Chapter 32

The winter sun is white, and it hides behind the thick clouds, as if frightened by the killing field in front of it, from time to time it shows half of its face to peep, and then shrinks back.Unknowingly, it had already hid behind the Korenia Pass and disappeared.

Wuchahan stared at the bloody battlefield indifferently with his eyes fixed, without saying a word.This was already the fourth attack on Corinia in the afternoon.He looked up at the gradually darkening sky, and suddenly turned his head and said, "Send the order, stop the attack, withdraw the troops and return to the camp."

The sound of the huge bull horn slowly resounded through the battlefield.The soldiers of the Kuman coalition quickly retreated from every corner of the battlefield like a tide.

Humeng squinted his eyes at the bloody battlefield, looked at the flag of Calad fluttering over Corinia, and suddenly said: "How many hands does this Sicanese commander have! We underestimated him in the past." "

Uchahan smiled casually and said, "So what? I heard that his father had followed Karad's Eastern Army into the prairie. He, like his father, will be defeated today. He can also conjure up a large prairie for no reason. Can the troops come?"

Humeng nodded in agreement: "Siege warfare is a war of attrition. Under the condition that both sides are equal, whoever has more soldiers will be the final winner. Although we cannot have an absolute advantage in numbers, we can Through the local battlefield, a large amount of the opponent's vitality is consumed to achieve absolute advantage."

"If we have 5000 people, I guarantee that we can take Coriniasai within three days. Ten to one, we can kill Sikanis even if we fight for consumption."

Sikanis stood on the tower and watched as the Kuman coalition army retreated slowly to the camp in the distance.The fierce battle this afternoon was basically within his expectations. There was only one small accident, that is, the enemy attacked the Guanshan Tower, and the battle there seemed to be very fierce.He was a little worried, and he was very eager to know how many soldiers were there.

Jiu Ling'er sat on the city wall, looking at the remains of her comrades lying on the city wall, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.The entire scout team is basically gone.This is his comrade in arms, but now it has become a memory.How can the cruelty of war be summed up in a single blood.

Looking at Sikanis' face, Ulphie couldn't hold back his tears, bowed his head and was speechless.

"How many soldiers are left?" Sikanis asked softly.

"Excluding the seriously injured, there are still 62 soldiers who can fight."

"I lost more than 200 in the first battle? What about tomorrow?" Sikanis can hardly accept the fact that he only has [-] reserve troops. If they are all deployed to the Guanshan Tower tomorrow for defense, once there is a loophole in his frontal defense, there will be no The troops were urgently replenished.

"The squadron leader set Ohaus, and the three centurions were all killed." Ulfei said softly again.

Sikanis' complexion was already very ugly.Why did Wuchahan choose the easy and the difficult, and decided to attack Guanshan Tower?My loss is great, isn't his loss greater?Just in such a small place, I lost more than 200 soldiers, and I can't afford to lose it.

Sikanis thought for a while, and probably understood Uchahan's intentions.It is more cost-effective for Wuchahan to fight with the Karade army at the Guanshan Tower than to fight with the Karade army on the main city wall.The main city wall has a large defense area, and the soldiers on the defensive side can complement and assist each other, while the attacking side can only attack passively.After a day of fighting, the attacker will naturally suffer a big loss based on the ratio of casualties between the two sides.But the defense area is small, the defenders have few soldiers, and there is almost no possibility of mutual support on the Guanshan Tower side.The attacker only needs to attack a little bit.In this way, based on the ratio of casualties, Uchahan does not seem to be at a very disadvantage as the attacker.Wuchahan probably bullied himself for having too few troops and wanted to consume his troops on the flank battlefield.But I can't give up Guanshan Tower.The Guanshan Tower was controlled by the enemy, and the defense on the left side of the main city wall was completely exposed to the enemy's bows and arrows.It was originally an advantageous place to strengthen defense, but it turned into a weak point for the enemy to attack like this.The severe shortage of soldiers is the bottleneck of the current defense.

Sikanis was very distressed, and now he could only hope that the reinforcements could arrive in time.

When Jiu Linger was having dinner on the city wall, the regimental captain Ulphie came to tell him that he was already the centurion of the remaining 62 people.All 300 men of the reserve force came up and entered the defensive position at night.Jiu Ling'er and the rest were under the command of squadron leader Jimmys.

Fat He Nuzhan's performance today has been unanimously praised by everyone, which makes him very excited.

