Chapter 31

The army organization of the empire is very simple:
According to regulations, 100 people are a small team, with a small team leader (generally a centurion).

Three teams of 300 people form a squadron, with a squadron leader (promoted from the chief centurion).

The two squadrons consist of 600 people, with a team leader (promoted from the chief squadron leader).

Two brigades with 1200 people form a wing, with a wing leader (promoted from the chief team leader).

Above the leader of the alliance, a commander of the alliance is set up to control the alliance (promoted from the chief alliance leader).

He has been a member of the imperial bureaucracy since the wing commander. Although he is the lowest military officer in the official establishment of the empire, he must be officially registered in the imperial records.This is also the highest position that civilian soldiers can normally obtain, because this has been crowned with the title of "Commander of So-and-so Regiment".Wing commanders and above are allowed to recruit personal guards (these personal guards can receive official salaries, of course, privately recruited personal entourages will not be paid by the imperial treasury).The position of regiment commander has been established for a long time, and each battalion of the leading general and the overseer has a regiment commander.The wing commander generally assists the chief general to lead the troops. If there is no chief general in the barracks, the wing commander will lead the army.The wing commander is a low-level but relatively important official position in the army, and many famous generals have served as wing commanders.

(Of course, these are only standard establishments. In actual situations, the entire army plus medical craftsmen, blacksmiths, cooks, and clerical support staff, etc., will have a much larger number, and according to the needs of war and financial constraints in various places, the number of establishments may be more or less less common).

The ranks of senior military officers of the empire are divided into two levels: general and warlord.Since the general is not permanent, it is only called the commander-in-chief when there is a war, or it is used as a rewarding title.So conventionally, the highest official position that a general military officer can obtain is General Ting Lang.General Ting Lang was originally only a senior military officer in charge of commanding the emperor's imperial guards, but the emperors of all dynasties often sent trusted court officials to lead the army to fight, and the title of General Ting Lang was widely given to military officers, not limited to commanders of the imperial guards, etc. The position has become a class roughly between the general and the warlord.

(Generally, those who are more capable in a certain position will be crowned with the title of Chief XXX as an observation and assessment period for promotion. When promotion is hopeless, the title of Chief is also generally awarded as a reward. For example, Chief Centurion can be understood as First Centurion or Chief of Centurions.)
Sikanis is the overseer of Coriniasai. He has two regiments under his jurisdiction, but only three brigades with 1800 troops.Therefore, the salaries of the soldiers under Sikanes are very generous.But Sikanis is suffering!The country's finances are tight, and there have been few wars on the eastern border in recent years, and all localities are tightening their spending.Therefore, the first thing to bear the brunt is to streamline some border fortresses that have not been fought for a long time.The southern Aserai raiders head north from time to time, and they can't grow food.Needless to say, the Badanians in the northwest are old rebels, and their daily rebellion is like eating.So, money!Let me borrow it first, and then return it to you when the country is stable.

The border guards everywhere are furious. How can you be so chic and happy without us guarding the border?money!money!money!The money is in the private estates of nobles and bureaucrats everywhere, and in the warehouses of wealthy businessmen.If you don't dare to touch them, come and harm us, right?So it's very lively to come up with unique tricks.

However, it is difficult for the border guards to fight against the whole country, so the city guards, border fortresses, and even the palace guards all over the country generally reported false numbers and paid for nothing. One eye, if you can get through it, just get through it.

Sikanis stood on the main city wall, looking at the camp of the Kuman coalition army in the distance, with a solemn face.Behind him stood two officers in armor.The tall, black and thin middle-aged man on the left is called Julius Wuangi, and the tall and burly middle-aged man on the right is called Julius Chi Aitin.They are the joint commanders of the Corinian Serbian Army, and they are all from the Julios family.

