old light morning light

Chapter 106 "5"

Chapter 106 "Five"

"Oh, don't look at me with such eyes, I'm so embarrassed!"

Kalinin waved his hand, and glanced proudly at the two people beside him, the atmosphere seemed somewhat delicate.

"This is also considered, you earned it by yourself, don't worry too much..."

"You don't need to be too burdened, just make good use of it."

Seemingly understanding my eyes, Kalinin began to explain on his own.

And what do you mean, I earned it myself?
Sure enough, that bet was not a casual joke. After helping Kalinin, it actually helped me?
Humph, I'm so smart!
Then... how many people have they prepared for me?

"Then, what kind of helpers have you prepared for me...?"

Why are you looking up at the sky, talking to you... the sky?

what is this?
a ribbon?
The red, blue and yellow ribbon has an opening in the center of the top and bottom of the ribbon, and the top is inlaid with silver metal threads, which looks very gorgeous and beautiful.

Part of what medal?
Is that a token of a certain general, or a certificate that can mobilize some troops?

"Don't look at it, it's nothing special, it's just a simple ribbon."

Then what are you doing for me, share the good-looking things with me, let’s watch it together, right?


"Have you heard of the Gerdivia?"

"It seems...it seems to be the super flagship of the League of Nations that was sunk by the Alliance in the October Battle?"

Why bring this up all of a sudden?
Could it be that this ribbon came from the medals of those who contributed to the battle?
Since it's useless, give it back to him.

"I know a lot."

Shouldn't this be a compulsory content written in history textbooks?

"It sank the super flagship that the League of Nations was proud of, and at the same time destroyed the expeditionary Z fleet sent by the Empire to support it, shattered the League of Nations' plan to establish itself, and established the current alliance..."

"Okay, okay, I know you have a way of reading."

"Then do you know what price we paid?"

"What price?"

"The defection of the League of Nations had been planned for a long time back then, and with the instigation and support of the empire, the price of being able to sink their super flagship in their area of ​​control can be imagined."

"Everyone in the world knows that we sank Gerdivia, but they don't know that our super flagship was also destroyed in the battle."

What limit one-for-one?

"Her name is Seamus..."

"Himaldis, the only strategic dreadnought ship among the three super flagships when the alliance was established, was designed by the former Grand Duchy of Constantine, and was personally presided over by the then Grand Duke Constantine."

"It is also the true glory of the Principality."

Scare me!
It's okay for this guy to interject suddenly.

Whether it is the glory of the principality has nothing to do with me.

"You have to cherish her well."

What the hell, did you hand over this ribbon to me again while talking and laughing?

Wait... did he just say destroy?
One is sinking and the other is destroying. Is there really any difference between the two?

If it was not sunk on the spot, is it possible that it was dragged back for repair, or was it rescued?
But judging by their expressions, silent and sad, it is probably more ominous than ominous.

So... what does this mean?
"Oh, right!"

"Perhaps you don't know what this ribbon means?"

"The Alliance Navy has an unwritten rule passed down from the dark ages, and the commander of the ship will wear accessories that match the size of the ship."

After watching me nod, Kalinin continued to explain.


Could it be this kind of ribbon with a hole in the head and a tail and a discount in the middle?

"This is the thing, worn between the second and third buttons of the admiral's uniform to indicate his identity."

"So this ribbon is the ship of Xi..."


"Oh yes, the sash of Himaldis?"

"Hmph, you guys really think highly of yourself."

Kalinin waved his hand and smiled at me.

It's been a long time, isn't it?

So what is this?
"Let's chat, you two, I'll go and prepare with him first."

All of a sudden, Omurs glanced at Mr. Marcher. Although his eyes were relatively dark, he was still spotted by me because he happened to be facing me.

And what did he say, go prepare first?
"Remember what you promised me!"

What needs these two to prepare?
It's so tiring, with these people, you have to pay attention to everything, and maybe there are suspicions of deliberately doing it for me...

"Okay, okay, I got it, I will talk to these two old guys, don't worry."

Isn't it about lending my help?

Is there anything else going on here?
Also, what does "the two old things" refer to?
And Marchel seems to be watching me secretly, should I pretend to accidentally meet his eyes and smirk?

Although he only smiled at me slightly, his eyes seemed to have changed, maybe there was some deep meaning behind it?