"Tomorrow, I will attack fiercely one more day, and I will definitely swallow up the reserve troops of Sikanis." He Nuzhan said triumphantly, shaking his fat head.

Humeng smiled and said: "Tomorrow, if you can kill another 200 people like today, then the day when Coriniasai will be captured will be just around the corner."

"Don't worry, although my troops have lost 600 people, I still have nearly 2000 people who are fully capable. I just need to replenish the arrows for the day. I shot all the arrows in the afternoon."

Hu Meng looked at Uchahan.Uchahan immediately smiled and said: "There is still some preparation for this. I wish my lord a successful start tomorrow, and we will enter Koreniasai as soon as possible."

Hulu Nage suddenly asked from the side: "Tomorrow shall we attack for a day, or for half a day?"

Humeng said: "The soldiers are very tired, and weapons and supplies need to be replenished. It is better to attack for a long time? The key is to occupy Henu's place. Be quick, fierce, and ruthless. We must wipe out his vital forces. Once the goal is achieved, immediately Get off the battlefield."

He Nuzhan interjected, "Didn't you say to attack for one day?"

The tiger laughed fiercely: "Your troops have been attacking since the morning. We will lead the army to put on a show outside the city in the morning, forcing Sikanes not to move."

"What if I take down the Guanshan Tower in the morning?" He Nuzhan suddenly said seriously.

"If you take down the Guanshan Tower, Sicanis can only deploy troops from the frontal defensive position to support it. Then it will be easier for us to attack the main city wall in the afternoon. But your loss must be very large. I still insist on Karad When the defenders are negligent in defending the Guanhai Tower in the north, they should seize the Guanhai Tower. This will reduce the loss of the troops and deal a greater blow to the morale of the enemy."

"Will it break the city?" Hulu Nage asked eagerly.

Tiger shook his head fiercely: "Impossible. Now the morale of the Karad army is high, the supplies are sufficient, and the strength of the troops is still sufficient for a period of time. Even if he loses the protection of his wings, he can still support him. Coriniasai is indeed difficult to attack, and it is not easy to take it. It’s up to you. You have to compete with them for numbers, morale, supplies, and perseverance. Whoever can persevere to the end is the winner.”

"What if it snows?" Uchahan asked.

"Withdraw the troops." Hu Meng said firmly.

Wuchahan, Hulunage, and Henuzhan looked at each other and wanted to speak almost at the same time, but Henuzhan preempted them, "Then our work is not in vain."

"So we must unite with sincerity and win Corinthia as soon as possible. We are all on the same boat, and we all lose and we all prosper. Once we win Corinthia, we will have inexhaustible wealth in the future."

On the main wall of the Korenia Fortress, Squadron Leader Jimis saw Jiu Ling'er the first time he saw him, and he felt that this person was worth befriending.The most impressive thing about Jiu Linger's appearance was his honesty and honesty, followed by his murderous aura, a frightening murderous aura rushing towards his face.Jimmys had heard about Jiu Ling'er for a few days, and today he finally saw the rumored big man.

Jimmys was an ox cart driver before he joined the army. Because his family was too poor to marry a wife, he became a soldier in a fit of anger.He participated in several campaigns to quell the Uwaites' rebellion, made military achievements, and was promoted to be a squadron leader with a higher salary and money.When he got rich, he immediately bought a house for his younger sister to live in. Looking at her innocent smile, he felt very happy, and he was always smiling wherever he went.He still needs to work hard to save money to marry a wife and give birth to a fat boy.

When he saw Jiu Ling'er, Jiu Ling'er was sleeping on the city wall with her hair loose.Jiu Ling'er has always disliked curly hair.He probably got used to staying in Kusset, and he felt that loose hair would make people feel free and more comfortable.In Corinhasai, limited to military regulations, he had no choice but to tie it casually with a cloth rope and put on his helmet.

Jiu Ling'er was woken up by Jimmys, got up quickly, and was about to salute her boss, but Jimmys stopped her.

Looking at Jiu Ling'er's smiling face and tall and strong body, Jimmys' first words were: "You are so strong. Can you tell me about the battle during the day? I was in the inner city, and I only heard that you fought here. Intense, and did not see the specific situation."

The new boss had an order, and Jiu Ling'er naturally had to answer it.Jiu Ling'er recounted the battle in the afternoon and put forward her own views. "The main reason for the heavy casualties today is that we were not well prepared. We never thought that the enemy would choose this place to attack. As a result, we rushed to the battle, resulting in a disorderly defense, and fell into a melee with the enemy. Secondly, the enemy's bows and arrows shot endlessly. It completely suppressed the support from our upper and lower sides, which is also one of the reasons for the increase in casualties."