Sikanis dropped two brigades of 1200 soldiers on the frontal battlefield of the outermost main city wall, prepared all the defense equipment, and prepared to fight the enemy to the end.A squadron of 300 fighters was arranged on the auxiliary walls of the two wings respectively, as backup and auxiliary defense.He himself only left 2 centurions and his personal guards, a total of 300 people as a reserve force, and the rest of the grooms and civilians stayed behind the main castle building and the third city wall on the second city wall.The soldiers in his hands are limited, facing the attack of the enemy's [-] troops, he also feels stretched and there is nothing to cook.

Both Wuangji and Chi Aiting were battle-tested veterans. They silently followed behind Sikanis, looking at the endless camp of the Hu Nationality coalition army on the grassland in the distance, feeling heavy in their hearts.Kuaiqi had already set off yesterday, and once again sent a request for help to Silonia and Onila.Sikanis was clear in his heart that with the current team, it would not be a problem to last for ten and a half months, but it would be hard to say how long it would take.If the reinforcements from the two places could not arrive within half a month, there was still a very high possibility that Coriniasai would fall.

"My lord, all the logistics and supply troops of the Uwaites and the Kusaites have arrived in the morning. There are about several thousand people, escorting a large amount of fodder and stationed behind the barbarian camp. The barbarians are determined this time. It depends on the situation. Immortal." Wuangji frowned slightly and said softly.

"These barbarians haven't launched such a large-scale invasion for several years. It's probably itchy and needs to be scratched." Chi Aiting said bitterly.

"Are there any cavalry for the thousands of people who came with the supply troops?" After observing the city wall for a while in the morning, Sikanis went to the main castle tower because of the busy work, and did not see the enemy's logistics supply troops rushing to Corenia. stuffed.He asked a little worriedly.

"Return to Lord Overseer, but we haven't found it yet. We can only see from a distance. They are all ox carts and horse carts. They are probably old and young in the barbarian tribe."

Sikanis turned around, looked at them, and said solemnly: "This time these barbarians came prepared and aggressive, and their initial attack momentum will be extremely violent. You must solemnly tell the soldiers that you must resolutely stand up at any cost." Hold back the attacking momentum of the barbarians, and hit the arrogance of these barbarians hard. See if the barbarians' swords and spears are sharp, or our copper walls and iron walls are more powerful."

Since the morning, Jiu Ling'er has seen many soldiers from Kusaite running to Keshan to look left and right, and then gathered together to point at the Guanshan Tower, discussing something for some reason.In the morning, the Kusait soldiers began digging and bagging the soil beyond the range of the long arrows of the Karad soldiers, and then the bags of yards were nearby.Jiu Ling'er felt that something was wrong, and immediately called for the centurion captain.

Hua Ma's legs lay on the wall, looked at it for a while, and asked Jiu Ling'er: "Black Axe, what's wrong?"

Hua Ma is not tall, but very strong, even stronger than Jiu Ling'er, with a bearded face.Jiu Ling'er looked at him and expressed the doubt in her heart.

"What can the Kusaites use earth bags for? It is nothing more than to fill in some place. The main city wall is 12 meters high. Even if the Kusaites spent a month digging and bagging soil, they could not fill that height. The auxiliary wall on our side Although the height is no more than seven meters, but it is built on the mountain, and the mountain is extremely steep and steep, can those Kumans still fly?" Huama Leg glanced casually.

"If the enemy builds a platform with soil bags from the middle of the mountain and sticks to the base of the city wall, they will have a place to place ladders, and they can use ladders to attack us." Jiu Ling'er was not reconciled.

Without even thinking about it, the flowery horse said with a smile: "Don't think about it, lunatics would think of attacking the city wall from the mountain. The terrain on the mountain is sloped, not only is it impossible to stand, it is also very difficult to replenish soldiers and equipment. Don't think that they barbarians are all idiots." , They are very smart. Even if there is a place where they can set up a ladder, how many people will they have to invest to attack? Impossible."