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

"Then, Lin Man, let's go first."

"Go slowly, gentlemen!"

But why do you want to say hello to me deliberately? It really seems very unreasonable!

"Forget about the two of them, let's continue."

"Just said... oh, this ribbon..."

But on the contrary, Kalinin is full of enthusiasm and has always been very enthusiastic about continuing to communicate with me.

I think it's weird, but I can't tell where the blame is.

"Don't you understand what it means?"

What do you mean?
If the ribbon is a kind of identification for the commander of the ship, then he handed it to me now...

"You can't just send me a boat, can you?"

"Hahaha, then you are thinking too much."

I knew it!

"It's impossible to give it away, but I can lend it to you."

Then what are you talking about... lend me?
Wait, let me command a warship?
"The size of the ship represented by the alliance ribbon is easy to identify. Regular ships use two-color ribbons. Except for frigates that do not have independent self-sustaining capabilities, no ribbons are issued. Ships such as destroyers and small cruisers use two-color ribbons, one thick and one thin. Cruisers, battleships, etc. Cruisers use two-color ribbons of the same thickness, while attacking battlecruisers, battleships and other ships equipped with main armaments use three-color ribbons of the same thickness.”

Three-color ribbons of the same thickness...

"Then the battleship you lent me is an attack battlecruiser or a battleship?"


Kalinin shook his head, and then began to play tricks.

"Look for yourself, and see how this ribbon differs from what I have just described?"

If there is any difference, they are all three-color ribbons, except that one end of my ribbon has a pattern inlaid with metal threads of unknown material...

"Is it this pattern?"

"It's called moiré, and dreadnoughts and fast motherships use this three-color ribbon with moiré."

Dreadnoughts and motherships?

Doesn't that already belong to the category of flagships!
"Don't be so surprised, it's actually not as luxurious as you think."

"Remember the Himaldis we mentioned above?"

"During the battle, the Imperial Z Fleet fought back tenaciously. Although it did not sink in the battle, the structure of the hull was irreversibly destroyed, and it was almost scrapped after being dragged back to the port."

"The price of re-maintenance is extremely high, even more than rebuilding another combat flagship of the same tonnage."

"But there are still a lot of equipment and materials that can continue to be used, so they made this heresy out of waste."

"Is that the ship represented by this ribbon?"

"Well, they used the dismantled materials to build a military-grade large cargo ship, and installed the surviving carrier-based aircraft launch tubes on Himaldis."

"Although the cargo compartment has a large space, due to design issues, only the part of the cargo compartment protected by armor can be used as the ship's hangar, so the carrying capacity is not very large."

"At the same time, it is also equipped with one, and the only surviving carrier-based aircraft launch tube. However, since it comes from a super flagship, it naturally inherits the ability to carry heavy launches."

"You know what that means."

Heavy torpedo bomber!
"It's just that the propulsion system of Himaldis was destroyed in the battle, so they installed a high-power low-speed engine for a civilian cargo ship on this ship, and now it is used as an escort ship, which is also part of the price Bar."

It's strange to say that in this era of space travel, heavy orbital weapons carried by warships can accurately hit targets at almost infinite distances, but why do backward weapons such as aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft still exist?

The answer is also very simple, shield.

The current ion constant shield relies on confinement coils, which has excellent resistance to high-speed incoming orbital weapons, while the deflection shield has a very good scattering effect on energy weapons.

But energy is conserved. Whether it is shipborne weapon launch or shield resistance, there will be a huge amount of energy exchange and a lot of energy loss.

So naturally someone wants to use a cheap method to quickly drain the energy of the enemy.

So bombs designed to destroy shield energy and consume fluid armor appeared, and this was the earliest missile.

Since missiles are not like artillery shells, they often have huge mass and volume and cannot be launched easily like artillery shells. Therefore, how to throw bombs to the enemy has become a big problem.

In the end, people re-selected the "aircraft carrier" that appeared in history as a cheap substitute. It should be said that the "carrier-based aircraft" it carried was a cheap substitute.

Later, people discovered that other benefits of this large warship, such as cargo ship escort, electronic detection, force field induction and other dangerous tasks, can be replaced by cheap carrier-based aircraft.

Therefore, aircraft carriers equipped with various special carrier-based aircraft have been vigorously developed.

(End of this chapter)

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