Jimis was surprised to find that this rough-looking man not only spoke in a very orderly manner, but also had a calm mind and accurate analysis and judgment on the matter.He must be very learned and have read a lot of books, otherwise he would not be so smart.

While thinking about it, Jimmys asked him, "Then what suggestions do you have for tomorrow's defense?"

"If the defense continues to be so passive, our losses will be very large. The key is to grasp the initiative in defense."

"Defensive initiative? I don't quite understand what you're talking about. Can you explain in more detail?"

"Because of the mountain situation, the enemy gave full play to their specialties. They used different high and low points to suppress our defense with dense long arrows. If we can't break through their bow and arrow troops, no matter how we defend, we can't defend ourselves." It is very passive, and the losses will increase.”

"Do you have a way to break it?" Jimmys asked eagerly.

It was already very cold in the early winter night.The mountain wind was raging, screaming like howling ghosts and wolves, and the trees swayed and trembled in the wind.There was a faint smell of blood floating in the air.The mountain wind blew Jiu Ling'er's loose long hair wildly, and the cold air penetrated directly into the flesh along the armor on her body, Jiu Ling'er shivered involuntarily.Looking at the Korenia Mountain shrouded in darkness, he remained silent for a long time.

Jimmys said disappointedly: "Is there nothing you can do?"

Jiu Ling'er thought of Zhi Ouhaus, and he seemed to see Zhi Ouhaus full of arrows, shouting and running on the city wall.

"Burn it, burn this mountain." Jiu Ling'er suddenly pointed at the forest in front of her and said through gritted teeth.

Jimmys's eyes lit up, and he seemed to see the fire burning in the woods, and Cusette's soldiers were struggling in the fire, shouting.Jimis cheered, ignored Jiu Ling'er, turned around and ran towards the main castle.

Not long after, Wing Commander Wuangi and Wing Captain Ulfi hurried over.Jiu Ling'er sat on the city wall to rest, and when she saw it, she quickly got up and saluted Shangguan.

Wuangji looked at Jiuling'er with a very appreciative gaze, and said with a smile: "You are the black axe? Yes, smart. He was the one who suspected that the enemy was going to fill the platform with soil bags this morning, right?" He turned his head and asked Ulfei .

Ulphie nodded and looked at Jiu Ling'er appreciatively, "That's him. He's a talent. Your lord should recommend it to Lord Overseer."

Wuangji patted Jiuling'er on the shoulder vigorously, and then praised: "Not bad, not bad. Your idea is good. We can also add some things to make it more ideal."

Ulfi hurriedly asked, "Does your lord have any other ideas?"

"We have to lure more enemies in, and even give them the entire Guanshan Tower. Once the fire starts to burn, the enemy will suffer even greater losses. This time I will see where they will flee." Wu Angji calmly Said.

In the middle of the night, Sikanes came with a group of soldiers himself.These soldiers quietly climbed down the city wall along the ropes in the dark. After throwing a lot of flammable materials in a hidden place in the woods, they carried more kerosene and other combustion-supporting items and disappeared into the dark mountain forest like ghosts.

It was just dawn.Jiu Ling'er was awakened by the excited bull horn.He got up sleepily, and looked in the direction of the Kuman allied army camp.In the big camp, the banners are flying, and people are shouting and neighing.The enemy seems to be mobilizing all of them today and launching a full-scale attack.

Jiu Ling'er subconsciously glanced at the dense forest outside the city.The stormy attack of the enemy yesterday frightened him.

The soldiers standing guard on the tower suddenly rang the alarm.Jiu Ling'er was very disgusted with this sound. He felt that it was weak and weak, and it was far less pleasant than the sound of horns on the grassland.The deep and deep sound of the horn makes people feel the majestic momentum of the prairie and the vastness and desolation of the desert.Of course his favorite is the drums.The sound of drums is more vigorous than the sound of horns, and it has an invincible momentum that is majestic and invincible.

On Korenia Mountain, the enemy appeared.Exactly the same as yesterday, they started intensive shooting.The infantry set up the ladders, and the assault troops began to climb the city.

The Karad army learned the lesson of yesterday, and the troops did not garrison in points, but spread out on the long city wall. More than 200 people started from one end of the main city wall and extended to the Guanshan Tower.This defensive method is not conducive to the enemy's key attack after suppression.But when there is no other way to avoid the enemy's arrow rain, this is the only way to avoid the danger of the reinforcements on the two wings being blocked by the enemy yesterday.