"But we only have 284 people, and they are distributed on the 110-meter-long city wall. Not only are the troops scattered, it is difficult to carry out effective blocking, but once the enemy breaks through, it will be a disaster for the soldiers defending the main city wall." Nine Ling'er felt that his idea was reasonable, and he tried his best to convince the fluffy legs.

"There's no one left, do you know? There's no one left." The horse leg also knows that there must be a report of any abnormal situation, but what is the purpose of the report?It is nothing more than wanting people.

Seeing Jiu Ling'er's ugly face, Huama Leg comforted him and said, "I'll go report, that's fine. You stay here and keep watching." After speaking, he ran along the city wall to the top of the mountain.

Guanshan Tower is on the top of this hill.Squadron leader Zhi Ouhaus took it very seriously, and ran down with the two of them.Zhi Ohaus is a tall and strong man with a beard on his face.After listening to Jiu Ling'er's explanation, he looked at the figures of the enemy soldiers busy on the mountain, holding his beard tightly with his big hands, thought for a long time, and said two words fiercely: "Look again."

At noon, the captain of the regiment, Ulphie, came over with his entourage.Zhi Ohaus hurried up to greet him, and by the way told about his discovery in the morning.Ulphie was very surprised, and hurried to the area defended by the scouts.After listening to Jiu Ling'er's explanation, he patted Jiu Ling'er's shoulder vigorously, and praised him: "Not bad, you have vision."

He turned his head and said loudly to his entourage: "Report to the wing commander immediately, hurry up." The entourage turned around and ran away.

Ulfi is in his 30s, with a short beard, small eyes, and always looks smiling.He looked at Zhi Ouhaosi, with a pony leg, pointed to Jiu Ling'er and said, "This young man is very smart, smarter than the two of you." He continued to go up the mountain with the horse legs.

Just after lunch, Jiu Ling'er immediately realized that something was wrong.He found that the number of Cusit soldiers on the mountain suddenly increased.The earth bags piled up like a hill have been divided into dozens of small piles by more soldiers, scattered on the mountainside.

Huama legs walked over to Jiuling'er, and he also noticed something unusual.He asked strangely, "What do these barbarians want to do?"

"We're going to attack." Jiu Ling'er said in a calm manner.

Suddenly, a huge ox horn sounded from the coalition army camp opposite.The long and deep voice suddenly tore through the quiet sky of Koreniasai.Then hundreds of horns blew in every corner of the camp, and countless battle flags shuttled back and forth in the camp. Soldiers of Cusette and Uwait came out of the tents and went to their respective camps nervously and orderly. Concentrate on the past under the banner.

The soldiers on the wall of Corinia Fortress stood up one after another and looked towards the coalition camp opposite.All kinds of weapons were piled up in the fortress square, and the busy soldiers stopped their work one after another when they found something unusual, and looked towards the city wall.

The warlord Sikanis standing on the city wall has already changed into a military uniform, black armor, black helmet, and black steel gun.He looked at the Hu army that was about to go out, and waved his hands behind him.The orderly behind him gestured to the standard-bearer on the inner wall.

The violent drums of war suddenly sounded in the sky above Corinia.The horn of the war has been sounded, the drums of war have been beaten, and the prelude to the decisive battle is about to begin.

The soldiers on the side of the Guanshan Tower looked at the movement of the Hu coalition army camp for a while, and looked at the main city wall of their own house for a while, with very nervous expressions.Most of the soldiers in Coriniasai had never participated in a real battle. They were holding their weapons tightly, each of them opened their mouths slightly, and their hearts were beating violently.Looking at their expressions, Jiu Ling'er couldn't help thinking of the scene when she participated in a large-scale battle for the first time in Matou Mountain in Kusaite two months ago.At that time, I was also very nervous, and I was panting heavily.Jiu Ling'er couldn't help thinking of Generalissimo Muleke.As if he was afraid that people would find out the secret, he looked up into the woods with some guilt.

Jiu Ling'er's eyes widened suddenly, and she let out an earth-shattering roar: "Up the shield."

