Leke was in deep thought.When it was getting dark, the two ended.

"Write a copy according to your article, and I will ask Boluyou to copy it again. Boluyou has been in the Karad Empire for too long, and his mind is a little bit out of order. Write according to his method, how many people in Cusette will listen to it?" I understand. The Kusaites do not have a unified language, and there is no school to send talents, which directly restricts the development of the Kusat Khanate. I must change this situation."

Jiu Ling'er didn't listen to what Muleke was saying, his eyes were attracted by the map in front of him.He saw that Mulek had drawn many arrows on the map, all pointing to a large red circle, which was particularly eye-catching on the black leather.He saw that in the circle it was written: Danustika.It was a well-known strategic location within the Karad Empire.

When Bo Luyou introduced the Karad Empire to Jiu Ling'er, he repeatedly emphasized the importance of the famous fortress of Danustika.

Mulek has a good understanding of the Karad Empire. He can not only write and speak Karad, but also knows the surrounding countries of Kusait like the back of his hand.

Jiu Ling'er knew that Mulek had always had a wish, that he wanted to inherit the behest of Urhun and Al Shinan Khan, continue to lead the Kusat army to conquer and expand a large territory for the Kusat Khanate.In particular, the southeast of the Karad Empire is very rich, which is the place that Mulek has been infatuated with for a long time.

Jiu Ling'er didn't expect Muleke to immediately start his own ambitious plan of aggression when he had just stabilized in Kusat Khan's country.The Kusait Khanate is eyeing the Karad Empire covetously, as if war is about to break out.

Mulek immediately noticed Jiu Linger's gaffe.He picked up another cowhide map, pretending to be very casual, and covered it casually.

Jiu Ling'er looked away.He didn't look at Mulek, but kept his head down, promised, packed up the pile of cowhide scrolls scattered in front of him, gave a gift with some serious thoughts, and then rushed out of the big tent quickly , seems to have forgotten that there is a charming beauty in the big tent.

Jiu Ling'er's mind was filled with that big red circle.Mulek has already started planning to attack the Karad Empire.With the current strength of the Kusait Khanate and Mulek's wisdom, it is not difficult to plunder countless treasures and slaves even if the pass castle cannot be conquered.

Muleke watched Jiu Ling'er's tall body hurried out of the big tent, and slowly looked away.He removed the covered map and looked at the big red circle silently for a long time.He suddenly felt that Jiuling'er had already regarded the powerful empire to the west as the mother country he yearned for day and night, and he couldn't keep Jiuling'er anymore.With his strong character, he will definitely go to the Karad Empire.He is leaving himself.Mulek felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Jiu Ling'er returned to her small tent and started the final editing and transcribing work.Day and night, he kept copying.

Three days later, Jiu Ling'er finally walked out of her tent.He stood on the open grassland and looked up at the sky.The moon in the sky is big and round, hanging in the dark night sky.Countless stars around it silently accompany it.It's like children accompanying their mother, which is extraordinarily peaceful and warm.

Jiu Ling'er couldn't control her emotions anymore, tears flowed out suddenly.He crazily misses his relatives and his mother.Although he can't remember the voice and smile of his parents, he believes that he will find them and find everything that belongs to him.

Jiu Ling'er suddenly seemed to go crazy, and ran towards Mu Leke's big tent.Mueller didn't rest.He was still in the big tent, sitting alone in the center of the map, looking at the big red circle and thinking.He watched Jiu Ling'er rush in straight and knelt in front of him with tears in his eyes.Mulek's heart ached.He slowly put down the candlestick in his hand, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, just like a kind father.

Jiu Ling'er didn't know how to speak, he just looked at Mulek foolishly, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"If you keep going to the place where the sun sets, you can reach the country that is very similar to when you were a child."

Jiu Ling'er's nose was sore, and she burst into tears. He had been exiled since childhood, wandering all the way, no news of his relatives.Now all the companions who came from the snow-capped mountains died in battle with Uncle Adaku Lumu on the Baimatun battlefield. Mu Leke is his closest relative, but now he has to leave this closest relative
Muleke lovingly helped Jiu Ling'er wipe away her tears, her eyes turned red, and tears filled her entire eye sockets.Over the past few months, they have lived and died together, shared weal and woe, and have established a deep relationship without knowing it.Now that the breakup is imminent, I suddenly feel that I am so hard to let go of Jiu Ling'er.

Muleke stretched out his hand to hug Jiuling'er into his arms, and patted his shoulder vigorously, tears finally fell down.

When she got up in the morning, Jiu Ling'er neatly stacked the manuscripts on the small table, went out to ride the BMW rewarded by Mulek, with the old man's war bow on her back, and a pair of knives hanging from her back.One last glance at Mulek's big tent, he left in a hurry.

Baimatun is already in sight.He is going to Baimatun to say goodbye to his companion and the old man.Without them, Jiu Ling'er would not be where he is today.If it wasn't for the old man, he would never have thought that he could go to Karad to find everything that was lost in his heart.

But Jiu Ling'er went in the wrong direction and turned eastward and westward into the Gobi desert, Jiu Ling'er was very annoyed.

Then he saw a big man of Kusaite died on the grassland.There was nothing.Vendettas on the grassland are as frequent as eating, and it's no big deal.But after he walked over, he suddenly remembered that this big man of Kuset was actually Binglu's entourage.When he met Mu Leke's big tent, the man unconsciously put his hand on the handle of the knife.Binglu's beautiful face, blue eyes, long black hair, and white clothes like snow suddenly appeared in Jiu Ling'er's mind.