Uchakhan's shooter troops did not stop shooting until their attacking soldiers climbed the ladder.But then more soldiers shot long arrows at close range to help their siege soldiers continue to suppress the Karad army on the wall.

From the beginning of the enemy's shooting until the enemy climbed up the city wall, the Karad army was firmly suppressed by the bows and arrows of the Kuman coalition army on the root of the city wall, unable to get ahead at all.Jiu Ling'er was so angry that she was waiting for the enemy to stick out her head above her.A frightened and restless face suddenly appeared in front of Jiu Ling'er.Jiu Ling'er dodged to avoid the spear stabbed by the opponent, and at the same time swung the saber round, and slashed at the enemy soldier's head.The enemy uttered a heart-piercing scream and fell off the ladder.The long arrows that rained down like torrential rain suddenly stopped.The enemy roared crazily, and the battle to seize the city began again today.

Jiu Ling'er stood on the crenellation of the city wall she was defending, brandishing her saber in the whistling wind, struggling to block the enemy's attack.Soon there were seven or eight dead enemies lying around him.Yesterday, the burly Kusaite big man appeared again, and he and Jiu Ling'er started a head-to-head knife confrontation again. The sound of metal clashing burst forth.

Immediately afterwards, a huge man more than two meters tall climbed up, holding a thick mace, and with one stick, the two Karad soldiers were sent flying out and collided with the crenels of the city wall, killing them instantly.Returning with a stick, another Karad soldier was sent flying out of the city wall.Seeing that Jiu Ling'er and his good brother were fighting inextricably, he quickly approached and raised his mace and swung it at him regardless.

The burly man who was cutting with Jiu Ling'er was startled, and quickly dodged back.There was no way to hide. Jiu Ling'er tried to block the blow with the sword, but the strength of the mace was amazing. Although Jiu Ling'er blocked it with the sword, she was knocked back several meters and fell to the ground.He also knocked down the two fighting soldiers next to him.Jiu Ling'er gritted her teeth, took out her small ax and threw it out with lightning speed.

The two-meter giant suddenly discovered that there was a delicate throwing ax stuck in his left chest, and four ancient Nord inscriptions were engraved on it.

"The Nord Deserter"

The giant man recognized the writings of these ancestors, but he knelt down on his knees in pain.He stared at the big cowbell-like eyes and suddenly roared and jumped up vigorously. He opened his arms and embraced Jiu Ling'er.Jiu Ling'er, who had just got up, was caught off guard, and was hugged upright by him.Following the ruthless impact of the giant man, the two fell heavily on the wide city wall together.

Seeing this, the burly man who was confronting Jiu Ling'er immediately followed up, swung his broadsword round and slashed at Jiu Ling'er's neck.Jiu Ling'er was crushed by the enemy's body and had no way to resist.

Jiu Ling'er roared instinctively.Death came really too fast, and he hadn't done anything for the Karad Empire before he was about to be killed.Oh my God!

Jimmys, who had been spotted not far away, let out a roar, resisted the blow from the enemy behind him, and shot his steel gun directly before the burly man's knife fell. The steel gun roared and quickly pierced into the burly vest. , pierced through the heart, pierced directly from the heart of the left chest, and the blood groove on the tip of the gun gushed out with fresh blood.The burly man looked at Jiu Ling'er on the ground with infinite regret, and suddenly fell down.

Still in shock, Jiu Ling'er picked up the saber dropped by the burly man, lay on the ground with all her strength, and threw it in the direction of Jimmys with a roar. The saber pierced into the enemy who was about to chop Jimmys again. in the body.Jiu Linger quickly pushed away the corpse on her body, turned over and got up, glanced at Jimmys gratefully, slowed down a bit, and rushed towards the area she was defending like a madman again.There are more enemies that are climbing in from the ladder.

On the main city wall, Sikanis stood in the middle, looking at the densely packed enemy army below the city, and patiently waiting for the enemy to launch an attack horn.

"My lord, what is Uchahan dawdling about? The attack horn has sounded twice, and he hasn't seen him attack yet. Is he playing tricks on us?" Chi Aiting stood next to Sikanis, very anxious.

"Looking at his appearance, he doesn't seem to want to attack in the morning. Is he dragging us to prevent us from reinforcing the Guanshan Tower?" Wuangji said solemnly on the other side of Sikanis.