Jiu Ling'er saw a black cloud floating over the forest, and it seemed that she could hear the shrill cry of the black cloud tearing the air.

He Nuzhan of Kole Tit's department launched the attack first.In his opinion, he had to use his own soldiers to consume the enemy anyway. If he died sooner or later, he would be dead, so it's better to have a good time first.According to Humeng's request, he led [-] soldiers out of the camp quietly at noon, rushed to Keshan, and lay in ambush in the valley closest to Guanshan Tower.Henuzhan was impatient and ordered the troops to line up in siege formation, ready to attack as soon as they heard the sound of the trumpet.

Jiu Linger's loud roar woke up many people.The shield hand raised his shield involuntarily, turned his head to look at Jiu Ling'er who was tightly attached to the city wall, and immediately heard the sound of bows and arrows.They yelled in horror, and immediately squatted down and erected their large shields.The soldiers without shields were like frightened rabbits, crawling and crawling to the inner side of the city wall in the blink of an eye, one by one instinctively covering their heads with their hands, clinging to the base of the wall.

The soldiers near the Guanshan Tower were like frightened birds, and immediately dispersed, looking for places to hide.For a while, there was no one on the top of the city wall except the soldiers hiding behind the shields.

A large black rain of arrows whizzed over, and the long arrows were nailed fiercely on the Guanshan Tower and the auxiliary walls with the sound of wind and thunder, making a frightening "swish", "dong dong" and "crack" the sound of.Some arrows fell outside the city wall because of insufficient range, and some flew out of the city wall because of too long range, but the long arrows that landed on the city wall exerted great power.Some shield soldiers were knocked down by the huge force of many long arrows shot together, and some long arrows bounced off the ground but still penetrated into the soldiers' bodies with full strength. It didn't take long for long arrows to be inserted obliquely everywhere. Arrows or catapults go everywhere.

Henuzhan stood on the mountainside, very satisfied with the wonderful performance made by his soldiers.He loudly said to the messenger standing behind him: "Order the bow and arrow troops to continue shooting."

"Blow the horn and order the front army to approach the city wall and throw earthbags." He Nuzhan turned his head and shouted to the horn soldiers.

"Woooo..." The horn sounded from the mountain forest and rang throughout Keshan.

The five hundred soldiers who had been deployed behind the earthbags were all strong and strong men.They stood near more than a dozen piles of earth bags, ready to attack at any time.When a commander heard the horn, he immediately shouted: "Shoulders...".

The soldiers worked in groups of two and cooperated tacitly. One squatted on the ground, and the other grabbed a bag of soil and put it on the other's shoulder.

"Rush..." Following the commander's order, more than 200 soldiers ran towards the city wall with earth bags on their backs, roaring wildly.

Above them, a denser rain of arrows whizzed past and shot forward.

On the main city wall, Calad's soldiers all looked towards Keshan and the Guanshan Tower. They heard the dense sound of horns rising and falling on Keshan, and saw the dense long arrows raging on the Guanshan Tower.

Sikanis calmed down, glanced at Keshan lightly, and then still stared intently at the Hu army that was slowly filing out of the camp, unmoved at all.

Wuchahan glanced at Keshan, smiled and said to Humeng beside him: "Fatty is angry, is he showing his power?"

Hu laughed fiercely: "The fat man told him to keep the noise down, but he turned the whole Keshan upside down like he didn't know about it."

Jiu Ling'er, who was hiding on the city wall, took advantage of the break between the rain of arrows, and stretched out her head to look outside the city wall. When she just showed her head, the arrow that was shot in the face brushed her head and flew past.Jiu Ling'er shrank her neck in fright and dared not move.But he heard hundreds of soldiers shouting, running, and throwing heavy objects to the base of the city wall from outside the city wall.He thought about those earth bags.It seems that these Kusaites really want to fill out a platform on the mountainside so that they can set up a ladder to attack the Guanshan Tower.It's just that arrows are flying like locusts in the sky now, and they can't stretch their heads at all, let alone block them.A dozen or so shield soldiers could no longer withstand the wild bombardment of so many long arrows, and all of them took advantage of the gap between the two rounds of arrow rain to run to the edge of the city wall to hide.Several soldiers were wounded by the rebounding long arrows, lying at the foot of the wall moaning in pain.On the top of the entire city wall are densely packed long arrows.