Jiu Ling'er hurriedly turned the horse around, dismounted and looked around for signs.He touched the dead Kusaite soldier, the body was not completely stiff, and it should not have been long since he was killed.He stood there and hesitated for a while, should he chase after him or not?Thinking of the scene where Muleke was holding Yimiza's hand and crying bitterly, Jiuling'er couldn't bear it any longer, flew on the horse, and chased northward like an arrow.Binglu is Imizha's daughter, also Mulek's relative.There must be no accidents for her, and Mulek will not be hurt again.

After about 500 meters, he found two more Cusaite soldiers hacked to death on the ground again.Jiu Ling'er didn't stop her horse and galloped past.Along the way, he found eight people hacked to death in a row, which meant that Binglu had no more guards around him.He was already a little anxious.Jiu Ling'er galloped anxiously, he was so worried and scared.The thunderous sound of horseshoes echoed far, far away in the open field.

Jiu Ling'er finally saw the looming crowd in the distance.With a roar, he kicked the horse's belly fiercely, the BMW suffered pain, neighed loudly, accelerated again, and one man and one horse rushed up at an almost crazy speed.

The group of people seemed to be aware of it, and their speed gradually slowed down.

Jiu Ling'er was getting closer and closer to them, and she could already see a large group of people in front of them, including adults and children, many women, twenty or thirty strong men, and four large carriages.But Jiu Ling'er recognized Binglu's Aserai peerless BMW at a glance.

The Aserai peerless BMW was being ridden by a young Kusaite, looking back in his direction.Jiu Ling'er's heart suddenly tightened.Isn't something wrong with Binglu?
The distance between the two sides is getting closer.But the other party obviously didn't care about what danger a person could cause.Several burly men on the periphery drew their bows cautiously, pointing at Jiu Ling'er who was getting closer.

Jiu Ling'er slowed down slowly and quickly approached the convoy.

A big man shouted: "Who is here?" Another big man waved his hand and released an arrow. The long arrow flew past Jiu Ling'er's scalp, showing extraordinary shooting skills.This is clearly a warning.

Jiu Ling'er turned a deaf ear to her and continued to come at a gallop.The other three big men didn't hesitate anymore and shot three arrows at the same time.Just as the arrow was about to approach, Jiu Ling'er suddenly disappeared from the saddle like a squirrel.Three arrows whizzed past.Jiu Ling'er flashed out from under the horse's belly again in a blink of an eye, sat on the saddle, and still urged the horse to gallop.

The big guys were shocked, and they were about to shoot again, but were stopped by the young man behind him, "He didn't fight back, so there shouldn't be any malice. This guy is very good at riding, very good. Let him get closer."

"Little Wang. Nine out of ten times that guy is a nasty thief."

"Never mind. I reckon he's a nice horse. Kill him later while I'm talking to him."

Jiu Ling'er arrived in a blink of an eye, and reined in the BMW.BMW raised its front legs high, neighed again and again, and stopped abruptly.

The young man drove his horse forward and said loudly: "Brother's riding skills are so good. Seeing that you are not from Kusaite, you are galloping on the land of Kusaite like this, are you looking for death? "

Jiu Ling'er ignored him, her eyes were looking around, looking for ice dew.

"Which thieves team is brother? What's the matter?" Xiao Wang made a gesture behind his back while speaking.

A little boy standing on the carriage suddenly yelled: "Be careful...

At the same time, the big man who just shot the first arrow at Jiu Ling'er hid behind Xiao Wang, and shot another arrow silently.

Jiu Ling'er had already prepared herself.He could tell at a glance that the big man hiding behind the young man on the opposite side might want to surprise him.

With a loud roar, Jiu Ling'er stretched out her hand sideways, held up a delicate small ax, and chopped down the space where the arrow came from.There was only a crisp sound, and the whistling long arrow was chopped off by Jiu Ling'er with something.The people on the other side were dumbfounded.Is there a way to escape at such a close distance?

Jiu Ling'er smiled slightly at the little boy, and then said loudly, "Is the little girl of Mingquan Tribe Yimiza here?"

The expression of the person on the opposite side immediately tightened, apparently taken aback, but then he smiled coldly and said, "Dog thief, don't worry too much, if you don't want to die, get out as soon as possible."

Jiu Ling'er looked at the little boy standing on the carriage.The little boy pointed his head at the big car in front of him, and then blinked.Jiu Ling'er immediately let go of the heart hanging in her throat.

Jiu Ling'er suddenly yelled again with all her strength: "Where is Yimi Zanayan's little girl, Binglu?"

Xiao Wang on the opposite side didn't expect Jiu Ling'er's voice to be so loud, and subconsciously prepared to back away.

Jiu Ling'er was waiting for this moment.With great speed, he aimed at the young Xiao Wang and instantly threw the hatchet.But seeing a flash of cold light, the distance of a few meters was reached in an instant.

Xiao Wang only heard a "poof", and then felt a sharp pain. When he looked down, he saw a sharp small ax stuck in his heart.He let out a heart-piercing scream and fell under the horse.

While the opponent's men were still in a daze, Jiu Ling'er kicked the horse's belly fiercely, drew out the long knife and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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