"Uchahan is brilliant. He made a gesture, and we couldn't move. I can't see that this King Uwait is quite good at fighting, so we can't underestimate him." Sikanis said with a smile.

"Wait a while and burn a few thousand of his people, and see if he dares to trick us." Chi Aiting said gleefully.

"It's impossible to burn thousands of his people, but at least it will stop him from attacking Guanshan Tower, and it can also severely attack their arrogance. We have such a burden, and we can deal with the frontal enemy wholeheartedly. Relatively speaking, it is much more certain to stick to it for a longer period of time." Sikanis said and glanced at the Guanshan Tower on the right side of the mountain, "I am afraid that if they fail to make a plan, they will attack the Guanhai Tower. Oops."

"My lord, he doesn't have so many troops to dispatch. If he really has the guts to attack Guanhai, we'll burn him again." Wu Angji also glanced at Guanhai Tower worriedly, and said softly.

Sikanis sighed, and said, "This strategy can only be used once, and it can only be used once. Uchahan is very cunning, he is not a fool."

Sikanis paused for a while, then suddenly said: "The original design of our fortress required 3600 soldiers to guard it. If we have been deploying troops according to this number, why is it in such a dangerous situation today?"

"My lord, the reinforcements will arrive in time, so don't worry, as soon as the reinforcements arrive in a few days, Coriniasai will be a real impregnable wall."

Two hours later, the enemy was killed and retreated.The loss of Jimmy's troops was huge, and nearly 100 people were carried down.There is nothing opportunistic in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, either death or injury.Generally speaking, if a city has been defended to this point, it will not be too long before it is breached.Both the enemy and the enemy are fighting for people.Whoever has more will be able to reach the end.

Jimmys stared blankly at the enemies in the distant woods, and for a while still had difficulty accepting the fierceness and tenacity of the Kusait soldiers.As long as they rushed to the city wall, they would never look back until they died in battle.This kind of pure way of taking death is really a bit jaw-dropping.This is a group of desperate people.

Holding a piece of pancake, Jiu Ling'er quietly walked behind Jimmys, "Let's eat some, Captain."

Jimmis turned around and saw Jiu Ling'er chewing the food in his mouth vigorously, and continued vaguely: "The Kusaites came too early, we didn't even eat."

Jimmys took the pancake from his hand, tore a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth. "These Kuman are too vicious, no wonder you lost so much yesterday."

Jiu Ling'er smiled wryly.After so many fights, he has gradually become numb.He has seen too much blood, lost too many friends, and countless lives were reduced to ashes before his eyes. He has no interest in life and death in the world.Sometimes he even thinks that it is better to be dead than to be alive, to know nothing, to do nothing, to be happy.

"The Kusaites admire bravery and despise cowardly and incompetent people. They have always been like this." Jiu Ling'er sat on the wall with Jimmys, basking in the warm sun, and said slowly.He thought of Old Man Adaku Rum Atlantis, Black Mountain Bear, and Mulek.

"The Kusaites were originally a brave and fearless nation. In the past, under the leadership of Urhun, they conquered the prairie and established a khanate. His son Al Shinan was even more powerful. He led an army to conquer all over the world. .Fortunately, Al Heather died suddenly." Jimmys nodded, "The Cussets are much more powerful than the Uwaites."

The two chatted softly and slowly.

Jiu Ling'er saw Jimmys take out a very beautiful red box and looked at it affectionately. "What is this? Is it very fragrant?"

Jimmys gave Jiu Ling'er a strange look, "Don't you know this?"

Jiu Ling'er scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm from the country, so I haven't seen it before."

"This is myself I asked someone to draw, do you think it looks like it? I'll give it to my sister when I get home from the war. If she misses me, she can open it and have a look." Jimmy's face was full of joy. With a happy smile, he gently opened the box and faced Jiu Ling'er.

Jiu Ling'er nodded, "Wow! The painting is so similar! It's still so small, it's fragrant and beautiful, and it's so lifelike."

Jimmys stroked the sachet carefully and nodded repeatedly.

"Do you have someone you like?" Jimmys suddenly asked Jiu Ling'er.

Jiu Ling'er laughed loudly, "I've grown up so much, I haven't even seen many women, let alone girls."

But he suddenly thought of the icy dew in white clothes like snow.Is she okay.He ran away in the middle of the night that day without saying goodbye to her.What happens when she wakes up and sees that she is no longer there?