Uchahan, Hulunage and Humeng led five thousand troops lined up under the city of Korenyasai, with banners flying and a sea of ​​people, which was quite spectacular.The main attack direction of the battlefield they chose was the left side of the main city wall.At this time, He Nuzhan led the troops to attack the Guanshan Tower on the right. The defenders on the Guanshan Tower were too busy to take care of themselves, and there was no way to help the troops on the left side of the main city wall to defend.

Standing on the city wall, Sikanis could also see the enemy's intentions, and he shouted: "Wuangi."

Wuangji was not far away from him, directing the troops on the left city wall, and ran over when he heard the shout.

"The enemy's main attack direction must be on the left side. You tell the soldiers to resolutely beat the enemy down."

"Yes. Please rest assured, my lord."

The bullhorn sounded.Wuchahan's troops began to form.The archers began to move forward.Assault infantry, in groups of ten, carry a 20-meter-long climbing ladder; behind each climbing ladder, there is a 20-man assault team.These squads of soldiers held a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, as if they were dying.

The drums were louder and louder.Soldiers in full body armor were everywhere on the city wall of Corinia. Under the loud orders of the officers at all levels, the troops began to enter the state of battle.Below the city, the enemy army is still advancing, gradually entering within range.

Under the cover of bows and arrows, Henuzhan's soldiers successfully threw more than 1000 bags of soil under the city wall.A small platform that can hold more than a dozen ladders has been formed.He worked hard to wave his arms.The bullhorn sounded.The former army who had just thrown the earthbags immediately retreated to both sides. A hundred soldiers who erected ladders shouted, carried ten ladders, and held up shields, rushing towards the city wall.The dense bow and arrow cover stopped.

Jiu Ling'er looked up at the sky, there seemed to be no more crazy shooting from the other side.He stood up slowly and saw the siege soldiers rushing out of the woods.He yelled: "Brothers, the enemy is attacking, prepare to fight."

Jiu Ling'er's group of soldiers was very lucky, the enemy's attack point was chosen on their section of the city wall.The soldiers waited for a short period of time and found that the enemy really did not continue to shoot.Immediately, amidst Jiu Ling'er's urging, they all stood up and looked out of the city.

"Shoot, shoot at will..." Jiu Ling'er yelled loudly, and shot the first arrow of Coriniasai's resistance against the invasion.

The enemy attacking the city raised their shields high, resisting the long arrows shot down from the city, while advancing hard. The shooting power of 30 people was too small. The long arrows sprinkled into the enemy's impact formation, like splashing a little water on the surface of a pond.After a while, Calad soldiers from the Guanshan Tower and other defensive sides of the city wall also started to shoot angry long arrows at the enemy running below the city.The dense woods, however, helped the enemy, and most of the long arrows missed their mark, being blocked by branches or hitting tree trunks.However, some Kusaite soldiers were shot and fell down.

Henuzan's strong bow shooting troops suddenly appeared on the hillside.The Kuoletite Department uses a special bow from the East, which is powerful and has a long range.Although the soldiers of his Strongbow Troop were exposed to the range of the Karad defenders' bows and arrows, they were not afraid. Amid the roar of a centurion, they began to shoot suppressively at the Karad defenders on the tower. To cover his brother troops quickly approached the city wall.

Several of the Karad soldiers were immediately pierced by the powerful long arrows.But in the face of more siege enemy soldiers rushing under the city wall, they no longer cared about avoiding the enemy's shooting, and could only do their best to block the more threatening enemy.

On the Guanshan Tower, Zhi Ohaus' roar sounded: "Shoot! Shoot the enemy's archers, shoot..."

Kusaite soldiers pushed firmly and tenaciously under the city wall.The soldiers put their shields on their heads and quickly set up the ladder to the city.Because there are gaps between the earth bags, the feet of the ladder are deeply inserted into the earth bags, which is obviously stronger than being placed on the ground, and it is less likely to be pushed down by the soldiers defending the city.

He Nuzhan waved his big fat hand down again.Under the command of the sound of horns, three hundred soldiers preparing for the first siege poured out of the mountainside like a tide.They roared crazily, with swords in one hand and shields in the other, they rushed towards the ten climbing ladders at high speed.

A dozen or so soldiers led by Hua Magui have already added it.He drew out his saber and shouted to the soldiers around him: "Intensive shooting, intensive shooting...shoot"

Enemy soldiers running outside the city kept falling down with arrows. The screams, long arrows whistling, and shouts of killing filled the entire battlefield.Enemies start climbing up the ladder.

Sikanis turned a deaf ear to the fierce battle at Guanshan Tower.He thought it was the enemy's harassment tactics, and there was nothing worthy of attention.What's more, the hillside is steep and high, even if the enemy wants to attack the city, they can't find a place to put the ladder, and it is difficult to deploy the siege team.The enemy is in unfavorable terrain, and the casualties must be huge.No one will use it as the focus of attack, unless it is a lunatic who knows nothing.Seeing the enemy entering the shooting range, Sikanis turned around and shouted loudly: "Beat the drum. The shield bearer is in front, and the archer is behind. Prepare to shoot."

The orders were conveyed to the soldiers by the officers at all levels in one roar after another.With the waving of the battle flag, the shield bearers squatted down in unison.

Uchahan turned his head and shouted behind him: "Order the shield soldiers to raise their shields, and the archers to get ready. Go ahead."

Sikanis raised his spear high, pointed forward vigorously, "Shoot..." Almost at the same moment, hundreds of long arrows jumped into the air.

Uchahan shouted: "Shoot..." Immediately behind the Karad defenders, the Hu allied forces fired more than [-] long arrows.This huge black cloud shot into the sky, broke through a small black cloud, and poured down on the city wall.The two armies were hit by the rain of arrows almost simultaneously.Soldiers on both sides fell.The brief contact caused a little confusion.But then the archers of both sides shot another round under the command of their respective commanders.The arrows in the air danced and shouted in the sky of Corinia, the drums above the city shook the ground, and the horns below the city resounded through the battlefield.The fierce battle has already begun.

Uchahan's commanding army quickly approached the city.

"Order the archers to stop advancing, shield soldiers to cover, and continue shooting."

"Order the infantry squad to set up the ladder."

Following Uchahan's order, [-] soldiers rushed out from the entire advancing team. They were carrying giant ladders in groups of ten, holding their shields high while running, roaring loudly, as if they were running out of control. Like a wild horse, he shot at the city wall.

Sikanis had no expression on his face, and shouted loudly: "The archers in the front line shot straight forward, blocking the infantry in the city; the archers in the back line continued to shoot long distances."

Wuchahan's soldiers quickly advanced to the city, braved the dense rain of arrows, and successfully erected the ladder.Then four soldiers pressed the root of the ladder to make it firm, and the other soldiers held up their shields and guarded both sides of the ladder to protect the lives of these four soldiers.The sound of the horns of the charge resounded across the battlefield in an instant.A thousand assault soldiers were divided into fifty squads, like beasts rushing out of their cages, screaming and rushing towards the ladder, ready to fight against the city.

Wuchahan shouted: "Archers, shoot continuously, shoot continuously." As soon as Wuchahan's cry fell, the dense long arrows suddenly roared and shot at the city wall one after another as if they had gone crazy. above.The dense long arrows fell on the top of the city wall like a violent storm.