Today, Henujan is very satisfied with the first attack.He immediately assembled 500 men, plus a hundred archers, for a second attack.He now wants to seize Guanshan Tower and occupy it completely.It's not that he doesn't understand the meaning of tiger fierce.But he was not willing to give up Guanshan Tower, which had been attacking for two days.Didn't his people die in vain?So he decided to take it down, even if the loss was greater, it didn't matter.As long as Koreniasai is taken down, based on his own merits, he will definitely have more property distribution than Hulu Nage in the future.Because of this battle, it is said that the property of his Kuletite department may not exceed that of Hulunag, so the chances of the southern Kusaite becoming the boss are getting faster and faster.

With Henuzhan's order, the second attack began.

Hearing the horn of attack from Korenia Mountain, Sikanis turned his head and said loudly to the orderling: "Tell the Wing Commander, Mr. Uangi, the timing must be grasped, not too early."

Then he said to Chi Aiting who was standing beside him: "Tell the troops to get ready to prevent the enemy from attacking. Once the enemies on Korenia Mountain capture the Guanshan Tower, Wuchahan may take the opportunity to launch an immediate siege operation."

Wuangi stood behind twenty giant crossbow machines.This kind of giant crossbow machine can have a range of more than 700 meters, and it is generally only equipped with large fortresses like Corinia.However, this crossbow machine has many defects, resulting in a very low utilization rate.The giant crossbow machine needs a vehicle seat, otherwise the center of gravity cannot be controlled when moving and shooting, requiring five soldiers to operate at the same time, the hit rate is extremely low, the operation is cumbersome, and the firing frequency is low.In the process of defending Corinhaser this time, Sikanis didn't even think about it, he thought it would be useless at all.It wasn't until Jiu Ling'er put forward the plan to burn Korenia Mountain that this huge monster suddenly showed its importance.One hundred giant long arrows lying on the ground are neatly stacked next to each crossbow machine.The head of each arrow is covered with a thick oilcloth.Twenty braziers were placed behind the crossbow machine.

Wuangji looked at the purple imperial double eagle flag on the main castle, smiled and said to the followers behind him: "Look, today's southeast style is very big, even God is willing to help."

The entourage behind him suddenly whispered: "My lord, the strong southeast wind does help the fire, and the fire starts from the enemy's back. The enemy on the mountain will definitely be wiped out. But the fire will also burn the Guanshan Tower." ? And I don’t know if the direction of the wind will suddenly change.”

"Well, first, will there be any abnormality in the wind direction for a while. Second, have you ever thought that if the enemy occupies the Guanshan Tower, we will suffer. No one can think of it, and no one will burn it. It’s a loss. When the war is won, we’ll repair it, and it won’t be the same.”

Wuchahan looked at Korenia Mountain, and said to Humeng beside him, "Fatty doesn't seem to want to listen to you. He is launching a fierce attack with his troops, and he probably wants to take down the Guanshan Tower."

Humeng smiled wryly and said: "Henuzhan wants to fight for merit. Since he doesn't feel sorry for his loss, he has no choice but to let him go. I'm afraid that he won't be able to defend if he can attack. Let's prepare to attack."


"No. We will start after Fatty hangs the battle flag on the Guanshan tower."

Jiu Ling'er dragged a wounded soldier with one hand, while waving a knife to resist the enemy's attack, he was retreating.From the Guanshan Tower to the enemy's attack point on the wall, there is no longer a Calad soldier.

"Kill...kill..." Jiu Ling'er handed the wounded soldier to her comrades behind her, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed an enemy to death with all her might.He was injured in many places, and he was already a little unable to support.Jimmys stood shoulder to shoulder with him, leading the last more than 50 soldiers to resist bravely, vowing to die.Hundreds of people crowded on the narrow city wall, one by one like a red-eyed butcher, slashing back and forth mercilessly, flying blood and blood into rivers.

Henujan was already standing under the city wall.More than 1000 soldiers of the follow-up troops also moved forward and approached the Guanshan Tower.His fat face was trembling with excitement, and he roared loudly: "Raise the battle flag, raise the battle flag..."

More soldiers rushed up the walls.A hundred archers who followed the assault force had occupied Guanshan Tower.They cheered loudly, climbed to the top of the building, cut down the flag of the Karad army, and erected the battle flag of their own Kollitet.

Uchahan waved his hand vigorously, and more than a dozen giant horns sounded behind him at the same time, and the Kuman allied forces began to attack the main city wall of Koreniasai.The earth-shattering shouts of killing were accompanied by a flood of people. Inspired by the left-wing Henuzhan's victory in capturing the Guanshan Tower, the Uwaites and Kussets, like wild buffaloes out of control on the grassland, rushed to the battlefield crazily .