The two guards standing behind Sikanis turned pale with fright, and immediately ran forward and raised their shields.The fierce long arrows hit the shield continuously, and the huge force forced the two guards to hold the shield with both hands and take a step back.

Under the cover of archers, the Uwait infantry of Uchahan's assault quickly approached the ladder, and then one by one, like agile apes, quickly climbed up the long ladder.

The archers suddenly stopped firing.Sikanis pushed away the guards in front of him, and looked down the city wall.Enemy soldiers are densely packed and are quickly approaching the top of the city wall along the ladder.He took a step back, raised his gun and roared, "Kill... ah..."

The drums of war were like thunder, and the morale of the soldiers was like a rainbow. They shouted loudly: "Kill..."

The battle for the auxiliary wall where Jiu Ling'er is located has already begun.He cut off the head of the enemy soldier who had just popped out with one blow.Other soldiers defending the city also began to block and kill the enemy by various methods such as smashing stones, rolling wood, shooting arrows and so on.The climbing enemy soldiers kept screaming and fell to the hillside or the earth platform they built themselves.

After the initial contact, some of the Cusaite soldiers have gradually jumped onto the wall, and some have already killed the city wall.The hand-to-hand combat became more and more intense.A centurion led by Zhi Ohaus was firmly suppressed by Cusette's archers around the Guanshan Tower, and it was impossible to go down to support.Zhi Ohaus led the team several times and tried to rush down, but the casualties were too great and he had to give up. He had no choice but to order his men to shoot from the side with bows and arrows to help the defenders relieve a little pressure.And the centurions guarding between the main city wall and the auxiliary wall were even more shot by the condescending archers.Now only 60 people with pony legs are fighting desperately in the middle of the auxiliary wall.The siege battle in the direction of the main city wall also began to heat up.Arrows flew in the air, huge stones were smashed down one by one, and rows of raging trees rolled down the ladder at high speed.

The siege soldiers of the Kusaite coalition army were either shot to death by long arrows, or knocked into the air by its huge log, and none of them survived, or were injured or died.Soldiers hiding on the base of the wall were either scalded by boiling water or damaged by hot oil.The corpses under the city wall are scattered all over the place.The wailing of the wounded soldiers was mixed with the sound of fighting, making it especially harsh.

Wuchahan concentrated the main force on the right side of the main city wall, with a team of five hundred soldiers attacking the fortress in turn.The Karad army on the left side of the city wall launched intermittent attacks, forcing it to be unable to draw troops to support the right side.

On the auxiliary wall at Jiuling'er's side, more soldiers from the Kusaite coalition rushed to the top of the wall.Jiu Ling'er had no choice but to take a step back and help other comrades to stop the enemy soldiers.At this time, personal bravery and combativeness are useless. He is surrounded by the enemy. Although he fights hard, he can't stop the enemy from killing his comrades.

The horse-legged saber had already cut his mouth, but he still roared and dealt with the enemy.A Cusaite soldier leaned out from the city wall and saw his comrade was chopped to death by the leg of a piebald horse.In anger, he jumped onto the city wall, and before the long sword pierced his chest, he shot a fatal arrow at the big mouth of the horse's leg.The Cusaite soldier fell down the city wall with a long sword with a piebald leg. The pierced horse's legs were wide open, his eyes were full of blood, and he fell straight on his back.

Jiu Ling'er held an enemy's knife and kicked the opponent's calf bone with one leg.The enemy roared and yelled, but was immediately slashed in the waist by Jiu Ling'er with an axe, and flew across.Jiu Ling'er yelled at the Guanshan Tower on the mountain with all her strength: "Support..."

Zhi Ohaus' heart was bleeding. If he didn't rush down, there would be no one on the defensive side of this section of the auxiliary wall. It had basically been completely broken through by the enemy.He threw away the long shield in his hand, turned around and raised his sword and shouted loudly: "If you die, you have to die like that. Brothers! Come and kill with me!"

Zhi Ouhaus rushed out of the Guanshan tower suddenly, shouting loudly: "Kill...", he faced the enemy's dense arrow rain, went forward bravely, and bravely killed him first.The soldiers behind were inspired by Zhi Ouhaus's bravery, roaring, each rushed out of their hiding places, followed him closely, and flew down.

The long arrow struck and pierced Zhi Ohaus' body screaming.Zhi Ohaus's robust body was shocked, but he still ran forward tenaciously, still screaming loudly.Then the second arrow, the third arrow, and the fourth arrow shot through his body almost in no particular order.Zhi Ohaus felt that his body suddenly became lighter, and he felt as if he was going to float.He roared and flew up.He saw more arrows shooting into his body, but he had already flown, and he no longer knew it was his body.

Jiu Ling'er was stunned.He saw that Zhi Ohaus's chest was full of arrows, but he was still running fast, rushing down with the roaring soldiers behind him.After losing more than 30 people in the Guanshan Building, the Centuries finally broke through the death line and entered the fierce hand-to-hand battlefield.The more than [-] Cusaite soldiers on the city wall were immediately made dumplings, and all of them were killed on the top of the city wall by the angry soldiers.

The chubby Henuzhan stood on a distant mountain, and when he saw Zhi Ohaus who was running down, he admired him from the bottom of his heart. He shouted: "Good man. What a man. The second attack team rushed up to me."

Sikanis commanded the troops and finally repelled the first fierce attack of the enemy.The soldiers looked at the Hu soldiers who retreated quickly, and let out a loud cheer.A soldier ran back and forth on the city wall holding the Qalad army flag high, shouting in his mouth to vent his joy.

Wuangi strode over, his armor covered in blood.

Sikanis met him and asked with concern: "How is it, how about the casualties?"

"Return to the adults, 54 people were killed and 27 people were seriously injured."

"How come there are so many?" Sikanis was a little surprised.If there were so many casualties, there would be almost no one left after fighting for a few days.

"Returning to my lord, many soldiers participated in the battle for the first time, and they lacked experience in the battle, resulting in unnecessary casualties. The next wave of attacks will improve a lot." Wuangji hurriedly comforted Sikanis.

Sikanis nodded, "Tell the soldiers that weapons should be used sparingly as much as possible and not be wasted. If they are all thrown down in a swarm like just now, there will not be enough for them."

Wuangji repeatedly agreed, saluted, and hurried to the left side of the city wall.He wants to call a few subordinates and quickly pass on his request.

Not long after, the horns of the enemy's attack sounded again under the Corinia plug.Immediately afterwards, the thundering sound of war drums rushed straight to the sky above Corinia, and the sound shook the sky.The second attack of the Hu coalition forces began.

The number of enemies on the auxiliary wall increased again, and the battlefield gradually expanded.The Kusaite archers who suppressed the Karade army stopped shooting for fear of accidentally injuring their own people.Ulfei, who had been suffocated for a long time, took a whole centurion soldier, took advantage of this gap, and quickly rushed to the defensive area in the middle of the auxiliary wall.For a moment, the enemy and us were entangled together on the city wall, and blood and flesh were flying everywhere.

Jiu Ling'er's hands and feet were limp after being killed.I have forgotten how many times I repelled the enemy's attack.He just forcibly received a very sharp knife from a burly man on the enemy side and then staggered back. It was the first time he felt so powerless. He was kicked away and leaned against the city wall, panting heavily. .He saw his comrade fell down by the enemy right in front of him, but he just didn't have the strength to raise the knife, and he didn't have the strength to rush to save him.His sad tears flowed down.

 Regarding the establishment of the imperial army, I have read some information. As a mature country, the empire should have an effective management method like a centralized system in its army building.For example, military and political officials such as the governor are easy to form warlords (just like the Western Empire). I will separate the military and the government.And the data shows that most officials are crowned and titled to sit in one side, which is really elusive to me.Then let's change it so that everyone can see clearly

(End of this chapter)

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