Drums thundered over Corinia, and soldiers shouted loudly.Following the order of the wing commander Chi Aiting, the first batch of long arrows roared and flew out.The soldiers next to the crossbow machine were all sweating on their faces and bodies, not because they were roasted by the brazier beside them, but because they were anxious.

Wuangi's black face was expressionless, his eyes fixed on the bloody killing field on the auxiliary wall.He saw Jimmys being kicked down by the enemy, a centurion cut through by four sabers, and Jiu Ling'er with disheveled hair, devouring the enemy's life like a devil.Immediately he saw the battle flag of the Kujit Kualite Department erected on the Guanshan Tower.Uangi suddenly became angry.The territory of the Karad Empire cannot allow these Kumans to be rampant.He roared, "Light it up."

The sweaty soldiers who had been waiting for a long time picked up the long arrows in a hurry as if they were granted an amnesty, and lit them in the brazier.

"Up arrow..."


Twenty giant crossbow bolts let out a thrilling roar, and flew out with a "boom".

"Let it go..., let it go..." Wuangi yelled at the crossbowmen almost hysterically.

Humeng saw a very spectacular scene.Twenty flaming long arrows suddenly flew out from the city wall of Koreniasai. They lined up in a row, like a fire-breathing giant dragon, making a harsh sound of piercing the air, and flew towards Korenia in the south. Mount Rainier.

Humeng's heart suddenly felt like being stabbed by a sword, and the heart-wrenching pain forced him to moan.

Uchahan was so dumbfounded that he even forgot to call out the order to retreat.

early winter.A southeasterly wind was blowing over Korenia.The entire mountain is covered with bare trees, large tracts of dry shrubs, and withered weeds on the ground.In addition to the kerosene that Calad soldiers quietly sprinkled on the bushes last night, and the nitrate powder on the weeds, the fire ignited in an instant.

In the sky above Corinia Fortress, continuous fire dragons roared and roared, flying towards every corner of Corinia Mountain.In the mountain forest 700 meters away from Henuzhan's army, the soldiers of Karad who secretly ambushed here last night saw the forest in front of them was on fire, immediately lit the bushes, and built a second wall of fire behind the first wall of fire.In this way, even if the enemy escapes the first wall of fire, he cannot escape the second wall of more violent fire.

He Nuzhan was stunned.He didn't know how things could suddenly become like this.Victory has been firmly held in the palm of my hand, how could it suddenly fly again.

After the first rockets had gone up, Ulphie ordered Jimis and his men to retreat.Jiu Ling'er brandished two knives and stayed at the end, fighting and retreating.Jimmys yelled: "Black Axe, run, the stone gate is about to close."

Between the main city wall and the auxiliary wall, there is also a stone gate, three meters high and three meters high. This is why the designer originally considered that once the auxiliary wall or the main city wall is lost, there is a temporary emergency stone gate that can cut off the contact between the two sides.Now the stone gate is falling.Ulfi pointed to the archer beside him and said, "Lie down on the ground and shoot me, shoot..."

With the help of the archers, Jiu Ling'er got rid of the enemy's entanglement, and when the stone gate was about to close, she crawled over.He was lying on the ground, panting heavily, unable to stand up.

The follow-up troops of the Henuzhan army were the first to panic.They panicked and scattered like birds and beasts down the mountain to escape for their lives.After discovering that the road down the mountain had been completely blocked by the fire, everyone cried and ran up the mountain, toward the wall of the Guanshan Tower.He Nuzhan climbed up the city wall as soon as the fire ignited. More than 1000 follow-up soldiers desperately fled to the city wall along ten ladders.In a short period of time, the entire auxiliary wall was crowded with soldiers. They had no way to escape from the fire area, and could only watch helplessly as the fire swept across the sky and covered the sky.

The Kuman coalition forces were about to counterattack after being shot violently by Karad when they heard the sound of retreating horns.Immediately they saw Korenia Mountain, which had begun to burn.By the time they retreated beyond the range of Karad's bow and arrow, the entire Korenia Mountain was already a huge fireball.The Kuman coalition forces were stunned, dumbfounded, looking at the burning Korenia Mountain, looking at the looming and scurrying soldiers on the Korenia Mountain, as if their screams were in my ears. Side, it makes people heartbroken.The excitement and excitement just now turned into fear and pain in the blink of an eye.

The fire on Korenia Mountain was getting bigger and bigger, and the flames continued to soar into the sky, already turning half of the sky red.The temperature in the sky above Korenia Fortress suddenly rose, even the air was scorching hot, and the ashes from the burned trees floated in the air with the wind, and fell on the bloody battlefield.Henuzhan was so angry that he almost wanted to kill the guard who came to report to him, is I blind?This still needs to be reported!
The other side of the city wall is close to the valley, about 20 meters long, not to mention putting ladders, nothing can reach the bottom.He Nuzhan looked desperately at the fire on Korenia Mountain, clenched his fists with both hands, and roared to the sky.I was brave all my life, but I didn't expect to end up being burned to death in the end.

With the help of the wind, the fire became more and more intense, and the temperature on the entire auxiliary wall was getting higher and higher, like a steamer, which could no longer treat people.The wooden part of the Guanshan Tower finally couldn't bear the burning of the fire, and began to ignite spontaneously, and black smoke mixed with more and more vigorous flames rose into the air.The soldiers who were squeezed beside the Guanshan Tower couldn't bear it at first. The fear of being burned alive by the fire was really unbearable.First, a soldier jumped down the valley, and then more soldiers jumped down desperately.The auxiliary wall is a dead end.The people above are either conscious of a dead end, or waiting for the arrival of the god of death.The Calad soldiers on the main city wall were stunned. They didn't expect that the fire could burn to such a large scale in the blink of an eye.Gradually, they couldn't stand the scorching fire, and gradually moved away from the stone gate tens of meters away.From the other side of the stone gate came the sound of knocking on the door, shouting, begging for mercy, crying, screaming, and all kinds of sounds, which were really unbearable.Some soldiers couldn't bear it, and quietly walked further away.

Wuangi stood beside the crossbow machine and said coldly: "Don't have any compassion. Once these vicious barbarians catch us, they never leave us alive. They kidnapped our innocent people and killed our unarmed border people. , Have they ever had a heart of compassion? Have they? If we don’t kill all these savages, our homeland will never have peace.”

"Kill..." a soldier shouted loudly.

"Kill..." More soldiers raised their arms and shouted.

Jiu Ling'er sat blankly on the base of the city wall, not knowing whether what she did was right or wrong.Thinking of his comrades who were brutally killed, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did.Hearing the miserable pleading outside the stone gate, he felt that he was too cruel again.More than 1000 people were burned to death in one fire, which is really a heinous crime.Why, why do you have to kill each other like this, forging countless hatreds?
Wuchahan, Humeng, and Hulunage watched Henuzhan and his troops be engulfed by the fire.They cannot accept this harsh fact.Under the almost one-sided absolute advantage, Karard took advantage of such a big loophole, set fire to Korenia Mountain, took Henu to the whole army, and was annihilated by the whole army so cruelly.

Humeng was sad and blamed himself.He felt that he should think about this problem, but he was dazzled by the superiority of the troops and the initial victory, which made him ignore the potential harm that might exist in fighting in the mountains and forests, and underestimated his opponent.The blow Karad gave to the Kuman coalition forces was too great, especially the blow to morale.Seeing the burning Korenia Mountain and seeing the soldiers struggling to death in the flames, no one is not afraid, no one is not afraid.The impregnable Coriniasai gave soldiers not only an unbreakable myth, but also inhuman and terrifying means of destroying the enemy.

The demise of the Henuzhan troops caused the Kuman coalition forces to lose their superiority in numbers, and breaking through the city defenses seemed out of reach.Uchahan's troops seemed to be overly frightened, and they even withdrew their camp for more than a kilometer, far away from the charred Korenia Mountain.They are no longer attacking, they are waiting for the tiger to return.

That night, Hu Meng hurriedly left the camp with a dozen guards.He also has contingency plans.He left the camp to implement this emergency plan.

The fire burned until noon the next day before it was slowly extinguished.If it wasn't for that city wall that hindered the continuation of the fire, we don't know where and when it will burn.The soldiers who jumped down the valley could not survive, and the soldiers who remained on the auxiliary wall were either roasted to death by the fire or smoked to death.

On the third day, when the Calad soldiers opened the stone gate, they were surprised to find that there were still people alive.Pressed at the bottom by a large number of corpses, several Kusaite soldiers who were close to the stone gate were still alive, and among them was the fat man Henuzhan.

Coriniasai won the first battle, and the whole fortress was immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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